Gilmore Girls - What Should H...

By Erin_Chilton

21.7K 1K 190

This story is about what could have happened had Lorelai not run away with Rory as a baby but had still not m... More

1. At Last
2. Spreading Like Wild Fire
3. School Work, Dinner's, Intention's and Goodnights
4. Long Weekend Surprise
5. Good Day's
6. Birthday Fun
7. Birthday shenanigans
8. So Much To Celebrate
9. Holiday's and Sweet 16
10. Birthday Boy
11. Tell Me More and Valentines
12. Arrangements and Loopholes
13. Australia
14. Final Prep and Arrivals
15. Last 48 Hours
16. Till Death Do Us Part
17. Honeymoon Hijinks
18. Honeymoon's Over
19. Holiday Festivities
20. Summer Break
22. Summer Getaway
23. The Big Announcement
AN: sorry
24. Fall Fun
25. Holiday's Away.
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Babies Galore
28. Babies and Baby shower's
29. New Years New Titles
30. Not A Fool
31. Happy Times and Sad Events
32. Life's Surprises

21. Graduating with Honors

556 29 6
By Erin_Chilton

May 21st, 2006

"Babe you did it, you graduated, with honours to boot" Rory squeals

"I know, and I couldn't have done it without you. Just think my grandfather said I would never do it and I did" Logan says

"I'm sure he will claim it was his way of motivating you to be your best," Rory says

"I'm sure he will try to take all the credit for it, but everyone knows the truth, it was you keeping me focused, my face in the books and my ass to class. Even when I didn't want to let your sexy ass out of bed" Logan says smirking

"Not like he could keep his hands off you even in class," Finn says smirking

"You would be like that too if you had a hottie like Rory," Logan says smirking

"Yes well anyways Logan, You could have my sexy ass anytime you wanted other than during class, we are married and all. Ugh Next year is going to be so lonely on campus without you" Rory says pouting

"Not necessarily .... " Logan says smirking

"Dun dun dun...," Steph says laughing

"What do you mean Logan? Are you planning on slothing it?" Rory asks giving Steph the evil eye

"Not at all, well not really, I decided to sign myself up for a class or two, and my dad agreed that those classes could possibly help me with the business," Logan says laughing

"What classes?" Rory asks

"Spanish and Global affairs," Logan said

"I can understand Global affairs but Why Spanish?" Rory asks

"I Know only basic Spanish, and even then I could get myself into some trouble as I proved last year when you had to help me dig myself out of a bad spot with the police. I think it would be good to learn more so I can actually leave your side and not get arrested or assaulted for saying some boneheaded thing" Logan says

"Oh yes learning more Spanish is a need to know," Colin says

"Yes it would be a good idea seeing as we do own the villa in Barcelona," Rory says

"Yes we do, maybe we should gather the gang and spend a few weeks there this summer," Logan says

"I'm in" Finn, Colin, Robert, Steph, Tristan, Honor and Juliet all chime in

"We can, but before we go anywhere I want to see my Dr first of course" " Rory says

"I think that's a good idea, no need for medical problems out of the country again," Logan says

"Yes, No repeats of last year Mare, You scared us all" Tristan says

"i know Tris, I'm sorry it happened, trust me if I had of known.... Well I would have been more careful" Rory says looking a bit sad

"Not your fault love, things happen," Finn says

The happenings Over the past 3 years.

- Early December 2003 Logan and Rory had a pregnancy scare, Rory ended up having food poisoning and her period was late due to stress at the YDN and finals.

- Tristan and Steph became Official September 2003 after a fight. Steph saw Tristan with a beautiful tall blonde when he said he showing his cousin Vic around. Steph freaked out thinking that he was lying to her, the tall blonde was his cousin Vic as in Victoria. She admitted during the fight that she loved him, and he asked her to be official because he felt the same way.

- Paris and Robert's limo got hit by a drunk driver new years eve 2003. Paris and Robert were lucky they only had bumps and bruises, but their driver suffered the most of the injury's and was in a coma for 3 weeks before he woke up with memory loss. He regained full memory after 3 months and continued his job as their driver.

- Summer 2004 Honor and Colin moved in together, and she went to Yale to study History of art.

- Winter 2004 Finn dated a gorgeous redhead girl Named Eryn Rose. She was Irish and said she was in Irish high society, she did all the right things, talked the part and acted it also but it turns out she was the daughter of a family's live-in nanny/teacher and lied about everything. She only acted this way because she did everything the other children in her mother's care did, she was at Yale on a partial scholarship. Finn would have been ok with her real status but because she lied and was caught by Rory and Logan in his dorm room going through his wallet while he slept when Rory found out the truth about her (From Francine) and was going to talk to Finn.

- New years 2006 Tristan proposed to Steph and they set a date for February 10th, 2007

- Summer 2005 the whole gang decided to spend the summer travelling around Australia, Sweden, France, Italy, Germany and Spain. A few weeks before they were to head back home they were in Spain and Rory had been rushed to the hospital after she had woken up in a pool of blood crying in pain. Rory had been pregnant and didn't know, She miscarried around 9 weeks, Logan and Rory were both shocked and devastated at the news of the pregnancy and the loss of the baby.

- April 2006 Honor and Colin got engaged and were getting married November 5th, 2006.

"What do you all say after the engagement party we all head to Spain for a bit before the wedding gets really crazy? Rory asks

"Sounds amazing, my mom is already driving me insane with everything, I swear she is making my wedding a bigger extravagance because she couldn't do it for her baby boy," Honor says

"I'm sure she is but you can also do what we did and talk to Grandma Rose about what you want, and she can overrule your mom," Rory says smirking

"You know that is genius, I knew I loved you for a reason," Honor says

"I know I'm a genius, it also helps grandma hates Shira with a passion and is willing to do anything to put her in her place," Rory says

"That's an understatement, I just don't like instigating anything between them unless its really needed" Honor says

"Oh it will be needed, if you knew half the crap mom tried on us you would have talked to gramma long ago," Logan says

"Really, was it that bad?" Honor asks

"Think Chartreuse and orchid bridesmaid dresses, Navy and Orchid groom with pure black groomsmen tux's and wedding dress with Chartreuse accents," Logan says

"Oh my god was she trying to make everyone, but you and the boys look horrible?" Honor gasps

"Yes, I think she was, she thought none of my bridesmaids were going to be from society," Rory says

"Now that I think about it she did try to convince me into some odd coloured bridesmaids clothing, I told her my wedding colours were Cherry Red, Ivory and blush end of story or we would elope, she stopped shortly after that" Honor says

"Enough about the wedding before you get all worked up, let's talk about this trip to Spain," Colin says

"When are we thinking of leaving? We should all clear it with our families for us of those who have to start work or intern for our families" Tristan says

"I'm thinking we leave June 3rd and stay in Spain till July 2nd when Logan and I are to Fly to Greece to spend 2 weeks alone for our anniversary," Rory says

"So 2 weeks, naked on a boat in Greece, sounds like a good time," Finn says

"That won't be the only thing we do, We will be checking out the sights," Rory says

"If I get my way it's 13 days of naked on the boat making love to my wife and 1-day seeing sights," Logan says

"You two are so cute even after 4 years of being married you still hump like bunnies," Steph says

"What can I say, he just keeps getting sexier all the time," Rory says looking at Logan all starry-eyed

"I say it's my insanely sexy wife who keeps surprising me," Logan says smirking making Rory blush

"Oh she's a kinky one eh," Tristan says

"Tristan....." Steph shrieks giving him a smack

"What, It's not like your not the same," Tristan says laughing

"We will see how kinky you think I am when I torcher you to within an inch of death," Steph says glaring at Tristan

"I'm sorry FeFe, I take it back don't hurt me" Tristan whimpers

"That's what I thought you little ass, don't piss me off I am your way to live and sex," Steph says laughing

June 2nd, 2006

Honor and Tristan's Engagement party was tonight, they made a plan to excuse them all early due to their Spain trip at 1:00 am.

"Mother in a lunatic, she invited Patrick Newman, Stacy Abbot, Kandy Peters, Summer Roberts, Josh Evans, Kevin Fender, Luka Benzino and Julia Briggs to the party and is now telling them to expect wedding invites. Colin had to excuse himself just so he didn't go apeshit on mom" Honor says

"Oh god, do you know where he went or at least what way?" Logan asks

"He said he was going to the men's room, so check that way," Honor says as Logan takes off

"I hope he's ok, I know how your mom can be, and I know how much she disapproves of Colin and you," Rory says

"Yes apparently marrying into a family of lawyers is a bad idea because I will be screwed in the pre-nup.... Little does she know the only things in the prenup is the money and assets we bring into the marriage stay our's anything afterwards gets split in half in the event of divorce" Honor says

"I can see why your mom doesn't know that I'm sure she would say your getting screwed if you get anything less then everything plus," Rory says

"Exactly, she doesn't think marriage is about love she thinks marriage is for money and power," Honor says laughing

~Logan walks towards the Men's room and sees Stacy, Kandy, Summer and Julia standing around someone.~

"Ladies," Logan asks

"Beat it, Logan, we are just trying to talk to Colin" Summer says glaring at long

"By that they mean they are cornering me and trying to get me to leave Honor" Colin pipes


"Oh your funny Colin, No we just wanted to know what we did wrong in our relationships with him," Kandy says sweetly but smirking

"Well I can tell you all what you did, Let me See.... Summer slept with half of Chilton while dating Colin and got an STD. Stacy well you were a one night stand that stalked him and caused numerous issues after he said he didn't want to see your crazy ass ever again. Julia, you purposely got pregnant to pin it on Colin despite him not being anywhere near you for the month you got pregnant. Kandy well Kandy your just crazy, his stepmom set you up on a date that he did not want to go on and you started telling people after that one date you were engaged and made up a whole relationship with him. There's what happened your all crazy whores now leave the party and don't even think about showing up at the wedding or I will air all your dirty laundry on page 6 for the world to see" Logan says as the girls look at him with wide eyes

Logan heard the girls muttering to each other that it wasn't true what he said about them all

"Thanks, man, they cornered me after I left Honor and your mom when she invited them to the wedding," Colin says

"Honor told me, I'm just happy I didn't find you bashing your head or punching the wall, We all know that's how I tend to deal with my insane mother," Logan says

"I wouldn't do that so close to our Spain trip, I may take my anger out on a punching bag but not a wall," Colin says

"I think that's a good idea, how about I talk to my dad, and you get the other's together, and we head to the gym," Logan says

"Oh thank god, I was hoping you would get my hint," Colin says

"Oh your not the only one who is fuming, Honor looked like she was ready to use my mothers necklace to strangle her, Tristan has been avoid the whore's of Hartford much like you and Steph wants to pop Patrick, Josh, Luka and Kevin in the face for grabbing her and Rory's ass and I'm just trying not to kill them " Logan says

~Logan walks up to Rory and Honor then excuses them from the conversation they having with some DAR ladies.~

"We are going to find dad and let him know what my moms pulling them we are getting out of here, I think we all need to hit something to get rid of some anger before our flight," Logan says

"Logan......" Rory says worriedly

"We are going to the gym, you girls don't have to, but us guys will need to after everything tonight," Logan says

"Logan this may be the only time you hear this but screw you we are going to the gym to hit some shit too," Rory says quietly walking towards Mitchum

"Dad, I just thought we would let you know what moms been doing tonight and that we are all heading to the gym before our flight" Logan says explaining everything that happened that night

"Your excused, I will talk with your mother and make it very clear those 8 are not invited to the wedding and are not welcome around anymore. I will apologize to everyone and let them know you all left early due to your flight" Mitchum says

"Thank you, Dad," Logan says

"Thank you, Mitchum," Rory says

"Thank you, daddy," Honor says


Sorry its been so long since i updated, a few things in my life have been changing, well more turned upside down, I haven't been writing due to the break up of my just shy of 8 year relationship days before our daughter turned 6, I have been looking for a place to move to by March first but where we live it is difficult with the amount of money I have, Anyways as i was saying im sorry its been so long, I do have i believe another chapter of this pre-written and i hope to get back to writing once im more settled.  

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