The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

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~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
Evan ran away again...
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1


105 5 0
By DeathNice12

Evan's P.O.V:

I woke up to light streaming through the curtains odd I thought I closed them them last night. I rolled over looking at my clock 10:30AM I guess I can get up. I rolled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom running into the door frame on my way in. Great! Just what I need to wake up.

"Evie you good?" Bell asked.

"yeah just ran into the door frame" I groaned.

Bell sighed coming into view "Oh my gosh Evie!"

"What? It hurts a bit but it's not the first time I've run into a door frame"

"No Evie you have a black eye" Bell said dragging me to the mirror and sure enough I had a bruise to the left of my left eye. right were I had hit when I ran into the door frame.

"Bell that's not exactly a black eye and it's not even that bad" I sighed.

"Hey it's a bruise it's by your eye so there for it's a black eye" Bell reasoned.

"Whatever" I groaned "can I get back to doing my business" I asked.

"Gee you're grumpier than usual this morning" Bell said leaving to the kitchen.

She's right I am grumpier than normal today I wonder why. After showering I blow dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I finished by pulling my hair up in a messy bun. I walk over to my closet pulling out a baggy white t-shirt and a pair of charcoal black joggers with some fish net lining the sides. I tucked the shirt in to the rim of the joggers and put some socks on. Lazy but cute.

I went to the kitchen pulling out my applesauce and apple juice so I can finally enjoy it. I was about to take a bite when the doorbell went off.

"Evie can you get the door I've got to get ready for class!" Bell called.

Sighing I got up and opened the door there was a man in a royal blue baseball cap a pale blue button up shirt and shorts in the same color as the cap. He had a worn out look probably in his 30's holding two large bouquets of red roses.

"Delivery for Bellanie White and Evan Pierce" the man smiled.

"We didn't order flowers" I said confused.

"I'm just the delivery guy I was told to deliver them to this address and these people" He said sounding kind of annoyed.

I flinched at this "Thank you" I said grabbing the flowers and shutting the door.

"Who was it?" Bell asked coming out of her room putting on an earring.

"A delivery"

Bell's brows furrowed she grabbed a bouquet "This one has your name" she laughed.

I glanced at the card and laughed "this one has yours" we laughed as we switched bouquets.

I opened the card and attempted read the messy handwriting.

"Bell what does yours say?" I asked.

"Dear Bell, I'm sorry but I won't be able to see you for a week or two(pack business) really boring and I hate it I'll miss you and your beautiful smile when I get back we can spend the day doing whatever you want I hope these roses help make up for my lack of being there. Forever yours Micheal" She said with a small blush "what does yours say"

"Dear Evan, I can't visit you for a while I need to go on a business trip I don't know when I'll be back but when I do we're going out. I'll miss you. Signed Ian." I said in a deep monotone voice trying to mimic his.

Bell laughed at my voice "dang girl no offense but your man is pretty dumb and boring and lame and demanding and totally not romantic at all."

I sighed "it doesn't matter"

"Evan this isn't okay he took you on a date you felt uncomfortable on, not to mention if he knew you at all he would know that you don't actually like red roses that you much prefer white, he's barley even trying to get to know you and do things you actually want to do" Bell ranted.

"Bell like I said it doesn't matter I didn't want to be with him in the first place this will just prove that we shouldn't be mates or dating or whatever"

I went into my room grabbing a random spell book and my notebook.

"Evie were are you going?" Bell called after me when I reached the door.

"You have to get to class and while your at class I'm going to practice some spells I will not have another kidnapping incident" I said.

I walk to the forest and go a ways in far enough that people won't see me. Opening the book I started practicing making notes in my notebook to simplify the spell to help Bell and sort out any unimportant info. My dad explained that these books weren't complete thoughts they are the original book from a long time ago when magic was just starting out so a lot of the information is unnecessary and confusing according to my mother. He had also said that she has been meaning to sort out and get rid of the useless information just never got around to it. So I'm doing it for her.

After a while I was to tired to move. My white shirt now pretty much drenched in sweat and sticking to my skin my joggers trapping all my body heat in making me sweat more. I pulled my phone out checking the time 3:02PM I've been out here for like four hours. I groaned and sat up slowly I collected my things.

I looked around the forest was quiet a little too quiet and it was starting to scare me. I started to leave moving faster when I heard a snap. I looked around nothing seemed out of place well except the silence. I started walking back again when another snap. I whipped my head around to the direction on the sound and saw some leaves shake. I was about to take another step when I heard a growl. I turned around and there in front of me was a large mocha brown wolf. I looked around when I heard more rustling only to see more wolves emerge all different shades of brown. I heard popping and cracking and in front of me was a very tall, very big, very naked man.

"So what do we have here" the naked man said his voice cracking "I saw what you were doing and I have to ask how someone can do all those things"

I kept quiet watching my surrounding carefully. Waiting for one of them to make a move.

"I'll ask again how can someone make trees grow from the dirt, summon fire from thin air, water form nothing, and command the wind with their mind?" the man said his voice getting darker with every word.

I counted about three wolves plus the naked man so four.

"Do you know how to talk or are you just being difficult" the man sneered.

Suddenly a light brown wolf jumped at me from behind. I whipped around and shot a fire ball at him causing him the be thrown back he grunted as he hit the ground but rolled around on the ground when he saw he was on fire. The other wolves were about to pounce when...

"Don't hurt her she can help us" the naked man yelled. "You" he said pointing to me "are a witch and you are going to help us or die."

Mustering up all the courage I had " Even if I was a witch which I'm not what makes you think I'd help you"

"You literally just shot a fire from your hand my friend has the burn marks to prove it I'm not stupid and like I said you won't die if you help me destroy the Night Walker pack most importantly Alpha Ian Walker"

My eyes widened. Oh my goodness Ian!

"Ah so you've heard of them despite claiming to be human" the guy smiled.

"Why" was all I said.

"Because his father killed my mate and left me to the rouges but jokes on him I lead them now and since he's dead I will have to take my revenge on his pack and his son"

I was angry this guy wants me to destroy a group of people just because Ian's dad killed his lover and he can't kill Ian's dad because he's already dead? That's messed up and so not going to happen.

I took a deep breath. I'm sorry Bell I'm in a bit of a bind and I'm exhausted so lend me some strength. I drew power from Bell and instantly built a ring of fire between me and them.

A couple of them jumped through the flames, leaving the other two on the outside. One jumped at me teeth bared letting out a growl. I whipped around using the wind to throw him back to the flames causing him to catch on fire and wither away. The other one wasn't as easy. I felt his teeth clamp down on my shoulder causing me to scream in pain. I fell the the ground. I pushed the pain away long enough for me to morph into an elephant pushing the wolf away with the sudden change in size. Quickly I morphed again into a crow and flew away.

It was hard to fly with blood dripping down my arm er.. wing not to mentions puncture wounds, I didn't make it very far when a sudden pierce of pain ran through my wing making me crash land to the ground.

"Come on Evan" I chanted to myself. I only got up a couple inches when I fell again.

"Need help" A cool calm voice said.

I turned and saw a cat he had long tangled black fur and pale blue eyes almost white and a cute pink nose but, I didn't see a person and no one would be crazy enough to talk to a crow and no way a cat could talk...right?

I watched the cat this time "you're a witch and are trying to get away form those dogs right?" The voice said again. Okay so I'm either crazy or a cat is talking to crow "Yes or no to the help you better hurry though those dogs will be here any second" the voice said and the cats mouth moved. Okay maybe I'm not crazy.

I nodded too shocked to form a sentence.

"Okay" the cat said taking me into its mouth and began running. Oh my gosh I'm going to get eaten by this cat or by wolves. But the cat did say he'd help me... can a talking cat be trusted? I mean the stereotypical cat can't be trusted and black cats are bad luck.  Suddenly he  jumped up to a low hanging branch. It had me dangling form its mouth until we watched the wolves run past us climbing higher he set me down. Okay it didn't eat me.

"You can morph back now" and so I did. "wow you're a pretty human and pretty damaged" it jumped on my shoulder and licked my wound causing me to flinch and push it off.

"What are you doing?" I asked grunting in pain.

"I was trying to help but I think you need a human to look at that one" the cat replied.

"I think you're right and thanks for helping me..." I trailed off not knowing what to call it.

"Oh I don't have a name I'm a stray"

"How can you talk?"

"I can only talk to witches to everyone else I say well whatever you people think I say" It explained.

"How did you know I was a witch"

"Animals have a sixth sense if you would that allows us to feel when magic is around I could also tell that those dogs were werewolves"

I took a moment to digest what I had learned. Then realization hit me I can talk to animals! My childhood dream of being able to talk to animals like a princess has come true!

"Oh how can I repay you for helping me?" I asked.

"Well you could feed me and bath me and perhaps give me a bed for the night? Maybe even a name!" It said sounding excited and demanding.

"Um sure I can get you all those things... wait did you say name you?"

"Uh yeah a name. You know something in which something or someone is known by?  would like one" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay but fair warning I bad at naming things. Are you a boy or a girl?" I ask rushing out the words.

"I'm a boy can't you tell?" He said.

"Well you're pretty so I wasn't" I said.

"No what do I look like a dog?" He hissed at me.


"I already told you I'm a boy"

"Kim can be a boy name"

"yeah a girly boy I am a man" He said puffing his chest out a bit.

"Okay okay King?"

"King? I like it" King said. "Finally a name that doesn't suck"

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for helping me King"

Suddenly a weird feeling surged through me. I closed my eyes trying to push it away when I saw myself sitting in the tree with my eyes closed. My eyes shot open and I saw King sitting there in what I'd like to think was him trying to smile.

"What just happened?"

"By you giving me a name and me accepting it I became your familiar"


"I don't know what they do I just know they help witches" King said grumpily. "Now lets go home"

I just got tricked into gaining a familiar. Okay then.

I climbed down the tree and began walking well stumbling while gripping my shoulder trying to relieve some pain, King not too far behind me. I got a little lost but King knew the way towards town and we figured it out from there.

I opened the door to my apartment and let King in.

"Okay please tell me you have something for me to eat?" King whined.

"I think I have some lunch meat in the fridge but first you need a bath and a comb " I said looking King over. I winced as pain ran through me reminding me of my little wound. "And I need a wash cloth, disinfectant, and a wrap unless it's deep then I need stitches."

"Why not just go to a human healer" King asked.

"And try to explain why I have a bite mark in my shoulder and how I got it? No thank you" I gritted as another wave of pain came from my throbbing shoulder.

After wrapping it up the best I could and taking some pain reliever. I'll have Bell wrap it up better when she gets back, I decided to take care of King

"No no way I am not getting into the pond of doom" King said.

"It's not a pond it's a bathtub and yes you will." I picked King up with him fighting me but I finally got him in the warm soapy water.

After about an hour of scrubbing, rinsing, blow drying, and brushing I finally got Kings fur silky, shiny and smooth. I grabbed a plate and set out a couple pieces of lunch meat and laughed as King devoured them in a couple minutes.

"More" King demanded.

"I got to go to the store to get some things for you" I said putting a couple more pieces on the plate.

"Like what?" King asked.

"I don't know cat food. A letterbox. Maybe a collar." I shrugged.

"Let me come with you to pick it all out" King said.

"I don't think they allow pets in a store" I said.

"I'm not your pet I am your familiar" King huffed.

"Okay but the humans will think I'm weird if I call you my familiar so as far as they know you're my pet" I said.

"Fine but take me with you." King begged enlarging his eyes.

"Oh alright"

I picked out a black food bowl set with silver rims and a matching letterbox. King didn't want a bed saying he'd just sleep on mine but that just saves me money. We also got him a white collar with silver spiked studs on it and a silver skull tag with his name and my phone number on it. Not that I think he'd run away but might as well plus it looks cool against his long midnight black fur.

"Aw who's my little fighter" I cooed at King in his collar.

"I am not a baby there is no need for the baby talk" King said annoyed.

"Alright alright don't get your fur in a twist" I laughed at my words.

We went into my apartment to see Bellanie snuggled up in Micheal's T-shirt a pair of dark gray sweatpants with a bowl of popcorn in her lap and looking very interested in her shirt rather than the movie that was playing.

I heard a hiss and Bellanie head shot towards me. "Who is she" King hissed.

"King knock it off that's Bellanie my best friend and roommate"

"Evie why is there a cat and why can he talk?" Bell asked mouth open and eye wide.

"Bell this is my familiar King, I met him in the forest"

Bell gasped "What happened to your shoulder?"

"Oh um I'll tell you while you wrap it up? Pretty Please? YOure better at wrapping up my shoulder than I am..."

Bell grabbed some more wrap and disinfectant and redressed my wound. Turns out it wasn't as deep as I thought. And as I said I told Bell what happened.

"That explains why I felt you draining my powers in the middle of class but we should really tell Ian about this" Bell said.

"How? He's away and I don't know how to contact him"

"Don't you have his number?"

"No" I said looking down in both disappointment and shame.

"I'll call Micheal and see if he'll pick up" Bell said pulling her phone out. "Hey Micheal it's kind of an emergency call me when you get this" She sighed and hung up "no answer"

"Try again" I said.

I laughed Bell screamed into the phone on one of them telling him to pick up his damn phone or she was going to cut his hair off in his sleep another one was her saying help me basically pretending she got kidnapped. But those were towards the end in the beginning messages she was calm and told him to call her back then it went to it's an emergency and what not but still no answer.

About twenty voice mails later it stopped going to voice mail meaning Micheal's phone either died or he shut it off. I hope they're okay

"We'll try again tomorrow" Bellanie said "Maybe they're really busy but I'm sure he'll call us back I mean we did leave some interest messages."

AUTHORS NOTE: I feel like somethings wrong with this chapter I just can't quite put my figure on it. But I finally gave Evan a familiar and Bellanie's will come soon. Thanks for reading and enjoy either my book or your lives hey why not both.

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