Legends of Tomorrow One Shots

By ladyawesome45321

28.4K 890 1.1K

A series of one shots about the Legends of Tomorrow, their kids, and occasionally their friends from the othe... More

Mother's Day
Don't Touch the Thermostat!
Other Dimensions
Arrowverse Halloween Special
More Angst
Mick and English Class
Atom Wave as Parents
Jax and Lisa Greif
Gone Too Soon Song Fic
Inside the mind of a Snart
Kendra x Cleopatra
How the Legend Kids Saved Christmas
Sun Stroke and Black Ice
Captain Canary Reborn
Atom Wave : Adoption Day
New Years Kiss: Legend Kids
The Legend Kids and Cards Against Humanity
Ben Heywood: Coming Out part one
Ben Heywood: Coming Out part two
Mick Rory and the Joker
Legend Kids: Valentine's Day ...Er...Night
Walk a Little Straighter Daddy Song Fic
Let it Go Song Fic
Who I am Song Fic
Theory Thursday
Pi Day
Waste of Space
When Finding out About Your Kid's Significant Other Do Not Offer Them a Condom
Fights and Suspension
Juvie Days
Mother's Day 2.0 LK Addition
Coming Out, Featuring...the Rest of the LK
The Law
Original account
Pride Month Drag Show
We're Boyfriends
Independence Day
Shit the LK do for Fun
Social Media in 2043
Mythics Universe Mash Up pt 1
Seeing Double
The One Who got Away
MU Mash Up pt 2 (Chapter 50 Special!!)
MU Mash Up pt 3
MU Mash Up pt 4
Sneak Peek of Just and Act
Alternative Ending to Independence Day
The Skateboard Act
6K Celebration
Alternative Legend Kids
Random Observation
Thanksgiving Day 2018
No One Does
Arrowverse Christmas Jingle (2018)
Ethan: Childhood
Atom Wave Valentine's Day 2019
earth two LK
Sick Fics with Sandstorm
Never the Same Again
Rebecca Silver Reveal
Rant because I'm Bored
30 Days of Pride Days 1-3
30 Days of Pride Days 4 -- 11
The First Heist Without Him
30 Days of Pride 12 --20
30 Days of Pride Day 21 -- 30

They Get What They Deserve

107 5 4
By ladyawesome45321

Pain. That was all that could be felt. Staring down at her arm, she could see the pus oozing out of the wound. Red blood dripped from the tips of her fingers, and black, burnt flesh was hanging off her bicep. It stung like the stingers of a thousand bees.

Of course Mick had missed the fireplace Gideon had installed.. Of course. And it was just a coincidence that this morning she had ordered Gideon to make sure he stayed away from alcohol.

Now she had a burnt arm for her efforts. He was going to die of alcohol poisoning, she swore it.

She glared at the aronsit as he continued his rage fit over there being no alcohol.

“Damn it, Mick!” she yelled. “What the hell! You just burnt my arm, jackass!”  

Obviously, he didn’t care. He didn’t pretend to, either.

“Well, you stole my beer,” he said. If Ray hadn’t walked in that exact minute, he probably would’ve socked her in the nose. Thank goodness he had a boyfriend.

Ray frowned at Sara’s arm, as he walked into the room. He noticed Mick’s very agitated look. “Uh, bad timing?” he asked in a very adorable Atom manner. Mick grumbled angrily about stolen beer, and Sara huffed about her burnt arm. They never got along, much to Ray’s disappointment, but it was still entertaining to watch them interact.

“We actually have to look nice today,” Ray said. He never, ever got angry, especially at his boyfriend, but today was a special day for them all. There was a ceremony in their honor today, and he had been telling Mick about it for days and how they had to look nice. It was why he had asked Sara to ask Gideon to take away the beer. Heck, he had even gotten Mick a suit!

“Don’t care!” Mick grumbled. “Need beer!”

“Whatever,” Sara said, rolling her eyes. She gave Ray an annoyed look. “He’s your boyfriend. You deal with him. I’m gonna go to the medbay and have Gideon fix my arm. I’ll meet you at the ceremony.”

They were already in the right time, meaning it would be a pain in the ass to go back three hours, so they couldn’t just restart again. Well, that and they couldn’t visit a time where they had already been. They knew the consequences of that.

“Come on, Mick,” Ray said kindly. “We talked about this. You need to be sober for this thing.”

Mick did remember, but he really didn’t care. This headache was killing him, he could barely see straight, and he was just in a bad mood. Getting some gold trophy thing wouldn’t help any of that.

But of course Ray knew just how to bargain with him. “Come on,” he insisted. “If you make it through this without drinking anything, I’ll buy you two six packs when it’s over.”

Normally, Mick wouldn’t agree no matter who was offering. But Sara had made it so beer was gone for a week, so this would likely be worth it.

Still. He had to be a little shit.

“So I can’t even have the water?” he asked. “You said, ‘If you make it through without drinking anything,’ after all.”

Ray gave him a look, rolling his eyes with a smile, “You know what I mean. Nothing alcoholic. Now, c’mon, you pain,” he laughed as he pulled Mick toward their room.

Here, he made Mick put on the suit he got him. Ray thought he looked adorable, but Mick thought he looked like an idiot. That was how it usually worked.

But, either way, Mick was stuck in the suit for the rest of the night. So, for once he didn’t complain. He was, after all, getting two six packs out of this. When they were both ready, they walked off the Waverider to meet the other Legends and get their award.

There was a big stage set out, and a crowd filling the area. Ray guessed there were at least twenty thousand people there. The crowd cheered as the Legends walked out of the time ship and towards the stage, where all their other vigilante friends -- Team Arrow, Team Flash, and even Team Supergirl -- were already standing and waiting for the time traveling heroes to arrive.

Everyone was either in a suit or dress.

Barry wore a nice black suit with a stylish red tie, and Oliver wore a fancy dark brown suit with a green tie. Kara was wearing a gorgeous blue sundress with tiny red flowers. Caitlin was wearing an elegant ball gown the color of the snow, pun intended. Cisco wore a pinstripe suit with a black tie. Thea was dressed in a skinny red dress and matching heels.

Once everyone was on the stage, the ceremony began.

Mick didn’t listen to any of it, his eyes focused on the glasses of wine at the table. The only memorable part was, “They've fought wars. They've protected the human race from aliens, from metahumans, from normal people. It's time they get recognized.”

Then it was back to the wine. The crowd cheered for them, but Mick didn't hear them. All his mind could focus on was the boose. He practically ran off the stage when the host handed the trophy over to the teams’ leaders, ready for Ray to get him his promised six packs.

Of course, Ray found an excuse to not get them, though Mick couldn't say he was surprised. Annoyed, but not surprised.

“I said after the ceremony, Mick.”

Let’s just say he hit a lot more people during the next week.


This little bit was written with flarrow444

Also! We hit 6K reads!! Eek!! Thanks for reading guys it really means a lot to me!!

I may do something special to celebrate reaching 6K

Til then!

~ Elsie

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