The Law

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A/N: Hi! So, I'm bored again. And some of you might know that I have ocs for the other Arrowverse shows. So, at some point they'll get their own books and junk. I have a bunch of junk planned, haha. It'll be great!

Anyway, because of my boredom, I'm giving you a sneak peak of one of their stories; allow me to introduce you all to the one and only....

Isabella Ramon!

Isabella crouched behind the desk, as the beam of ice shot over her head

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Isabella crouched behind the desk, as the beam of ice shot over her head.

"Damn," she called over her shoulder. "All that practice and your still a rotten shot!"
Foot steps could be heard from down the hall. She was approaching the cortex, fast. Isabella moved, crawling across the floor. She needed to think. She needed a plan!

"That's funny, coming from a scared little girl," the villain said, speaking loud enough that Isabella could hear her down the hall.

"Who said anything about being scared?" Isabella called back. "You're hardly the most frightening thing I've seen all week."

"We'll see about that," the villain muttered, as she stepped into the cortex. She looked around the room slowly. Isabella held her breath, waiting to be caught.

"Everyone you love will die," the villain told her. "You will die."

Isabella's eyes widened. She knew what she had to do. Her parents had told her it was too dangerous, but she knew now. It was the only way. She had to do it. To save them all. To save the city.

Quickly, the young girl got to her feet, coming face to face with the villain. She smirked at the evil meta human. "I was thinking the exact same thing," Isabella told her.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. And then...she died. Her body fell to the ground with a thud, air no longer reaching her lungs. In a matter of seconds, Isabella Ramon was nothing but a corpse rotting on the floor of the cortex.

From the body rose a ghostly being -- Isabella's spirit. She looked around, slowly. The villain stood in the doorway, perplexed. It wouldn't be long before she realized she had just been given the upper hand. Isabella had to hurry, if she was going to save them. As fast as her non-speedster body would allow, she ran from the room.

With every passing second, she could feel her time slipping away. Eight minutes. She could do this! Just a little further...

She turned the corner, having reached her destination. The pipe line, where they kept all the baddie metas. Isabella reached for the screen on the wall, ready to press the release button. Her finger was a mere centimeter away, when she felt a jarring pain in her abdomen. She gasped, as the sensation continued. It was like when you got salt on your paper cut, only ten times worse.

Isabella cried out, tears welling in her eyes. Suddenly, something grabbed her around the neck, a claw of some kind. It drug her backwards at an alarming speed. Then, everything went dark.

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