Other Dimensions

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Once, the Legends accidentally landed in an alternative dimension. Here, they were all actors for a show called Legends of Tomorrow. It was very freaky. Everyone was freaked out except for Ray. He was busy scrolling through the internet, looking at his alias's profile.

"Hey, guys look, I'm Superman!" he grinned, pointing at the screen, where there was a picture of Brandon Routh, as he was called here, dressed in a blue suit and red cape.

"....That's disturbing," Mick grunted.
"What you don't think I look good in tights?"

"Well, evidently, you're Dominick Purcell and Snart is Wentworth Miller," Sara said, reading from another computer. "And I'm Caity Lotz."
"....I am gay in this universe," Leonard said, looking over her shoulder.
"Yeah, you just came out. Congratulations." He rolled his eyes at her.

"Hey! Check this out!" Jax ran over with his own computer and played a video. "Barry is on Glee. He's named Grant Gustin here."
All the Legends watched as the Flash sung and danced on the screen as a cocky character known as Sebastian Smythe.

"I didn't know he could sing," Sara said.
"I didn't want to know," Leonard said.
"The Captain appears to also be on a show called Doctor Who," Stein said, showing them a picture of Arthur Darvill as Rory Pond. Rip groaned at the idea of sharing a name with Mick.

".....Do we dare look at the fanfiction...?" Ray asked suddenly.
"I think I should say no...but....I gotta know." Sara grinned.
"No! Fanfiction will only ruin our lives!" Rip protested.
"You sound like you know from experience," Kendra said, scrolling through character reviews. "And damn...people hate me and Carter...also who is Amaya and Nate?"

"You do realize that they probably ship all of us?" Rip continued, ignoring the second half of Kendra's statement. "You'll all be traumatized. You don't want to know about ships."
"Yup. Definitely experienced this before." Carter nodded.

"Come on!" Sara begged. "Where's your sense of adventure, Captain? Let's do it just for fun. Besides, it's not like any of us have much sanity anyway."
Rip sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. But you'll have to check yourselves into the loony bin!"

Ray grinned and clicked on a new tap, going to a sight called Wattpad. There were many fanfiction, most of which people put their own characters into the show, but there were a few with some orginal plot lines. Some of these consisted of Captain Canary - Leonard and Sara , Atom Hawk - Ray and Kendra, Gidrip - Rip and Gideon, and - much to the dismay of Mick - Atom Wave - Ray and Mick.

They went to a few other fanfiction websites as well. The writing itself was either extremely horrible or extremely good. Either way the plots were very traumatizing. And that was before they'd even gotten to the smutty fics....

At that point the whole team just wanted to bleach their eyes out and extract all their memories from their brains. What they had read could not be unread. What images had been placed in their minds could never be erased.
Jax and Stein even formed Firestorm and destroyed the computer with a necular blast, after reading a particularly intimate Firestorm fanfiction....

And Mick was just done with all this shit, when they'd read one about him confessing his love for Ray, before they had a full on make out session. It was very disgusting. He wanted to vomit.

"I tried to warn you...." Rip said.
"At least your just shipped with the ship!" Jax complained.
"I can't even think about reading another," Sara gagged. "This is too much..." She pushed the computer way. "I'm too gay for all this hetero!"

"Why am I paired with him?" Mick whined, nodding at Ray. "He's an idiot. And we're not even gay!"
"It's a pretty cute ship name though," Sara grinned. "Atom Wave."
"I....am not sure how to respond to this," Ray admitted.

"Can we just get out of this dimension?" Jax asked. "It's starting to freak me out."
"Right! Yes! Let's go!" Rip nodded.


So...uh....yeah that happened. Ha....uh...obviously the inspiration for this one came from the episode in Supernatural where Dean and Sam visit the alternative universe where they're actors....plus I really wanted to see their reactions to fanfic and ships and stuff...so...there. Alright...I'm done now see you

- Elsie.

Ps. I didn't edit. I'm lazy and I don't feel like it. Feel free to point out mistakes in the comments, but I'll probably be too lazy to fix it so...yeah...

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