MU Mash Up pt 3

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Emily was having a normal day. Well, not really normal, considering how drunk she was, but still.

“How you doin’?” James smirked. Emily rolled her eyes and almost fell out of her chair.

“Why are you quoting Joey?” she asked. James shrugged.

“Emily! We have a message!” Kaycee yelled across the park.

Emily giggled. “Yay!”

Cara sighed and helped her get up.

Emily practically fell on her.

James leaned on Riley ((who was somehow sober), and they walked over to Kaycee.

“Emily? What the hell happened to you?” Laurel asked. Emily giggled.

“Hiya, bitch!” she greeted. Laurel rolled her eyes.

“Is she even sober?”

Cara thought for a moment. She shook her head.

Laurel sighed.

“What the fuck ever,” she said. “Anyway, we need some help. Is there any chance you and your drunk crew could get your asses over here?”

Kaycee sighed and nodded.

“I’m so excited to see you,” she said sarcastically, but Laurel had hung up.


The GDH, NQ, and LS were a bit hesitant to meet the LK’s friends. Most of the time traveling super kids seemed pretty optimistic, but Laurel seemed to think this “Flash Family” was the most awful thing in the multiverse. So, they weren't sure what to make of them. They waited until the other team entered the breached room, thinking that would make things did not.

Three of them couldn’t seem to walk straight and had someone supporting them.

“Hiya!” one of them, a girl, said. She tried to wave, but the girl supporting her stopped her.

“Laurel,” she said tensely. “Who are your new friends? Is there any chance they won’t lock us in a cage?”

GDH, NQ, and LS glanced between Laurel and the new girl.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Laurel shrugged.

The girl rolled her eyes.

“Is there any place they can sleep it off?” she asked.

Oh. They were drunk. That shoulda been obvious.

“Uh, maybe the medical costs?” Isabella suggested.

Another girl, who looked shockingly similar to the second one, nodded and smiled.

“Thanks. Today was supposed to be our day off so…” she gestured at the boy who was being carried.

“Uh, what are your names?” Jenna asked. The third girl blushed.

“Oh! I’m Cara. This is my sister, Kaycee,” she said, gesturing to the second girl. “The drunk one is Emily, and those two are James and Riley. James is the drunk one,” she said, pointing out the boy being carried and the guy holding him. “Finally, those two are Sam and John.”

“Also John!” John Jr. said, raising his hand awkwardly.

At their tense looks, Kaycee seemed to realize something was wrong.

“Laurel, what did you tell them?” Jenna demanded. Laurel smirked.

"Absolutely nothing except how much I hate you,” she said.

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