Mythics Universe Mash Up pt 1

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Hey, guys! So, in order to celebrate this one-shot book reaching 5k+ reads, I'm going to be writing this special mash-up of all my Arrow verse second gen ocs (The Mythic Universe) as well as taking requests! I’ve already gotten a few requests, and I promise I’ll have them up as soon as I can! I just wanted to do this thing first…Plus, the more celebration the better right? I think I’ll break this up into four parts like Arrowverse usually does. I’ll write them in between requests. This will be part one! Anywho…I hope you enjoy this! Let me know if you’d like to request anything.


~ Legend Kids ~

Laurel gritted her teeth, clutching the controls on the Waverider console so tightly her knuckles turned white. The time ship rattled violently, trembling her whole body. “We’re coming in hot!” she shouted.

“We’re all gonna die!” JJ yelped. She was clutching the armrests of her seat for dear life, her eyes wide as golf balls.

Kaleb looked through the large window in front of them, searching frantically for their enemies. (They’d traveled to the 67th century to stop an out of control robot from the early 51st century that had somehow gotten misplaced in time. [Personally, Kaleb blamed the time pirates.] Unfortunately, the people of the 67th century weren’t exactly the most friendly bunch around, and they didn’t take kindly to the Legend Kids showing up uninvited. So, they sent their best assassins after them. After an intense battle, the assassins had shot the Waverider out of the sky, and now they were crash-landing.)

“I don’t see them anywhere!” Kaleb said worriedly.

Ben's hair slowly became a bright yellow color. (This usually happened whenever they were worried or scared.) They refrained from speaking, however. The last time they had tried, they had accidentally bitten their tongue.

Laurel screamed as she slammed the lever forward, pushing it into overdrive. Her fingers moved rapidly, punching in random numbers and coordinates, hoping that would somehow help. The last attack from the assassins had caused Gideon to go offline. Laurel had no idea what to do now. The AI was always the one who did all the work when it came to flying the time ship.

Another shudder ran through the ship, sending Catriona lurching forward. She slammed into the strap of her seat, hitting her chest hard. She yelped in pain.

Ethan grunted, sliding around on his seat in spite of the safety straps. “Laurel, do something!” he yelled.

“No, shit, Sherlock!” Laurel growled back. “What the heck do you think I’m doing up here?” She slammed her hand down on the controls, screaming in frustration.

“Land Ho!” Ryan yelled. Everyone tensed up, bracing themselves for impact. The Waverider slammed into the ground, gliding across the grey pavement and tearing up the earth as it went. The ship ground and moaned, shaking the occupants and contents inside.

Laurel's head flung around like one of those old bobbleheads from the early ages. She thought for sure she’d have a concussion later.

Wires fell from the ceiling. The console at the center of the bridge sprayed, making loud zapping noises. Catriona yelped at this, startled.

Laurel slammed on the breaks, and the ship slowly began to decrease in speed. The Waverider skidded across the ground, uprooting trees and boulders, before finally coming to a stop at the edge of a cliff.

The Legend Kids stared, wide-eyed, breathing heavily.
“Well, JJ,” Laurel said slowly. “You’re a dad is gonna kill me.”

“I’ll, uh, see if I can find his old manual…” JJ muttered, unstrapping herself with shaky hands.

Legends of Tomorrow One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें