Fights and Suspension

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Ethan didn't get into a lot of fights. Between keeping his grades up and preparing for collage he just didn't have time for drama. But one could only take so much bullshit, before it came overwhelming.

For instance, all the morons running around making unintelligible noises for no particular reason, the whiny brats who'd rather spend their time complaining than actually doing any work, or - worst of all - Huie Tannen.

Huie was the jackass that sat in front of Ethan in third hour. Ethan always tried his hardest to ignore him. He'd tell himself the douchebag wasn't worth his time or energy, like the counselor and his friends had told him to, but sometimes...sometimes Ethan couldn't help except to fantasize about tossing the little miscreant in front of a bus.

It wasn't so much that Huie was bullying him. Ethan could take that. In fact, he would have preferred that. No, this was an issue that was far more serious. And, frankly, it had been going on for far too long.

See, every day Huie came into class, sat down in front of Ethan, and - very loudly and very obnoxiously - made some snide, homophobic comment.

It was a well known fact that Ethan was, probably, the only kid in the entire school who had two dads instead of one father and a mother.

Most people couldn't care less if they tried. After all, it was 2036, and the vast majority of minority groups had reached maximum levels of equality. However, there were still the those few who enjoyed discrimination. Huie was one of those few. Especially, when it came to Ethan and his family.

He'd say things like, "I think we should go back to a time when gay marriage was illegal." and "It's disgusting. What kind of guy would want to kiss another guy? It's so repulsive!" and "I hope none of those gay guys try to fuck me today. I think one of them tried to kiss me yesterday. Ugh!" and of course. "They're having babies now? That's repulsive! How can you raise a baby with that kind of lifestyle!"

At the beginning of the school year, Ethan just rolled his eyes at these remarks. He had thought they were a one time thing, but then it kept occuring every day for the next three months. Needless to say, Ethan was getting a little fed up.

He'd gone to just about every teacher in the entire school, to the principal, the counselors. But they all told him the same thing. They couldn't do much of anything, because it was his opinion. He had a right to speak his mind and blah, blah, blah.

So, Ethan had tried letting it go. Honestly. He really had no intentions of getting into any fights what so ever. It was just one of those things that happened in the heat of the moment.

Huie had walked in, his idiotic friends surrounding him. As he took his seat, he opened his mouth for his usual derogatory monologue. "So, I was walking into Walmart, when this fa -"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ethan kicked the back of his chair as hard as he could. (Granted, it couldn't have been that hard, considering the chairs were attached to the desks and - therefore - Ethan's foot had been at an awkward angle. Still, the action sent the little asshole jerking forward, effectively shutting him the hell up for once. And still Huie complained to the nurse later about how he'd almost broken his back.) 

Then, he turned around. "What the hell was that about?" Huie demanded, as if he had absolutely no idea why anyone might hate his guts.

Ethan found himself standing up, completely aware that the whole class was now staring, muttering and wondering what Ethan was going to do. He did his best to ignore them, not entirely sure what he was about to do either.

"Say one more thing," Ethan said without even thinking the words over. "I dare you."

"I was just talking to my friends!" Huie rolled his eyes. "What's the matter with you, gaybie? Why are you so hostile all of a sudden?"

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