Waste of Space

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A short, angsty one shot, bcause I've been in a horrible mood all weekend and can't sleep

Lily Stein sat with her back against the wall, tears rolling down her face. All her life she'd felt as though she never really fit in, like she was never wanted. Her entire existence was just one big, fucked up mistake.

Normal daughters could say that they were just being overdramatic. That those feelings just came with post adolescence. Normal daughters could hear their parents telling them they weren't a waste of space and believe it.

But not Lily. She really was a waste of space. An abberation, the Legends had called her. Her father had tried telling her some bull crap about how her not being born was the real abberation, but she knew better.

Lily wasn't supposed to exist. She was only breathing right now, because her father had messed up the time line.

It didn't matter what she did. Nothing would ever be good enough, now. Because she knew. She was a lie. Her whole life was a lie.

Now that she knew the truth nothing she ever did would ever really mean anything. Not really anyway. Because it wasn't supposed to happen. It was a lie.

Everything she did was a lie. The very fact that she was breathing was a damn lie!

Lily stiffled back another sob, not wanting to wake her parents. She couldn't bother them with this. How could they possibly understand? And besides, it was a lie anyway.

She felt as though her whole body was numb. She couldn't bring herself to move more than an inch. (And even then, that was just to fall to the ground and curl up into a ball.) Lily didn't even think to move to her bed, as that would be far more comfortable.

She didn't need a bed anyway. It was a waste of space, much like herself.

Legends of Tomorrow One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora