Kendra x Cleopatra

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Kendra never told Carter, but before she'd fallen in love with him, before he became the prince of Egypt, and before they'd even met, she'd been in love with another woman.

Her name was Cleopatra. Yes, Kendra had been in love with Cleopatra VII Philopator. It was against the law for woman to love another woman, so they kept their relationship a secret.

Chay Ara walked into the thrown room and spotted the Pharoah alone. She grinned to herself before approaching the first woman to rule Egypt...ever.

"Mi'lady," Chay Ara bowed.
"Priestess," the queen turned and nodded. Chay Ara grinned up at her. The queen smiled.

The two embraced each other, kissing the other gently, pationately.

"Do you really have to go?" Chay Ara asked.
"I'm afraid so, my love," Cleopatra said sadly.
"I'll miss you..."
"And I you..."

The two women kissed each other once more, not breaking apart for several minutes. When they finally did Cleopatra plucked a bracelet from her arm and handed it to her lover. "To remember me by?"

Chay Ara nodded and took the bracelet with teary eyes. Cleopatra sighed.
"My reign is coming to an end..."
"Then let's make this moment count..."

They spent the day together, walking the palace, kissing in private, having a picnic in the desert.

At the end of the day, Cleopatra road out into the night on a horse, leaving Chay Ara behind. The women never seen each other again.

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