No One Does

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Me: I need to get these one shots in my drafts done

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Me: I need to get these one shots in my drafts done...

Also me: Instead of finishing those I'm gonna make something brand new with my pal flarrow444 !!!

So, this lil bit is about my oc Deserey "Dez" and John Constantine! It fast forwards a bit in the Sandstorm story line. Or maybe it's not even canon with SS. You'll never know, will you?  Bahahaha!!

So Johnny is mourning his lover Dez. (Yes, I know. My oc is Dez too. Confusing but whatcha gonna do? 🤷🏻)  Deserey is also in mourning! Because her bestie Lenny is dead. And if y'all are reading SS you know why that's especially bad for her. For those of you who don't... Well you gonna find out!

Angst and suicidal thoughts! (Whoops I just gave it away haha)  Yay! (Not really.)  Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And maybe cry...But mostly enjoy!

Once upon a time on a very timey wimey spaceship, a small group of goofballs were chilling out and

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Once upon a time on a very timey wimey spaceship, a small group of goofballs were chilling out and...well, being dumb dumbs.

Though it wasn't as uncommon as it sounds. It was actually very normal for the team to act like dumb dumbs….except for the one known as John Constantine. He was an angsty baby boy.

Not his words, of course. And yet, he still wasn't what people considered a genius. He was just hiding away from a demon, helping the Legends deal with the monsters they had unleashed upon the world, ignoring his own thoughts and feelings… Or trying to, anyway. He wasn't doing a very good job if the several empty bottles ahead of him were any indication.

No one bothered him about it, though. It wasn't like he was the only one on the team leaving bottles behind wherever he went… Actually, there was one person who kept pestering him. A gal called Deserey Dunet.

Nicknamed Dez. Which John was really starting to hate. Because that was the name of his...Nope. He wasn't going to think about him. Nope. Nope. Nope.

But Dez didn't exactly give him a choice, as she waltzed into the parlour all cheery and happy. Just like he had been before…

John shoved another mouth full of liquor down his throat, hoping to drown the thoughts out.

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