Ghosts// S.M

By rhea_leighxo

64.5K 1.7K 350

'You and Ryan are still my otp' 'We've been dating for a year?' More



898 28 0
By rhea_leighxo

My mum stared at me from the other side of the table, her lingering eyes making me look up to the first time in a while. She wore a look of concern, she looked tired. I stared back at her for a few moments till I finally decided to ask.

"What's wrong, Mam?" I asked and she smiled softly, my dad looking up from his newspaper.

"I want you to go back home." She said and I looked at her confused, I looked to my dad who looked equally as confused.

"What do you mean? I am home?" I questioned and she shook her head.

"Not hun, you're not. Home is where you feel the most love, where you are the most happiest. Home is also heartbreak and hurt. Home is not here anymore Ivy, it's with Lilly and the dogs and willow, with Shane and Ryan. This will always be you're home, but you need to go home." She said, an emphasis on the word home. I stared at her and her face said everything.

I smiled, one of the first genuine smiles I had smiled since I came to Glasgow. I nodded towards my mum and for up, walking to my room to sort out a flight. I listened from the door as I heard my mum and dad talk, feeling like a teenager all over again.

"You complained that you wished she'd come home more, but when she finally comes home. You tell her it isn't her home." My father explained and my mother was silent for a second.

"Bill, did you see her face when she came here 2 weeks ago. She looked terrible, tear stained cheeks and a sore throat from crying. She hasn't stopped, because this isn't where she's supposed to be at the moment. She should be with Shane or Lilly, not here, crying all the time." My mother whispered, her words full of emotion and love. I wiped away a tear and stood up straight. Booking the next flight home.


I climbed out of my Uber and thanked my driver, who sent me a warm smile before quickly speeding off. I looked at my house and smiled, opening the door to be greeted by Pepper and Rex who knocked me to the floor, while Willow slowly made her way over to me and brushed up against my face. I laughed and hugged Rex and Pepper, feeling the joy of seeing my kids again.

"Ivy!" Lilly exclaimed, rushing down the stairs. Once I finally got up, she pulled me into a tight hug and I laughed again.

"Hey Lilly. I've missed you." I said and she laughed emotionally.

"I missed you too!" She said and pulled away, making my heart warm at my best friend.

"Why'd you come back so early? I thought you'd be staying for a month or so?" She questioned and I just smiled.

"I'd never miss Shane's birthday." I said and she just smirked. Once I had settled back in, I decided to surprise Shane. So I drove buzzfeed headquarters, I first of all made my way to see the guys before going to see Shane.

I made Lilly go in and get them and bring them outside so I could surprise them. I behind the wall and could hear their voices, I decided to film the moment and slowly came out from the corner, before finally bringing attention to myself.

"I'm back!" I yelled and four of them turned around quickly, running towards me to hug me.

"Yay! I've missed my Ivy." Kieth said, the firs to tackle me into a hug as he face cried.

"She's not just you're Ivy!" Ned said loudly, hugging me and Keith at the same time.

"Thank god you're back." Zach said, the last to hug me. I laughed and hugged the guys back.

"I've missed you all so much." I said as they pulled away, I turned to Eugene who smirked at me.

"Eugene? Showing affection?" I questioned towards Keith who not held my camera as we filmed the experience.

"Oh shut up and take my love." He said and I just laughed, hugging him back tightly.

"Do Shane or Ryan know you're back yet?" Ned questioned and I shook my head.

"Nope I just landed a few hours ago." I answered and Ned smiled.

"How's about we surprise them also, we can turn this into a video." Ned offered and I nodded eagerly.

"Try guys + Ivy." I said and Keith looked at me confused.

"Is that the title of the video?" He asked and I nodded eagerly. He just laughed and shook his head. Once we thought of the video name, we moved onto the plan.

"Okay, so Eugene and I will go in and get Shane and Ryan. Bring them out here, Keith will be filming to the side and Ivy will be filming with her phone when she surprises them." Zach explained and I nodded eagerly.

"Sounds good to me. Let's do it!" I yelled and made my way over to my little hidey place, I waited patiently for the guys to come out. About 5 minutes later our plan was in action and Shane and Ryan made their way outside. I slowly moved out of my hidey place and filmed.  I walked close enough to yell.

"Did you miss me?" I questioned, yelling so they could hear me. Both guys turned around confused, but once they saw me they smiled widely.

"I'm glad you're back, V!" Ryan said happily, pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you loads, Ry. Never thought I'd ever miss you. But, sadly I did, a lot." I said and he just smiled at me, hugging me again. I hugged him tightly but as he pulled away, I looked at Shane.

"Hey." I whispered, smiling up to my big friendly giant. Shane smiled and pulled me into him, before bending down and gently kissing me. "I missed you too, Shane." I said, hugging him again.

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