Ghosts// S.M

By rhea_leighxo

64.5K 1.7K 350

'You and Ryan are still my otp' 'We've been dating for a year?' More



950 28 1
By rhea_leighxo

His hands trailed down my back as we lay on my bed, the sun spilled through the slightly open curtains. It was quiet and for once I was thankful for that. I lay on his chest as he hummed a quiet song, one I had heard before. I was in complete bliss and comfort, a small smile placed on my lips as he kissed the top of my head.

"We've gotta go." Shane whispered and I just sighed, taking in the moment before it was over.

"Yeah I know." I whispered and slowly got up from where I was laying, I threw on an oversized jumper and some jeans before pulling on my boots and grabbing my sunglasses. I turned to Shane who was also dressed and smiled, grabbing my bag pack and keys before swiftly exiting the room.

We walked to the office hand in hand, our hands swinging between our body's as we walked in silence. The only sound was the people around us and the cars that passed.

Once we got to the office, we went straight to our desk and got ready for our video. Ryan greeted us with smiled and I hugged him, feeling affectionate today. He looked at me strange as I pulled away, I just smiled and nodded. Not speaking a word as I walked towards the studio to be greeted by Heather who wore a bright smile.

"Okay Ivy and Shane. Sit down on the two chairs that are between the middle and we'll explain what's going to happen." She said and Shane and I just nodded. The next thing we knew Ryan walked into the room and I groaned.

"You've gotta be kidding me?" Shane said and I just smiled and shook my head.

"Ryan, sit inbetween Ivy and Shane." Heather said pointing to the seat beside me. I rolled my eyes as he sat down and complained. "Okay, Ivy and Shane, take these paddles. We're gonna play a simple game of yes or no. Ryan's gonna ask the questions and you have to answer truthfully. Got it?" Heather and I nodded.

"You got it captain." I said and pretended to tilt my hat, earning a wheeze from both Shane and Ryan. Heather rolled her eyes and counted down on her fingers.

"Today i will be asking Shane and Ivy some yes or no questions, which they have to answer truthfully." Ryan said in his Unsolved voice and I just smirked and leaned forward.

"I have a lot of secrets." I said in a spooky voice and Shane laughed, sitting back in his chair, holding his stomach in an over dramatic laugh.

"I highly doubt that." Shane said and I just wiggled my eyebrows. And held my paddles in my hand.

"Okay, have you ever stole money from you're significant other?" Ryan asked and I thought for a second, laughing before holding up the yes. Leaning forward to see Shane's answer which also read yes.

"What! When?" Shane asked me and I smiled. Leaning back in my chair and looking at the camera.

"When we went for coffee that day that Pepper head butted the wall, you went to the bathroom and I forgot my purse so I borrowed five dollars to go grab a muffin." I said and Shane just shook his head.

"I took money from you're purse when we were on the road trip." He smirked and I just rolled my eyes. Looking to Ryan for the next question.

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable to be around you both, now that I'm used to it." Ryan spoke and I just smiled. "Anyways. Kissed anyone of the same sex?" I held up the yes paddle and didn't even look at Shane's cause I already knew the answer, which was yes.

"Next question Boogara." I chimed as he looked at our answers, a face of curiosity, making me look to Shane who just laughed at our friend. After about another 3 questions, Ryan asked a question that literally made me choke.

"Have you ever been arrested?" Ryan asked and I chocked on air, coughing a few times to catch my breathe. Shane moved his paddle to no and I slowly, but surely moved it to yes.

"What?" Both Shane and Ryan asked at the same time and I smiled nervously.

"I, um, used to drag race back in Glasgow with some lads, and I got arrested a few times and even got my license taken off me." I said and Shane and Ryan just looked at me with wide eyes, a look of complete shock but also a small smile on Shane's face. I turned to the camera and put on a wide smile.

"This video has been Shane and I getting to know each other, more than we already do. Featuring Ryan Boogara. Thanks for watching and we'll see you soon on Buzzfeed Unsolved." I said, winking at the camera and Heather laughed.

"Cut!" She called and I just sat back on my chair, Ryan and Shane still staring at me.

"I'm gonna go get some food." Ryan said, standing up and slowly leaving the room in a daze.


I stood next to Lilly as we talked over the situation with Shane, my past suddenly being brought into a random conversation about Willow, who was laying on my lap sound asleep while chaos unfolded.

"So wait a second. You used to race cars? In car parks and back roads? Like fast and furious?" Shane asked, in complete and utter shock.

"Yup." I nodded and Richard looked equally confused.

"And you?" Shane said turning to Lilly who smirked in amusement at the past being brought up. "Used to fix her car for her? If it was broken too bad? Because you used to her in wrecks?" Shane asked.

"Well, I mean my dad and I did." Lilly said with a sweet smile. Shane just flopped back on the couch and I smiled and brushed his hair back from his forehead.

"Well, this was unexpected." He said with a slight laugh which made me giggle and hug him

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