Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku)...

By Rena_Blanc

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He knew damn well he was attractive. He noticed all the stares he got. He purposely did things that caught ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N-Thank you!
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Quick Question
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Extra Chapter (w/ AkuRoku & HaruKei)
Please Read
Update on sequel
hello from the future
Hello, again (announcement: Rewrite)

Chapter 26

1.3K 48 24
By Rena_Blanc

The rest of the day, Riku shut himself in his room, angry with himself. It wasn't so much Sora leaving as much as he felt really stupid for forgetting to answer a very important question to Sora.

He ended up falling asleep, but someone, or rather two people barged into his house. Roxas and Axel, of course. When Riku was rudely awaken, it was already dark outside. Since he hadn't slept well the night before, he was probably was really tired.

"What do you want?" Riku mumbled while rubbing his eyes.

Roxas grinned when he saw the ring on his finger, and reached for it. Riku blinked sleepily, not quite understanding what was going on yet.

"A ring, eh?" Roxas teased, tracing a finger over the blue words. "A promise ring?"

"What? No, isn't a promise ring something about marriage?" Axel asked, looking at the golden ring over the blond's shoulder.

"Promise ring? It's more like a soulmate ring thing." Riku yawned, but the sleepiness did not leave his eyes. "I'm way too young for marriage."

Roxas turned to Axel, who started to laugh in a low tone. He tried stifle his laughter, looking away and covering his face but it didn't work.

"Riku," Roxas called, and Riku looked at him.

Roxas had a smirk on his face as he leaned towards his face. He raised his hands, and pinched his cheeks.

"You awake?" Roxas giggled, watching how Riku started to feel more awake.

When Riku was feeling better, and more awake, he glared at Roxas.


And with that, he pushed Roxas backwards. Axel caught him before he fell off the bed, and turned to him.

"Awake now?" he asked, a grin still on his face.

Riku rolled his eyes, and a blush started to form on his face. Pink dusted his cheeks more than anywhere else on his face.

"So are you and Sora a thing? Did you get his number?" Axel asked, sitting back and pulled Roxas so he sat on his lap. "But please, don't talk about him all the time."

"Um...see, what happened was...," Riku mumbled, and trailed off when he didn't know what else to say.

Axel groaned, and wrapped his arms around Roxas' waist, placing his chin on his shoulder. Roxas glared, but didn't move.

"Don't tell me," Axel began, already knowing the answer, "you forgot. Didn't you?"

"Pretty much," Riku said, and stretched his arma forward. "What are you two doing here? Especially you, Roxas."

Roxas crossed his legs, and put his arms over them. His blue eyes looked anywhere but Riku.

"The marriage is off," he mumbled. "My mom threw a fit, like a child. Namine's parents stayed firm with their decision, saying that they realized that it's wrong to force either of us to do something just because of what we liked."

"What do you mean?" Riku asked, still running the sleep out of his eyes.

"Well, I like guys, you know that," Roxas responded, "and Namine likes girls. That's why, but they understood her after a while."

"Oh, well at least it's over," Riku told him, but before saying anything else, his stomach growled.

Riku blushed, and moved to the edge of the bed. Without turning, he asked the others if they wanted something to eat.

"Sure. I already ate, but I'm still hungry," Axel told him with a light laugh as he jumped off the bed.

"I'm starving," Roxas said, crawling off the bed slowly. "My dad just left to talk to my mom. He said to eat without him."

"Right. I'll see what I can make."

Riku yawned, and sluggishly walked out of his room. Roxas tossed the key to Riku's house up and down, and then caught it when he turned to Axel.

"I don't think he's alright," Roxas told him. "At least, not completely well. Leaving him alone isn't the best idea right now. Trust me. He hates it when someone important leaves him for good. It makes him feel like he did something wrong."

"Agreed. Come on, let's go before he decides not make us anything." Axel grabbed his arm, and pulled him out of the room.

Roxas reached for the key he dropped when Axel pulled him, and ran so he wouldn't trip as he tried to keep up with him.

When they reached the kitchen, Riku was already making something. It smelled like...bacon?

"Isn't that what you usually eat at breakfast when you get a chance?" Roxas asked, pointing at the cooking food.

"So what? I like this," Riku replied, shrugging. "I can make something else for you if you want."

Roxas and Axel looked at each other, but then shook their heads.

"Nah, it's fine. Need help?" Axel asked, fidgeting.

"Actually, yeah." Riku turned to them, a small smile on his face. "Get the ingredients you want me to add."

Axel nodded, and looked through Riku's fridge. Roxas stood next to Riku, waiting for Axel. They weren't very good at cooking, so Riku helped them. When they finished, they took their plates to the table.

"What time is it?" Riku asked, and started to eat. "I think I slept too long. I didn't finish my homework."

"I never do homework," Axel said, mouth stuffed with food. "Yet I'm somehow passing."

Roxas scrunched up his nose, tugging on Axel's red hair lightly. "Don't talk with your mouth full. At least cover it."

Axel rolled his eyes, and continued to stuff his face. Roxas sighed, and turned to Riku.

"I can let you copy if you'd like," he told him, shrugging. "In the classes that are the same anyway."

"I'll take the offer, I can't think right now," Riku said, rubbing his face. "When you get home, send pictures. I'll deal with whatever I have left. Thanks."

"No problem," Roxas replied, and kept eating. "This stuff is good, but whenever you make it it's way better."

"Yeah," Axel said after, covering his mouth with his hand, glancing at Roxas. "You'd be a great housewife."

Riku glared, and reached over to take Axel's plate. Then other swallowed his food, and pouted. He reached for it, but Riku slapped his hand away.

"Say that again, and I will kick you out," Riku told him, crossing his arms.

Roxas ignored them, and ate his food. He heard his phone ring, and got a message. He smiled, and turned it off after reading it.

"Enough Riku!" Axel cried, standing up to walk to Riku. "Gimme my food! I wanna eat!"

"Apologize!" Riku laughed, pushing him away. "Or else I won't return it!"


Axel, being taller than Riku, managed to touch the plate. He grinned, and pulled it towards him. Riku frowned, and tried to take it back.

"You're going to drop that," Roxas said, taking a sip from his drink. "I suggest you don't keep pulling and tugging it like you're in a tug of war."

"If it falls, I blame Riku," Axel said, but made sure it didn't fall or tilted. "Come on, Riku. Fine, I'm sorry."

"I'm not convinced," Riku said, but let him have the plate back. "I will ignore that."

"I was just joking, and you know it," Axel pouted, and continued eating.

Riku laughed, and stuck his tongue out. He noticed Roxas' happy expression, and turned to him, leaving Axel to complain alone.

"What's up?"

Roxas looked up, and shrugged. He slid his phone to him, and Riku turned it on. He saw the message, and grinned.

"Xion is coming back?" Riku looked through the messages. "Nice. And your dad is willing to let you two stay and pay for college until you want?"

"Yeah, but what makes me really happy is that my dad is very supportive, even if I'm gay," Roxas told him, a big grin on his face. Something Riku hadn't seen in a while. "And my favorite little sister is staying."

"She's your only little sister," Riku pointed out, mirroring his smile. "That's great. I'm happy for you."

"Roxas!" Axel yelled, putting an empty plate on the table. "Go out with me!"

Roxas just started at him, wide blue eyes blinking in confusion. Riku shared the same expression, looking at Axel wide eyed.


"You heard me!" Axel exclaimed, walking to stand behind Roxas.

"Erm...Axel, I feel bad for saying this," Roxas started, and pushed his chair back, "but I will try to talk to my mom once again. Don't worry though, no matter what she says, she will not make me hate you."

Axel grumbled, and sat down, sulking. Riku laughed nervously, looking away.

"I'm sorry. I have to set something straight to my mom," Roxas told him, placing a hand on the taller teen's shoulder. "Only then will I accept again. I just can't feel good about myself without telling her something."

"What's it about?" Axel asked, looking at Roxas. "Riku, this is your childhood friend. Tell me why he's so complicated."

Riku shrugged, making Roxas glare at him. Roxas sighed, and picked up his phone when he heard a short, small and cute sound. He looked through it a bit, then gave Axel a small smile.

"I'm going to talk to her tomorrow, then, and only then, will I answer with a yes or no," Roxas told him, but all three knew what his answer would be. A yes.

"I have to go," he said after a small awkward silence.

Roxas usually didn't talk like that, so it was a bit embarrassing for him.

"Yeah, same," Axel said, finally able to finish his food. "I only came to check on you since you disappeared all afternoon."

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep right away," Riku told them, shrugging. "I have to find my homework, so I'll probably stay awake for a while."

"Alright. See you tomorrow," Axel said, taking the plate to the kitchen. "Well, after I wash this."

Roxas nodded, and took his plate as well. Riku shook his head, telling them that it was fine bit they didn't listen. After they washed them, they left.

"Thanks for the food, Riku." Axel waved, walking out of the door.

"Yeah. Thanks," Roxas said after, and pushed Axel out but turned to Riku one more time. "See you at school."

Riku nodded, and went to lock the door after them. He could still hear them as they left, Axel soon leaving the opposite way to his own house.

When Riku somehow found his homework in the many papers of his backpack where it seemed everything important disappeared, he got the pictures from Roxas. (H: I can't be the only one that looses papers even though I know I put them in my bag.)

He sent a quick thanks, and started to copy them. Riku somehow finished his homework, glad that he didn't have any other work. The teen fell asleep without putting any papers up, but he hoped he found all of them in the morning.

Riku's mind wandered to thoughts about his future and what would happen after he graduated. It seemed so far, but time went quicker than he thought and he knew that so well.

"Think of that when the time comes...and hopefully I never lose my friends..."

A/N: I finished this when I was tired, so excuse the crappy ending. That last part applies to me as well. I'm so lost about what I'm going to do after I finish school. But just ignore that. Thanks for reading!

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