Autorstwa xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... Więcej

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

Hopeless ; He's Back

13.5K 411 92
Autorstwa xoxo_annie_exo


"No way. Not until she's learned the truth, and until I get what I want." Minhyuk barks.

"Truth?" I ask as Minhyuk looks at me with an evil glare.

I totally jinxed myself when I thought that it couldn't get much worse.

"Of course. Meet King Changmin, King of Cursia, our father." Minhyuk says angrily.

~ Park Sarang

Sarang ~ you

I widen my eyes in surprise as I put the pieces together.

Mom's the reason why King Changmin left his wife, but what about the news of his so called 'death?'

"My stepsister is the reason why you come? Not for me or for my dead mother?!" Minhyuk says with rage.

"Minhyuk. What your mother has told you were lies. She told you I died because she didn't want to see you suffer when I left her." Dad-no King Changmin said harshly.

"No, that can't be true!" Minhyuk yells. "You know why I trust her after these years?" he asks the King.

"It's because my bastard of a father left my mom for some Exopian woman when she was going through a hard time."

"And I can never forgive you for that." Minhyuk adds with a poisonous voice.

"Now. I still have to negotiate with you for your precious daughter." Minhyuk says, staring at my father.

"Of course. Now tell me what is is son." King Changmin says as Minhyuk cries.

"D-did you even love us?" Minhyuk asked through his tears.

"Your mother, I did once. You, I never forgot or ever stopped loving you Minhyuk." the king said sadly.

"T-Tell me why this all happened. Why you left mom and me for some other woman. Give me the reason why." Minhyuk says with a growl.

My father sighed. "Of course. You're my son. You deserve to know everything. But I have to say that your mother might've not told you everything."

"More secrets kept from me, is there?" he grits his teeth and sighs while he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Listen Minhyuk. I left your mother for one reason." King Changmin says.

"You see, I loved your mother, but she betrayed me."

"After our wedding and when I got your mother pregnant, I noticed how she occasionally left the castle to go somewhere. I got curious and I followed her one night, and I found her cheating on me with my best friend, Yunho." The King said, clenching his fist.

{ Yes, TVXQ's or DBSK's Yunho/ U-know }

"I followed her a few more times, and I couldn't take it anymore. I forced her and Yunho to never meet again, so I locked your mother in our room to prevent her from meeting him."

"One day, your mother couldn't take it anymore and left the palace; news got out quickly and I disappeared as well. We both fled to Earth separately, and you were still in your mother's stomach at that time. You were 6 months old."

"And as I fled to Earth, my brother and I decided to make up a rumor that I had died mysteriously and that your mother was so devastated that she had fled to Earth, and that she'll stay there. After 3 more months, I heard that you were born. I tried to see you, but your mother forbid me to even see my first born son."

"I pleaded her, and I got to see you at least once before she told me to disappear forever. And I did, but I'd watch you from afar, when you were at school or the playground. It pained me to see you grow up without me, then.... without... your mother." he says sadly.

"I don't need your pity. You didn't even come to her funeral." Minhyuk snaps.

"I did. I was there. I saw you too. I- I just concealed myself so that you wouldn't see me."

"What about her and her mother?" Minhyuk points to me as I widen my eyes in surprise.

"Oh.... well, I made myself a new name when I fled here. And that year, I met someone who was so kind and wonderful to me, so I married her. She's Park Seo Hye, Sarang's mother. And after a year, we had her. You two are step siblings, you know." my father informed us as Minhyuk snarls.

"I know that! And I don't want anything to do with this step thing." Minhyuk stares at me in disgust.

"Minhyuk, please stop this. Release your sister. We can change everything back in Cursia. You can be king as well." our father says as Minhyuk freezes.

Minhyuk ~

He makes my blood boil, he makes my nerves go all haywire and crazy. His very presence brings hatred into my lifeless eyes.

He may be my father, but I still don't see him as one, since he betrayed us.

But mother was the one who betrayed him first. Didn't he say that he loved her until her scandal? I thought. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that he's here.

"You're giving your crown to me in exchange for this step thing?" I ask.

Sarang ~ you

"Isn't that what you wanted all along? To be king?" King Changmin asks as Minhyuk slams our father against the wall.

"I dont want your stupid King's title! I want my mother back! I don't care if she cheated or lied, I just want her back! And in exchange, maybe I'll just kill that precious daughter of yours!" Minhyuk runs towards me, his eyes glaring at, me in hatred.

"Lee Minhyuk he is your father!" I yell. "He your only father! Do you want to lose him too?!"

"He's the one that caused all this! He's even willing to give up his crown for you!"

"I said that I don't need his stupid title! I need my mother back! My mother's dead, so... what about you?" Minhyuk says, flying up to my cage as I quickly back away, making the cage swing.

Minhyuk reaches for me, and I back away to the other side.

My heart is pounding so hard, you know the kind where you're watching a really scary movie, or waiting to see your test score or even performing in front of hundreds of people, just ten times more.

His hands try to reach me, but his hands are to big to reach inside the cage.

Meanwhile, I watch my father fly behind Minhyuk while Minhyuk eyes me like a wolf hunting his prey, a.k.a, me.

I'm the little poor deer that's about to be eaten by the big bad wolf. And the worse part is, is that there's 12 more.

{ yas it's Luhan joke, I'm so lame }

King Changmin grabs his son from behind, and pins him in a lock, which makes the cage swing faster.

The cage bumps into Minhyuk's body, and something clang onto the floor with a loud thud.

I watch a red gem shining, and I come to realize that it's the exact same red pendant that Hyo Ra used to have before I destroyed it.

I also saw that it was three times bigger, to my disbelief.

No wonder our powers won't work! But since this red pendant is much larger, then it basically drains all the power and energy out of you, making you extremely helpless and weak.

I grab the bars, shaking them for a way out. Useless, I know, but what else can I do than just watch my dad and step brother fight in front of me?

Maybe, since the pendant is put of reach, I can break free from this metal prison of mine.

A small amount of energy flows in my blood, like it always does when I'm about to use my powers. It's that familiar tingly feeling I get.

I used my beast powers to bend the bars in one go, and I slowly flew down to the floor with a thud.

I crawled towards the pendant, trying to get it away from Minhyuk. I watch them still in the air, both struggling to beat the other.

I can tell that they're both losing energy from their pained and pale faces.

I try to shatter the cursed gem, but I can barely even throw it, since my body feels like lead.

"Wolves! Get her!" Minhyuk yells as the barrier from the cave magically opens.

"Wow, like father, like daughter. You two shouldn't fight me in my own territory!" he yells, his brown eyes turning into crescent yellows.

I hear my father yell in pain as my friends run towards me, snarling and snapping their jaws and eying me like I was a piece of meat.

I had to get away, and my friends were still under his spell. I couldn't do anyrhing, except wave my daggers around like a flag, which made the wolves cower.

"Dad?" I yelled, and I turned around to find him lying on the ground, with no movement whatsoever. Tears fill my eyes, seeing my father lying on the floor with a small pool of blood surrounding him.

And to my surprise, I saw the alpha. It's him. Minhyuk.He's a wolf too.

He walks toward me, but winces as he comes closer to my silver dagger.

I swing the two daggers around, making the wolves create some sort of circular barrier around me, which doesn't help.

I made and opening and slowly walked towards my father, but I saw a familiar wolf standing in my way.


"Move Chen." I command him, pointing the sword at his eye level. He winces, but doesn't budge.

"Kim Jongdae! Wake up! You're not a wolf, are you?!" I yell as he suddenly jumps toward me.

I quickly turn around to protect my back, and I found Chanyeol, Lay, and Suho snarling, their sharp incisors bared for me to see.

And everything happened so fast that I couldn't tell what happened or what I was doing.

I saw Chen leap towards me, and the first thing I thought of was to... stab him.

I cried when I saw him howling in pain, with unusual black blood flowing from his neck, the place where I stabbed him.

The wolves near him, Luhan, Baekhuun, and Xiumin went near him, and helped him.

I used this chance to run towards my father, who was unconscious and near the corner of a wall.

I shake him a bit, trying to see if he's still living. I put my fingers on his neck, and I sense a very light pulse due to the large amount of blood he's lost from Minhyuk's slash on his chest.

The wolves growl, and they slowly approach my father and I. Minhyuk leads them, with him being the closest to me.

Even with my two daggers, I can't hold them for now.

I was quickly starting to lose hope from my current situation.

My friends and Minhyuk as wolves are trying to kill my father and I. My father is heavily injured and unconscious; my body feels as heavy as lead that I couldn't move or even summon my powers.

I watch Minhyuk's wolf approach the pendant, and he snarls something to my friends before he grabs the pendant with his mouth and walks off to somewhere.

We are trapped. We are powerless. We are hurt.

But most of all, I'm hopeless, and I don't think anyone can save us now.

Help us, save us, someone, please.

Suddenly, through the darkness was a large shadow that was at least ten times larger than the window itself.

Its wings spread out wide, and it crashes the windows, the walls, glass and debris shatters and slams to the floor like spilled liquid.

It roars, sending a giant gush of air and dust swirling around the air. I see his black and golden scales, his dangerous and spiked tail, and his pair golden black reptile eyes.

I couldn't belive my eyes. It was here. He was here.

It was the dragon.

"Y-You're here...." I stuttered. "H-how d-did you find us..."

The dragon roared again as he saw the wolves aproach him with growls and scowls.

"Hurry you don't have much time!" The dragon roared as I nodded and quickly helped my unconscious father stand up, and slowly walkedd to the dragon.

At this time, the door opened, revealing Minhyuk in his human form.

"You aren't getting away from me!" He yells, and widens his eyes as he sees the dragon in the room.

"You. I thought y-you were still.." Minhyuk say, surprised.

"In your prison and under your spell? Not anymore Prince." the dragon growls as smoke comes out of his nostrils.

"A little help please...." I mumble, using an arm to support my father, who felt like a giant weight.

"Park Sarang, you're not going anywhere, our business isn't done yet!" Minhyuk screeches as I glare at him.

"Too bad your highness!" I yell back, getting closer and closer to the dragon.

But the thing was that my wolf friends were surrounding the dragon, and I couldn't get through. I grabbed a silver dagger and waved it around Lay, and he slowly backed away, whining.

I lay my father on the dragon, and Minhyuk runs towards us. I quickly get on, and grab onto the dragon's back.

He unfolds his wings and roars, then turns around, usuing his tail to smack Minhyuk and the wolves off their feet and onto the ground.

Then, we fly off into the night.

The last thing I saw was the dragon's worried face, the full moon, and my father.

Everything blacked out, and I'm not sure what happened after that.


Update! This chapter was certainly full of action... but didn't it look like a movie in your head?

It was for me when I was typing this, I had to imagine what happened, the details of the dragon and everything.

It was kinda fun writing in the action theme, but this action stuff is what will happen for the next chapters until the war is over.

Anyways, the dragon is back!! remember that Exopian/ talking dragon from Kris's chapters a while ago? It's the same dragon. I wonder what his name should be.... I want a name for him.

Oh and it's him { the dragon } in the multimedia. He's pretty scray looking right? But he's a good dragon :D

Comment below what you thought of this action-packed chapter, suggestions for the dragon's name, or... just comments is general :P

Have a daebak Sunday!

Gomawo and Annyeong!


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