Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

111K 1.2K 171

"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Getting To Know You
Movie Night
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Meeting Logan Part 2
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"For The First Time"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind

"I Found You"

3.7K 43 5
By Jays_PissRocket

Nathan: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Those five words ring through my head, making the world around me become nonexistent. 'Did I want to be his girlfriend? With all the hate I already get, it'll just get like ten time worse. Maybe more! How would I be able to handle it?' The world around me stops spinning, bringing my attention back to the bright green orbs in front of me. 

I open my mouth to speak, my words replaced with the sounds of clicking cameras. Next the blinding flashes, leaving me in a world of white as Nathan grabs my hands tightly. I feel myself being lifted from the ground by my hands, being pulled up by strong arms. I'm in a daze as I'm tugged to start running, my feet cooperating with the person in front of me. 

Nathan an I run from the paparazzi, moving through the little path we came through. We some how  manage to escape major injury as we break through the thicket of branches. I feel the branches scrape across my face, cutting open my soft skin to reveal the hidden red liquid beneath. I gasp, the stinging sensation bring small water droplets to my eyes.

We finally break out of our little retreat, back into the desolate park. We come to a stop, straining our ears, listening for the breaking of branches behind us. The only sound is our soft panting, letting me relax a bit before I take my hand from Nathans. 

I take my hands, and begin picking out little pieces of sticks as Nathan paces back an forth in front of me. I take out the twigs, letting them drop to the cement. They make little pattering noises as they bounce once or twice on the concrete. I run my hands through my hair quickly, making sure all of the pieces are out before I turn my attention the pacing Nathan in front of me. 

Me: "Nathan, calm down please?"

His pacing stops, making my heart stop with it. He turns to me, sadness filling his eyes are he looks over my appearance. 'I must look great'. He walks over to me, checking out my cheek. I feel his thumb graze over the tiny incision, making me wince. I try to pull away from his thumb, but he keeps my head in place.

Nathan: "This is all my fault.."

I look up at the Gloucester boy in shock. Guilt is written all over his features, the small cuts and bruises on his face becoming hidden to me. I bring my hands up to his face, holding his cheeks like he is mine. I stare into his eyes, thinking of something meaningful to say.

Me: "Nath, this isn't your fault. I mean, who could've known we were going to be stalked? Fucking creeps an all."

I feel his cheeks move under my hands, the line that was previously on his lips is suddenly replaced with a small smile. I smile back at him, feeling my insides warm before I take a look at the rest of his appearance. I examine the cuts on his forehead and cheeks, tiny droplets of blood pooling and dripping down the tanned skin.

Me: "You look an absolute mess Nath."

His chuckle warms my heart as he removes his hands from my face. I mimick his movements, bringing my hands down to my sides. I feel his hand slip into mine, fitting like an extension to my person. I tug him along this time, forcing him to walk in step with me as we make our way back through the park.

The Christmas lights keep our path a light, making the walk back just like the walk to the clearing; romantic and calming. I try to concentrate on the beauty around me, but my mind keeps going back to those five words, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' I think back to earlier thoughts, giving myself a small headache. 'Could I do it? Handle the hate, the constant presence of paparazzi, security, all of that?'

While I ponder over these thoughts, we make it back to Nathans car. When we arrive it's no longer black, but multiple colors from the thousands post it notes that are stuck to the car. I quickly look up at Nathan, terror written over his perfect face. I can't help but laugh as he drags me over to the car.

I stare at the bright colored pieces of paper, my heart breaking as I do. All of these notes say something horrible about me, calling me a whore, gold digger, etc. I get spun away from the car, and into the chest of my superman. I lay my head against his chest, staring into an imaginary void. 

Nathan: "I'm going to... Rebbeca don't listen to what they're saying. Please?"

I pull away, anger boiling inside of me. I turn back to the car, grabbing the pieces of paper an ripping them off of the car. I feel the paper crumble under my grasp, making my anger even more forward. Steaming tears of anger fall from my eyes, smudging what little make up I did wear tonight. I feel hands on my arms, stopping the angry ripping. 

Me: "I can't do this Nath. I-I just can't! How do you expect me to be able to do this?"

I whirl around to face him, my tearful eyes looking into his obviously hurt eyes. He takes a small step back, crushing the brown dead leaves that have blown in. I look down and to the side, avoiding his hurt gaze at all costs. 'Did I really just say that to him?' 

 Nathan: "Rebbeca, I-I-"

Me: "Just save it Nath!"

I feel the venom in my words as I snap at him, making me regret it almost immediately. I build up false courage to look at Nathan, knowing that his face would look hurt and damaged. As my eyes travel from my feet to his eyes, I feel my heart break into millions of pieces. 

Nathan: "Rebbeca, please lets talk about this?"

I blink back tears as I turn my back to him refusing to let him see me like this. I take a few shakey breaths, gaining a bit of composure before I start talking again. I try to blink back the water works to no avail as I begin talking.

Me: "Nathan... We just can't. I-I want to but it just-WE just can't. All the hate you an I would get? And what about Max, and the others? We're not taking them into consideration. I'm sorry."

Thunder roars above our heads, little droplets of water crashing down onto us. I wrap my arms around my slim body, as I walk away from the Gloucester boy. I pick up the pace as I get past the park entrance, taking a left and pull out my phone to call myself a ride.


The wind starts picking up as I make my way down the deserted road, a chill starting to creep into my bones. Tiny droplets of ice water start falling from the sky, soaking right through my light shirt. I hug myself closer, rubbing my arms trying to keep warm.

Me: "Well I'm a fucking idiot."

As the words fall from my mouth, a loud an obnoxious beep sounds from behind me. I stop in my tracks, panting lightly as a silver car pulls up in front of me. Now most people would run right up to the car, but after living in America you just don't do that. I brush some hair out of my face, glancing at my hand that's getting paler.

The car door flies open, and a frantic Max comes running over quickly. I can't help but smile, running towards him, his arms open just like in the air port. His arms wrap around my cold, wet body, warming me up slowly, 

Me: "Max, I-I-I'm sorry."

I barely manage to get that out through my chattering teeth as Max pulls away from me. I look up into his matching green eyes as the rain starts to pour down on us, water running quickly off of his shaved head. I have to squint to keep the water out of my eyes, making it hard to read what's behind his.

Max: "Let's get you in the car, you're going to get hypothermia if I keep you out here any longer."

I shake violently as I swiftly move away from Max, shuffling quickly over to the passenger side of the still running car. I make it to the door, grabbing the handle in a swift motion. I pull the door open, a blast of heat making me sigh with relief as I hop into the seat. 

I just sit there, my hands in front of the vents on the dash board to warm them. Max climbs in shortly after, telling me it's going to take us a while to get home, I apparently walked further then anticipated. I just shrug, leaning my against the cold window. I watch the rain droplet race down the glass, picking a winner in my head.

Max: "Are you going to tell me what happened? Or should I ask Nathan?"

I close my eyes, trying to think of anything to say. I listen to the soft hum of the car gliding against the wet asphalt; the rain lightening up as thunder roars over head; the sound of our breathing. I pull my seat belt on finally, snapping the buckle into its holster.

Me: "It's a long story..."


Me: "And that's what happened... I-I kind of just snapped, like I don't even know."

I lean my head back against the cool window, sleepy eye lids starting to close as we sit there in silence. The silence is deafening as I wait for Max to answer. 'Say something at least.' I manage to glance at Max, watching him in his trance like state. I see the his brow scrunch with concentration as he takes a right turn, making my head lightly bump against the window.

Max: "I honestly have no advice for you Beccs..."

Me: "I'm in some deep stuff aren't I?"

Max: "You really are. You an Nath need to talk though."

I nod, letting the lull from the car put me to sleep. Once my eyes close, I see Nathan's hurt face. Tears fall from closed lids as we make our way back to our apartment.


"Becca!!! Wake up! NOW!!

The sound of my name makes me wince as my brain pounds against the inside of my head. The noise that comes from my mouth sounds like a rabid animal as I flop on my stomach. Grinding my teeth as the name gets louder an louder.


Sam: "No we will not! It's four in the afternoon an we have a concert to go to! So get up!"


With a swift movement I'm out of my bed and on my way to the bathroom. Having completely forgot that the boys had a concert tonight, I over slept. My head starts to pound even more as I fall into the bathroom, making Sam and Lauren laugh.

I hop up quickly, slamming the door behind me, stopping the chuckling. Wrinkled clothes fall from my body as I quickly strip them off in front of the mirror. The person looking back is monster like, hair crazy from the rain and rough nights sleep. The big green eyes, red around the rims from exhaustion and crying. 

Me: "Aren't I just lovely?"

I manage to tear my gaze away from the monster before I find even more flaws. I walk over the shower, step in the tub, and turn on the water. The initial shock from the cold water wakes me, then a warming sensation comes over my body as I wash my body.

The sound of a door opening and closing grabs my attention, making my eyes snap open. I wince as shampoo gets in my eyes, making me curse loudly. I close my eyes, losing my balance. Falling into the shower curtain, I try to grab something for support but just get tangled in the curtian. Tripping over the edge of the tub, I fall out of th shower. The sound of male laughter makes it even more important that I cover my body.

Jay: "You definitely are a mess babe.. Nice tattoo by the way, I never thought that you'd be the... Quote, Unquote tramp stamp type."

Me: "McGuiness you better have a great reason for this little visit. Seeing as I'm naked, I'm not getting up to strangle you so make this quick.."

His laughter rings throughout the bathroom, the echo bouncing off of the tiled walls. The soft patter of shoes, makes it way closer to me. I try to rub the shampoo out of my eyes, but my hair keeps getting in the way. Just as I'm about to wipe my hair away, a hand does it for me. I shudder under his touch.

Through squinted eyes I look up into those big blue eyes, the eyes that were so kind to me when I first got here. 'Wow, I've really neglected him.' I force a smile, before hugging the curtain close to my body. The smile I sent is received well, when his pearly whites come out of hiding. Making his face light up like a child's.

Jay: "Need some help?"

Me: "In the shower? No, I can do that myself. Getting up on the other hand, yeah cause I'll probably kill myself trying to do it alone."

We both laugh at my attempt at humor. His long arm stretches down, holding his large hand out to mine. I grab his hand, again noticing the difference in our skin tones. With almost no effort, I'm off the ground trying to gain balance.

I go to take a step, tripping on some invisible object. Flying forward, I land against a rumbling chest making a blush come across my cheeks. I move my hands to rest on his upper chest, helping gain my balance.

Jay: "If only Nathan or Max could see this. Hahaha that would be the funniest thing." 

With a light slap on the cheek, I push Jay from the bathroom so I can finish my shower in peace. He places a small kiss on my forehead before leaving. The blood rushes back to my face as I move back to the tub, thinking about that odd encounter.


(Outfits in External link) 

By the time the water is off, my body is dried and my clothes are on, it's six meaning the guys have already left. Lauren is looking over herself in my full length mirror pinning her pair in place with a bobby pin. Sam is kicking around my soccer ball, waiting for me to finish my hair. 

Running the straightener a few more times to keep my ends straight, I finish up quickly. I pull out my phone, seeing a missed call from Max. I quickly call my voice mail, typing in my code when instructed to do so.

Hey Beccs!!! So we didn't get you a driver for tonight.. Our bad, but we have the next best thing! JAY! Wooh! Anyway love you and see you front row tonight!

Me: "Oh wonderful..."

Sam: "What's wrong babe?"

Me: "Well instead of an actual driver tonight, we have Jay..."

Lauren: "Why is that such a bad thing?"

'Should I tell them?' Now normally I'm not the pacing type. But now I was pacing back an forth, biting my thumb trying to tell them what happened. I mean it really wasn't anything, he just kind of walked in on my shower. It could've happened to anyone. He has a girlfriend, an Alicia and I are really close. Without notice I stop quickly turning to them.

Me: "Umm. I hear he's a horrible driver is all. Is that him?"

The honking of a horn grabs all of our attention. Grabbing the essentials, we head from my room and quickly out of the house. I grab the door knob behind me, making sure its locked before I walk out side to the waiting fans.

The screaming isn't directed at us, as Jay is waiting outside of Nathan's car. I feel my heart break a bit, remembering last night. I mean what I did wasn't right, but he hasn't taken everyone else into consideration. This could be either really good, or really bad for them. 

Jay: "Hello Lauren, Sam. You guys look very nice. Rebbeca, looking beautiful as ever."

This gets me a look from the two in front of me. The kind of look asking for an explanation. I just shrug at them before beaming a smile at Jay. I get a smile in return before we both get into the sleek black car, and drive away from our flat.


The ride to the arena was awkwardly quite, since I decided to ride in the front with Jay. I mean the comment could've been completely fine if the situation earlier didn't happen. I watch the arena come in to view, straightening in my seat getting ready for an awkward situation.

Nathan's sleek black car pulls up to the back entrance so we don't have to deal with the screaming fans waiting for the boys out side. I look back at my best friends giving them a reassuring look before speaking.

Me: "You guys go ahead, I need to talk to Jay about something."

Jay: "Yeah I want to get a puppy, an have to make sure its okay with everyone first."

They just nod, making me hate myself even more. 'Wow I can't even talk to my best friends now?'. A slight pressure on my hand turns my attention to a beaming Jay. That happy go lucky smile falls though, my hand slipping away from his.

Me: "Jay what's going on with you?"

Jay: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Hmm lets see. You walking in on my shower, kissing my head, that comment before we got here, and now the hand holding. You do realize that your best friend an I love each other right? What about Alicia? You can't do this Bird."

Jay: "Love each other? Please if you loved him, you would've hopped at the opportunity to be his arm candy. As for Alicia, her an I don't have a connection. A spark like WE do Becc's. I mean come on, I've made it pretty obvious on how I feel about you since you first walked off of that plane."

Me: "James, listen to me. WE aren't going to happen, we aren't made for each other. Nath an I are made for each other, and you can't take that away. We're made for each other like sunshine and day."

Jay: "Hahaha you two aren't made for each other. If you weren't here, he'd probably be with that twat Chrissy."

Me: "And where would you be huh?"

Jay: "I'd be with you, Max was going to bring us to your house when we went on tour in the states. He said I could take a shot with you. I thought we had something Becc's."

Me: "Are you fucking high? I'm leaving."

I go to open the door but am stopped by a strong arm. I don't fight against him, knowing I'd lose anyway. I turn back to him, making sure I don't make eye contact with those hypnotizing blue eyes. Jay presses his forehead against mine quoting the lyrics I did.

Jay: "Cause you know we are made for each other, can't take that away. We are made for each other like sunshine and day."

Heat floods to my cheeks as his breath brushes against my lips. 'Get a hold of yourself!' I push Jay away before we both make a mistake. I'm out of the car quickly, slamming the door behind me. 

The steps in front of me, give my mind something else to concentrate on. The sound of a car door closing makes me anxious as I reach the top of the stairs, the door handle in my grasp. Before I walk in, he taunts me with haunting words.

Jay: "I'm not giving up Rebbeca. We're going to happen, I know you almost kissed me in the car. It'll happen."


Once inside I had no time to see the boys as Big Kev hurried and rushed me to my seat. The opening act was just warming up, a new sensation called Big Kicks. Max talks about them all the time and how they simply smash all of their performances. 

I make it to my seat, Lauren an Sam looking at me with a look I know all too well. Their eyes fall on the middle seat, meaning for me to take the spot. I comply, walking past them and slamming myself into the seat.

Lauren: "Something's wrong, tell us now!"

Sam: "We know you were lying to us, so spill."

My mouth parts, words ready to flow from my mouth when I'm interrupted by a female voice. I sigh to myself in relief as the show is about to start, the drums an guitar already putting out a steady beat. I shrug at them before turning my attention to the singer on stage.

Singer: "Hi I'm Jess (@jSaalv) and we're Big Kicks!"

As if on cue everyone cheers, making the smile on her face grow larger. She begins to sing some covers, making them sound better then the original singers. Next are her own lyrics, super catchy and easy enough to remember the chorus whenever it came to it. 

Throughout the whole show I kept glancing to the curtain hoping to see Nathan. The one time I did, we made eye contact. I saw the emotions flutter in his eyes:  Happy, sad, hurt, nervous, excited. They all went by so quickly that I didn't realize the opening act was over.

Jess: "Thank you so much for being a great audience! Now usually we would take a break, but the lads from The Wanted, can't wait to see you all! So welcome... THE WANTED!!!"

The noise in the arena went off the charts as Tom, Siva, Jay, Max, and finally Nathan ran on stage. I watch them closely, seeing how easily they feed off of the crowd. Running toward the edge of the stage, making it seem as if they are going to jump off.

Tom: "Wow!! This is crazy, I can see all the way to the back to the stadium!"

Max: "It really is mate! We'd like to thank Jess and Big Kicks for performing tonight!"

Siva: "Yeah, you guys are so amazingly talented! So we booked you to be our opening act for are up an coming tour!"

Everyone screams, showing their love for the boys and this new group. I look up at Nathan, watching him take side ways glances at me. I can't help but smile until I feel another pair of eyes looking at me. I keep my attention on stage as the beginning of Invincible comes on.

We all stand, jumping when Tom tells us too. If anyone else told us to jump, we'd say no! But when Thomas Anthony Parker tells you to jump, you do. Without hesitation, they continue the song rocking the whole place.

Once the song ends, people cheer like mad making the arena seem to shake! I sneak a peek at Lauren and Sam, wolf like grins plastered on their faces. Nathan holds his hand up, making the place quiet enough so he can be heard over everyone.

Nathan: "So as you all know, at this point in the show we like to bring special girls onto stage to sing to them... We'll have Siva pick first."

Through screaming, crying, and bra's being thrown Siva picks a random girl from the crowd. She's about 15, long red hair, slim build and a mouth full of braces. Tears fall from her eyes as Siva pulls her in for a hug, making the audience coo in unison.

Nathan: "Next, let's have our Tom boy pick."

Tom walks over to where we're standing seeming to scan the crowd. Lauren can't contain herself as Toms eye flit over her, making it seem like he doesn't see her. I laugh knowing the game he's playing. I watch his brown eyes until they finally land on Lauren making her scream! Sam an I clap and cheer for our best friend, knowing this is her dream.

Nathan: "Okay how about Max now?"

I watch my brother hurry backstage making everyone make noises of confusion. I stand there waiting for Max to come back, barely noticing my name being called. I turn toward the noise, seeing Nathan bending down getting my attention.

Nathan: "Finally, it was like talking to an attractive wall."

Me: "Oh well aren't you the charmer."

Nathan: "It was a compliment love. You do look lovely tonight."

Me: "Thank you. You look, well like you so I guess pretty spiffy."

Nathan: "Haha nicely done! Anyway, do you want me to call you up?"

Me: "No! Give another girl a chance. Like Sam?"

Even at the sound of her name she doesn't look our way as Max comes back on stage with Jess. I watch her reaction as he pulls her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. I can't help but smile, seeing my brother happy after his falling out with Michelle.

Nathan: "Alright, I have something better in store for you anyway.."

Before I can answer, Nathan is already gone making his way to the center of the stage. Jay follows his lead, walking towards the same part. My palms start sweating as I watch them talk and laugh like nothings wrong. 'If Nath only knew...'

Nathan: "Alright Jay, who do you want to bring up?"

Instantly his eyes land on me, making me flush a cherry red. I shake my head no as quickly as possible, he takes the hint an picks a girl to the right of the stage, making me sigh. This girls looks a lot like Alicia, making me raise an eye brow at him.

Jay: "Alright who wants to be Nathans singing partner?"

That's when the ability to hear is gone. Girls screaming at the top of their lungs, throwing everything they can trying to get his attention. He plays the same game as Tom, except he walks back and forth across the stage, making the girls go even more crazy. Finally once he picks Sam, the song starts up and the singing begins.


Siva: "You've all been so amazing tonight! So we have a little treat for you!"

Max: "That we do! An for it.... Nathan?"

Nathan: "Thanks Max an for it I would like to call a very special girl on stage... Rebbeca?"

Soon everyone was either screaming Rathan, or Ray. 'Really? Ray?' A spot light lands on me, making me tremble in place. I straighten my hair, and dress before glancing at Jay. The look of surprise on his face is quickly covered, you'd only see it if you were looking at him.

Tom: "Now as you probably all know, Rebbeca is Max's sister. She is definitely a pain in my-"

Max: "Oh shut up! Becc's is a great addition to our family! An we'd like for you all to love her as much as we do!"

Jay: "Yeah, so please forget about what those haters say. Rebbeca... She's-She's great and we love her."

Siva: "We really do, she's the one that makes us stop fighting whenever we have a disagreement."

Nathan: "And always makes us smile when we're down in the dumps. From cheating girlfriends."

Max: "Bad break ups."

Siva: "Broken guitar strings"

Jay: "Sick lizards"

Tom: "And the most important, paper cuts."

All: "Haha basically we love you!"

By now all of my make up is running down my face due to their kind words. I get wrapped up into someones arm, letting them hold me close. I take a deep breath recognizing the cologne as Nathans. I smile into his shirt as he whispers to me.

Nathan: "I know this might not be the right time but I've asked all of the boys except Jay cause he wasn't around. They don't care. Rebbeca I love you."

Me: "Hahah how did you get Max to agree to that?"

Nathan: "Sadly I had to admit that Man City is better than ManU. To bad for him that I had my fingers crossed."

I pull away from Nathan, looking up at him with a raise eye brow. An eyebrow dance is preformed on his forehead making me laugh. I stand on my tip toes, kissing his cheek lightly.

Me: "Too bad it's the truth. I won't agree to anything until you talk to bird."

Nathan: "Deal!"

I try to walk away but am held in place by Nathan. I get handed a mic from Tom, urging me to talk. I take a few deep breaths, pretending that its only them I see.

Me: "Thanks guys. I know that at sometimes... Well most of the time we all argue about the dumbest things, but that's what families do. I truly love each an every one of you, with out you I'd still be in Florida. You know warm, tan, and probably doing something productive with my life. But I wouldn't change what I'm doing for anything else."

I look at all of them, seeing their eyes shine with tears as well. 'Now would be the best time'. Wrapping my arms around Nathan's neck I pull him down, smashing lips against his. I hear gasps, then cheers as I kiss the Gloucester boy in front of me. 

Nathan moves his hand to my face, his thumb lightly stroking my jaw. I pull away before it gets to out of hand, leaving a smile on both of our faces. Nathan pecks my lips lightly before dropping his hand down by mine, grabbing it.

Me: "Also I would like to announce that Nathan is no longer on the market."

This gets a few boo's which are cut off quickly by their new single starting up. (Play video). While they were singing I snuck off stage back to my seat to my smiling best friends!

Sam: "Finally!!!"

Lauren: "Took you guys long enough!"

During "I Found You" Nathan kept his eyes on me, making everyone see that this song was to me. He was singing to me, saying that I'm the one he's been waiting for. The one that's going to keep him happy. When he finished his solo, he mouthed three words to me. I shouted my reply back.

Me: "I love you!!"


CHAPTER IS DONE FINALLY!!!! How about Jay huh? Didn't see that coming now did we? Anyway sorry it took so long I was on vacation for a month! So please comment vote and stuff. Not gonna update until I have 10 votes and 10 comments... #Leggo!

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