Just You Wait | James Sirius...

By magpienotaraven

14.1K 227 75

Maia Andromeda Lupin is eleven and more than ready for her first year at Hogwarts. Little does she know, the... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 2: Aaron Burr, Sir
Chapter 3: My Shot
Chapter 4: The Story of Tonight
Chapter 5: The Schuyler Sisters
Chapter 6: Farmer Refuted
Chapter 7: You'll Be Back
Chapter 8: Right Hand Man
Chapter 9: A Winter's Ball
Chapter 10: Helpless
Chapter 11: Satisfied
Chapter 13: Wait for It
Chapter 14: Stay Alive
Chapter 15: Ten Duel Commandments
Chapter 16: Meet Me Inside
Chapter 17: That Would Be Enough
Chapter 18: Guns and Ships
Chapter 19: History Has Its Eyes On You
Chapter 20: Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)
Chapter 21: What Comes Next?
Chapter 22: Dear Theodosia
Bonus Chapter: Tomorrow There'll Be More of Us (The Laurens Interlude)
Chapter 23: Non-Stop
Chapter 24: What'd I Miss?
Chapter 25: Cabinet Battle #1
Chapter 26: Take A Break
Chapter 27: Say No To This
Chapter 28: The Room Where It Happens

Chapter 12: The Story of Tonight (Reprise)

462 7 3
By magpienotaraven

(A/N: Hi guys! Before I begin the chapter, I just wanted to let you know that this is from James' point of view. I might do a little more James POV later in the book but the rest of the story will probably mostly be in Maia's POV. Thanks so much for reading! ~ Kira)

James POV

I walk away from the Ravenclaw common room, and I know she's still standing at the doorway. I feel horrible leaving her like that. It's not something I would ever do outside these circumstances. I was so close to telling her, and closer still to kissing her. But as soon as I got too close, she stiffened up like she didn't want me there, and maybe she doesn't. Maybe she won't ever see me like that. Maybe she flirts back because banter is just something we do. I'd rather be friends than lose it just because I forced something on her.

I walk in silence, thinking, with a grim expression on my face, but by the time I reach the common room, I'm thinking about Maia and that dress..... It's going to kill me one day, I know it.

"Good night, laddie?" asks the Fat Lady with a knowing look on her face.

My face begins to heat up as I hear the Fat Lady begin laughing and mumbling something about young love. I tell her the password and step into the common room. I am shocked to see Albus, Scorpius, Louis, Fred, and Evan clustered around the fireplace. They turn in my direction as if they've been waiting for me. They open their mouths to speak but I beat them to it.

"Why are you guys here? Al, Scorp, how did you even get in here? I thought you were supposed to be in the Slytherin Common Room by now? And Louis? You're supposed to be back in the Ravenclaw dorms?"

Albus answers first.

"First of all, we're here to both stage a mini-intervention as well as tease the crap out of you. Second of all, we got in here because Fred told us the password. Third of all, we are, but Headmistress McGonagall let us come here because we told her that we need to stage an intervention, and lastly the same goes for Louis."

"Did you have those answers prepared ahead of time?" asks Scorpius.

"Of course I did," answers Albus primly, "I knew those questions were coming."

Scorpius glances at Albus with a slightly impressed look on his face and a very proud look in his eyes, and Albus smiles softly at him.

"We need to get back on track, lovebirds," Fred interrupts their eye-flirting.

"You said something about an intervention?" I say.

"Right." says Evan, "It's not really an intervention. You're doing just fine, but more of an interrogation about one lovely Maia Andromeda Lupin."

My face is burning and I know that my entire face is probably the color of mum's hair.

"You really are whipped," laughs Louis, jokingly raising his hand in the air like he's toasting, "Raise a glass to freedom....... Something you will never see again."

The rest of the boys laugh their heads off and toast with Louis, and I just sit there, my face feeling like it's on fire.

"Really though," Evan says gently, "How was your night with Maia?"

I pause and run my hands through my hair like I do when I'm bored or nervous. I want to say so many things and I take a breath to begin to tell them.

"Good" is the only word that comes out of my mouth.


"Calm down, Fred," says Scorpius, "Let him speak."

"That's about it," I said, "We went to the ball, and we danced. That's it."

Albus reaches over and slings an arm around my shoulders.

"I thought you were going to tell her today."

That's when it fully sets in. The one thing I've been planning up to for years, and I've managed to chicken out of it at the last minute. I place my head in my hands and silently shake my head.

Albus gives me a sympathetic glance and pats me on the back, promoting the rest of the guys to do the same. We sit there in silence until our eyes begin to close, finally falling asleep.

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