Spiral Into My Heart (complet...

By escape-reality94

157K 4.6K 86

Anastasia is a quiet college girl who came from Charleston SC to Washington to attend The University Of Washi... More

Authors note


4.7K 135 2
By escape-reality94

We got to where we were going which was a club and Anne squeaked in excitement. "Tucker she is all yours to watch and deal with," I say as we all get out and headed to the door. He just laughed and grabbed Anne's hand and stood behind me and Gabe.

I turned and kissed Gabe as I told him I would. After a while, we moved up the line and chatted with Tucker and Anne. They told us that they had been seeing each other for a week and that they secretly liked each other after they had a heated night that happened after they went to a frat party.

"That is so sweet," I say and they both look at each other and smile while Gabe and I walk past the bouncer and into the club."I figured we could come here and have fun than later tonight we will go out to dinner to celebrate your job and mine" Gabe said but loud enough so I could hear him over the loud music. " Sounds like a plan," I say than follow behind Tucker and Anne over to an empty table. I was gonna sit down but I sat on Gabe's lap since he sat down first and pulled me down on him.

"I think the two of you need to get married already, I mean who cares if you have been together for a month. People are getting married with only knowing each other for a few weeks" Anne said  "Yea but we want to get ourselves situated and into the relationship more before taking that step"Gabe tells her and I agree with him.

"Awe that is so cute and so smart," Anne said then her and Tucker went and to get some drinks while Gabe and I talked about how we were gonna do this whole moving. "I want you to live with me, I mean if you want to," He said while rubbing the back of his neck. "That will work, so that way when you on the road for games and stuff I will still be there to make sure everything is taken care of," I said.

"Yea, the drinks are here," Anne said as she handed me a pina colada and Tucker handed Gabe a beer. "To the very sexy couple Gabe and Anastasia," Anne said while holding up her drink and we all raised our glasses in the cheers then drank. "So you got a Job as the medic for the LA Chargers and he signed a football contract with them?" Tucker asked.

 "Yea, isn't that something?" I asked and they all laughed and nodded. " We decided that we will live together in Los Angeles," Gabe said to them "that is a smart idea for you two do too," Tucker said and Anne nodded her head, "yea so when one is away the other can take care of things back home," Anne said in agreement with Tucker.

"That is what Anastasia said," Gabe told them and they pointed their beer bottles and me and smiled "she is a smart girl," they said. I smiled at the compliment then looked over at Gabriel.  "That she is"Gabe replied then kissed me softly before pulling back and smiling.

After we spent some time in the club Gabe dropped us all off at our own place and told us we would be back around to get us and to go out to dinner so we better be ready when he comes back around.

It was around seven o'clock when Gabe came to my place and knocked. I grabbed my phone and keys then headed out the door kissing Gabe and headed to his car. He smiled as he opened my door and I climbed in. "Hello again" Tucker and Anne greeted while sitting in the back like they were before. "Hello again" I replied and waited for Gabe to get in.

"You look, great baby," Gabe said as we made our way to the restaurant "Awe thank you, Gabe," I said then kissed him quickly before I sat back down and grabbed his hand.  "Any time if you kiss me like that every single time I give you a compliment" he joked then kissed the back of my hand.

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