Spiral Into My Heart (complet...

By escape-reality94

157K 4.6K 86

Anastasia is a quiet college girl who came from Charleston SC to Washington to attend The University Of Washi... More

Authors note


6.1K 171 2
By escape-reality94

After the Rose Bowl Which the University of Washington won, Gabe called me to tell me they were going to the nationals. And that he will be gone a lot longer since the nationals is a couple of weeks away. I congratulated him on his win and going to Nationals and told him I would still be here waiting for his return.

He told me that the nationals were in Delaware so the time difference will not be the same as they were while he was in California. I assured him that it was ok and that we could leave each other text messages and voicemails.

He was so happy that I was ok with that and that still willing to keep in contact regardless if we don't actually talk and just use massaging and voicemails.he told me that my voice is his lucky charm now that we are together, and that secretly it has been since he first started football in middle school.

I wished him luck again before we ended our call and I went back to studying for the finals. I mean being in my senior year really has more effect on me than the senior year in high school.More work to be done.less freebies of slacking and just not wanting to actually study at all. This is my make or break year, to see if I get my degree in sports medicine.

"Alright girly we are going out tonight to celebrate the University of Washington's victory at the Rose Bowl, "Anne said as she walked into my house wearing a clubbing dress and had a bottle of liquor in her hands. "I am studying for finals," I tell her but she shushes me and tells me to take a break and to get ready.

"Fine but I am not putting on no dress, I will go how I am," I inform her and she looks down at my outfit which consisted of a Def Leppard top and Black Capris. "But you need to get laid" she hiccuped. "No, I don't. I have a boyfriend who is out of town and I will not cheat," I tell her.

She groans and sighs "fine then party pooper." I get up and grab my car keys and phone slipping them into my pocket as we make out way out of my place and I lock it up then follow her to her car. "Keys Anne," I said and she tosses them over to me before climbing into the passenger seat.

"This is gonna be a long night," I tell myself as I get in and buckle up. "Where to?" I asked, she looked over at me, "to a nightclub where else Staci" she replied. I Started up the car and drive off as I watch Anne finish off the liquor, or as she called it "getting a head start on the party." So glad I was not being pulled over or I will be in some deep shit.

When I pulled up to the nightclub it was packed but I managed to find a parking spot. "Let us go party," Anne cheered as she climbed out and shut the door. I shook my head while following her.

We got at the back of the line and waited. "I am so excited, maybe I will find me a handsome sexy guy like you did with Gabe."

"You never know who you are liable to find here Anne" she laughs like what I said was funny. She grabs my arm as we walk up to the bouncer. "Hello ladies' you girls can go it, it's ladies' night, drinks are free," he tells us then lifts up the rope and we walk in "did you hear that the drinks are free."

"Yea I heard him Anne, but let's not drink too much ok" she pouted at me "awe! where is the fun in that if we can't get wasted?" I sighed and followed her to the bar taking a seat next to her after it became open.

"Hello girls what will it be?" the bartender asked as we take our seats, "I will have a Shirley Temple," Anne tells him he nodded and looks over at me, "Ok and for you?" He asked me "just a simple Pina colada" I reply not wanting to drink at all but Anne would have ordered me a hard liquor had I not ordered my drink. "Coming right up," he said slapping his hand on the bar before he walked off to make the drinks.

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