My Nerd Project

By xcandie_bunnieX

276K 8.2K 649

Alan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popul... More

Chapter 1: Get it?
Chapter 2: Way to Kill a Mood
Chapter 3: Lunchtime Isn't Only For Eating
Chapter 4: Jocks are Every-Where
Chapter 5: Sign here, here, AND here!
Chapter 6: Step #1: Your Hair
Chapter 7: Step #2- Ditch the Glasses
Chapter 8: Making Things Clear
Chapter 9: Come With Me and I'll Teach You How To.. Do Homework?
Chapter 10: I Don't Know What's Up!
Chapter 11: I DOn't CARE
Chapter 12: It's What I Think That Counts
Chapter 13: I Work Out
Chapter 14: It's Whatever
Chapter 15: That's a Plus
Chapter 16: Dibs
Chapter 17: Well That's Just Weird
Chapter 18: Could I Just Gain Other Friends?
Chapter 19: So Mom Thinks It's Cool
Chapter 20: Did That Count?
Chapter 21: Thanks For That
Chapter 22: Talking After Dinner
Chapter 23: Phone Calls
Chapter 24: It's The Books
Chapter 25: I Know You Know
Chapter 26: Tutors With Plans
Chapter 27: Milkshakes
Chapter 28: Bad Morning
Chapter 29: Dates?
Chapter 30: What You Feel Is Right
Chapter 31: Stupid, Stupid
Chapter 32: Please Just..
Blaine's POV**
Chapter 34: Talking Is Usually A Good Thing
Chapter 35: Can We Rewind?
Chapter 36: It's What She Said
Chapter 37: What To Expect / Jesse's POV**
Chapter 38: Not A Bad Boy
Chapter 39: Well...
Chapter 40: Reading The Guide
Chapter 41: Movie Tickets
Chapter 42: Mission: Success
Chapter 43: How To Be.. A Nerd

Chapter 33: I Insist

5.3K 129 6
By xcandie_bunnieX

When I woke up next, my eyes felt so sore. I didn't even know I went to sleep. I looked around me to see no one was there. I pressed the button I saw my mom press to call in the nurse. Leaning back, I went to tap my glasses to only grab air. I looked down, remembering I didn't have them anymore. I wanted to go walk around and clear my head. But I saw the wires were still attached to me, so I voted against it.

I thought it was good that no one was there, I could finally think things through.

I thought of what Blaine said when she mentioned how things could have been better if we weren't together. Then I thought of what Shelly said how Blaine wouldn't be hurt if I wasn't in the picture. How things would have went to normal. I looked at the monitor, finding it hard to do so since the wires were attached to me.

When dad was in that hospital room, all those years back, my only regret was not spending more time with him, even though we did hang out a lot. I have always had a better relationship with my parents than most people do. Maybe it's because I knew what it was like to lose someone close to you. I looked down at my clenched hand.

I'm not giving up on Blaine and me. It's easy to focus on just the negative, but we had more positives than anything. She was there for me for all those times when I felt like a loser, a loner, and a waste of space. I couldn't even confide in my own mom to tell her I was bullied, but talking to Blaine was nice. It made me happy even if the topic didn't make a lot of sense.

I tapped on my glasses again, forgetting they weren't there. My face fell again. My eyes started to water once more, but I shook my head. It feels like I've lost my father again, but I can't think like that. It hurts so much though. It's just so easy to lean back and stay depressed. I wiped my tears and said a prayer for my dad before looking at the machines.

I turned my attention to the window for a while. I heard the door open, but I didn't mind it. I wanted to give myself time to grab my composure.

"Hey Alan, feeling better?" I heard the nurse say. I didn't say anything. "The doctor will be here in a second, is there anything I could get you?" I gave her my attention now.

"Could I have some water please? My throat's been feeling dry," I told her with a frown. She beamed at me, glad I answered.

"Sure!" I gave her a half-smile, and she left me to the silence. The doctor did come by. I saw Mr. Evans, and it felt like it's been too long since I last seen him. Especially because I fell asleep crying in his daughter's arms. The embarrassment was crawling on me.

"Hey Alan." Blaine's father said coming in the room with a clip-board in his hand. I sat up properly in the hospital bed.

"Hey Mr. Evans," I said feeling embarrassed that my voice sounded weak. Thankfully the nurse came in with the water as promised. I drank it, feeling more refreshed than before. One less thing to worry about. I actually was able to keep a smile on now. I told the nurse thanks, and she smiled and left once more. This is when Mr. Evans addressed me again.

"How are you feeling? Feel free to be blunt." He said with a smile. I thought I should answer the questions speaking for the allergic reaction and not the whole emotional mess.

"I feel better," I say honestly. "I feel like I've been sleeping too much though. I was considering taking the wires off and taking a walk." I said with a sheepish smile.

"Well that's good that you didn't." He told me while he waved his clipboard. "I just have to run some tests, and if all looks well, we could be talk about your release. How does that sound?" I smiled at his words.

"That sounds wonderful." I said feeling relieved. He ran the usual tests, well not so usual but the usual for this time being. "I'm sorry to put you guys through trouble." I say, depression seeping at me.

"We're just glad you're okay now." He said giving me a genuine smile. When he was done with the tests, I spoke up again.

"Sir." He gave me his attention. "I'm sorry I can't be perfect for your daughter." I can tell he knows what I mean. Someone without allergic reactions that throw them in the hospital, crazy friends that try to ruin their relationship, and someone who doesn't sob over a pair of glasses.

"Alan, I don't regret letting you be with Blaine." He said looking at me serious. I shook my head.

"I know I caused her so much pain-" I continued.

"I can't overlook the smiles." He said, a faint smile appearing on his face. "My wife and I couldn't have asked for a better person." He says tapping my knee gently with his pen. I smiled at him. When he began to walk away, I spoke up once more.

"I still love her and plan to make this up to her." I say honestly.

"I know son, I know." He said before pausing. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"Me too," I said giving him a half-smile. This guy was basically my second dad; I'm sure he's been feeling pain too. I knew he was in doctor mode now, but that the next time he sees me out of here, he's going to tackle me with hugs. I smiled, looking down at the white blanket.

"Everything's looking good." He said, prescribing me the medicine I will have to take for the next couple of days. "Your mother's coming by in a half-hour, so she could sign the release forms then," he told me. "If any new symptoms show up or you feel something is getting worse, I want you to call me immediately, got it?" He said looking at me like a strict parent would their child. I nodded at him.

"Yes sir." I said looking at the prescriptions and thinking thankfully it's only temporary. I was also happy that I could get back to school, hangouts, and-

"But it's bed-rest for a week." He continued. I started to pout. "No complaints. Afterwards, you can come by for a piece of apple pie. I know Mrs. Evans would love to shower you with your favorites." He said referring to his lovable wife. I beamed at this and immediately held onto to the wires, ready to be free of them. "Hang on there, a nurse will be by to take those off. Then, you can change into the clothes your mother brought for you earlier." He said pointing at the bag on the chair next to my bed. I looked over but it was hard to since I got tangled in the wires, he looked over and chuckled at my rushed behavior. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Whoops. Please ignore that." I said, letting go of the wires. I thanked Mr. Evans, and he shook his head amused at me before he went to check on his other patients. I relaxed and grabbed my phone and texted the good news to my friends/contacts in a group message. I heard a knock at the door afterwards. I saw Jasper at the doorway, so I put my phone down. "Hey." I said. He shook his head and came to me. His body was stiff even when he gave me a hug. He was shaking, I felt tears fall on me. "I'm sorry I ruined your party." I said trying to cheer him up.

"Just shut up Alan." He said pulling back and wiping his tears with his arm. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good now." I assured him. He looked at me seriously, nodding.

"Do that again, and you won't be anymore." He threatened. I smiled sadly at him. He put a hand through his hair, probably trying to shake off the nerves. I thought about the incident.

"I can't believe she did that." I muttered. Jasper leaned in his seat looking at something on the floor. "How's Alec?" I asked, wanting a change of topic. Jasper kept his gaze away from me, but he shrugged.

"He's okay." Jasper said before he started to chuckle. "He actually couldn't believe what happened."

"The allergic reaction did suck lots." I said tapping my fingers on my phone.

"Oh not that. He couldn't believe that a girl liked you enough to kiss you in front of Blaine." He said smiling. I gave him a flat look. "He was surprised Blaine didn't jump the girl right there and then." He said shaking his head.

"She tried." I said, chuckling. "Jesse had to hold her back. I think if Blaine got her, Lily would be my roommate here." I joked. Jasper started to laugh. "I still find it hard to believe she loves me back." I said referring to Blaine.

"No gross talk about my sister." He said. "Before I'm the one who needs the barf bag." I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't vomit." I corrected, but he just waved me away.

"Oh I just remembered, Alec wanted me to call him when you're awake." Jasper said grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "Here Ima call him now." He said dialing Alec's number, leaving it on speakerphone. "He got the flu, so his sister stayed with him." He explained.

"Hey didn't you used to-" I started to question before Alec picked up. Jasper just scratched the back of his neck. I think he knew what I was going to ask.

"Hey bro." I heard Alec's voice say. Jasper put his attention on his best friend.

"You feeling better?" Jasper asked him.

"Yeah, sucks that I couldn't even enjoy my break." Alec complained. "You're messed up for sending me a pic of that blueberry pie your mom made." Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Jasper continued. "I'm with Alan now. You're on speakerphone." He said.

"No way? Alan? You there?" Alec called out. I felt my phone buzz with a text, but I still answered Alec.

"Yeah hey. I'm here." I say leaning closer to Jasper's phone.

"Well how are you?" He asks me. I paused, thinking it over before recapping the horrors.

"Well my throat hurts, I had to say goodbye to my glasses, and I'm currently missing a day of school and will possibly be out of the school for the whole week." I said growing upset.

"Sucks about your throat, but congrats on the school thing! Sounds awesome!" He said happily, Jasper gave me a thumbs up. I just rolled my eyes. Thank guys.

We talked for a while until my mom came to pick me up. Jasper left with his car and went home to finish packing before his plane ride tomorrow morning. He delayed his trip back to college until he was sure I was feeling better. I thanked him, genuinely touched.

When my mom took me home, I went straight to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich since it was the safest thing I could make. Plus it helped that I was in the mood for one. My mom rolled her eyes at me. Afterwards, I grabbed some apple juice from the fridge. My mom put my food on a tray and ordered me to bed. I sulked and nodded. I kicked off my shoes and left my hoodie and jeans, not changing since I was already comfortable in them now. My mom put the blanket over me, babying me. I tried not to complain since I knew things must've been hard on her. She left me with the tray and a kiss on my head. She left for a while and came back with various things. She put books beside me and set the laptop near me with a stack of DVDs beside it. I looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to have stuff ready for me to do. I tried not to chuckle, but I ended up doing so anyway.

"Mom, I'm fine." I insisted for the 20th time. I honestly was, sure the glasses/dad thing hurt but then I thought of how dad would never want me to feel bad. I planned on praying for him more. Now thinking about it, I prayed some more, hoping he was happy and not upset with me, promising to remain as positive as I could be.

"I know, sweetie." She said giving me a hug, "I just missed you."

"I missed you too. But I'm good now." I insisted. My mom started to look guilty and looked away.

"...wanted to see you." My mother mumbled.

"Who did?" I questioned, not hearing what she said. My mom looked like she was trying to keep a blank face.

"Lily came by." I bit my lip, forgetting that I still had to deal with her.


"I don't want her here anymore," my mom said frowning at me. I rubbed my forehead and nodded at my mom.

"Okay mom. Whatever you want." I said, knowing I had to face Lily soon. I can't believe someone so sweet could do something so destructive. Maybe I didn't know who she really was at all.

I grabbed my phone and saw that I didn't even read the text I got.

Blaine: Cant wait to see u xx

I smiled and texted her back.

Alan (me): Hurry back to me and bring homework :)


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