Next To Me

By sour_pink29

758K 29K 29.7K

(Female reader x various male characters) [Y/n] [L/n] has always been told her quirk was nothing special. De... More

Chapter 1: Goodmorning
Chapter 2: Alley
Chapter 3: Quirk Time
Chapter 4: Carry Me Home
Chapter 5: Big Ass Pie Hole
Chapter 6: The Ugly Underbelly
Chapter 7: Love at First Robot Fight
Chapter 8: Movie Night
Chapter 9: Special Consideration
Chapter 10: Rub Salt in My Wound Why Don't You
Chapter 11: How Are You so Fast?!
Chapter 12: Virgin Angel
Chapter 13: Sit Next To Me
Chapter 14: Ya Done Fucked Up
Chapter 15: The Dark Side
Chapter 16: Can I Hold Onto You?
Chapter 17: Beach Bois
Chapter 18: Slippery Rocks
Chapter 19: Clueless Yet Caring
Chapter 20: Scary Nurse
Chapter 21: Shoto ily but stfu
Chapter 23: With the All Might's Watching
Chapter 24: Don't Let Her Leave Your Sight
Chapter 25: Be a Hero
Chapter 26: Steroid Bird Monster
Chapter 27: Snack is Life (literally)
Chapter 28: Butterfingers
Chapter 29: Hot potato, pass it on
Chapter 30: Hospital
Chapter 31: as Bright as the Sun
Chapter 32: Two-metre radius
Chapter 33: Enough Apologizing

Chapter 22: *Kaminari's girlish screams*

18.1K 867 1.2K
By sour_pink29

~Revised 09/02/24~

[Y/n] practically sprinted through the U.A. cafeteria doors, Shinsou and Shoto slowly walking in silence behind her.

Shinsou was mentally wrestling with his thoughts; How does this Canadian flag know more about [L/n] than me? I guess they are classmates...but I've never seen him around her before...I can't believe I have to spend my lunch with this guy...

Shoto was quietly watching [Y/n] as she eagerly looked at the food the cafeteria was serving. She grabbed a tray for each of them.

"They have my favourite today!!! Oh, thank you, Father and heavenly sons! Today is a good day!" [Y/n] continued to praise the lord as they stood in the food line. Her eyes were shining with excited stars.

"[L/n]!" [Y/n] turned towards Kirishima's voice.

He was sitting at a table with Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and surprisingly Katsuki. Kirishima waved at her, a large dorky smile on his face. Katsuki, who sat beside the redhead, angrily punched him in the head and yelled some incoherent insults at him. Kirishima continued to smile at [Y/n].

[Y/n] felt her cheeks heat up and tingle. Her chest tightened at his dorky smile. She couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you friends with those guys, [L/n]?" Shoto asked from beside her.

[Y/n] took a step forward in the food line, seeing it was her turn to get a double serving of [favourite food]. Shinsou found himself wondering the same thing, slightly hoping it wasn't true that she had a table full of four boys waiting for her. But [Y/n] happily nodded.

"Yeah! We're sitting with them for lunch!" [Y/n] cheerily said, taking her tray back once her food was placed on it.

Shoto and Shinsou both sarcastically thought the same thing: ...great...

"They're fun! You'll like them!" She added, starting to slowly walk toward the table.

"I don't know about that..." Shinsou said, glancing over at the angry blond boy.

The trio reached the table and were greeted with smiles from everyone. Well, almost everyone.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING ICEY-HOT WITH YOU?! AND WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY?!" Katsuki yelled, standing up on his chair and pointing at Shinsou and Shoto, who stood behind [Y/n].

"Katsuki don't be rude!" [Y/n] simply said. "They're my friends, I hope you guys don't mind that I invited them."

"Not at all!" Mina and Kirishima encouraged.

"The more the merrier!" Kaminari added.

Shoto politely bowed. "Thank you,"

[Y/n] smiled, happy that all her friends were getting along. She sat down and slid herself beside Kirishima. They both gave each other a small smile, their cheeks slightly blushed.

Mina noticed and cooed out a laugh at [Y/n], only making her blush more. She stuck out her tongue at her pink friend, making them both giggle.

Shoto wasted no time in sitting himself beside [Y/n] on the end of the table, leaving Shinsou with no choice but to sit across from them beside Mina, Sero, and Kaminari. Shinsou sent Shoto death glares the entire time, but the dual-headed boy pretended not to notice as he silently began eating his lunch.

"HEY I RECOGNIZE YOU!" Katsuki screamed once again, this time pointing directly at Shinsou.

Shinsou lazily looked over at him with tired eyes. "Excuse me?" He asked, hoping the hot-headed blond would answer him so he could make him shut up.


"Katsuki can you please stop screaming?" [Y/n] asked in an unimpressed voice, her mouth full of food.


"[L/n], can I tell him to shut up?" Shinsou asked, looking at his (h/c) haired friend.


Shinsou's anger increased tenfold as he heard Katsuki call [Y/n] by her first name. How was this guy on a first-name basis with [L/n] and not him???!

"Yes," [Y/n] answered Shinsou with a mouthful of food, feeling herself get a slight headache at Katsuki's yelling.

The table watched in curiosity as Shinsou looked calmly at the raging blonde. "Eat your lunch in complete silence." He ordered.

Just like before, Katsuki's eyes glossed over and turned white. He calmly sat back down in his seat and began eating his lunch quietly.

Shinsou felt himself grow increasingly nervous as everyone stared at Katsuki in disbelief, then towards him.

"Thank you," [Y/n] smugly said, slurping down her meal simultaneously.

"Whoa dude!!! What did you do to him?!" Sero yelled in amazement, reaching over the table and poking Katsuki in the face, only to see that he did not react.

"No one has ever been able to tell him what to do!!" Mina added.

"DUUUUUDE! Is that your quirk?! It's so dope! Try it on me! Try it on me!" Kaminari begged from beside the purple-haired boy.

[Y/n] watched as Shinsou's tired face slowly brightened into a small smile at her friend's encouraging words. She felt her heart fill with a warm sensation at his smile.

Kirishima clenched his fist from beside [Y/n]. She looked over at him, only to see his eyes squeezed shut. "That. Was. So MANLY." He praised, looking like he was on the verge of tears.

[Y/n] giggled and placed her hand on his shoulder.

For a moment, everything seemed to be okay. [Y/n] was happily giggling at Kirishima. Kirishima was over-the-moon happy that her hand was actually placed on his shoulder. And, although no one could see, the outside of her thigh was touching his under the table. He wanted to explode with happiness. Mina, Sero and Kaminari eagerly chatted with Shinsou, who actually found himself enjoying their company more than he thought he would. Shoto thoughtfully listened to everyone's conversation.

However, nothing ever seemed that simple.

Suddenly, loud sirens blasted over the school's intercom and into the ears of the students. [Y/n] jumped in her seat at the sudden loud sound. Instinctually grabbing onto both Shoto's and Kirishima's sleeves. Everyone looked around at the ceiling and other students in confusion.

Katsuki seemed to snap out of his brainwashed state. He blinked in confusion at his empty plate and then again as he looked around at the cafeteria.

"W-what's going on?" [Y/n] nervously asked. Her skin began to crawl as her nerves began to get the best of her.

"Warning! Level 3 security breach! All students evacuate the building in an orderly fashion!" A female voice began to chant over the siren.

[Y/n]'s nerves spiked, and she felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. OH MY GOD he's here! It's gotta be him.

Shoto noticed [Y/n]'s scared look. Her (e/c) eyes were wide and her face had slightly paled. He grabbed onto her wrist, making her look over at him. She tried her best to look calm, but she was never great at hiding her emotions. Shoto gave her a reassuring stern look that told her 'it's going to be okay'. [Y/n] felt herself slightly calm down, feeling comfort in his calm presence.

"A level three security breach? What does that mean?" Sero asked out loud.

"THE FUCK'S GOING ON?!!" Katsuki screamed.

An older student seated beside them at the table answered. "It means someone has gotten passed U.A.'s barriers! We should get going!" He yelled before sprinting out of his seat and towards the door.

All the other students seemed to have the same idea, as the entire cafeteria was quickly filled with screaming students, all running out into the hallway. It looked like a scene straight out of an apocalypse movie. Everyone was terrified and running around in chaos, not exiting the building in an orderly fashion at all. Because of this, the hallway outside the cafeteria quickly became packed with terrified students.

"C'mon let's go!" Kirishima yelled at the group, grabbing onto [Y/n]'s arm and pulling her out of her seat.

They all stood up and began running as a group towards the doors. [Y/n] stuck by Kirishima's side, using her free hand to firmly grab onto his bicep. The last thing she wanted to do was become separated from her friends in the chaos. 

Her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Everyone around her was in full-on panic mode and it seemed to spread like wildfire among them. Screams and shouts grew louder as the group began to shove their way through the crowd of students in the hallway. [Y/n] tried to remain as calm as possible as they became enveloped in the crowd, surrounded by bodies moving mindlessly in response to their fight or flight. 

Shoto, Shinsou, and Katsuki all focused in on [Y/n]: all having the same thought: Don't lose sight of her.

[Y/n] felt herself being squished into Kirishima. Shinsou was shoved into her side, making her press fully up against Kirishima. In any other situation, the redhead would enjoy their proximity, but his mind was too focused on keeping her safe and trying to figure out what was going on.

A girl screamed from beside [Y/n] and another began to anxiously cry. Anxious butterflies erupted in [Y/n]'s stomach, feeling even more freaked out than before. In situations of chaos, [Y/n] found that she could only do two things: she could fight or she could run away. And seeing as she couldn't place where the threat was, or even move in the slightest, her nervous system did not know what to do, other than pump the body with more adrenaline until it eventually could do something.

But for now, she couldn't do anything but remain scared, pressed between Kirishima and Shinsou. She wrapped her arms fully around Kirishima's torso. Her head pressed up against his chest. He placed a hand on her back and scanned the situation. His expression was serious and stern.

"[Y/N]!!!" She heard Katsuki yell her name over the crowd. She looked up and saw him trying to shove his way through some students towards her. She watched as he shoved people aggressively away.

When he was close enough, [Y/n] extended one of her hands to him. Katsuki grabbed her wrist and gave her a stern look.

"DON'T FUCKING LET GO!" He yelled, adrenaline also pumping through his own veins. The scared look on her face made him angry. It made him want to scream at all the students to give her some space. To stop panicking so she would stop panicking. He thought about her crying last night. Her expression mirrored it.

Kirishima turned towards Katsuki, who was shoved aggressively into him and Kaminari.

"WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" He yelled his protective hold on [Y/n] not wavering.

"NO SHIT SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!" Katsuki yelled back.

Suddenly Kaminari let out a girlish scream as he was engulfed by the crowd behind him and sucked into it. His hand stuck out from over people's heads.

Shoto grunted as someone elbowed him in the face. Shinsou felt himself being pulled forward as the students behind him tried pushing in that direction, separating from the group. Mina was pushed into [Y/n] and Kirishima, stumbling over them. She grabbed onto [Y/n]'s shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut as they were continuously shoved around.

"OW! This is a total mob!" She said, squeezing out her words.

"I can't stop!" Sero yelled as he was pulled away from the group.

"AH! STOP SHOVING ME!" Katsuki angrily yelled at people behind him.

"[L/n]!" Shoto yelled, feeling himself also being pulled away by the mob. He tried fighting against the force but there were too many students.

[Y/n] squeezed onto Kirishima and Katsuki even more, seeing her friend being dragged away by the panicking mob.

"LISTEN UP! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!" Iida's voice suddenly boomed over the crowd, catching everyone's attention.

[Y/n] tore her head away from Kirishima's chest to look up at her spectacled classmate, in a robot position on top of the door's exit sign.


[Y/n] felt herself let out a large sigh of relief as everyone seemed to instantly calm down. She was all worked up for nothing.

"Look he's right! It's just the press!" Someone yelled looking out the window.

Mina exhaled a loud sigh from beside [Y/n] as well. "What a relief! That was anarchy!"

[Y/n] felt her heart rate slowly return to normal, but she still felt slightly on edge.

"I'm glad everyone is okay," [Y/n] said, still slightly shaken up.

"Yeah! And um...I think you guys can stop holding onto each other now..." Mina playfully cooed at the trio.

[Y/n]'s face instantly blushed a bright red colour as she removed herself from Kirishima's chest and Katsuki's hold. Kirhsima rubbed the back of his head, a harsh blush also coating his cheeks as he finally noticed their position.

"Sorry!!" [Y/n] nervously said. "Guess I just got a little freaked out..."

"Yeah, guess I just got carried away too...are you okay [L/n]?" Kirishima asked in a caring voice.

[Y/n] felt her heart flutter. I mean, he did go full protective mode over her, and he was always so caring.

"Ah! Yeah, I'm fine!" She reassured.

Shoto and Shinsou reappeared from the crowd, both looking slightly out of breath and concerned.

"[L/n]!" They both yelled.

Jesus, I'm kinda getting sick of hearing my name so much [Y/n] thought to herself.

"You good? That was crazy..." Shinsou stated, nonchalantly shoving his hands into his pant pockets. He looked [Y/n] up and down, subtly checking her for any injuries.

"Yes, are you okay? I was concerned it might have been that villain from last night..." Shoto started.

"Villain?!" Everyone looked at Shoto with confusion.

[Y/n] grimaced. everyone is gonna find out...

"What is he talking about, [L/n]?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah? Did you guys get attacked or something?" Mina added, equally as confused.

" guys were together last night?" Shinsou asked.

[Y/n] began to feel overwhelmed by their questions. She wanted to keep the whole thing on the low for multiple reasons;

1. She was embarrassed that she let herself get attacked by being so clueless.

2. She didn't want to draw that kind of attention to herself. She saw the way Katsuki got irritated whenever anyone would mention his encounter with that slime villain.

3. And she didn't want her classmates to think she was weak, or concern themselves over her.


"For someone who doesn't say much you sure got a big mouth icey-hot," Katsuki's rough voice cut through [Y/n]'s like a knife. Everyone turned to Katsuki, who stood beside Kirishima and [Y/n]. "She said she's fine, so leave it alone." Katsuki placed a hard hand on top of [Y/n]'s head, causing the girl to slightly blush. "Also, it's her business, so respect it. If she wants to tell you something, she will." His tone was low and daring to everyone he spoke to.

[Y/n] softly smiled. Thank you, Katsuki.

"Right, my apologies [L/n]." Shoto said, staring straight into her (e/c) eyes.

"It's okay, I know you were just concerned. And I'm sorry I didn't mention anything earlier to you guys. But, this isn't really the place to explain..." [Y/n] gestured to their hallway full of classmates.

"Right..." Everyone answered.


After the group of students got out of the busy hallway, [Y/n] explained to them what had happened that previous night. And even though Katsuki and Shoto already knew what had happened, they stuck around for silent support.

[Y/n] was relieved to get such caring and positive responses from her peers and to finally clear the air.

And although everything seemed to go back to normal after she broke the news, everyone seemed to have the same thought:

[Y/n] is a beam of sunshine and light and I will protect her!!!

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