Militant (Sequel to Warrior)

By wintergirl08

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I guess you can say that I am unlucky. At least that is what I call myself. The one guy I ever liked has me f... More

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)
Life Full of Books
Wake Up Call
Welcome to Neverland
To Be a Lost Boy
Home Office
Lost Girl
Terrible Spy am I
A Change in Attitude
My Mother's History
Prove It
Hit and Miss
Just Like Chuck
My Mistake
Dream of 3 Cases
Light Them Up
Surprises Everywhere
Bring Her In
Unlucky Lost Boys
A Chat with Alex
She's Back
Warning Call
Nursery Rhyme
Untold Plans
Sick Girl on the Run
Pay Back
Long Time No See
Causing Trouble: Alex Style
A Distraction
Too Far
Truly Trapped
Skull Island
Knives Are a Girls Best Friend
A Power of Colors
Alex's Camp
Thinking Tree of Hell
Good Always Wins
A Strange Kid
The Demon is Out
Find the Demon
Wrong Story
Light 'em Up
The Queen of Neverland


1.8K 87 15
By wintergirl08

The arrow went flying right for Jill’s chest, and it almost hit its target had it not been for a stupid lost boy who ran right into Jill at full speed making her land in the bushes, knocked out.

I lowered my bow shocked and looked as the lost boy looked up and turned toward me. It was Jack. He shook his head slowly and then ran past the group after one of the other lost boys who together they gained higher ground for shooting.

I quickly shook my head and loaded my bow with another arrow. Again I felt the rush of pure pleasure and energy and I aimed right for the lady in black, Snow was her name I think. I let the arrow fly and this time I almost hit her, except that this time Charming ran into her and pushed her off to the side. He gripped his side as if he was shot and I smiled. Got him.

I ran upward toward the rest of the others shooting from down below and that was when I got tackled from behind and fell landing on something sharp and hard. That's when everything went black.

"No surprise really that should would be the one to do it. Pan must have had that be his plan from the beginning. Get the girl to beat the rest of the lost boys and then she could have a better reason to run the island with him."

"Nah Split, I doubt Pan would ever share his island. Even with this pretty thing. She most likely would get some special treatment from him once again and then everything would go back to normal."

"Which one did she hit again?"

"I think she hit Jill and the prince."

"Nice shooting for a girl."

I groaned and the voices stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and was welcomed with the dull numbness of pain to my left temple. I glanced upward and saw two lost boys sitting near me watching me slowly roll over. When I looked at them they quickly turned around away from me and continued to sharpen two sticks that they had in their hands.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as I slowly sat up. One of the lost boys looked back at me and put down his knife and stood up.

"You got knocked out. But that shouldn't be a problem for you since you now are the big lost kid of the day thanks to your shooting skills." He informed me as he handed me a cupped leaf with water in it. I took it gladly and started to sip from it.

The other lost boy looked at me from his seat but then returned to his stick.

"How long was I out?"

"A day. Not that much you missed really. I mean you missed Henry trying to shoot Pan in the chest but apart from that nothing." I looked up surprised.

"The boy tried to kill Peter?" Both lost boys nodded.

"Yea but he caught the arrow perfectly as always so he is fine."

"What about the boy?"

"He is sitting where he normally sits. Being gloomy as always and doing nothing."

"And Peter has done nothing to him?" I asked in disbelief. Both lost boys exchanged glances and nodded.

"Trust me Lost girl, we are just as surprised as you are but if the boy has not gotten beaten in yet, then there is something more important that Pan is saving him up for." I slowly started to stand up and looked around.

I was in the shade of the forest away from the camp. I looked back at the boys confused.

"Where are we?"

"A few miles from camp. Pan did not want you back at camp knocked out. It could raise suspicion toward the boy so instead he wanted us to watch you while we took first watch. You can head back now if you like. We don't really care." One of the lost boys replied. I nodded and turned off toward the forest.

As I left I could hear the boys saying something around the lines of "Girls are strange."

A few things were on my mind as I walked through the forest.

1) What the Hell happened to me during that attack? It's never happened before where I felt that slightly sweet feeling of being in charge and others being at my mercy. And that brings me to my second point.

2) What was with Jack? He looked like I was insane and he saved Jill. The two of them have not met before and yet he saved her when he could have very well watched her die and not care.

When I reached the camp I was greeted by cheers and noises from the lost boys around me. I smiled slightly but continued to walk on until I was face to face with Jack who was one of the few lost boys not to cheer at my arrival.

"We need to talk." I stated quietly he nodded simply and we walked out to the corner of the camp where only Matt, one of the older lost boys, sat sleeping by the tree.

"So shoot." Jack began. I gave him a look.

"Is that supposed to be a joke or something?" I asked irritated. He smiled.

"No actually I was being serious but I can see how that can be a joke." He replied. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Jack what happened to me out there? I know I was acting strange so don't deny it." Jack chuckled.

"Lottie you are the hero of the day. You happened to set two peoples death beds right then and there." I shook my head.

"No, I remember you pushing Jill out of the way--" Jack placed a hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"Jill is dead. We still have not found the body so we expect the Pirate took care of her in there special pirate way. As for Charming, you got him fair and square in the side and even if he has not said anything to Mary Margret yet, his time is ticking by fast. So you might as well get up to speed then on this because you’re back on Pans good list. That reminds me, I have to let him know you are awake. He told me to let him know once you found me." He informed me.

I looked at him curiously and I saw him look around to make sure no one was watching and then winked. He let his hand drop to his side and walked off back into camp leaving me with a knocked out Matt.

That night was special to most. Peter decided to celebrate my success by starting another camp fire party where Peter sat in the middle for some time playing his pipe for all to hear. Unlike all the rest of the group, I felt upset and guilty. I'm a murder. Jill is dead, or hurt or something. The way Jack explained it made it seem like she was in hiding. As for charming on the other hand, I was even more upset. When I had first met him he tried to take my side with his wife, Snow or as Jack called her, Mary Margret.

If it was really true that I hit his mark, then I might have just ruined Jill's plan to save Henry.


I looked around the camp and saw the boy sitting by himself off to the side playing with a stick again in the mud. I stood up and walked over to him and noticed what he was drawling.

He was drawing people.

"I never knew you could draw." I stated. He looked up at me and gave a faint smile.

"I don't, I'm just bored." He replied. I sat down next to him and sighed.

"Is that your family?" I asked curiously. He nodded.

"Yea that's my mom, Emma. Do you know that you kind of remind me of her. I mean not the way you move and all that but you look a little like her. You have the long blond hair and blue eyes. You probably would have been friends if you ever met her." He replied. I smiled and looked down at the ground and picked up one of the other sticks.

"My mom sounds like the same as her. She has long blond hair like me as well but it's lighter. More of a bright blond then a goldish blond color hair. And her eyes are grey. Bright grey, almost blue. She has this stare that if you get caught with her will feel like she is x-raying you or something. Scariest thing ever." I replied laughing slightly. Henry chuckled.

"My mom has this super power where she can tell when someone lies or not. That in itself is cool." He replied. I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any siblings Henry?" He shook his head.

"No, I was adopted when I was born but then my mom went after me and is looking for me now." I looked up surprised.

"You think your parents are looking for you?" He nodded.

"I know what you're going to say. That it is impossible for them to get me, but my family is different. They always find a way." He replied deep in thought. I stuck the piece of wood back in the dirt and stood up.

"You're lucky. My family is nothing like that. I doubt my mother or father knows where to find me, let alone that they would actually leave my little brother to go find me." I replied as an afterthought. Henry looked up at me sadly.

"You have a younger brother?" I nodded and smiled as I did so.

"Yes. His name is Sam. He is a real character. You would like him. He likes to play in the dirt too."

"Who likes to play in the dirt?" Peter asked from behind me. I turned around and saw Peter walking toward us, placing his pipe back in his pocket.

"My brother Sam." I replied simply.

"You have a brother?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, but you obviously know that already Peter." I replied slightly annoyed. Peter did not say anything in response. Henry looked between the both of us and noticing that nothing new was going on between the two of us, he turned his attention back to the dirt.

"Follow me Lost girl, I have something to show you since you are the girl of the day." Peter started waking me from my thoughts. I nodded and followed him out of the camp leaving a bored Henry behind.

'I actually did not know you had a brother." Peter stated as we walked through the woods. I shrugged.

'I really don't care Peter what you know anymore. All I really care about is how you controlled me." He stopped right in his tracks and turned to face me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't Excuse Me Peter, I know it was you. I may be on your side but that does not mean I am so blood thirsty to go after Jill and Charming all in one night. That's not how I fight." I replied. Peter frowned.

"How are you so sure it was me?" I gave him a look over the lines of -you got to be kidding me- which he just smiled at.

"Ok fine so what if I did. I wanted to see whether or not you would actually do as I asked and see how you would deal with it afterwards when you woke up. Even if you did get knocked out from the fight, you still put in your best effort which I do applaud you for, that is for being a girl." He replied in a side note tone. He turned back toward the path and continued to walk along the path, leaving me to catch up behind.

"So did I pass then Peter? Did I meet the stupid requirement of being a lost girl finally? Because I really don't want to be controlled again." I replied irritated. He shrugged.

"I think you did alright. You could have aimed a little higher on the guy to kill him faster but we can still easily work with what we have." Peter then stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to me.

"Remember how to disappear?"

"Excuse me?" I replied surprised by the sudden change of topic. He smiled and grabbed my arm, and I was greeted with the familiar feeling of turning into liquid and then back to solid again.

When I fell on the ground I was greeted with a sandy floor hug. As I stood back up I became face to face with the beach. Peter was already walking toward the water where three heads met at the surface.

Three Mermaids.

A blond girl, A red head and A brunette.

"Hello girls, I want you to meet my new lost girl Lottie."

Hello everyone!

Sorry I have not written a little side note for awhile. I have been so busy trying to finish my stupid drivers ed class thing and I just happened to finish the exam today so I'm done finally!!!

Also I wanted to give you this chapter now since I felt kinda bad for leaving you all on such a cliff hanger.. haha sorry about that, just know that I love you guys :)

Anyway so also another reason why this is being sent in early is because tomorrow I am going out to California to celebrate my 16th birthday. (Friday)

If I somehow unexpectedly find internet on my birthday, then I will post another chapter as a mini gift to you all becuase that's just how my mind works hehe :)

So Vote and Comment

Lots of Love


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