What Could've Been |Sequel To...

Door rawisrollins

9.6K 291 18

Set one year after Harper and Spencer moved to London, you see how much their life has changed. And how much... Meer

The Time Of Our Lives..
Dream On
Our Secret Spot
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Mommy Duties..
Taking The Train
The City Of Love
Paris Night Life And Exes
The Black Widow
8 Years Ago..
You Dug Your Own Grave
It's Okay To Not Be Okay
We Found Love Right Where We Are
Forever Dreaming Of You
Shining Star
Tokyo Princess
Kiss Your Career Goodbye..
Halloween & The Big News
Does It Get Any Easier?
She's Very Good For You
Volunteer Work
Please Behave Yourself
One Last Guest
Guess Who's Back
One Step At A Time
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Confide In Me
Don't Open Your Door
What Could've Been

Welcome To New York..

235 9 0
Door rawisrollins

A few weeks later...

I think I had heard Mickey Mouse clubhouse enough for a million lifetimes today. The kids had been grumpy which meant a little bit more TV time than usual.

What ended up getting them to finally nap was Maddy FaceTiming with them. I sighed in relief once I closed their bedroom doors.

"You look like you need a stiff drink." Maddy commented.

"About a thousand." I grumbled. "I could pass out right now."

"Go ahead and take a nap, I'm cleaning anyways." Seth said from the kitchen.

Since he had moved in, he had definitely pulled his weight around. Paid the cable bill, bought groceries, and cleaned whenever it began getting messy again. It was nice having an extra set of hands around.

There was a few more days left until he would move out and into his own place, which I was kind of sad about. I'd miss my nightly cuddles with Kev, I'd miss taking naps and waking up to dinner already made.

I guess I'd just miss..him. But I knew he wouldn't miss sleeping on the couch.

Maddy and I FaceTimed everyday, very eager to finally reunite in a few more days for Christmas.

After repeatedly asking Seth if it was okay, he shooed me upstairs into my room.

"I can't wait to give the kiddos the gifts Dean and I got for them!" Maddy squealed.

"You didn't have to get them anything." I sigh.

"That's like telling me not to breathe," She rolled her eyes. "It's not possible."

"I bet." I laughed.

"Backpacks? Check. Suitcases? Check. Phone? Check. Alright, we're good to go." Seth shut the front door behind us. We hopped in AJ and Punk's rental and headed to the airport.

Larry was curled up in Punks lap asleep. Seth was in the passenger seat giving the driver directions. AJ and I were excitedly talking about Christmas and gift ideas. Decided all of the girls would go shopping tomorrow.

"You should get another dog Harper, maybe another Kev." AJ smiled, scratching his ears.

"I honestly have been thinking about it. The kids love him, plus it'd be nice having a little furry friend." I look down at the small adorable dog on my lap.

"Well I can recommend a great shelter a few minutes from my house. That's where we got Larry." She offered. I agreed, it wouldn't hurt even if I went there to just look.

We got dropped off at the airport and checked in, eventually arriving at our gate. We had about an hour to spare before boarding, so Seth sat with the kids while the rest of us split up.

I got the snacks, Punk got the refreshments, and AJ, I don't know what she was doing.

We were all eating when she returned, carrying two big bags from the gift shop.

"That's why I don't give you my credit card." Punk pointed, making us all laugh.

"I got us all neck pillows! And face masks! Ooh and fuzzy socks!" She held up each item for us to look at.

"And I got the babies some cozy blankets!" She added.

"You sure it's for them or you?" I raised an eyebrow, watching as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

"I can share.." She shrugged.

When we boarded, Seth got the window seat, I had the aisle seat, and in the middle seat was my diaper bag and carry on. AJ, Punk, Larry and Kevin were across from us, settling in as well.

During takeoff, Seth cradled Ethan to sleep and I fed Hope. It would make this 2 and a half hour flight go by faster if they fell asleep for most of it.

A lot happened during the flight. Punk kept getting noise complaints for his snoring. Told everyone to 'fuck off and deal with it'. AJ and Seth put on the face masks, which ended up being bright green. I said they looked like the wicked witch of the west.

Ethan and Hope were petrified of them both, so they had to wash it off...only problem was Seth's wasn't coming off...at all.

So AJ held Ethan the rest of the flight and I had to hold Hope away from Seth. Who was freaking out, thinking his face was gonna burn off.

As you could imagine, we got some good stares walking through JFK.

"Welcome guys! Here we'll help with the bags!" Finn exclaimed, running outside with Cathy. We piled out of the Uber and Cathy led us inside their condo.

It looked very nice, they had a fireplace in the living room, a huge fuzzy rug, I remember Finn always talking about wanting a big rug in his house. Well he got one.

"There's only one guest room with two beds..but we bought two air mattress to put in the living room." Cathy revealed. We all exchanged looks.

"I'll take the room, as I have the kids." I said, heading down the hall.

"Guess we'll take the air mattress." AJ sighed.

Finn had bought Larry and Kevin their own doggie beds which they were loving already.

"I'll get the other bed!" Seth piped.

"Sorry, but that's reserved for Maddy and Dean. Considering she's pregnant and all." Cathy laughed.

"So I get the other air mattress?" He frowned.

"Sorry but yes.."

I began setting my bags down on one of the beds, and let the kids out of their carriers to roam around.

"I still can't believe they're crawling." Finn shook his head in amazement. We were all sitting on the couch, beer in hand.

"It's crazy..pretty soon they'll be walking." I sigh.

"And then going to school..then graduating..might get arrested at least once, hell I did. God the shit that happened there.." Punk began, but AJ smacked him on the head.

"Yeah, not helping."

"Sorry," He frowned.

"So wheres everyone else staying?" I asked them.

"Nikki and Dolph are staying in a five star hotel a few blocks away..Brie and Bryan aren't coming, they're in Arizona with their family..and I believe that's it." Cathy explained.

"Roman?" Seth wondered.

"Joelle's spending Christmas Eve with her mom, then getting dropped off in the morning to Romans," Finn said. "I don't know how that would happen if he were in New York."

We all laughed.

"So it's gonna be a small Christmas. I'm fine with that." I shrug.

"Cheers to small Christmases!" Finn raised his beer. We all did the same. AJ and Punk with their water bottles.


"You sure you can't take the couch? It looks real comfy.." Dean teased, trying to convince Maddy for him to sleep in the bed.

"Keep it up and you'll find out how comfy it is." Maddy growled.

"Alright alright." He held his hands up.

They arrived a few hours earlier and we were getting ready to take the subway to Times Square.

They were really confused when Seth greeted them with a green tinted face. But we told them not to ask.

I was wearing a sweater, jeans, a big coat, and a beanie. I had the kids all bundled up in their stroller. Even Larry and Kev had little jackets and boots on.

"Everyone ready?!" Finn called as we stood by the door.

After making sure everyone was present, we left.

New York was definitely cold, but I had to say, it was absolutely beautiful this time of year. Lights hung everywhere, snow on the ground, Christmas music playing in store so loud we could hear it on the street.

After taking the subway to Times Square, we eventually met up with Nikki and Dolph. I had Maddy take my picture with the kids, this was their first time in New York. They wouldn't remember it of course, but I would show them these pictures.

They definitely loved looking at all the billboards and commotion everywhere you looked. We ended up eating at The Hard Rock Cafe. Despite all our protests, Finn paid the bill, saying he was happy how we could all make it.

After dinner, we decided to walk to see the Rockefeller tree.

That was..I was speechless. I had never seen it, and I was in awe. Took some photos of all of us, and then some of me and the kids. Maddy waited with the dogs and the kids while everyone else rented ice skates.

It was definitely last minute when we decided to ice skate, I was definitely cautious at first. Holding the sides, until Seth grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the middle of the ice.

"Seth seth dont let me fall!" I grumbled, squeezing his hand tightly.

"I wouldn't..ever." He said.

I looked around, trying to spot everyone else. AJ was skating circles around Punk, who was trying to keep himself up.

Cathy and Finn were effortlessly going around the perimeter, holding hands.

Dean..yeah, I don't know what he was doing. One minute he'd be doing an ok job, then be on his ass.

We met a few fans on the ice, then decided it was time to go when a crowd began forming.

We returned the skates and then began our journey back to their place.

I had a big grin on my face on the way back. Spending time with people I love would never get old.

- - -
The gangs having fun in New York!🎄I wonder what other adventures they'll get into? Thanks for reading! :) 💛

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