My Obsessed Vampire Husband✓

By bjorghalla

38.4K 1.2K 43

Book 3 in the Vampire series Betrayed and Heartbroken, Emma is all alone. Few months have passed and the ocea... More

❃The Life After The Pain❃
❃The Call From The Deep❃
❃Discovery In A Message❃
❃Taking One Step On Land❃
❃Man From The Past❃
❃The First Gift❃
❃A Goodnight Kiss❃
❃He Shows Up❃
❃The Truth Is Revealed❃
❃Meeting The Devil❃
❃Meant To Be❃
❃The Warning❃
❃Story Time❃
❃Yet Another Gift❃
❃Midnight Apologizes❃
❃Spending The Day Together❃
❃The Clear Glass Box❃
❃Rainbow Lights In The Sky❃
❃The Ocean Celebrates❃
❃An Old Enemy❃
❃A Shot From The Gun❃
❃Slowly Coming Back❃
❃The Guiding Light❃
❃Panics In The House❃
❃Finding Out The Truth❃
❃The Big Day❃
❃7 Years Later❃

❃The Life On Land❃

1.3K 44 4
By bjorghalla

My Obsessed Vampire Husband


The Life On Land

Rays from the sun shine into my bedroom as I sleep. The sun is so bright that my eyes start to burn a bit. I turn around in my sleep with my head buried in my soft pillow, and now I'm laying on my stomach. By doing this a little cat is thrown off my lap, that was sleeping there peacefully, just enjoying his sleep until I shook him off me by turning. He jumps off the bed after being rudely awakened by me, and he does what ever he does.

The sun has forced me awake and I don't want it. I was in the middle of a great dream, and not did I want it to end. This is one of those things that I loved being in the ocean, the sun never bothered me because she couldn't shine down there. Sure, if was pretty dark and sometimes scary, but there was no sun to burn my eyes. Now that I'm awake I better get out of bed, there is no point staying in the most comfortable bed laying there awake. Besides, I have the whole day ahead of me, and I have many things planned for today.

Unfortunately all of those things require me to wake up and get out of this bed, which I don't want. But, I need to. I turn back around with the pillow on top of my head, so I'm laying on my back with my head under the pillow. You could say I'm not a morning person right now. Well, it isn't my fault. The sun is the problem. I sit with and the pillow falls into my lap where I rub my eyes and when they have gotten use to the light I open them tiredly.

This is just one of those days when you never want to wake up, just want to stay in bed all day. On the nightstand is a clock and it reads seven. Oh, are you kidding me? Seven? I had to wake up at seven o'clock? This should be a crime to the sleep, to wake up at seven when I have nothing to do. I could have been sleeping to at least ten or eleven, but no. The sun wanted me to wake up at freaking seven. Sorry for my bad language. But, I do deserve to be mad right now.

Anyway, I pick myself up from the bed and walking like a zombie, I make my way to the bathroom that is downstairs to have a shower. The shower is wake me fully up. After the shower I go into the kitchen and make myself some toast for breakfast. I've been in this house for the night and I thought I was dreaming, but I'm not. This is all real. The toast wasn't that very good, I accidentally burned it. This just isn't my day.

When I have finished by burnt toast I go upstairs to my room, and open the huge closet room. There are so many clothes, accessories and bags, make-up and shoes. This is everything a girl could ever want, and beyond. I go to the clothing corner and I pick light blue jeans and a gray hoodie. It's autumn, and I felt it before that there is a little cold outside. Today I will be going outside. As much as I could like to be sick at home in bed, I don't want to be sick. I go into sneakers and I'm ready.

When I come back downstairs Shadow has gotten himself comfortable on the couch in the living room. I pet him a bit before noticing that on the glass table in front of the couch and in between the TV and the couch is my phone. Just laying there. Picking it and pushing the home button, I see that no one has been in it since I used it last. Which, don't even remember when that was. It's fully charged and I don't see a reason for not using it. I pet Shadow and kiss the top of his head, and I walk to the door.

Taking the keys and my phone I walk out of the house and into the beach. I really want to dip my feet into the ocean, but I resist my urges and walk to the streets where people are walking, running and cycling all around me. The streets are now packed with people, I don't really pay mind to them. I'm just glad to be here, and not in the ocean. The noise is the only thing I wish wasn't here, yet I love listing to the noise. There were very little sounds in the ocean.

At some times I thought I was going mad by not hearing sounds and noises. The fishes don't really speak to one another, they do sometimes but not very often. Fish don't gossip or talk about how their weekend went so there wasn't very much going on down there. I just walk down the streets, past shops and companies. Just to look around and see what I have been missing for the past few months. Finally, after having to check out many things, seeing shops come full of life and laughter from children and adults as they are in middle of conversations.

I walk to the house where my parents live in, or where they lived when I left. I don't know if they have moved or not, but moving doesn't seem like something they would do. They love the house they live in, and I used to live there to. In fact, I grew up in that house. All my childhood memories are in there. When I stop in front of the house I see their car parked in front of it. Butterflies fill my stomach as I grow more nervous by the second. Taking few breaths I ring the doorbell.

From the blurred window on the door I see a person walk over to the door. I feel so nervous right now, my hands are shaking. I have no idea what they are going to say to me. I don't know if they will be happy or sad, or just want to be angry at me and slam the door in my face. That is the worst of them all. If they were angry at me, I'd completely understand and leave. Give them some space to think and stuff and then perhaps they will forgive me for hurting them by leaving.

The door opens and there is my mother, she looks sad. When she sees that it is me, she nearly falls down. "Emma?" She says, tears streaming down her face, and she hurries to pull me in a hug. Stray tears come out of my eyes as I hug my mother and. When she lets go of me she just looks at me with a smile on her face and tears leaking down her face. "Mom, I've missed you so much" I sob and more and more tears come down from my eyes.

Once again I'm pulled into a hug. "I know sweetie, me to" She says and we just stay in that hug for some time, of course I hug her back and it feels so good to be in the arms of my mother again. It's been a long time since I've had a human contact and it feels so amazing, and a hug. The fish in the ocean aren't much for hugs, they would rather stay away from those. Probably don't know what hugs are. When we break away from the hug she pulls me inside the house and closes the door behind us.

Not once does she break contact with me, I think she believes that if she lets go of me, I will disappear again, and leave her and my dad. But, I'm not leaving, ever again. We walk into the living room where my dad is. When he sees me, his face turns to shock. He stands up and I run into his arms. He puts his hands around me, and soon my mom joins the hug. "Young lady, you are never disappearing like that again" My mom says, I giggle a bit and nod my head into my dad's chest.

We sit down on the couch in the living room. Mom hands me a glass of water and some tissues to clean my face of the tears. I knew it was a good idea to not wear any make up when I was getting ready this morning, somehow I knew I would cry. "Where were you? How did you survive? What did you do? Are you all right?" Both my parents keep asking me questions and it's kind of hard to answer them all at once. I take a few sips of the water and breathing in and out to calm myself from all the crying.

"I was in the ocean where I can breathe and the creatures of the sea gave me food and I just slept on the sea floor. Mostly I was sad, but I'm fine now. I learned many things while I was down there" I tell them, answering the questions they asked that I remembered that is. They asked a lot more, but those are the once that I thought mattered the most, and they wanted most to know. Besides, I didn't remember the other one's, they talked at the same time with different questions. So it was a bit hard to remember both of them at the same time.

"You lived in the ocean?" My mom asks, stunned of the words I just spoke. By the looks of my dad he can't believe a word I just said. But, everything I said was the truth. "Yes, I know it sounds crazy. But, I can breathe underwater. I don't even know how. It has something to do with my water powers" I tell them, I thought that at least my parents knew I had water powers. My mom is an angel too, she should understand this.

"Please, tell us everything and from the start when you went into the water" My dad says. And I do so. I tell them everything that happened to me for these past months. I told them how sad I was and how every single day I get better and get over the things that happened to me. I tell them how being in the ocean is amazing, and how the animals helped me survive and gave me food. I told them how I can talk to sea creature. The only thing I didn't tell them is the opening and the discovery I made of my birth father.

They have cried enough today and I don't want to hurt them any more than they've already been. Maybe another time. While I spoke they listened to every single word and the information sunk in their brains to process it. After finishing my mom sat down next to me and put her arms around me. "You've been through so much, my darling. It will get better" she tells me, she is speaking like she has been through something like this before, and know what kind of pain I was and am in.

"Do you need a place to stay?" My dad asks me after a while, I didn't tell them about the house because it was a gift from my birth father. I shake my head. "No, I have a place to stay" I tell him. Then after some time of just talking about the world, the words I was hoping no one would speak were spoken. Nine words that could chance the way I see things from my point of view, and are the words that break my heart "Jason misses you, he is completely broken without you"

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