I Can't Live Without You (WMB...

By ACHarris

76.7K 2.8K 396

This is the sequel to Bestfriend's In Love so I suggest you read that first before reading this. Since the u... More

I Can't Live Without You
Welcome Home
The Detective
The Kangaroo
Sleeping With The Enemy
When The Hoe Comes A Knockin'
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
The Day All Hell Broke Loose
Missing You
I Can't Live Without You
Trials and Tribulations
The Marine VS. The Detective
Uh Oh!
The Truth
Let's "Talk"
Two Can Keep A Secret If One Of Them Is Dead
Me and My Broken Heart
La Familia
The Vickie Show
New Book!!
Why Lord?!
New Book! "This Is A Story About A Boy"


2.7K 106 26
By ACHarris


"I really hope I'm good to you." I spoke to my belly. "I didn't get to have this experience with Victoria or be there for her when she was born."

"I wanna do it right for you. Breast feed and stay up all night while you cry and sing you to sleep. I wanna be a good mommy to you. Boy or girl it wouldn't matter but I think Uncle Austin wants a boy. And you Daddy too. He wants a little football player, he went to fight for our country and didn't get to live his dream. Your Daddy is a good man. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see how far along I am. I can't wait to see you darling. . . I love you already."

I looked up as the door opened and Dallas walked in. I looked at the clock on the wall seeing the time.

It was 3:19. What the fuck could he possibly have been doing out at three in the morning.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"Don't worry bout what I been doin." He slurred.

"Dallas are you drunk?!"

I stood up walking over to him. I brought my hand up to touch his face when he smacked it away.

"Are you a cheatin bissh?!" He shot back.

"What is your problem!"

"You ma problem Laya! I know you did the nasty to the Detective!"

"Are you serious Dallas? I just found out that I'm pregnant today!"

"Oh that's just great. Well congratulations! I hope you and the douche bag Detective have a wonderful life together with you new baby."

"Dallas I have never cheated on you. It's your baby dumb ass."

"Well I want a DNA test."

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me. I should probably get one on Victoria too, you sh-"

I punched him in his jaw as he stumbled back falling into the table breaking it. He looked up at me shocked holding his face. I don't know what came over me but I'm glad it did.

"Fuck you Daniel. It's one thing to doubt the child inside of me but don't you dare fucking sit there and deny Victoria when you lied to me about even being pregnant with her you bastard! I don't care how drunk you are. Clean this shit up and stay your stupid ass down here and don't come near me!"

I stood there for a couple of seconds trying to gain back my composure and turned down the hall way. I stopped at the end and opened the door to Vickies room. She was asleep in her bed holding her stuffed monkey.

Maybe I shouldn't have hit him. I know he was drunk but I couldn't just let him talk about my daughter like she was nothing. At this point she was my daughter.

I walked in and kissed her cheek accidently waking her up.

"Momma is Daddy back? Is he still mad at me?" She questioned.

No your dad is being an asshole and I hope he falls down a deep dark well.

"No baby he's not mad at you, he's upstairs asleep. You just go to sleep okay. You've got school in the morning."

"Okay night momma. I love you."

"I love you too."

I pulled her blanket over her and walked out her room shutting the door. I walked upstairs toward my bedroom noticing my door open and the fireplace on.

"I know this dick did not come upstairs after I told him not to." I said to myself.

I walked in seeing Austin at my fireplace throwing stuff in.

"Austin what are you doing?" I questioned.

"Burning his video games, favorite shirt, and his Jordan's that were signed by Derek Rose. Fuck him right now okay." He answered.

"Did you hear all that?"

"Yea I did. Drunk or not he doesn't deserve to talk to you like that. Or deny any of his kids."

"Can you come to my appointment with me tomorrow."

"Of course."

He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead before leaving out my room.

I sat down on the ground in front of my bed looking into the fire. Everything was falling apart so quickly. What could have possibly made him think I would cheat on him.

I should call Dee and have him kick his ass. I might have Victoria stay with him and Ashley for awhile if Dallas doesn't get his act together.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked myself as tears formed in my eyes.



I jumped up out seeing Victoria on top of me looking down at me.

"Momma why you on the ground asleep?"

I turned my head looking at the end of my bed. I must've fallen asleep on the ground.

"Nothing baby. You almost ready?" I asked her.

"Yes. But I'm very hungry." She tells me pointing at her mouth.

"Let me get dressed and tell Uncle Austin to make you some breakfast okay. Give me kisses."

She nodded her head before giving me a kiss and running out the room.

I sat up off the floor and stood up. I looked at the bed seeing Dallas in it asleep. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I cleaned up then got out drying myself off and putting on some lotion.

I put on my underwear and put my hair in a bun before leaving and walking into my closet. I pulled on a sun dress and some sandals then grabbed my bag and walked out the room.

I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen seeing Austin sitting at the table with Vickie eating out of a carton of Ice Cream.

"Seriously Austin?" I asked.

"It's what the girl wanted shit!" He snapped.

"It's good momma." Vickie told me.

I rolled my eyes taking it from them then putting the top on and the ice cream back into the freezer.

"Lets go or were gonna be late." I told them.

"I call shot gun!" Austin yelled.

He got up to run to the door but tripped over the carpet. Vickie laughed getting her backpack and walking over to Austin.

"Ha!" She laughed then kicked him in the butt and walked out the house.

I giggled helping Austin off the floor.

"She's evil. I really hope this baby is a boy so somebody can beat her up." He tells me.

I shook my head and patted him on the shoulder as we walked out the house. We got in the truck and drove off to Vickie's school. We pulled up dropping her off.

"Have a good day baby." I tell her kissing her cheek.

"If somebody mess with you tell them yo Uncle Austin fight kids." Austin tells her.

"Got it." She answered.

She got out the car and ran into the school as Austin got out and into the passenger seat.

"Alright lets go see how my nephew doing."

"What if its a girl?" I ask.

"It ain't."

I rolled my eyes and pulled off driving to the OBGYN. I pulled up and parked the car. We both got out and walked in. I signed my name in while Austin found some seats and sat down. When I was down I sat down beside him.

"Imma start coming in here instead of watching porn. I can see all the Vagina I want." He tells me while staring at a magazine.

"You are so gross."


"Harris." A nurse called.

I stood up with Austin and we walked with her to the back and into a room.

"I'm just gonna check your weight and height then I need a urine sample." The nurse said.

"Laya I can't pee in no cup! You know I been smoking weed." Austin whispered to me.

"I gotta pee not you stupid."

I grabbed the cup and walked into the bathroom that was in the room and peed. I walked out sitting the cup on the counter then washed my hands.

"Step on the scale please." The nurse informed me.

I stood on it while she wrote some stuff down.

"You weigh 145 pounds."

"Damn fat Albert." Austin told me.

"Shut up." I tell him stepping off the scale.

"Stand against the wall." She told me.

I stood against the wall as she lined me up.

"You are 4'11."

"Ha Midget!" Austin laughed.

"Will you tell if I kill him?" I asked the nurse.

"Not at all." She says laughing. "The doctor will be with you shortly."

She grabbed the urine sample walking out and shutting the door.

I sat on the bed as Austin came over and sat next to me.

"That must be a big ass baby." He says poking at my stomach. "I hope that don't run in the family cause Diamond ain't having no big headed babies with me."

"You the one with the big head."

"Yea you right. Got a big dick too!" He smirks.

"You are so nasty."

"I know I am."

There was a knock at the door before the doctor came walking in.

"Hi I'm doctor Ramirez." He says shaking my hand.

"Hola Doc. Se habla taco bell?" Austin says.

"Please ignore him." I tell the doctor.

"Is he the father?" He asks with a laugh.

"Eww hell no. That's my sister boyfriend. Yuck. You gone have to drug me before I ever get with him."

"Damn all you had to say was no." Austin told me.

"The dad is. . . busy today."

"Okay well the urine test does confirm that you're pregnant but were gonna do a ultrasound to make sure. Do wanna change into a robe?" He asks me.

"No I'll just pull my dress up. You've seen vagina up close and personal I'm sure you'll be okay seeing my underwear." I tell him.

I pulled my dress up as Austin got off the table and stood on the opposite side of me.

I layed down as the doctor rubbed gel on my belly and put the wand on it. He moved it around for awhile making weird faces.

"Oh my." He says.

"What you mean oh my?" I ask.

"Umm Mrs. Harris you are pregnant."

"Well alright."

"With triplets."


I turned my head seeing Austin passed out on the ground.

"What you mean triplets?!" I yell.

"There are three healthy babies inside of you but I won't be able to tell you the gender until the next appointment."

Fuck My Life.



I opened my eyes looking around before a sharp pain came rushing into my face. I might've been drunk but I remembered everything. She had no right to hit me. Now I'm gonna go show her little boyfriend a piece of my mind.

I slowly sat up in bed feeling my hang over. I got up and walked out the room going downstairs and out the door. I saw Layas truck gone and suspected her to have been taking Victoria to school but for all we know she could be cheating. That's her new hobby.

I got in my car and drove off to Justyns house. I parked the car telling him to come outside. A few minutes later he walked out and got into the car.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To kick that Detectives' ass."

"Wait did you even talk to Laya first?"

"Yea and she just lied and said she didn't."

"Dallas I think you should really think about this before you do something you'll regret."

I ignored him pulling off and going to the police station. I parked the car getting out and walking in to his office.

"Daniel what a surprise." He says as I walk in.

"You fucked my girlfriend?!" I questioned.

"What? No."

"Don't lie to me!"

"I'm not lying. What would make you think that?"

"You said she was beautiful and you were talking about her body. You winked!"

"Okay so I gave her some compliments but that's it. We didn't have sex. She barley lets me hug her or even pull out a chair for her."

I felt my heart drop then come back and speed up.

"P-please tell me you're lying." I begged.

"No I'm not."

"Justyn you said she cheated!"I yelled.

"Don't you blame this on me. You believe what you want Dallas. You should've trusted your girlfriend! I say lots of shit!" Justyn yelled back.

"Justyn I let someone give me Oral Sex."

"You did what?! With who?!"

"I don't know some bartender."

Justyn jumped on top of me and started choking me when Detective Miller pulled him off me.

"You dumb ass!" Justyn yelled at me.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled back.

We turned as the door opened and someone walked in.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Since you kicked me off the case he's the new Detective." Detective Miller informed. "That's Detective Parker. The one who you should be worried about taking your girl."


Picture of Detective Parker

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