Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

By DevilsFavoriteDemon

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(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]
Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]

5K 139 41
By DevilsFavoriteDemon

     As it turns out, Jean was right about Bobby being pissed at her for bonding with Lucifer.  After she tells Bobby everything, he is extremely angry...angry enough to threaten to 'fill her idjit ass full of buckshot'.  Of course, Jean knows that he would never actually shoot her...but Lucifer does not.  She feels his grace stir dangerously inside of her when Bobby threatens her and she knows that she needs to get away from Bobby before Lucifer shows up to rip him limb from limb.  So she leaves the house, gets into her Mustang, and drives away.  Sure enough, a few moments later, Lucifer appears in the passenger seat.

     It takes Jean a couple of minutes to reassure her ugear that she is completely fine and that Bobby wouldn't ever actually hurt her.  Once his anger subsides, Lucifer starts to explore the inside of the car in curiosity; opening the glove compartment and removing the stuff inside, fiddling with the radio and air conditioner, removing the unused ashtray, and playing with the cigarette lighter.  When he becomes bored of exploring, he starts to complain like a five year old; "It's cramped in here."  "Where are we going?"  "This is taking forever."  "Are we there yet?"  It is at this point that Jean is seriously considering wrapping both of her hands around the devil's throat in a useless attempt to strangle him.

     That was a little over a week ago.  Currently, Jean is staying at a cheap motel a few hours away from Sioux Falls.  During the days, she spends her time looking for cases or reading smut online.  Lucifer will always appear right as the sun sets and spends the nights with her.  Sometimes they will have wild, passionate sex, while other times they will just snuggle together on the bed and talk until Jean falls asleep.

     Jean steps out of the shower and walks over to the small mirror that's hanging on the wall above the bathroom's dirty sink.  She runs her right hand over the surface of the mirror, wiping away the condensation created by her hot shower.  Jean examines her appearance in the mirror, running a hand through her wet red hair and wondering if she should have it cut again.  Her eyes travel down to her slightly swollen breasts and she gently touches them causing her to slightly gasp at how tender they are.

     She walks out of the bathroom and over to the single queen sized bed that resides in the room.  She picks up her duffel bag from the floor beside the bed, opens it, and pulls out a clean pair of pants, underwear, and a white tank top.   Jean puts on the panties followed by the pair of pants.  She starts to put on a red lace bra, but quickly decides to forego the article of clothing due to how sensitive her breasts are.  So she just puts on the tank top instead, throwing the bra back into her bag. 

     'A Wonderful Day For Pie' begins to play from Jean's cell phone and she quickly answers it.  "Hi, Dean.  What's up?"

     "Sam just received a text from Chuck telling us to get to Vermilion, Ohio.  That it's a life or death situation.  I was wondering if you wanted to meet us there?"

     "Really?!"  Jean exclaims, excited that her brothers are still willing to hunt with her.  Or at least Dean is.  She figured that after finding out about her and Lucifer they would never want to see or speak to her again.  Boy, she has never been so glad to have been wrong before.  "I'm on my way."

     "Okay.  See you soon, Jeanie." Dean says before hanging up.

     Jean puts her phone in the pocket of her pants then sits down on the bed to put on her socks and combat boots.  After she's done, she stands up and rummages through her bag again.  She finally pulls out a dark green and bright yellow flannel button-up shirt.  A couple of Milky Ways fall out of the shirt and onto the bed.  Jean makes a sound of delight and picks the candy bars up.  She shoves one back into the bag and opens the wrapper of the other.  She takes a large bite before putting on the flannel shirt.  She rolls the sleeves up to her elbows, but leaves the shirt unbuttoned.  Jean then picks up her bag and leaves the small motel room, still munching on the candy bar.

     Several hours later, Jean arrives in Vermilion, Ohio and pulls into a convenience store that has a deli inside.  She fills up the gas tank of her car then goes inside to pay.  She ends up buying a couple of chicken strips, a large handful of potato wedges, and an energy drink along with the gas.  She exits the store, pulls out her phone, and sends a text to her twin.  'Hey, I'm here in Vermilion.  Where are you guys?'

     A few seconds later her phone rings with Dean's reply.  'Pineview Hotel.'  Jean turns around and walks back into the store to ask the female clerk for directions.  After the clerk tells her how to get to the hotel, Jean leaves and gets behind the wheel of her car.  Following the directions given to her, Jean drives to The Pineview Hotel on the other side of town.  She pulls into the parking lot, parks in an empty space, then turns off the car's engine.  She gets out of the car and sits on the hood to enjoy her food.  While she's eating, Jean looks around at her surroundings.  Her eyes land on three '67 Chevy Impalas parked next to each other and she nearly chokes on a bite of chicken.  After taking a large gulp of her energy drink to wash the chicken down, Jean whistles and says out loud to herself, "I bet Dean nearly had a heart attack when he saw you three beauties."

     Once Jean is finished eating, she slides off of the hood of her car and walks towards the entrance to the hotel.  She opens one of the doors, walks inside, and immediately her jaw drops open.  Inside the hotel lobby are a bunch of people in costumes: most are dressed up as Sam or Dean, a few are dressed up as Bobby, one or two are dressed up as Ash, a girl is dressed as Pamela, one Hookman, a clown, and a couple of girls are dressed up as Jean.  There is also a lot of merchandise for sale: coffee mugs with the Impala or Route 666 on them, several copies of all of the books in the Supernatural series, hats, and t-shirts galore. 

     Jean, the real Jean, continues walking farther into the hotel, her head turning to the left then to the right as she tries to take everything in.  As she makes her way through the crowd, looking for her brothers, she compliments people on their costumes.  Finally, she spots her real brothers talking to a man who is about five foot nine inches tall, with brown hair, a well-trimmed beard, and bright blue eyes.  As she makes her way towards the three men, the man she doesn't know spots her and he pales slightly.  He says something to the brothers and they turn around to face Jean.  Immediately, Sam's face twists into a scowl, "If you keep making that face, Sammy, it may freeze that way." Jean playfully teases her little brother.

     Jean comes to a stop beside Dean.  Sam huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, glaring at his sister.  Dean at least attempts to give Jean a small smile.  "Hey, Jean.  This is Chuck." Dean introduces the man to his twin.

     Jean grins at Chuck, throws her arms up into the air and says, "You are the prophet Chuck!"

     Chuck groans in embarrassment, "Did you guys really have to tell her about that?"

     Dean chuckles, "Are you kidding?  Jean thought it was hilarious that you announced yourself to a demon like that."

     "They also told me about how you thought you were a god," Chuck groans in embarrassment, which causes Jean to smile like the Cheshire Cat.  "I could totally see God walking around wearing an old bathrobe, boxers, and a dirty tank top, by the way.  I mean, he's God...who the hell would have the guts to demand that he put on pants?"

     Chuck looks like he's trying so hard not to crack up laughing, "This...this is why you're my favorite Winchester."  He quickly looks over at Sam and Dean, "No offense you guys."  Chuck's eyes drift back to Jean then slowly down to her braless breasts, "Jean is, uh, is Lucifer with you?"

     "No.  He's busy preparing for a ritual."  Jean frowns when she realizes that Chuck is staring at her breasts.  "Hey!  Pervert of the Lord!  My eyes are up here."  She lifts her right arm and points towards her own face.

     Chuck blushes slightly and rubs the back of his head while looking away.  "Sorry," he mutters.

     Jean chuckles, "It's okay.  If you had a rack, I'd probably stare too."  Sam shakes his head in disapproval while Dean smirks in amusement.  Jean frowns suddenly and begins to study Chuck's face more closely.  "Do I know you?  I feel like I've seen you somewhere before...."

     "No!  No, we've definitely never met before."  Chuck says a little too quickly and looks everywhere except at Jean.

     "I'm pretty sure I've seen you before...."  She's just about to press the subject further when two guys walk into the room carrying a large cardboard cutout of two very muscular, shirtless men: one man has short black hair and is holding a large bag of salt while the other man is taller with long, flowing blonde hair and is holding a shotgun.  Below the image of the two men is the word 'Supernatural' in large red letters.  Jean bursts out laughing, "Is...is that supposed to be...Sam and Dean?" She asks in between fits of laughter.

     "It's not funny, Jean."  Sam scolds her.

     "Bwahahahaha!  Yes...it...is!  You look like Fabio, Sammy!  Bwahahahaha!"

     Two more men walk into the room carrying another cutout.  This one is of a muscular man with shoulder length brown hair and honey colored eyes embracing a woman with long, flowing red hair, bright green eyes, a large bust, and she's wearing a white halter crop top and a plaid school girl pleated mini skirt.  Under the image are the words, 'Supernatural: Tall Tales.'  Dean smirks and gets his twin's attention.  Once Jean stops laughing and looks at Dean, he points at the new cutout and asks her, "So, do you still think this is funny?"

     Jean studies the cutout, "Is that supposed to be Gabriel and me?"  A huge grin spreads across her face and she takes her phone out of her pocket.  "I've got to send Gabe a picture of this."  She takes a picture and sends it to the archangel along with the words, 'Gabriel and Jean according to the Supernatural books.'  She looks at the cutout again, "This does give me an excellent roleplay idea for later though...The naughty schoolgirl and the Devil.  I should also buy a ruler...Spanky, spanky."

     Both of her brothers groan in disgust.  "Thanks a lot for ruining naughty schoolgirl fantasies for me, Jean."  Dean says.

     Jean's ringtone for Gabriel, 'Sugar Sugar', is heard and Jean reads his reply, which is several laughing emojis.  She starts to put her phone back in her pocket when 'Sugar Sugar' plays again.  'Don't send this pic to Luci.  Or let him read this book.  I enjoy my vessel having a penis.'

     Jean laughs to herself and looks up at her brothers who are looking at her questioningly.  She opens her mouth to tell them what she was laughing about, but breaks out into another fit of laughter when she sees two women enter the hotel dressed as gender-bent versions of Dean and Sam.  When Jean manages to calm down a little, she says to her brothers, "Sam....Dean...." She then points at the two women, "Meet Deanna and Samantha."  Jean laughs at the looks on her brothers' faces and so she misses it when a man with red hair and a fake scar over his left eye joins the female Sam and Dean.

     When Jean stops laughing yet again, Dean points at the man and says, "I guess that makes him Jean-Claude Van Nope."

     Jean grins, "Hey!  I'd look pretty damn hot as a man.  I'd look kinda like Red Haired Shanks from One Piece."  She starts to follow the trio, "I've got to get a picture of those three.  Hey, you guys!  Wait up!"

     Sam rolls his eyes at his sister's randomness while Dean just shrugs it off as Jean just being herself.  "She's, uh, exactly as I always thought she would be like."  Chuck tells the Winchester brothers as the three of them start walking towards the bar area.

     After Jean takes a picture of the gender-bent versions of her brothers and herself, she wanders around looking at all of the Supernatural stuff.  She ends up buying a complete set of the books and a shirt that says 'Got Salt?'. 

     Finally, she decides to try and find her brothers again.  She finds Sam pacing back and forth near Chuck and some blonde woman.  Chuck and the blonde are having drinks together while Sam is on his cell phone.  Jean walks up to stand beside Chuck as the blonde chick licks the palm of her right hand and acts like she's blowing a kiss to Sam.  Sam looks a little disturbed, but gives the woman a small wave.  The blonde then winks at Sam and licks her lips...Which is totally creepy and almost stalker-like, that means this chick must be Becky, Sam's fangirl stalker that Dean told her about weeks ago.

     Jean notices Chuck looking at Becky then at Sam and then he looks down at the floor.  She hears him say sarcastically under his breath, "Awesome."

     "Need help getting the girl, Chuck?"  Jean asks him quietly, so that only he can hear her.

     Chuck jumps slightly, "Geez, Jean.  I didn't hear you approach."

     "Do you want my help or not?"

     He looks at her nervously, "What exactly did you have in mind?  Because I...I really don't want Lucifer coming after me."

     Jean slips her arms around one of Chuck's then presses herself up against him.  However, she slightly moves her torso away because of her tender breasts.  She leans in close to his ear to whisper, "Don't worry about Luci.  As I said before, he's busy at the moment.  Besides, I only plan on hanging around you to make...it's Becky, right?" Chuck nods his head, "Jealous."

     Chuck swallows nervously, but shakes his head, "I don't want to risk it."

     Jean looks over at Becky and smirks a little at the look of jealousy on her face.  "Are you sure?  Because it's already working."

     Chuck glances over at Becky, "I'm sure, but I could use your help with something else."

     Jean moves back away from him, "Sure.  What is it?"

     "I'm about to do a little Q & A session and it would really help me out if you would come with me and answer a few of the fans' questions."

     She smiles at him, "I'll be happy to.  I just need to see if Dean and Sam are going to need my help first.  I'll be right back."  She walks away from the eccentric prophet to where her brothers are standing and talking with an extra fluffy version of Dean and an extra scrawny version of Sam.  "Hiya, boys.  What's going on?"

     The real Sam and Dean turn to look at her while the two cosplayers stare at her scar.  "Wow...that's a really good make-up job."  Scrawny Sam compliments Jean.

     She smiles at him, "Thanks.  But it isn't make-up."  She grabs his hand and lets him touch the scar, "See?"

     "Holy shit...it's real."  Scrawny Sam gasps at her and removes his hand.

     "So, what's going on?"  Jean asks her brothers.

     "We're pretty sure that the hotel is haunted by the ghost of a woman named Leticia Gore.  Gore butchered four boys including her own son who, according to the police at the time, she scalped."  Sam explains.

     Jean frowns, "How did the other three boys die?  Were they scalped too?"

     Sam shrugs, "Don't know.  But if she scalped her own son it's safe to assume that she scalped the other boys as well."

     "No, it's not safe to assume that, Sam.  Something's not right about this....Scalping usually isn't a way women like to kill.  Especially not when their victims are children.  Nine times out of ten, women prefer to use poison, drowning, or suffocation to kill."

     "So, what are you saying?  That Gore didn't kill those kids?" Dean asks.

     Jean shakes her head, "I don't know.  Maybe she killed three of them, but I doubt she actually killed her own son.  Anyway, do you know where she's buried?"

     Dean shakes his head, "No.  But these two bozos do."  He points at Fluffy Dean and Scrawny Sam.  "We have to work with them to find the grave."

     "So, I guess that means you don't need me?  Because Chuck said that he could use my help."

     "No, we don't need your help right now.  Besides, it might be a good idea for somebody to stay here just in case this ghost bitch comes back."  Dean tells his twin sister.

     Jean starts to walk back to where Chuck is still standing waiting for her when Fluffy Dean calls out to her, "Wait!  Don't go!  We need a Jean for our group!"

     Jean looks over her shoulder, "Sorry, boys.  Maybe next time."

     She soon reaches Chuck and he asks her, "Ready?"


     "I'm glad one of us is...cause I'm certainly not."  Chuck tells Jean.

     She pats him on the shoulder and tells him, "Relax.  I'm sure you'll do great, Chuck."  They make their way into a large room filled with chairs set up in front of a medium sized stage.  Most of the seats already have cosplayers sitting in them, all of them talking to each other excitedly.  Chuck walks onto the stage and Jean stops by the side of the stage.  He walks up to the microphone, "Uh...hi."  The microphone lets out a loud screech causing several people to cover their ears with their hands.  "Uh, wow, that's loud.  Sorry."  Chuck says, obviously very nervous.  "Okay, so, umm...any questions?"

     After answering several questions about Sam and Dean, a woman finally asks a question about Jean.  "How the hell did Jean survive so long with three males?  I mean, respect girl; she's tough!  Oh, also, what are her feelings towards the Trickster; brother, best friend, or maybe something more?"

     "Uh, I could answer that question, but there's someone else who can answer your questions about Jean better than me."  Chuck says then beckons for Jean to come on stage.  "You could say that Jean is based on her."  As she approaches Chuck, she raises an eyebrow at him and he just slightly shrugs.

     Jean walks up to the microphone, "Hello.  To answer your question...it wasn't easy.  Sometimes I, uh, she really wanted to kill all three of them.  And as for the Trickster...she sees him more as a best friend and a brother.  So, no, there won't be any romance between them."

     "So what?  You're an expert on Jean?" Someone dressed as Bobby asks.

     "I know everything there is to know about her."

     "What's her all time favorite reptile?"

     "Her favorite real life reptile is snakes.  To be more specific...King snakes.  And her favorite fantasy reptile is Godzilla."

     "What is Jean's least favorite monster to hunt?"

     "Her least favorite monster to hunt is actually a tie between zombies and girtablilu.  Girtablilu are monsters that have the head, arms, and torso of a human, but the body of a scorpion.  They're highly venomous and only live in desert areas; mainly in the middle East, so luckily I've...she's never had to actually hunt one of those."  Jean shivers at the thought of having to fight a giant scorpion-man.  No, thank you.

     "Do her and Dean have any twin things that they do, like can they feel when the other is in danger or in pain or what they're thinking or say the same thing at the same time?"

     "We...I mean...they used to when they were younger, but over time that bond weakened until it now barely exists.  Maybe the bond weakened when Jean left to hunt on her own when I...she was 21.  Or maybe it's because of their different destinies."  Jean tells the crowd sadly because there are times when she misses that special bond that used to exist between her and Dean.

     Someone is about to ask another question when Sam comes up on stage and says something to Chuck.  "What?!  Holy crap!" Chuck exclaims.

     "Hold on a sec," Jean says into the microphone then walks over to where Sam and Chuck are standing.  "What's going on?"

     Sam looks at Jean, "Turns out Gore wasn't the problem.  She was actually keeping three of those boys under control and now that she's gone...."

     "People are getting scalped?"  Sam nods in confirmation.  "So I was right about Gore not killing her own son?"

     Sam sighs, "That's not important right now, Jean.  What is important is that we're trapped inside.  Every door and window that leads to the outside is shut tight.  You gotta keep everyone inside of this room, Chuck.  This is life or death."

     "For how long?" asks Chuck.

     "As long as it takes."

     "Well, how the hell am I supposed to do that?"

     "I'll help you," Jean tells Chuck.  She walks back over to the microphone and says, "I'll be back to answer some more of your questions about Jean in a little bit.  Now here's Carver!"  She remembers to call Chuck by his pen name before slightly pushing him towards the microphone then walking off of the stage.  She follows Sam over to the fancy double doors where Dean is ushering in the hotel staff.

     "So what's the plan?"  Jean asks her twin.

     Dean explains his crazy plan to use the actress portraying Leticia Gore to scare the three ghost boys into opening the entrance doors or at least a window on the first floor.  While the siblings are talking, Fluffy Dean and Scrawny Sam approach them and tell the Winchesters that they want to help.  It's decided that Dean will go with the fake Leticia Gore to distract the ghosts while Fluffy Dean and Scrawny Sam will go with Sam to burn the boys' bodies, and Jean will stay with Chuck to help him keep everyone safe in the conference room. 

     After her brothers and the other three leave the room, Jean pours salt in front of the double doors then walks back to the stage.  Chuck is telling his entire life story to the crowd, but when he gets to losing his virginity when he was sixteen to a woman who then went around telling everybody that it didn't count, the hotel manager stands up and starts to walk towards the doors.  "Uh.... Excuse me.  You really can't leave.  Please sir."  Chuck says, trying to stop the man from leaving.  Jean jumps down from the stage, walks over to the duffel bag that her brothers left for her, and grabs the iron crowbar along with the container of salt that's inside the bag.  She then begins walking towards the doors.  Jean picks up her pace, but she's too late as the manager puts his hand on one of the door handles.  "Don't open that door!"  Chuck yells, which causes the manager to pause and look back at Chuck.  For a moment, Jean believes that she may actually make it in time to stop the idiot, but her hopes are quickly dashed when the man opens the door wide, breaking the line of salt that is keeping the ghosts out.  He turns to leave, but a little boy with blonde hair appears out of nowhere at the door's threshold.  The man's eyes widen and the crowd of people all gasp in shock.  The manager takes a few steps backwards as the ghost boy pulls out a large hunting knife.  Jean takes advantage of the newly created space to step in between the man and ghost then swings the crowbar at the ghost boy.  It goes through the ghost causing him to disappear.  She then quickly slams the door shut and repairs the broken salt line.  She tosses the now empty container of salt to the side.

     Jean turns around to face the crowd, "No one else tries to leave."  She tells them while holding the crowbar with one hand and hitting the palm of her free hand with the head of the iron crowbar.  "And you!"  She glares and points the crowbar at the manager, "Sit your ass back down before I decide to bash your bald head in."  The man quickly backs away from her then sits down in an empty chair.

     Jean makes her way back onto the stage and stops next to Chuck.  "You're a very scary woman sometimes," he says to her and she grins. 

     She glances over at Becky and sees a look of jealousy on the blonde's face.  Jean's grin turns mischievous and she leans in to whisper in Chuck's ear, "Of course, I am.  Just look at who my husband is."  Chuck swallows nervously and Jean looks over her shoulder at Becky, who is now fuming mad.  Jean chuckles and thinks to herself, 'Mission accomplished'.

     Chuck shuffles away from Jean and returns his attention back to the crowd.  "So...any more questions about Jean?"

     "What does she dislike the most about Dean?"

     "Was it hard learning all the lore?"

     "How old were Jean and Dean when they had their first drink?  Did John make them wait until they were 21?"

     "What's the biggest and/or smallest mistake Jean has made when hunting?"

     People ask all at once, but the questions stop when Jean holds up both of her hands.  "Whoa, whoa, whoa.  I'll answer your questions one at a time."  She lowers her hands, "Okay.  First, the thing I dislike the most about Dean is that he hogs all the pie all of the time.  Trying to convince him to share a pie with you is next to impossible.  I also don't like how he reminds me of our dad sometimes.  Next, yes, it was pretty hard to learn all the monster lore, mainly because of how much lore is out there.  We can never be sure what's true about a creature and what's not.  Luckily there's an expert like Bobby that we can always call when we're not sure about a creature.  And, no.  John didn't make us wait until we were 21 to start drinking.  As a matter of fact, he actually gave us our first glass of whiskey after our very first hunt when we were fifteen.  The biggest mistake I've ever made on a hunt is misidentifying a monster and it ended up costing two kids their lives.  Any more questions?"

     "Has Jean ever thought of getting a pet that could help her on hunts?  Like a bloodhound or something?"

     "That was actually one of the things that Sam and I often fought with our dad about when we were kids.  But now that I'm older, I realize that he was right in not letting us have a dog.  With how quickly we have to leave sometimes and how frequently we travel, having a dog or any other pet would be more inconvenient than helpful."

     "What was the worst/creepiest ghost hunt Jean has ever done?"

     "That would be the time when Dean and I were fourteen and our dad was hunting a werewolf in New York.  Dean and I skipped school, 'borrowed' a car, and drove out to the Amityville house.  That place is freakin' creepy even in full daylight.  We broke into the house and went separate ways; Dean went upstairs and I went down to the basement.  While I was down there my flashlight suddenly quit working and then I started hearing this skittering sound and feeling something crawling all over me.  When I finally got the flashlight to work again, I saw that the floor was literally covered with scorpions.  They were everywhere.  The creepy little bastards were even dropping down on me from the ceiling and crawling up my legs.  Well, I am absolutely terrified of scorpions, so I hauled ass out of there.  I don't know what Dean saw, but he was right behind me."

     "What is your fondest memory of the boys?"

     Jean watches as Dean and Sam enter the room and Chuck goes to meet them.  "My favorite memory has to be when Sam was four and Dean and I were eight.  Our dad had left us with Bobby and Sammy was building a town with building blocks while Dean and I watched King Kong VS Godzilla."  Jean sees a wide smile spread across Dean's face as he's remembering the memory as well.  "The movie had just ended and I decided to pretend to be Godzilla and destroyed Sammy's block town.  Instead of being upset and crying, Sam just laughed at my antics then quickly rebuilt the town so that I could destroy it again.  After Sam rebuilt the town for the third time, Dean joined us and began banging on his chest like King Kong.  We began to wrestle with each other while Sammy clapped and laughed."

     Dean waves to Jean for her to come over to where he and Sam are standing.  "Well, that's all for today.  You can all leave now if you want.  Unless, of course, Carver has more to say?"

     Chuck vigorously shakes his head, "No.  God, no."  He hurries off of the stage and Becky immediately latches onto his arm.

     Jean smiles to herself before jumping off of the stage and walking over to her brothers.  "So the three little brats are taken care of?"

     "Yeah," Sam replies.

     "Good.  Then let's go get something to drink.  You two look like you need it."  The three siblings leave the conference room together and make their way to the bar.  She orders three shots of whiskey and when the bartender finishes pouring the alcohol into shot glasses, Jean hands two of the shot glasses to her brothers.  The smell of the alcohol upsets her stomach, but she ignores the violent churning and goes to pick up her own shot glass, but a hand snatches it away.  Jean turns around to face whoever stole her drink only to see Chuck gulp down the shot of whiskey.  "Hey!  That was mine."

     Chuck refuses to meet her eyes, "Sorry, but I really needed that."

     Jean scowls at him, but decides against ordering another shot.  "Come on, Jean.  Let's get out of here.  All of these 'mes' are starting to be a bit too much."

     "So what you're saying is...that even you can only tolerate so much of yourself, Dean?"

     Sam chuckles while Dean rolls his eyes at her, "No.  I can only tolerate so many wannabe Deans."

     Dean and Sam start to walk towards the hotel's front double doors.  Jean goes to follow them, but Chuck stops her.  "Uh, Jean?  Can I have a quick word with you?"

     "Sure, Chuck."  Her brothers stop and look back at her.  Jean waves for them to go on ahead, "Go on.  I'll only be a minute."  The two Winchester males shrug then walk outside.  Jean turns back to the prophet, "What is it, Chuck?"

     "Um, I think...you should talk to Lucifer as soon as possible.  What he needs to tell you is very important."

     Jean raises an eyebrow, "Okay.  Is that all?"

     "And, uh, stay away from alcohol for a while."

     "Yeah, I was planning on it since the smell of that shot of whiskey upset my stomach so much."  Jean begins to walk towards the exit with Chuck following beside her.

     They walk through the double doors and spot Dean talking to the two cosplayers that helped burn the ghosts' bodies.  Jean looks around for Sam and sees him talking with Becky.  Jean starts to walk towards her twin brother when she sees Scrawny Sam place his head on Fluffy Dean's shoulder and Fluffy Dean leans his head against Scrawny Sam's.  Jean stops in her tracks, "Wait...are they...?"

     "Yeah, they're partners."  Chuck answers her question before rushing off to join Becky and Sam.

     Jean chuckles, "Oh, I am never going to let Sam and Dean forget about this."

     Dean walks away from the couple and Jean runs to catch up with him.  She slows down to walk by Dean's side then opens her mouth to tease him, but Dean interrupts her.  "Not a word, Jean.  Don't you dare say a single word about that...ever."

     The twins arrive at where Sam, Becky, and Chuck are talking just in time to hear Sam say, "If you really wanna publish more books, I guess that's okay with us."

     "Wow, really?"  Chuck sounds excited.

     "Yes!"  Jean cheers, "Now you two have to read about me having sex instead of the other way around!"

     Both of her brothers look horrified at the thought of having to read a sex scene involving their sister.  Once they get over their horror, Sam tells Chuck, "No, not really.  We have guns and we'll find you."

     Chuck nods nervously, "Okay, okay.  No more books."  Becky looks very disappointed.

     "See you around," Sam and Dean say at the same time then start to walk away.

     Jean goes to follow her brothers, making sure to walk behind Becky and Chuck, then stops and leans down between the two.  She lowers her voice so that only they can hear her, "Do it anyway, Chuck.  They'll never know if you publish more books.  Those two never go into bookstores."

     Chuck looks at Jean a little horrified, "I think you've been spending too much time with Lucifer.  He's beginning to rub off on you."

     "Huh?  What do you mean?"

     "Well...you're leaning over my shoulder and whispering in my ear trying to convince me to do something that I know I shouldn't."

     Jean laughs, "Yeah.  I see what you mean now."  She begins to walk away, but calls over her shoulder, "Bye, you guys!  I hope your relationship lasts!"

     Suddenly, Becky calls out, "Sam, wait!  One more thing."  Sam stops then turns around to face Becky, but Jean and Dean continue to walk.

     The Winchester twins arrive at their vehicles.  Jean opens the driver's side door of her Mustang and is about to get in when Dean asks, "So was that really your favorite memory of us?"

     Jean turns to face her twin only to find him leaning against the roof of the Impala smiling at her.  "Actually, it's a tie between that memory and the Fourth of July when we stole all those fireworks then spent half the night setting them off with Sammy."

     Dean's smile widens, "That's a great memory too."

     Sam walks up behind Dean, "Dean!  Guess what!?"  Sam looks over at Jean then stops whatever he was about to tell Dean.  "Uh, nevermind.  It can wait til later."

     Jean rolls her eyes at Sam's unwillingness to share information with her.  "Whatever.  I'll see you guys later."

     "Wait, Jean.  Do you want to go get something to eat with us?"  Dean asks.

     Jean shakes her head, "No.  My stomach's upset.  I think I'm just going to find a motel and try to sleep off this bug I'm trying to catch."

     The siblings say goodbye to each other and promise to keep in touch before getting in their cars and driving off in different directions.

     A few hours later, Jean finds a motel on the outskirts of Citrus Ohio and checks in under the name of Harleen Quinzel.  She takes a quick shower and brushes her teeth then lays down on the bed.  She's almost asleep when she hears the sound of fluttering wings and feels a pair of cold arms wrap around her waist.  Icy breath hits her neck causing a shiver to run down her spine.  "Hmm, Luci is that you?" she asks, sleepily.

     "Yes, it's me, kitten."  Lucifer replies, kissing her neck.

     "Not tonight, beloved.  My tits hurt and my stomach is upset.  I think I'm coming down with something."

     Lucifer pulls Jean tighter against him and whispers, "You're not getting sick.  You're pregnant, my love."

     Jean pales and rolls over to face her ugear.  She shakes her head in denial, "No.  I can't be."

     He kisses her forehead, "You are.  Do you remember when we bonded and you went into estrus?  We'll, estrus is the time when you're most likely to become pregnant."

     "No, I can't be pregnant.  I don't know anything about being a mother.  What if I accidentally drop it?  Or what if I'm giving it a bath and it drowns?  What if my body rejects it and I have a miscarriage?  And what about the future that Dean was sent to?  The one where he shot me?  Is he still gonna shoot me when he finds out?"  Her breaths are fast and shallow and her entire body trembles as she starts to have a panic attack. 

     Lucifer is caught by surprise, he thought women were supposed to be happy when they found out that they're pregnant, not freak out.  "I thought that you wanted to have a baby?" 

     As the onset of a full-blown panic attack starts to overtake Jean, Lucifer knows he has to do something to calm her down.  So he follows his natural angel instincts and a deep rumbling begins deep in his chest.  The rumbling purr is loud and broken, but it's still oddly comforting to Jean.  She buries her head into his chest and listens to her ugears' deep rumbling.  After several minutes of listening, Jean finally calms down.  She moves her head to the side, pressing her ear against his chest.  "Are...are you purring?"

     The rumbling stops as Lucifer answers her, "Yes.  I once told you that angels purr to comfort fledglings and, of course, our mates.  I haven't purred since before I fell from heaven.  As a matter of fact, I believe the last time I purred was when Gabriel was a fledgling.  Because I haven't done it in such a long time, it's broken and doesn't sound right."

     Jean frowns, "I like your purr just the way that it is.  Just like I love you just the way that you are." 

     "Why did you freak out like that?  I thought that you wanted to have children?"

     Lucifer's deep rumbling purr begins again and Jean clutches him tighter.  "I did, I do...eventually.  But not right now.  I don't think that I'm ready for a baby right now.  What if I turn out to be as shitty of a parent as my dad?  What if...what if I lose my temper and hit them like my father used to hit me and Dean when we didn't listen to him?  And my brothers are going to hate me."

     "Shh, that's enough 'what ifs' for now.  Go to sleep.  We'll discuss this more in the morning."  Lucifer's broken purr returns immediately after he's done speaking.  He cradles Jean in his arms and uses his grace to force her to go to sleep.

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