Bad Boy Mahone

By blink182s

239K 7.5K 887

"Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare... More

Chapter One "School is school."
Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."
Chapter Three "You're in danger."
Chapter Four "World so cold."
Chapter Five "That's my story."
Chapter Six "This Means War."
Chapter Seven "Bring it on."
Chapter Eight "There's something different about you."
Chapter Nine "Why do you always calm me down?"
Chapter Ten "It was time to let go."
Chapter Eleven "Oh? Do i make you nervous?"
Chapter Twelve "Don't act like you didn't like it."
Chapter Thirteen "I failed you and I'm sorry."
Chapter Fourteen "You're not scared of me are you?"
Chapter Fifteen "Keep an eye out."
Chapter Sixteen "Trust me."
Chapter Seventeen "There's something going on."
Chapter Eighteen "You never know what damage your enemies can do to you."
Chapter Nineteen "What do you want from me?"
Chapter Twenty "This house no longer is a home."
Chapter Twenty One "Hope is a bitch."
Chapter Twenty Two "Don't tempt me."
Chapter Twenty Three "Big mistake on your part."
Chapter Twenty Five "Stay With Me."
Chapter Twenty Six "I'm just trying to protect us."
Chapter Twenty Seven "Why now?"
Chapter Twenty Eight "Blown to bits."
Chapter Twenty Nine "I was afraid to love."
Chapter Thirty "We have a big problem here."
Chapter Thirty One "If you want to play with fire, you're going to get burned."
Chapter Thirty Two "How long can you stand the pain?"
Chapter Thirty Three "Its like you're screaming, but no one can hear you."
Chapter Thirty Four "Since when the hell do you smoke?"
Chapter Thirty Five "Pretty faces don't last long."
Chapter Thirty Six "I promise."
Chapter Thirty Seven "Don't judge a book by its cover."
Chapter Thirty Eight "You're turning into a monster."
Chapter Thirty Nine "Pick up the pieces."
Chapter Forty "I've already given up."
Chapter Forty One "You threw it away."
Chapter Forty Two "Memories will haunt you."
Chapter Forty Three "Letters to you."
Chapter Forty Four "Go get him."
Chapter Forty Five "When it's real you can't walk away."
Chapter Forty Six "Just another enemy."
Chapter Forty Seven "Everything feels different."
Chapter Forty Eight "Its time."
Chapter Forty Nine "Have fun in hell."
Chapter Fifty "It's already over."

Chapter Twenty Four "Sometimes you are destroyed."

4.1K 154 13
By blink182s

Chapter Twenty Four

(Read Authors Note at End)

Chapter Song: Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars

Elena's Point of View

Austin carried me up to our hotel room. He carefully set me down on the bed and walked over to turn the lights on.

I felt numb. No, that's not the right word.

I felt disgusting.

All I could think about was tonight and Dean being all over me. My head was pounding from all the thoughts running through my head.

I was mentally screaming at myself for being so stupid. I just wanted to cry right now. Why am I the one who has to live like this? I had a fucked up life already.

Austin looked tired. We both had a rough night.

"Do you want to take a shower?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yes please."

Walking over the little bathroom in the room, Austin turned the knob and warm water began to flow out. He grabbed the plug and the tub began to slowly fill up.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

I really just wanted to be alone in peace for a moment.

"I'll be okay."

He nodded his head. "I'll be in the other room. If you need anything just call me." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

I slowly began to strip and peel off my bra and panties. I tossed them on the other side of the bathroom. I wanted to burn them.

I stepped in, the hot water touching my skin, making me jump at first. Once I fully got in the water surrounded my body. It felt nice.

I grabbed the washcloth and the bar of soap set on the side of the tub for me. I got the washcloth wet, running the bar of soap across it.

I frowned at the sight of all the marks and cuts that were over my skin. The fact that any man would touch a women like that disgust me.

It brought my emotions to a whole new level, and before I knew it the tears engulfed my eyes and blurred my vision.

I ran my hand over the gash on the right side of my breast and sobbed quietly. I didn't want Austin to hear me.

I bit down on my lip and squeezed my eyes shut to make myself stop. The last thing I wanted to be was weak.

Sometimes you are strong,

Sometimes you are weak,

Sometimes you destroy,

And sometimes you are destroyed.

Right now I had to be strong and forget about everything that happend with Dean.

I don't just want to forget it, I want it to go away.

Austin's Point of View

I lay my head down against the big, fluffly pillows. I closed my eyes and rested my hands on my torso.

It was my fault.

How could I just let her walk away?

Why didn't I go after her?

She got hurt. Psychically and mentally.

I got up from the bed and walked over the the bathroom door, my right arm pushed up against it along with my forehead.

I heard her soft cries.

I could feel my heart being ripped out of my chest.

I just wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her, and tell her everything will be okay.

I could feel my eyes burn, I blinked, a tear rolling down my face.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

10 minutes later Elena came out dressed in my tshirt and sweatpants.

"Hey." I said softly.


I was sitting at the end of the bed staring at the wall for the past 3 minutes after the door incident.

She looked at me, pain in her eyes. Her bottom lip began to quiver. I could see the change in her facial expression.

"Come here." I walked up to her and embraced her into a tight hug.

She cried into my shirt.

"Shhh." I said. One hand stroking her back, and the other stroking her hair.

"Elena Carter..." She paused. "She's the girl that believes that what comes around goes around. The one that hopes for a better day. The one that won't give up on you. She's the girl that's unlike the rest. The one that spent her days smiling, and her nights crying. She's the girl that would love to be loved. The one that looks so damn strong, but feels so weak. She's the girl that picks herself up everytime she falls."

She stopped crying, and pushed herself up against me more.

It was silent for another minute before i spoke up and decided to say something.

"Everything is going to be alright. It's going to be more than alright. It's going to be amazing, incredible, spectacular, magnificent, wonderous, out of this world, unbelievably beautiful..." I cupped her face in my hands and we looked eachother straight in the eye. "And one day you'll look back, grateful for what you've gone through because it's made you a stronger person than you were before."

"Right now I feel so...weak."

"Elena look at me!" I held onto both of her hands and saw her beautiful brown eyes looking up at me.

"You are the most amazing, most beautiful person that I've ever met. Every single day that goes on, I fall even harder for you! My feelings for you are indescribable. I do anything to protect the ones that I care about." I paused, licking my lips. "I need you to be mine."

I saw her smile again which seems like years ago.

"Austin I-" I cut her off my smashing my lips against hers.

I loved the way I felt while I was kissing Elena. We have a connection.

We pulled away after a few minutes.

"So, are we official?" Elena asked, hope in her eyes.

"You're my girl." I said smiling.

We hugged again and we just held on to each other, rocking back and forth.

"One day, you and I are going to wake up and be alright. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day. One day. I promise you." I kissed the top of her head.


This chapter is dedicated to wattpad user SnowFlake210!

Want a dedication? From now on whoever leaves the best comment will get a chapter dedicated to them (:

Idk I fucking love this chapter.

Elena is broken.

I know it might be weird to have a character like Elena is in a plot like this. I also feel like it's basic like in every other story where the girls are so insecure and self harm. BUT, Elena is different because she was neglected as a child and has been through so much shit already. Will she be able to fix herself? Will Austin help her? There's still a long way to go with this story.

Austin and the bathroom door scene: He got so beat up from the situation with Elena. He blames himself for everything. He's just as broken as Elena, he just hides it. He says he's fucked up himself---is that why?

Elena and Austin have known eachother for almost 2 months. I have a question. Can you see how much more soft Austin has been getting? Is it because of Elena?

There's a lot of questions but that's for you to inference and for me to write.

Thanks for over 1k votes...finally!! Also, BBM is now on the ranking list for fanfictions (:

Also if anyone is interested in making a trailer or role play the characters on twitter message me (:

Song on the side ->


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