Militant (Sequel to Warrior)

By wintergirl08

83.7K 3.6K 1.1K

I guess you can say that I am unlucky. At least that is what I call myself. The one guy I ever liked has me f... More

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)
Life Full of Books
Wake Up Call
Welcome to Neverland
To Be a Lost Boy
Home Office
Lost Girl
Terrible Spy am I
A Change in Attitude
My Mother's History
Prove It
Just Like Chuck
My Mistake
Dream of 3 Cases
Light Them Up
Surprises Everywhere
Bring Her In
Unlucky Lost Boys
A Chat with Alex
She's Back
Warning Call
Nursery Rhyme
Untold Plans
Sick Girl on the Run
Pay Back
Long Time No See
Causing Trouble: Alex Style
A Distraction
Too Far
Truly Trapped
Skull Island
Knives Are a Girls Best Friend
A Power of Colors
Alex's Camp
Thinking Tree of Hell
Good Always Wins
A Strange Kid
The Demon is Out
Find the Demon
Wrong Story
Light 'em Up
The Queen of Neverland

Hit and Miss

2K 87 33
By wintergirl08

I was back at Pans camp. I guess all the lost boys had a hard time believing I was ever a lost girl beforehand which in some ways feels like a complement. However it did not last long. We were all preparing for the arrival of the group.

The boy Henry was completely oblivious to what was going on. All he did was sit off to the side and played with a stick in the mud while all the lost boys and I started sharpening our knives, dipping our arrows in Dreamshade and eating our fill.

Peter stood in the shadows watching us all and every so often would walk over to the boy Henry to speak to him I guess. I was left to fend to myself with the group of idiotic lost boys. Truth be told, I kind of wish they still believed I was a lost boy so I would not have to be continuously watching my back for idiot lost boys hanging around near me for no good reason. Only one person seemed to have the right mind around me and that was Jack.

He was one of the few who did not look shocked to see Pan walking in with a lost girl in one hand. While all the other lost boys were watching and asking questions as to why the hell I tried to hide my gender and what they should do with me, Jack asked if I was feeling alright and if I was up to what was about to happen.

I could still have a solid shell around my thoughts on Jack but these moments when I see him acting like his normal self, calmed me down from my crazy mind.

"What weapon are you going to be using Lottie?" Jack asked as he started placing some of his arrows now dipped in poison, back into their case. I held up one of my arrows in my hand as an answer which he gave me in return an understanding nod.

"Good. Then I guess you are in for the shooting prize then." He replied.

"What shooting prize?" I asked curiously. Jack gave a small laugh of disbelief.

"Pan says that whoever hits one of the Charming’s gets special treatment after our little meeting. After what has gone down between you and Peter I bet that special treatment sounds pretty nice huh?" He replied winking at me. I stopped dipping one of the arrows and gave Jack a glare. He looked at me confused.


"You have got to be kidding me Jack. Do you really think anything like that is happening between Peter and I? You are crazy!" Jack shrugged and continued preparing his arrows.

"I'm not the only one who thinks that around here. That entrance Pan had with you a few minutes ago did give you some fuel for that fire. Also the way you always call him Peter instead of his normal surname Pan. Oh and I might add how he gives you all these important things to do while he makes the rest of us do not much except watch and learn how to fight." He replied. I looked over my shoulder and saw Peter talking to Henry by the tree. When I looked at him his sight flickered upward at me for a moment and smirked.

"I'll be right back." I stated, dropping my arrows by Jacks pile and started walking over to Peter. In the beginning he pretended not notice me coming but when I was close enough to gain the attention of Henry, he had no choice but to look up.

"A lost girl? I thought only Wendy was ever a lost girl. Are there more of you around here?" Henry asked as he looked up at me with surprise. I smiled and walked a little closer to the two of them.

"Last I checked I was the only one hanging around on this dirt pile. Well everyone except Jill and..."

"What do you want Lottie?" Peter interrupted me. I looked back at him and saw him staring daggers at me.

"Private word with you for a moment would do." I replied. Peter stood up immediately and gestured toward the tree outline. Henry watched me follow Peter with a curious look on his face. When we had gone far enough in the woods so no one could hear, Peter turned around to face me with a questionable look on his face.

"Make it quick Lottie. I don't normally do this."

"Yeah I know Peter as I have heard stupid rumors from your lost boys. Don't act like you have not heard them." I replied. Peter smirked and chuckled.

"Oh so they were just rumors then.."

"Don't even start playing with me Peter. You did all this on purpose didn't you? You knew that if you brought a girl back that had been doing all your hidden work for past few days that there would be suspicion or worse. Why would you is the question I have." I asked. He shrugged.

"Why does it matter to you?"

"What type of question is that? You pretty much sent out a rumor to all your horny lost boys that you and I have something between the two of us which frankly is gross and just no!" I replied annoyed.

*Snap* I turned around quickly and saw Felix walking through the forest toward us. He had a small smile on his face that proved that he was listening.

" They are almost here Pan. Should we start heading?" He asked when he stopped a good distance away from us. I looked back at Peter and saw him nod and then look back at me.

"Next time follow my orders and maybe this won't ever have to happen again." I crossed my arms and look down at the dirt. I watched Felix head back to the camp with Peter walking a little behind him.

"Hey Peter!" I called out. He stopped and turned.

"You planned this to happen didn't you?" He smirked and shrugged.

"Get back to camp lost girl."

It only took the group of us about 5 minutes to be all set to run off and attack. We had a few of us stay behind and act like nothing was wrong with Henry but of course I was not one of those few. Peter had a plan for me and If it meant double stabbing that groups back then it looks like that was what I was going to do.

We had run up through the dark side of the forest where we had the best angle of travel for shooting and there we waited for Peters signal. Peter walked past us as we settled up our bows and arrows. He was not wearing his normal green clothes. Instead he wore clothes that reminded me of a boy in town. A boy like Henry...

" Nice scarf Peter." I remarked as he walked past me. He turned around toward me and patted the scarf.

"It's quite comfy actually."

"Oh I'm sure. It helps you pull off another vibe about you."

"Well that was the plan. Let’s just see how much more different I look compared to their son in this."

"That's not the type of vibe I was just getting from you Pan." I replied quickly. I felt Jack next to me stop a laugh from coming and I smirked. Even if I was in the middle of an evil group of lost boys, I still could joke all I wanted with Jack and he would get it.

Peter on the other hand completely ignored my remark.

"Just prove to me that you're on our side, and then maybe we can work something out about that rumor you told me of." He stated loudly making me go slightly red in the face. This time I felt Jack go a little slack next to me.

"Everyone quiet I heard voices!" One lost boy announced from the crowed. We all took cover except for Peter who stood with his back toward the bottom of the hill. I hid in the bush next to him and I could see and hear the Save Henry clan coming up.

First I saw the map flying in thin air with a gold haze around it. Must be the magic controlling it. Then next came the group. Emma and Regina were in the lead, followed by Charming and Snow and last but not least, the two pirates.

"The map says he should be here." Regina stated as she stopped right smack in the middle of the dip of the hill. I looked up at Peter who know just stayed quiet and still. You could see his thought process from where I sat which was strange for someone like him who normally had a remarkable poker face.

It was not until Emma caught sight of the back of Peter that his face covered up thoughts and replaced it with an evil look when he turned around to face them.

"Hello Emma." He stated simply. Even through the bushes I could sense the nerves of the clan skyrocketing. They were not expecting him.

I was half listening as Peter began to explain to them what they did wrong. I noticed that he tends to do this a lot when he fools people. He brags about it actually.

"...But don't you know, Cheaters never win." At the last sentence all the lost boys and I came to life and jumped out of our hiding places and surrounded the clan in the center. Immediately the group in the middle pulled out there swords and well magic in Regina’s case, and prepared to fight.

You've got to do this for Peter... It's the only way you can calm yourself down from the magic you have placed on yourself. I thought as I aimed one of my arrows aimlessly at the group down below. I hoped and almost prayed that the group was stronger than they looked. But at the same time, all I wanted was to hit a moving target. Then a feeling washed over me. Something I never felt before. It was almost a haze. It calmed me down but at the same time made my made be directed at the group at the bottom of the hill.

Actually this is not all that bad. What's the problem with saving Henry anyway? It's not like he will make a great lost boy here too. All this group is doing trying to rip out his last chance of being young forever, Of being free forever...

I felt a clash of energy wash over me and smiled. I redirected my bow and arrow so that they were aligned with Jill.

She is the first to go...

At the exact same moment Jill focused on me. Her expression changed immediately from full of energy and excitement to downright horror. She was scared of me. And most importantly she knew I was not going to miss when I let my arrow fly.

Then in one brief moment we all began. My fingers let go of the arrow and Jill stood stock still.

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