The Bad Girl

By NickeishaKeize

450 122 12

Cutie Clayton is a nice innocent girl that grows up with her Parents and big brother.Her father Kevin Clayton... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyOne
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Thirty

1 1 0
By NickeishaKeize

I stared into his brown eyes "Sure",.

"I am not an innocent child. My best uncle died at age 12 and that changed me perfectly. I do things and I love it",.

"Every child do things and love it", I told him.

"I am different from every child", he laughed.

"No body is perfect ,now how am I going to get home",.

"I will get off at the next bus stop with you and I will call my dad to send my car to me",.

My eyes widened "You have a car at this age. So why are you taking the bus", I burst out lowly.

"I don't normally take bus . I only take it when my dad have business",.

"Your dad is a business man cool. So you don't attended school",.

"Yes I do sometimes",.

"What kind of business your dad do ?",. I was so sorry I asked that question .The expression on his face changed and he looks at me sternly and annoyed .

"Why asking so much damn question .What are you a freaking cop",?he raised his voice.

I flinched in shame "Am sorry ",.

Pushing the bus button to signal it to stop I hurried off the bus not knowing where I was but I just wanted to get off to get fresh air.

Rushing off the bus I felt a gripped on my risk. I looked around and it was a mid age man "Stay away from him ",he whispered to me. I looked at Tijani and back at him confused ,what was he talking about?. Why would I stay away from someone like Tijani?. He seems cool .

Sigh.Walking off the bus I thought about his words but stops when I realized I'm in the middle of no where.


Standing at the bus stop alone and scared . I felt so sad .How am I going to reach home now, I thought to myself. Standing there like a poor thing I saw a black mark x pulled up in front of me. I stood still ready to defend myself if it's anyone trying to kidnapped me. The window slowly roll down and a smile appeared on my face.

"What do you want now?", I questioned like I wasn't happy to see him which I do.

"And you can ask if I am a cop .Yes I am a secrete detective that hunts and kill so stay away from me", I continued and role my eyes.

He laughed "Your facety .There is just something about you that attract my soul",.

I blushed as I play with the hem of my shirt "Your the shy type", he interrupted staring at me like he just saw an angel.

"Shut up and go .Your interrupting my peace",.

"You got peace here all alone and looking scared, so you don't want to get home",.

He's right I do want to go home but not with him. " I am not scared and I am not afraid of anything Mr .Tijani",.

The sky got dark after a sudden and a thunder burst . I jumped as a small scream escaped my mouth.

"I guessed your afraid of a thunder. Get in and I will bring you home", he chuckled.

"I am not going anywhere with you", I retorted rolling my eyes.

"Ok suit yourself then ",.

Another thunder burst and I screamed again "Ok Tijani you win this time", I mumbled stamping my feet around to the passenger seat.

"Please don't kill me", I whined as he drove at full speed and the wind ripple through my hair ,blowing it all over.

"Your going crazy there beautiful ",he giggled and whined up the windows.

"Thank you ", I breathed out.

"So where do you live. Wait you want to go have fun with me",.

"C'mon I am frustrated . I just met you so where am I to go with you ,I just want to go home", I raised my voice then leans my head against the window.

"What tha", I burst out as my body reflects to the sharp brakes he proceeded.

"Don't every raised your voice at me!!", he commanded.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do!!!",.

"I just met you and you don't know me or what I am capable of cutie!!!",.

"You don't know me either and don't mention my name in your mouth!!",.

"Get out !!",.

"I don't care!!. Screw you .Your even worst than my bestfriend !!",I shouted before getting out and slammed the door, before he could speed off I glance at a rock stone on the ground and angrily throws it into the back glass with all my might causing it to shattered. It's now dark and it began to rain .The car stopped on its driving off and I glanced him getting out , before he could reach me I sprint over to the opening lot that was behind me but I wasn't fast enough to get a safe hiding spot.

He grabbed unto my hair pulling me back to him "I told you ,you don't bloody know what I am capable of you bitch",. He forcefully twist my body around to face him then suddenly his hand connect with my cheek and I head swung to the side.

"That's all you got ",.

"No "he smiled as he hold a knife to my neck. " You shouldn't have slept away in that bus at first. You shouldn't have missed you stop and you shouldn't have bloody messed with me and my car",.

"Tijani please don't", I fake cried.

"You should have think about the person I am before you messed with me",.

"So should you ", I raised my voice gripping onto his hand with the knife firmly and flip his body to the ground with the support of my body ,pulling his hand behind his back causing him pain as he let go off the knife.

"Like you said never messed with someone you don't know", I speak aggressively at him then bend to took the knife up . With that he bit me on my hand and break lust of my hold .


Hope this Chapter pleased you all.

Please remember it's my first time writing. Vote and Comment


Sorry for any spelling grammars and errors . Please don't be harsh with me. Thank you.

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