My Wierd Abilities

By GhoulLex

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When Camillia Bates's family moves from California to Indiana, Camillia wonders why she has start her life al... More

My Wierd Abilities
Ch.2 A Bunch of Weirdos
Ch.3 The Collins Household
Ch. 4 The Necklace and The Promise
Ch.5 A Day in the Johnson's House
Ch.6 You Over Come the Hardships to Grow Stronger
Ch.7 Willows With a Huanting Past
Ch.8 Red Star?
Ch.9 The Gathering
Ch.10 Tiress
Ch.11 Past Revealed
Ch.12 Can You Sing That Song?
Ch.13 The Invitation
Ch.15 Attack During Christmas
Ch.16 Ray's Secret
Ch.17 Double or Nothin'
Ch.18 A Banquet Gone Wrong?
Ch.19 Everything's Okay For Now
Ch.20 A Week of Sun Sea and Weirdos
Ch.21 A Night To Remember
Ch.22 The Boy With The Box
Ch.23 Everything Doesn't Always Go As Planned
Ch.24 Is This The End?
Ch.25 True Powers Unleashed
Ch.26 Ray Meets Winter
Ch. 27 Time's Running Out
Ch.28 Two Dancing Leaves
Epilogue: One Big Reunion

Ch.14 Presents Before Christmas?

133 2 0
By GhoulLex

I woke up to the sound of my phone. I looked and saw that Ray was calling me. What could be so important to call in the morning? I picked it up.

" Hello?" I asked grumpily.

" Camie! Get ready and meet me at my house! And you have to wear a dress, ok? Bye!"

" Wait Ra-"

He hung up on me. "That bastard," I mumbled as I went to my closet. A Thursday on break and I have to wake up early. What has the world gone to?

" Why a dress?" I asked myself. Then I realized. " Ugh! Today he's having Christmas at his house! I completely forgot! Why am I such an idiot?!"

I wasn't expecting an answer but I got one anyway. " You're an idiot because I got all the brains," Brady said standing at my doorway.

" What the hell do you want?" I snapped.

He took a step back. " Hey your the one yelling I just over heard from my room, and came to check what's happening that's all," he explained defensively.

I sighed. " You know not to get on my bad side in the morning or I'll snap," I said laying out a couple of dresses on my bed.

Brady ignoring my warning pushed his luck anyway. " So what's all this about Christmas at Ray's house? You got a date? Because you'd never wear a dress, speaking of dates you know today's Thursday right? You don't have to wake up early, you could've went back to sleep after your call you know."


His eyes were wide and he was cowering down the hall. " Yes," was all I heard Brady say as he went down the stairs.

"I'm glad we're on the same page!" I yelled and slam the door. And went back to picking a dress. " Man what a headache."

I decided to go with my plain red dress. It was a almost tank top like straps, and came down a little below my knees. And it had a bow tied around my back. There also was a rose on the right chest side. I wore flats that were black and had roses on it. I noticed I didn't take off my necklace before I went to sleep. But I left it on because I wore it every day.Like always I left my hair as it was, but I did brush through it.

Before I walked out my door I grabbed my purse that had my phone, money, and camera in it. He's going to pay for me dressing up. I also grabbed the two wrapped presents to give to Ray and Caine. I had other gifts for Ren, Greg, and James but decided to give it to them when I see them again.

I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I saw my mom making something. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table.

" Camillia dear! Why are you dressed up?! You look so beautiful!" My mom adored me when I dressed in something fancy.

"I'm going over to Ray's to celebrate Christmas at his house with his family. I told you that," I mumbled the last part.

" Oh!I'm sorry I forgot." she said and went back to making whatever it was.

" You aren't the only one who forgets things," Brady mumbled mockingly walking in the kitchen. I was about to burst again when my father came in and stopped me.

"Brady take a look at your sister," dad said pionting at me. Brady looked at me and started to cower again.

My eyes were filled with anger, and were narrowed. My eyes were looking directly at Brady. And I had a scowl on my face.

"Now Brady you've already got on her bad side don't make her any more pissed off okay?" Dad raised an eyebrow at Brady. He nodded and cowered to the living room.

Dad sighed," What did he do to make you mad?"

"Well Ray called me waking me up early which already made me moody. Then Brady started to babble saying I have a date, and today I didn't need to get up, and crap like that. I just got annoyed and I'm sure you heard my threat," I explained eating my breakfast.

He nodded," I did and I have to say that threat was very creative. I would've never thought to put coyotes into use." He started to laugh. "And I also never want to get on your bad side."

I laughed at that," That's wise wisdom right there."

"You look great but why so fancy?" dad asked.

"Ray's family on his dads side think that you should look 'civilized' when celebrating holidays or at outings. And there was no way out of wearing a dress, trust me I asked."

Dad nodded. " You know if you put your hair back out of your face you would look better," dad pointed out.

I scrunched my face. " I don't have to have it up and that's that," I growled. My dad didn't take the conversation further seeing I was about to snap.

I finished eating and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my coat. Then I walked over to Ray's house with the camera ready. I rang the door bell and got my camera ready for a picture. As soon as the door opened I snapped a picture. I put the camera down to see a shocked Ray.

I smirked. "This is pay back. If I wear a dress I take pictures of you in tuxes, got it?"

He smiled," You look amazing you should wear dresses more often."

"Yeah and you should wear tuxes more. Hell no.I only wore this because you said I had to," I growled.

He chuckled," I see your in a good mood. Did Brady push his luck again?"

"Big time," I said.

" Ray why are you standing at the door?! Come inside this instant!" Grandma T yelled.

"Would you like to come in?" Ray asked wrapping his arm across himself like a waiter would do.

"Ha Ha very funny I would be glad to get out of the cold," I said walking inside.

As soon as I was through the door I was tackled by someone. " Oh my little flower looks so pretty! You've grown up so much!" Caine cooed holding me up in the air like a child.

"Ok you can set me down now," I said motioning to the floor.

"Oh yeah sorry," he said setting me down.

I instantly grabbed my camera and snapped a picture of Caine. He looked puzzled. " What's with the camera?" he asked.

"Camie do you have to punish him too? I'm the one who said you have to wear the dress," Ray pointed out.

"Yes but he also thinks I look better in a dress so he can deal with it," I shrugged putting my camera up.

" By the way you both look stunning in your tuxes. Did your father pick them out?" I asked.

"Why yes and thank you! I thought I always look good in anything, but I thought tuxes look great too." I started to zone him out when Ray led me to the kitchen.

"You know you only boosted his ego up right?" Ray said smiling.

"I know, I know. I just didn't think he was going to babble about style," I shrugged. It's not my fault Caine acts like that.

" I was wondering,"I said pulling out a pot to make tea.

"Yes what is it?" Ray asked leaning against the counter.

"Why would I come here SO FREAKIN EARLY IN THE MORNING WITH A DRESS ON!?" I yelled. Snapping Caine out of his boasting, and looking at us.

He laughed. Oh I was going to kill him. " Do you find this funny?!" I yelled. He laughed even harder. I needed to punch something.

I looked at the pot I just sat out. I held it in the air with my left hand and threw my right fist into the pan. I heard a loud thud, and Ray stopped laughing.The anger was seeping away.

"That's better," I said still holding the pan. Ray and Caine looked terrified. "What?" I asked. I looked to where their eyes led to. I shifted my gaze to the pan I held. My eyes went wide.

The pan had a dent in the bottom of it from where my fist made contact. "D-Did I do that?" I asked not believing my eyes. They nodded. I sat the pot down.

" I'm so sorry I'll pay for a new one," I said just as Grandma T came into the room. She gasped at the sight of the pan. Then shifted her gaze to the boys.

"Ok, which one of you made her mad?" She asked calmly. They pointed at each other like kids.

"He did it!" They said together. She sighed.

" Grandma T, I'm sorry I'll get you a new one," I promised to her.

She just smiled. " No need dear, there's plenty more in the shelf."

I sighed in relief, "Thank you."

She walked to the shelf to get another. "So which one of you boys made her mad? You both know what's she capable of when angered, and if you don't want your face to look like that," she gestured to the pot I punched,
"Then I suggest you tell me now."

They stared at each other, hoping one would give in. I smiled brightly," It was both of them!"

Grandma T looked at them setting another pot on the counter. " Well you boys best explain this to your parents while Camie makes tea for tonight,"And with that they scurried to where their parents were.

" Let me just say, I do not want to get on your bad side," Grandma T stated smiling.

I rubbed the back is my neck, "Yeah sometimes I scare myself. But did Ray call me to come over here to make tea for tonight, and that's it?"

She smiled. " Yes I asked him to. Even though you taught me I'm just not as good. Your tea is better," she mused getting all the supplies to make tea.

I chuckled, " Alright I'll make plenty!"


I sat awkwardly on the couch waiting for Ray's family to arrive, and for the boys to come back with whatever it was they wanted to show me.

I swear I've been here the whole day helping with the decorations, and making food. And made ten gallons worth of tea! I hope that's enough, because I'm tired and I don't feel like making more.

"Camie close your eyes!" Ray yelled from the other room.

"Whatever," I mumbled, and closed my eyes.

I heard them shuffle to where I was sitting, and felt something on my lap. "Okay open!" Caine said excitingly. I looked down at my lap and saw a small, wrapped box with a red fluffy bow.

" F-for me?" I asked surprised.

"Well duh, who else?" Caine said sarcastically. Ray punched him in the shoulder. " Ouch!"

"You didn't need to be so mean, smart ass," Ray said.

I sat there with the package on my lap, not sure what to do. " You know it's okay to open it. You don't have to wait till Christmas," Ray stated glaring at Caine.

I chuckled. "Okay!"

I neatly took off the wrapping paper and slowly opened the box. It was beautiful, Ray got me a frame filled with five different pictures of him, James, Ren, and me. I remember us taking the photo with all four of us together, but not the other four.

" Ray thank you it's amazing, but when did you take these pictures? It looks like a professional took them."

He smiled and shrugged. " I guess it helps when every cheap shot I take you criticize it and give me tips, huh?"

I nodded. " It's great to know you don't ignore me."

" Camie you haven't opened mine!" Caine said pointing at the box. I rummaged through the box and found another little, wrapped box.

I sighed, "Let me guess, inside this box is another small, wrapped box?" Ray was holding in his laughter, while Caine didn't find it funny.

"Come on, open up and see," Caine urged.

"Okay, okay calm down," I started to rip off the wrapping. I opened it, and saw a bracelet. It had charms if all the anime I watch.

"Thank you Caine it's awesome," I said slipping it onto my wrist.

"Well I can't take all the credit, Ray told me which anime you liked," Caine said chuckling softly.

I'm forgetting something, what was it? " Your gifts! I set them somewhere!" I said mostly to myself, as I frantically went through the house trying to figure out where they were.

"Aww you got us something, That's so sweet!" Caine mused.

"Well I did but I don't know where I put them, so now I feel like an idiot," I moaned as I slumped back onto the couch.

"Hey these wouldn't happen to be the gifts, would they?" Ray asked holding up the boxes I wrapped.

I stood up and ran over to Ray. " Yeah they are! Where were they at?"

He handed me the presents. " They were under the tree," he started," I'm sorry I saw them sitting on the counter and thought they were presents we wrapped this morning."

I sighed with relief. " Here you go! Merry Christmas!" I said handing him the present. I went over to Caine and handed him his present.

They both sat on the floor, and I sat on the floor in front of them to watch them. I had my camera ready. Caine went and opened his first. His eyes became wide when he saw what was inside. I took a picture.I knew he'd like it. He held up the sequel to the game he was playing when we went to the place with the willow trees. I know now that the game was Mortal Kombat.

" How did you know? I was planning to buy this game myself when it came out," Caine said shocked. " How did you even get it? It's not out in stores yet."

I looked at him and smiled," That's my little secret!" He went back to looking at the case. " Ray, are you going to open yours?" I asked.

He was staring at the box. " Why is it so big? Caine's wasn't this big," he stated.

"It wouldn't fit unless I put it in that box so open it already," I urged him.

"Okay," he sighed ripping the wrapping off and opening the box. His mouth opened but no words came out, and his eyes were wide. I snapped another picture.

" D-did you draw this!?" Ray stuttered while holding the framed picture in his lap.

"Yep! You like it?" The picture frame wasn't anything special, a simple black, half inch. I drew most of the characters from Batman and colored them in with colored pencils on that piece of paper.

"I love it but now I know why the box was so huge, the picture itself is enormous!" Ray said showing it to Caine, who was leaning over his shoulder.

" You're exaggerating a little Ray," I said chuckling. They were too busy admiring it to hear me. "Boys," I muttered as I stood up to throw away the trash.

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