Californian Ghoul (A CrankGam...

By jackir30

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A young man, born as a Ghoul, must move to California in order to escape hunters that are after him. However... More



96 2 1
By jackir30


I was dead, a third time... third time is the charm, right??

Well apparently not, because I am in fact alive somehow. But I am in pain... so much pain... I was also really weak. I could still feel the side of my neck from where I've been bitten. It feels numb, but I can still feel the burning and the stinging from the wound.

I slowly opened my eyes, tears strolling down my face from the pain I could still feel. I saw nothing but bright lights and shadows that looked like they were staring down right at me.

"The patient is awake." I could hear a doctor say. "Add another dose."

I didn't know what they meant by that, but I found myself suddenly growing tired again and blacking out.


I continuously paced up and down my room, my heart racing and my emotions going through the roof, waiting for Dr. Morgan to come back and give me any news on Ethan. My mind kept telling me the same exact thoughts I've been saying to myself ever since I attacked Ethan.

I'm such an idiot!
I ruined everything!
I killed Ethan!
I'm a monster!

Suddenly, I heard the door opening as Dr. Morgan came into my room, wearing the same exact suit that everybody had to wear around me before. It made me feel worse, like I had lost his trust as well. Like I was the same monster everybody has always feared.

"Don't worry about the suit, it's just for cautionary purposes." Dr. Morgan assured me, "You know I know you're not a monster."
"Don't give me that shit." I mumbled in response. The doctor stayed silent. I then asked what I've been needing to ask him. "How's Ethan?"
The doctor didn't say anything at first, leading me to believe that it wasn't anything good.
Finally, he spoke. "He's critical... but stable..."
I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulders as I finally sat down on the edge of my bed, my hands up against my face, trying to hold back tears.
"Thank God... Thank God... Thank God..." I kept whispering to myself.

I took my hands away from my face as I stood up again and looked at the doctor, this time determined.

"I would like to see him." I demanded.
"I'm afraid we cannot do that, Mr. Scheid." Dr. Morgan responded.
"And why the hell not?" I asked.
"We cannot risk another attack." Dr. Morgan stated.
"Then I'll wear a mask to block out his scent!" I said.
"The masks will not work forever." Dr. Morgan told me.
"Well then I'll wear them until they no longer work." I said.
"We still cannot risk you possibly taking off the mask." Dr. Morgan said.

I threw my fist against the wall in frustration, actually causing a crack in the brick foundation. I would have broken my hand in other circumstances, but this time I didn't.

"I have not taken off my mask at all except for when you guys told me to! And look where in the hell that got me?" I exclaimed. "I attacked and nearly killed my friend while you guys probably sat there taking notes like the asshole doctors you are before actually calling for help, when you promised me before you would be there to protect me from harming him!"

The doctor was silent, giving me the same blank expression he always has been given me.

"Alright... we can arrange something for you to see him." Dr. Morgan responded. He reached down and pulled something from the pocket of his suit and held it up. "In the meantime, why don't you feed yourself?"

My eyes widened and my mouth began watering as I could smell the scent from within the bag of blood the doctor was giving me. It was more of Ethan's blood that I had been craving this entire time. I wanted it. But just as I was about to grab the bag from him, I could hear Ethan screaming in my mind again when I had attacked him.


I could feel chills go down my body as I could hear his screaming in my mind, and a sense of guilt overcame me. If I had only known that it was Ethan's blood before the first time I drank it, I wouldn't have drank it.

I quickly grabbed the bag from him and threw it into the trash can, quickly tying up the trash bag to block the scent from reaching me.

I looked at Dr. Morgan, "No... never again!"
"But you'll starve..."
"I don't care." I responded.
Dr. Morgan nodded, "Alright then..."

He grabbed the trash bag from out of the trash bin before heading out the door. Moments later, he came back and threw me a mask. I immediately put it on and followed him out the door.

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