The Great Sexcapades


276K 4.7K 4K

Juicy random one shots of anything Empire. Anything Taraji and Terrence as well. Еще

I'm Back
About time.
Back to the roots.
New Beginnings
Caught up.
I Love you!
King of the Castle
Why do I love you?
Soul Passion
The Jungle
You and Me.
You and Me Pt.2
Hearts Desire
Collision Course
Power Play?.....
It's me, Baby...
I can't....
In The Beggining....
Remember me
I Can't Resist...
First Day Out.....
What happens in Vegas, Never Stays in Vegas
Love Lost Is A Storm
Gang Ties...
You Broke Love..but We'll Fix It
Teaser: The Games We Play
Before I Self Destruct....
Hustle & Flow
Proud Mary
Our Love Is Toxic
The Unexpected
Is It Really You?
Touch Me, Tease Me
Love And War
Hiya Puddin
Ima Family Mayne
Love Lost Is A Battle
A Merry Christmas Indeed
Dont Mix Business & Pleasure
Before The Hustle Flowed
She's Mine
I Got You
Smoke and Mirrors
Alpha Vs. Alpha?
Got Me Twisted..
Your Protector....
Dancing With The Devil
Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

Temptations of the Heart

4.3K 77 36

[Old Book idea.....Let me know what you think.]

"Cookie. Can you pick up these two tables? Yeah ok bye." Jessie spoke with a fake smile.

Cookie gritted her teeth as she walked away. Her very curvy body strutting away in her modified uniform. That was Jessie for you. Bossy, a bitch, oh and a bossy bitch. She was built though. Size doubble D breasts, very very gifted ass, pretty face, small waist, thick thighs. She was a package. Rumor has it she was a stripper on the weekends.

Cookie on the other hand was small. Her breasts were average size, she had a nice bubbly ass, small waist, long hair, slender legs. She was a package as well.....but you'd never know that. She hid herself in frumpy clothing.

She was beautiful, but she diddnt think so though. She was to busy comparing herself to other people. She sighed putting her lunch away. She was a shy, timid person. She also had some real sass that came with her.

Though she just got the job. Finnaly landing a solid one. Her little money she took with her was slowly drying up. She needed a job pronto. So here she was working at a shitty diner with shitty people.

She tried hard not to snap at Jessie. Trust and believe she could. Even the shyest people had a point where they snapped. Jessie though was the ring leader around here. Plus, sleeping with the boss gave her another level over everyone else.

"Chop! Chop! Cookie those tables won't wait themselves." Jessie snapped. Cookie gritted her teeth once more nodding her head.

She glanced at the two tables. One was a mother and son she assumed. The little boy was cute. The other was a group of men. They were buff well built man. A dark aura hanging around them. She shivered.

She took the order of the first table first. Bringing them their drinks she mustered up the courage to go over to the table. She noticed one was missing.The men looked at her with wide smiles. To big to be friendly.

"What can I get you guys?" She asked in a soft voice. One of the men stuck his head out looking at her back end. He grinned.

"I'd like to have you baby." He smiled smugly. Cookie swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

"Don't be so shy baby." Another man at the table spoke. He reached for her hand, but she snatched it away. The man frowned. His jaw ticked as he leaned back in his seat.

"Leave her alone man." Another man spoke on the other side of the table. He looked younger then the rest.

"Shut up Cam." The man that first spoke to her snapped. Then his face fell as a shadow loomed over her.

"I'd listen to Cam. Leave her alone." Someone suddenly snapped from behind her. Cookie jumped.

He gave her an apologetic smile. He was a bit taller then the rest of them. His arms looked like they could snap her. She shifted nervously.

"Sorry Jonah. We were just teasing." The man spoke casting his eyes to the floor. Jonah glared at the men, no one met his eyes. Cookie found that odd.

"Can you get them two large all meat treat pizzas?" He asked. She nodded writing it down.

"And just a pitcher of beer, 5 cups." He finished. She nodded once more writing it down.

"Are you not staying?" The man known as Cam asked.

"No. Boss needs me. I trust you guys have this right?" Jonah asked. They all nodded. Cookie assumed he was speaking about the bill.

"Is that all?" She asked.

He smiled at her nodding. She gave a soft smile back. As she turned to walk away on her shaky legs, he grabbed her hand. She flinched from the sudden movement.

It was just a natural reflex she picked up. Being in a state thousands of miles from home was scary. Especially where she ended up in the ghettos. He frowned at her releasing her quickly.

"I'm sorry I diddnt know your name." He apologized.

"It's ok." She spoke in her normal soft voice.

He reached into his pocket pulling out some cash. He pulled some money out of the wad and held put his hand. She looked at him confused.

"This is for the bill. Whatever is left I want you to keep." He smiled. She shook her head.

"No seriously...Consider it an apology for my friends here. Keep it." He spoke sincerely giving her an award winning smile.

"Thank you." She smiled.

She couldnt keep it in his smile was contagious. He grinned even bigger winking at her. She turned scurrying to the back placing the order. From there she hit the cash register.

Paying for the meal she was left with 500 dollars. She gave a silent thank you. Her lights were getting shut off tommorow if she diddnt pay today.

"Cookie." Her boss called. She turned shoving the money in her back pocket.

"Go home for the night. I got it here." He spoke. Cookie nodded taking of her waiters apron.

"And stop letting Jessie bully you. I've had a talk with her. Get home safely." He spoke.

She nodded again staying silent. She walked to the back grabbing her stuff heading out the back door. She begun her walk home. It was dark but not to dark. Plus her apartment was a 10 minute walk away.

A few hours later....

Cookie groaned as she grabbed her jacket heading out the door. She locked the door then headed down the stairs. She had left her phone at the diner. She had one of those phone cases that held cards so her ID was there as well. She couldnt pay her bill without it.

She sped walked to the diner. It was really late. The street lights illuminating the dark streets. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her bosses car parked outside. She entered the back door seeing her phone on the table. She cursed picking it up. It was dead. No lights tommorow.

As she was about to ask her boss for a ride home she heard a grunt. It sounded painful. She crept quietly peeking her head out the swinging door. Her eyes widened when she saw the men from earlier roughing up her boss.

"L dosent like to be kept waiting. You had your choice. Now take the solution." A man shouted down at her bleeding boss.

Her boss looked up slowly, when his eyes saw her they bucked. As he went to mouth something to her, a shot rung out. She watched him slump forward. She gasped dropping her phone. It hit the ground loudly. The men snapped their heads to her.

Cookie diddnt wait to see what would happen next. She swivelled around jetting out the back door. Curses and shouts were heard coming from the dinner. She pushed hard. Her blood pumping quickly.

The thundering footsteps of the men hit the streets seconds later. She pushed even harder chanting don't look back. She took the back streets home. Hitting corners at high speed. Not a fumble in her step.

"The bitch is fast!" A man wheezed from behind her.

She heard the footsteps drop an octave. An idea popped in her head. Outrun them. It was about endurance. Thankfully she had alot of practice with this. As a cross country runner she could practically run forever.

She hit two corners particularly fast losing them. She slowed down to create less noise but keep her run. She was about 15 minutes away from home now. She could tell by the barley lit street signs. She had taken off in the wrong direction.

"Shit! Where'd she go?" A man shouted.

"Boss is gonna kill us. Shit! Split up." He ordered.

Cookie thought she was home free untill she heard gravel crunch behind her. She broke her word looking back. It was the skinny looking guy Cam. She cursed pushing herself harder. Her slowed pace letting him catch up slightly.

She pushed ad hard as she could. Ignoring signs she was just running at this part. Her heart sunk as she hit an alleyway that was a dead end. Footsteps rounded the corner. His heavy breath echoed in the alley. Her own alittle softer.

She looked around frantically for a escape. Her eyes caught a trash can she could hop on and jump over the fence. As she turned to do so his voice rung out. Shiny silver glinting in the dark.

"Don't! I'm sorry." He spoke. She froze turning around. He stood feet away from her. His eyes held so remorse and sadness.

"I don't want to do this. Im so sorry." He spoke hoarsly.

She felt like this was her only chance. He was less experienced with this kind of stuff she could tell. She rose her hands in fake surrender. When his gaurd was down she kicked him hard in the leg.

He groaned dropping his gun. She scrambled to pick it up. Pointing at him her hands shook.

"Leave me alone." She cried out fear consuming her.

Although she was on the winning side the reality of the situation hitting her. He stood to his full height again. His eyes sad he took a step forward.

"Please....Stop....Don't get any closer." She cried.

"I'm sorry." He spoke once more before lunging at her.

She squeezed her eyes shut pulling the trigger. The gunshot ringing out. Opening her eyes she gasped as she looked at him. He stared at the blood pulling from his lower abdomen. She shrieked dropping the gun.

"I'm...s...s..sorry. " She stuttered backing away.

He slowly slid down the wall. She felt tears drop from her eyes. The voices of his comrades rung out. She turned hoping on the trashcan. With one last look over his shoulder she froze. He had his gun in his hands. They stared into each others eyes. She watched as he threw the gun away from him. Giving her a tilted smile he looked away from her. His eyes slowly closing.

"Thank you!" She spoke hoping the fence.

Cam chuckled slightly. He knew he was gonna be in some shit if they found out he let her get away. His crews face appeared in his veiw. He was starting to feel his blood loss.

"Fuck man!" A man yelled kicking a box.

"Jonah's gonna fuck us up, then bosses is gonna kill us." He continued.

Cam chuckled as screetching tires approached. He let his eyes fall closed and relaxed. They moved him into the car where loud arguing was occurring. This was a fucked situation.

"I WANNA KNOW EVERY GOD DAMN THING ABOUT HER!!! WHERE SHE CAME FROM, WHO SHE IS. EVERYTHING!" Lucious yelled at his men. They nodded getting out of his office. He glared at the men that were supposed to have this on lockdown.

"You guys are lucky Cam begged for your lives. If it wasn't for him. You'd all be fucking dead." Lucious snapped.

"Get the hell outta my face." He growled. They jumped up. Doing just that. Lucious sat down in his chair. Jonah walked into his office.

"Got something." He spoke. Lucious perked up.

Jonah slid her file over to him. After picking up her phone he got her ID from the diner. He sent it to their top guys and they gave them that. Her file was virtually empty. Lucious picked up the folder, then glanced at Jonah.

"What the fuck is this?" He snapped opening the folder. A single sheet of paper slid out.

"Her file."

"This is it?" Lucious spoke. Jonah nodded.

"Her ID gives me more information then this. It's like she diddnt exist. Maybe she's a spy." Lucious spoke. Jonah shook his head. Not the girl he met.

"Or maybe she's hiding and dosent want to be found." Jonah spoke up.

Lucious glanced at him in thought. Leaning back in his chair he tried to peice something together. Jonah sat down in front of him.

"We have Malcom on getting her address right now and Adam at the department is on set for calls or her." Jonah informed him. Lucious nodded.

"Why change your name?" Lucious asked out loud. Jonah shrugged.

"Give me her ID." Lucious spoke.

Jonah handed it to him. He looked down at it. She was a pretty girl, his eyes bucked when he saw her age. Just a measly 20 years of age. She just had a birthday. Lucious set her ID down.

Her file had her birthday, her fake
name, a few frequent docter visits. After that it was blank. Not even her real name was there. He was curious about how she got an ID with this name. He knew it wasnt her real one. It couldnt be. This girl had peeked his interest.

It was as if her previous life didn't exist. Like she was a nobody, not even a social security number in her wallet. Just an ID and five dollars. 

"Cookie..." He muttered letting the name roll of his tounge. He smirked. He was intrigued indeed.

"What type of name is that anyways?" Jonah asked aloud. Lucious shrugged tossing the card onto the table.

"She's gotta a pretty face, she looks fimilar but I can't put my finger on it." Lucious spoke lacing his fingers together. He laced his fingers together, his muscles flexing in his suit jacket.

"She could make me a pretty penny though." Lucious contiued voicing his thoughts.

He could keep her instead of selling her. Make her into a toy maid, or throw her into the whore house. He sighed picking up the Id again. He stared hard at her picture. She couldn't be 21, she had a baby face.

"What to do with you?" He hummed, he was enchanted by her beauty. Opening his drawer he pulled out a Cuban cigar. Lighting it, he put it to his mouth staring off into the fireplace.

"She ain't no door I tell you that. Not the girl I met." Jonah spoke making l ucious snap his gaze to him. His eyes narrowed at his right hand man.

"And you know that how?" He asked.

"You pay me to be your second in command and to profile people. And I profiled her, she isn't aggressive, she's not an actor, she's shy but feisty.  She has this strong fighter in her eyes. I can tell she had it rough as a kid." Jonah spoke rattling off key points of what he learned.

"Then she's of no use. She shot my brother, when they find her kill her on spot." Lucious declared flicking his wrist in dismissal.

"Boss....Don't kill her. She's only 21." Jonah spoke, Lucious chuckled once.

"21 my ass." Lucious responded.

"Still she's long and it seems she's had it bad already. Cut her some slack. You and I both know Cam would have shot her without question. He let her go for a reason." Jonah defended.

"Which is why I said he wasn't ready for the field!" Lucious boomed slamming his hand on the table. Jonah  sighed ignoring his outburst.

"He's a grown man. The boy wants to be apart of the business. Let him. Now as for her......What are you gonna do to her?" Jonah asked. Lucious focused his gaze back into the fire. He took a puff of his cigar and blew out a cloud of smoke.

"I don't know yet..." He growled.

"Cookie, Cookie, Cookie......Untill We meet little tiger." He spoke softly to himself.

Hope you enjoyed!😩

Give me your thoughts.

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