Sieg (A Harry Styles Fan Fict...

By wehadtowalkaway

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Sieg (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Sieg I : Sieg Academy
Sieg II : Who's One?
Sieg III : Brothers
Sieg IV : Sister
Sieg V : Harry Styles
Sieg VI : Bicycle
Sieg VII : Date me
Sieg VIII : Dia de Bauge
Sieg IX : Group Study
Sieg X : Rain
Sieg XI : Unusual Dream
Sieg XII : The most attractive man on earth
Sieg XIII : Gold Card
Sieg XIV : Cruise Ship
Sieg XV : And.. we're stuck
Sieg XVI : Isolated Island

Sieg XVII : The Bet

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By wehadtowalkaway

Mom stood there, couldn't contain her emotions when she saw me. I was crying as I welcomed her with a hug. My brothers, all four of them, smiled teary eyed when they saw me. I hugged Mom tighter, whispering words to her ears. I exchanged hugs with my brothers too. They're looking straight at Harry, they must be really angry at him.

"I'm sorry.." Harry whispered, sounding so guilty. I'm not sure to whom he is addressing his apology.

"No one wanted this to happen. You don't have to apologize." Mom answered him, but she looked disappointed though. She must be really blaming Harry, after Harry promised her to take him safely, it ended not very well.

"I'm still sorry." Harry said, almost bowing his head down in apology.

"Harry!!" I heard a very familiar voice, the voice I knew I'll never get over -- Harry's Mom.

Before I could turn to look at Harry's direction where his Mom's voice came from, Mom snatched my hand and whispered, "Let's go." Even my brothers didn't hesitated and walked out.

"Oh, look who's here." His mom's voice echoed. Mom stopped, but didn't turn back. Mom just stood there, holding me tighter, I could see her free hand clenched to a ball.

"Mom--" I said, but she held me tighter and continued walking. I had a second to turn back. But I immediately regret it. My heart sank the moment I met his Mom's eyes. Something occured, one thing I'm sure of, I'll never get over my fear whenever I see his Mom. I don't why and how she gives me creeps, she just do.

I immediately turn my back to her and followed Mom and my brothers out of the place. We arrived home a little bit late. I didn't talk more about the island and just slammed my body on my bed, missing it.

But as the sheet swallow back my body, I remembered the leaves, I could still smell the sand, and as I close my eyes I could see Harry, smiling, jumping around the rain. And it made my lips curved to a smile.

Then darkness started swallowing me back to the dream I always dream of. It seems clearer and clearer every night. I could hear each words clear, echoing in my ears. I could see Dad, Harry, and tonight, I'm sure I'm not mistaken to have heard Harry's Mom voice. And she said the same thing Harry said last night.

"Do I remind you of something?" But this time, she addresses it to herself.

And I woke up screaming. I scanned the room, afraid to find that I'm on the island. But I'm already on my room, I'm no longer lost.

"Does it get scarier every night?" This night, Lou's the one scheduled to stay by my side. He said it softly, but he looked surprised putting a chain of, I think, bracelet to his pocket.

"It scared me to death that I don't want to sleep anymore." I answered honestly.

He stood from the couch and strided to the end of my bed. "So, what do you want to do?" He said smiling.

"We're not going to play soccer here." I immediately.

"Aww snap!" He said looking disappointed. "Mom won't hear I swear!" He said.

"You sound like a child Lou." I said, chuckling under my breath, I put the sheets closer to me.

"Tell me what you want to do then" He said, slamming his back on my bed, closing his eyes.

"Tell me a bed time story like you used to." This time, I'm the one sounding like a child.

He smirked, looking at the ceiling. "Do you like love stories?" He asked.

I nodded. "Hmm hmm. Is it a happily ever after?" I asked.

To my surprise, he shook his head. And he started, "One day..." He smiled, liking this. Then it vanished the moment he continued. "There's this prince that likes a princess so much. He likes her so much that he will do anything for her." We felt each other's breath as I waited for him to continue.

"The prince never fail to visit the princess' castle.The princess is happy every time the prince visits him." He paused, thinking. " The prince summed up all his courage to tell the princess his feelings. When the prince confessed, the princess confessed too. They were in a mutual relationship. They were happy. They love each other. The princess treasured the bracelet that the prince gave her, it was the symbol of their deep love." He sound sad.

"And what was the unfortunate thing that happened?" I asked.

He never opened his eyes even when he continued, "Little did the prince know that the princess has already been reserved to marry another prince." It may sound cliche, but it gave me this impact that it must've really hurt.

"What did the prince do?" I asked, wanting him to continue.

"The prince loves the princess so so much. The prince did everything to snatch back the princess. But one day, he realized that the princess looked as happy with the other prince as she was with him. He realized that maybe, just maybe, the princess have fallen in love with the other prince. And that 'maybe' turned to a reality. The symbol of their deep love acted as their symbol of separation."

It was a moment of silence. For I knew that this fairytale is not the same as those written and sold on bookstores. This is a fairytale that wasn't written but carved into this prince's heart.

"Did.. Did the prince really let go of the princess?" I asked after a moment.

He nodded as I could only see half of his face from the dark, his eyes still closed. "Yeah." He said under his breath. "Because when you love, you'll be willing to sacrifice anything even if it means leaving a permanent scar." He said, and before I could speak, he opened his eyes smiling. "Maybe I should write a book." He jokes.

"Children's book." I corrected, and we both laugh in the darkness. "You'll tell me more about this prince when you are here ok?" I asked.

"Yeah.." He answered.

I wasn't disappointed when I expected that every pair of eyes is all set to me. As I walk down the hall way, sit at the very corner of the room, as I open my locker and as I bite my sandwich, they never fail to murmur or to glance.

I entered my Biology class. I think this was the most controversial class for two reasons. First, I share the same class with Harry and Edward. Second, they're both absent. I sat at the class quietly, listened to our professor and was dismissed earlier. I dropped my pen on the ground and that's when I noticed a piece of paper taped under my desk. I carefully removed it, it was a thick paper folded into two.

"Date me." Are the same words everyday. But this time, it actually made me smile thinking that he's not absent, that I might see him somewhere inside the campus. I folded it again and put it in my bag.

"Jerk." I said under my breath with a smile as I left the room.

"Heard about it." Tiffany's voice rang to my ear as I was opening my locker. I turned to her, she has this despicable smile on her face.

"Everyone did, does and will." I answered getting my English book from my locker.

She smiled wider, "I just wanna say, I miss you so so so much!!" She said.

I smiled at her, "I miss you too. Wanna grab some snacks?" I asked.

Her face turned down. "Nahh, I have a class.." She paused. "Uhh, actually, it's starting right now.. So I better go!" She said and disappeared like a bubble.

Before I could even wave a goodbye, she's already gone, running on the hallway. I sighed, grabbed my book closer to me and started walking out of the building.

I find myself walking down the hallway of our building. And ended up entering the library. It was empty, just like always. I scanned the room once again, then ended up in between the shelves, sat there and started reading my favorite book.

After a single chapter, I slammed it together and leaned on the shelf. Before I could close my eyes, the book on my lap, I heard the door slammed open. I could sense that it was forcibly opened, I bended my neck to see a clearer view of who entered.

It happened so fast that I wasn't able to digest what's happening. All I know is that, there's a clone of a person. Almost the same except for their uniform, one's white and the other is the same as mine.

Harry and Edward.

I couldn't tell which is which. But one of them slammed the other on the wall with such force and motioned to punch him.

"What did you do to her, you asshole!!!" One of them hissed.

The one slammed on the wall, smirked. "I've never seen that face for some time, brother." And I knew, just by the choice of words, that it was Harry.

And when I knew that Edward will punch Harry right on the face I stood up. "S-stop." But my voice cracked.

Barely heard my voice, they both looked back, turning to my direction. I find my knees trembling but I walked towards them. I was looking straight at Edward, who's face looked worried. Then I looked at Harry, who has his perfect face with bruises, and right before Edward held my hand I immediately turned to him.

"Abby.." Edward mentioned with relief.

We lock each other's eyes but then I snatched my hand back and turn to Harry. "Harry.." I started, "A.. Are you alright?" I asked.

He smiled, brushing his hand on his bruised face. "I'm great." He said, but I knew he isn't. And before I could reply Edward snatched my hand with force that made me immediately turn my back to Harry. Edward then hugged me, so tight that it hurts. He pushed my head closer to his chest.

"Good thing you're fine." Edward said, hugging me tighter. "I wasn't able to sleep, I'm so worried." He added.

I wasn't able to hug him back due to surprise. I didn't expect him to be worried about me, to think me being gone to the point that he wasn't able to sleep. He loosened his hug and let go of me. "I thought.. I really thought.."

"I'm fine. I really am fine." I said convincing him, then I turned to Harry. "I think I need to take someone to the infirmary." I said, but then Edward tighten his grip on my hand. "It hurts.." I said.

Edward loosened, but didn't let go. "Why are you so worried about him?" He asked, sounding irritated.

"Because someone punched him and I bet the reason is all just a misunderstanding." I said tryng to get away from his grip.

"You know what's nonsense?" Edward started, "You being very caring to the person who hostaged you making everyone worried."

"What?!" I asked. "You don't have to blame Harry because he's the one with me. It just happened that Harry and I were together and.." My voice slowly vanished.

"So it just happened that the boat that might have saved you and deliver you to that island doesn't have a motor?" Edward asked, he sound angry. "It just happened that the heir of the wealthiest company in our country was alone and no one's watching him that time? It just happened that for two days and one night, no one has found the "Harry Styles"?!" He asked, pleading me to believe him at the same time, hurt that I didn't believe him.

I slowly turn to face Harry, and summed my courage to ask. "Was i-it.. true?" I asked, and I could feel the edges of my eyes forming balls of tears, but I held it. "Was it true that it was all planned? That everything that happened was according to your plan?! Just for that day, I was happy, Harry!!" Tears started streaming down my face. "I was happy--" And before I could break down into piece, Edward held me.

"Harry." It was the first time I heard Edward saying Harry's name. "This coming quarter, if I beat you off your rank, don't ever talk to Abby. Don't you dare lay a finger to her. I won't let you hurt her."

"And if I win?" I could feel Harry's eyes on me.

"Tell me.." Edward challenged.

"I'll have Abigail for a day. That's all I'm asking for." Harry said.

Edward held me tighter and led me to the door, but before we could completely leave, Harry motioned.

"Yes, I planned being in an isolated island with you. But I never planned being happy with another girl again. It was my pleasure to know you."

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