Dollhouse | bts ✓

By SeasOfGlass

328K 20.1K 11.1K

It all started after someone left her a box of seven dolls. amazing cover by @stereoids :) More

note & cast
01. The Package
02. Sleepless Night
03. The Dolls
04. Strange Voices
05. Fun-sized Surprise
06. Dinner Party
07. Family Meeting
08. Little Troubles
09. The Aftermath
10. Whining Devils
11. Treasure Hunt
12. Arrangements
13. Bath Time
14. Same Mistakes
15. Heart Attack
16. Growing Suspicion
17. Roommates
18. Grocery Shopping
19. Reconnaissance
20. The Lion's Den
21. Newfound Passions
22. Questions and Answers [Special]
23. The Seven Nurses
24. Odd Discoveries
26. Enchantments
27. The Inquiry
28. On Their Feet: Part One
29. On Their Feet: Part Two
30. A Writer's Perks
31. Comfort & Security
32. Until Next Time
33. Moving Along
34. You're Our Home
35. The Truth
reflection & thank you
prequel explanation.

25. Tiny but Mighty

6.2K 419 129
By SeasOfGlass

It took me two weeks to process how the dollhouse my father gave me years ago was somehow engraved with magical properties—the ability to give life to inanimate objects, more specifically.

For those two weeks, I neglected most of my responsibilities to dedicate my time to my research, which meant I ignored my wattpad account, the dolls, my cat, and my jobs so that I could lock myself away in my room.

If I wasn't in my room or at work, I was at the coffee shop down the street from the apartment complex with my laptop.

I barely interacted with the dolls, who had grown worried for me over time.

I sighed as I finished furiously typing away at my computer, pausing my process to take another sip of coffee. It was my third one that day and the barista had my fourth one ready before I even had to ask. He was even kind enough to set the new one beside me and dispose of the old one.

"Rough day?" an older woman asked me from the table beside me. I looked over to see her watching me with an understanding expression, while the man sitting across from her seemed uninterested.

I laughed sarcastically and ran a hand through my tangled hair. "More like a rough month."

She smiled. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Not really.

I was about to decline her kind offer, but I stopped myself to think for a moment.

I didn't really have anyone other than the dolls to talk to, but since I'd been ignoring them, I'd been all alone the past several days.

Adjusting my glasses, I returned a small smile. "Yeah."

She grinned again before turning her chair so that she was facing my table, earning a grunt from the man whom I assumed to be her husband.

"All right dear, tell me what's going on."

Where do I even start?

My mind snapped to the idea that I couldn't tell anyone what had specifically been going on, but I could reword the truth so that it wouldn't exactly be a lie...

"I..." I stumbled over my words, trying to be cautious. "I learned some new information regarding some friends of mine which, um, changed a lot of things for me. I'm now in a state of shock, I guess you could say."

"What kind of information?" She nodded, taking another sip of her coffee.

"Their lives aren't really what I thought they were... if that makes sense?"

"Not at all."

"Hm... well... there's something that they rely on to stay alive. Something tangible that doesn't seem safe when you put it into perspective."


I snorted. "No, not drugs. But, I don't know how to handle it."

"Well," she began, gaze clouding in thought. "Whatever it is, have you had a chance to thoroughly talk to them about it? To understand their perspective and explain your own?"

I shook my head.

"Ah," she sighed in satisfaction. "There's your issue. It'll eat away at you until you do because you know you need to. They're your friends, after all."

At her words, I tilted my head in consideration.

Of course, I'd known it all alone. I just stalled it for so long that her small words of advice were enough of a confirmation that it was time to.

Right away.

"I think you might be right," I admitted, already closing my laptop and packing away my things. "I've got to go. Thank you."

"No problem at all. Take care of yourself, dear."

♡ ♡ ♡

Things did not go as planned, to say the least.

Not even close.

One, upon arrival at my apartment I found that my place had been broken into by the destroyed handle and loose hinges of my front door.

Two, the place was turned upside down as if someone was looking for something valuable.

Three, my cat was gone and so were the dolls.

Four, as soon as I stepped foot inside, the door behind me slammed shut and a gun was pressed against the back of my head before I could even take the chance to breathe or process anything that happened.

Five, I never expected to smell that scent anywhere near my apartment. Ever.

So, how the hell did he find me?

"Move," he demanded, shoving the gun against my head to move me toward the couch. I kept my hands above my head as he did so. As soon as I reached the couch, he knocked my knees out so that I fell into the couch.

He backed away while I adjusted myself but kept the gun pointed at my head.

"I see you still haven't showered," I noted.

I was in a bad position to be provoking him. Perhaps I was so scared that it brought out my confident side to protect the shit-scared girl deep inside of me.

He ignored my comment. "This will go one of two ways. Either you give me the dolls and I'll leave peacefully, or I'll shoot you and find them anyway."

"Or you could just leave," I shrugged.

He clicked the safety off. I shut up.

"What's your choice?"

Suddenly my whole life was being presented in front of my eyes like a dramatic slideshow or ending credits of a sad movie. My vague memories of my father flooded through my mind, followed by my lonely childhood.

I remembered how alone I was in this world. How I always had to fend for myself and had no one to look up to.

All the jobs I've been through. All the people that cycled through my life with no intention of staying. All the shitty places I had to sleep until I got myself an apartment.

Then I thought about Kitty. I thought about the dolls.

I thought about Kitty comforting me whenever I was upset. I thought about how when I thought I reached my lowest low, I received seven little friends that made my small world feel less lonely.

I thought about their laughter and their smiles and all the joy they've brought to my life even in our bumps in the road.

I thought about my dolls and how much they meant me. How even though they were different and not exactly human, I loved them anyway because they were mine.

The thought shocked me into a startled, sharp breath.

I love them.

And I would never give them up.

"Tick tock, honey. What have you decided?"

My lips spread into an angry grin. "Fuck you."

Before the man could register what was going on, I moved like a missile locked onto its target. I tucked my shoulder in and rammed into him, catching him by surprise and knocking him off balance.

The gun skidded somewhere in my apartment. I was already on my feet and scanning the floor for it.

That was when I noticed something.

My dolls were out in the open by the wide-open window.

I watched with horror, breath catching, as my seven dolls worked together with defeated yet determined looks on their faces. The alignment of their bodies allowed them to shove the dollhouse up onto the windowsill and off the table, helping each other climb up so that they could push the house to the edge of the window.

They knew we were several stories up.

They were going to destroy it.

As the dollhouse went through the window and disappeared from sight, two of my dolls lost their balance and tipped forward out the window, the others frozen in disbelief.

Fear gripped my stomach and chest as I ran and lunged for the window, all while the man was getting back up.

I failed.

Somehow, I miscalculated my jump and ended up too far away from the window and landed in front of it, arms outstretched and useless.

That was when Kitty came out of nowhere and bounced off my fallen form to swipe the air outside the window with both paws. She pulled them toward her teeth.

Kitty climbed back down to reveal to me that she was holding Hoseok and Yoongi by their shirts, their eyes wide with fright. My cat dropped them in front of me, allowing me to snatch both of them mid-air and hold them against my chest in a protective manner.

"Y/N," Hoseok breathed, reaching for me. His small fingers weaved through strands of my hair as he choked out his last words, breathless. "Goodbye. We love you."

Both dolls went still in my hands at the same moment I heard a crash outside. The other dolls dropped like flies on the table where the dollhouse had been sitting only moments prior.

Abruptly, I felt an intense pressure crack into my head and I fell against the floor, dropping my dolls in the process.

The man grabbed Hoseok and Yoongi off the floor, turning them over in his hands as he inspected them. He stepped over me to look out the window while I held my head in absolute pain, tears pouring from my eyes.

"So that's how the old man did it," the man scoffed. "And he hid it with you. How pathetic."

"What do you want from me?" I sobbed.

"I don't need anything from you anymore. I got what I came for. Your father was so stupid. We could've been rich. But he was selfish, cut me off, and took off. I still haven't found him. But he was stupid to leave you all on your own with his most prized possessions..."

"My father is dead—"

"Maybe that's what he wanted you to believe, but that isn't true. Not that it matters anymore. Your stupid dolls had a mind of their own and ruined everything. It's all gone!"

I cringed as he threw Yoongi against the floor. The gun that he'd recovered from the floor was pointed at me a split second later.

The only sound left in my apartment was a gunshot ringing throughout it, resonating off the walls and into the silence.


OoOoOoO it's getting SPICY now that we're nearing the end! (molls be finishing a book soon?? what??)

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