What Could've Been |Sequel To...

By rawisrollins

9.6K 291 18

Set one year after Harper and Spencer moved to London, you see how much their life has changed. And how much... More

The Time Of Our Lives..
Dream On
Our Secret Spot
Mommy Duties..
Taking The Train
The City Of Love
Paris Night Life And Exes
The Black Widow
8 Years Ago..
You Dug Your Own Grave
It's Okay To Not Be Okay
We Found Love Right Where We Are
Forever Dreaming Of You
Shining Star
Tokyo Princess
Kiss Your Career Goodbye..
Halloween & The Big News
Does It Get Any Easier?
She's Very Good For You
Volunteer Work
Please Behave Yourself
One Last Guest
Guess Who's Back
One Step At A Time
Welcome To New York..
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Confide In Me
Don't Open Your Door
What Could've Been

Home Is Where The Heart Is

422 11 0
By rawisrollins

"Spencer Rollins. A loving son, brother, friend, boyfriend and most importantly, father. A man who would do anything for those he loved. We're gathered here today to honor this young man, for he was taken from us too soon."

I silently cried as I listened to the introduction speech. It was Spencer's funeral today, and Stephanie offered to watch the twins while we were here. I was grateful for that.

I was holding onto Maddy's hand before it was my turn to speak. All of his friends and family were present as well. His band mates flew in today too.

When he introduced me up on the stage, I nervously walked up. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Hello, most of you know me, but for any new people here, my name's Harper." I gave a little wave. "Spencer was my boyfriend, and in the time I knew him, everyday he blew me away on his positive attitude, and knowledge about life and happiness."

"When we first met, he was a hopeless flirt, but I couldn't understand why I was attracted to my friends brother. Then I realized it was because I could relate to him completely." I said. "We had the same dry sense of humor, we were both sarcastic outspoken assholes, but I loved how he was always there for me, no matter what. Always there to watch crappy romance movies, or cuddle, or go out and get me takeout when I was hungry at midnight." The crowd laughed.

"The point is, they'll never be another man like him. He was one of a kind. And when I got pregnant, he canceled his tour that was scheduled to be with me, and I knew how much music meant to him, and for him to give that up for me, I fell in love with him even more." A tear rolled down my cheek as I reminisced.

"Every night we'd talk to our babies, sing them songs, read them lullaby's, and I was jealous because he got them to kick first," I laughed to myself. "And when our precious little Ethan and Hope came into the world two months ago, they made our lives even better."

"So today, Spencer, I'm making you a promise. I promise to give our kids the best life they could ever imagine. I promise to love them, nurture them, teach them right and wrong, and tell them stories about their dad, I'll save the bad ones for when their older." I smiled.

"But most importantly, I'll tell them how much you loved them, and how you'll always watch over us. I love you, and I thank you for loving me, and showing me what true happiness is." I walk away and everyone claps.

I sit back down and Seth grabs my hand, giving me an apologetic smile. It felt good to get everything off my chest. It still felt surreal that he was gone, but I knew that he'd want me to move on.

So I will. And I can only hope that wherever he is, he's watching. And he's proud.

For our close family and friends, there was a get together at Seth's parents house. One last time to see everyone and talk, because the gang and I were heading back to the UK tomorrow morning.

It was Saturday, so Monday I was going back to work.

All of our friends were sitting on the couch, so after making the rounds, I joined them. Cathy and Finn were holding the babies, and Hunter was talking to Maddy.

"Hey Harper, I told Hunter about my idea to have you be my tag partner in the women's tag tournament." Maddy pulled me over.

"I was hesitant at first, but with previous experience, and training with Maddy, I believe we can make this work." Hunter nodded.

"I-I mean I'd be down to do it, but would I still have my interviewing job?" I questioned.

"Would you be okay with doing both? We can work your scheduling out with wrestling at the end of the show and interviewing before that." Hunter suggested.

"Then I guess it's happening." I agreed, shaking hands with him.

Maddy squealed, "I cant wait! We're gonna kick ass!"

"Better watch out..me and Nia are ready for you two." Alexa joined us.

"Oh please Bliss, I've beaten you before." Maddy nudged her playfully.

"But Harpers new to the game. It'll be interesting for sure." Alexa motioned to me.

"How about we make your first tag match against Alexa and Nia on Monday? You ready?" Hunter asked me.

I nodded. "Hell yes."

"Great, we'll see you all at RAW." Hunter said, before walking off to Stephanie. Maddy pulled me to the side.

"We can start training when we get back. We have a lot to catch you up on. But I'm ready if you are?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Let's do this." I smirked.

"Did I hear you ladies say your officially a tag team?" Seth approached us.

"Yes you did Rollins." Maddy nodded.

"Great. You guys will dominate. Harper's a firecracker, and well, Maddy, your a beast." Seth chuckled.

"Thank ya." She brushes her shoulders.

"It'll be difficult taking care of the kids on the road, but I'll have you guys." I smiled.

"Yes, the boys can watch them for us when we wanna go out." Maddy grinned.

Seth raised his hands, "I didn't agree to anything!"

"Cmon, quality time with your niece and nephew." I teased.

"Ugh, don't use that on me." Seth groaned jokingly.

"I'm just excited Ethan and Hope will get to see their god mom and mom kick ass!" Maddy cheered. "Their gonna look back and be like 'wow, we're part of a badass family'."

"Definitely not normal but what kinda family is?" Seth laughed, and we all looked to where Dean was twerking in the center of the living room.

Ethan and Hope were giggling.
I was so grateful for all my friends when they spent the night at my house Sunday night. We had gotten back from the airport pretty late, so everyone decided to crash here.

I wasn't ready to be alone quite yet.

Early Monday morning, Dean and Seth watched the kids while Maddy and I went to train.

She took me to a local wrestling school located in London.

"So the last time you wrestled was when?" Maddy asked, pulling into the parking lot.

"The tag match at Mania last year." I answered.

Gosh that seemed so long ago. I didn't even know Spencer back then.

"Wow. Well we can start with some basic training techniques then get into the harder shit." Maddy said as we walked inside.

We set our bags down then for the first twenty minutes, did warm ups and stretches. After running the ropes a little bit, we locked up and began reviewing some defensive moves.

"Now the thing with Nia, is you'll need to rely on your defensive moves, like dodging, being fast on your feet. High fly moves, things like that." She explained.

"With Alexa, you'll be fine, she's a little all over the place but as long as she doesn't do any high fly moves your good." She waved off.

We worked on submissions and high fly moves I could easily perform, like frog splashes.

We called it a day after working on some offensive moves as well.

"I think we have some real potential. I'm excited for tonight." She grinned.

I gulped my water down, "Me either. The girls will be excited to see the babies again."

"Speaking of, we should head back and get ready. We can talk more about entrances and ring attire on the way." Maddy said, gathering our bags.

On the way we decided to come out together until I could pick a theme song for myself.

When we returned home I expected to see the house be a complete pig stye, but they were just lying on the couch watching cartoons.

Ethan and Hope were already dressed, in outfits that didn't match, but it's the thought that counts.

"Hey ladies, how did training go?" Dean asked.

"Really good." We grinned.

"Well everything went great over here. Turns out it's really easy to watch a baby, as they just sleep and eat and poop." Seth chuckled.

"Great..you two are the official babysitters." I joked.

Maddy and I headed upstairs and I went to my room, taking a quick shower before changing into sweats.

I packed a diaper bag for the twins before heading back down. Maddy was ready too, and we were off.

As we got close to the arena, I started getting nervous.

"Are you ready?" Maddy muttered, grabbing my hand as a show of support.

"Yes..I'm back home." I sighed, looking at the arena which was already packed with cars.

Here goes nothing.

- - -
So the gangs back in the UK, and Harper is officially joining Maddy in the women's tag team tournament! 🎊How will her first day back go? Find out in the next chapter, thanks for reading :) 💛

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