Welcome To Paradise

De washu14

7.6K 391 3

When she agreed to chaperone Lizzy for her first season Eden never thought to see The Duke of Buckingham Nich... Mais

Paradise Farms 1824


342 18 0
De washu14

That night after everyone went to bed Nikki went and gathered Eddie and went downstairs where a picnic basket was waiting for them. She scooped it up in then they were off on their midnight picnic. He carried her out to the stables and put her in a buggy that had been arranged for this evening. They rode out to the lake on the property for their picnic.

Before Nikki let Eddie out of the buggy he set up the blanket and the basket then carried her over to the blanket. She set out the food and the wine and served Nikki his food.

"Thank you for arranging this I have a feeling this will be the last time this week things will be calm, and I just wanted to be alone with you."

For a while they ate, and star gazed before Eden decided that she wanted to make love out in the open. Nikki was more than happy to oblige. He knew their parents would be watching them so until they married in the public they would not be sleeping together until the announcement was made. They even moved Eden's room to down the hall she was no longer occupying the Duchess suite. He was surprised she had started to undress he had not thought they would strip after all they were in the open anyone could happen on them. When she reached down and took off her bandages he started to worry what the bloody hell did she have planned?

When she got up and started for the water he thought she had lost her mind. But he followed her. The one thing he had learned was Eden never disappointed. The water was cool, not as cold as he expected when he caught up to her he grabbed her and pulled her over to him.

"Can you even swim?"

"Do not be silly of course I can swim, but I am looking for something to help us enjoy ourselves better. I know it was here the last time I swam in this lake."

She found what she was looking for. It was a bench someone had thrown in and landed in the shallow end of the lake. They sat down and were in waist deep water.

"You would think I would have discovered this bench with all the swimming I did in this lake."

"Your sister and I found it when we were fourteen. You should have heard the stories we made up about this bench and what it could be used for. We came up with some very wicked things."

"Where in the bloody hell at fourteen did you learn things that were wicked?"

She laughed.

"Guess you can say we snuck down here one night late. We were going to take a late swim. We found we were not alone. One of your mother's maid and one of your father's man servant were using the bench for a bit of enjoyment. I am ashamed to say we watched. But we both learned a lot from that one little peek."

"You watched?"

"At fourteen we did not know what they were actually doing but we had a good idea."

"Pray tell what you did with all this information?"

She gave him a smile letting him know he may not want the answer to the question he just asked.

"We talked about how someday we would bring our special someone here to well do what we had seen. The maid was having so much pleasure it made us wonder if we could achieve that too. I wonder if Nat ever came down here yet and tried?"

Nikki groaned.

"Do not say things like that I do not want the image of my sister making love to Justin in my head."

Just then there was a shout out from Natalie

"Mother will be most displeased if Eddie has been touched before the wedding."

Nic bit back.

"We have been married for two months go away?"

"Oh no I will not I have been looking forward to this for eight years and this is the first time I have been able to get a chance to use my knowledge. I am a little jealous Eddie beat me to it."

"Go away Nat. I have not beaten you at anything we just got here."

Natalie giggled

"I see well we are not going anywhere. Are we Justin?"

"No, I have been thinking of this particular moment since Natalie told me about Eddie's and her little adventure."

"I was here first Nat, you will just have to go and come back later when we are done. Besides what about the signal that if there was a picnic laid out we would not impose on the others time at the bench?"

"I was fourteen when I made that oath, it does not count."

Nic shouted.

"Enough, Nat I am pulling rank and I am telling you to come back later Eddie and I were here first."

"Well little brother if I go back I will have to tell mother that Eden is out here in the nude, doing god knows what, and that she is in the water without her bandages on her feet. What say you now Nic."

Eden leaned over, so her words would only carry to Nikki.

"There is a waterfall we saw them do things at too shall we try that instead. I always wanted to try that too."

He got up off the bench and took Eden's hand and led her over to the waterfall then called out to his sister.

"The bench is all yours I have a better place in mind."

"Nic that is not fair I cannot do those things with you here."

"That my dear sister is your problem, so it is your choice to use the bench or go back and wait till we are done."

"You are a beast Nic I swear I will tell mother."

"I am a man Nat, and what will you tell mother I was making love to my wife. I would think that would be more appropriate than you found me with my mistress."

"You do not have a mistress, so that is a moot point."

There was no reply Nikki and Eden had made it to the waterfall leaving Natalie and Justin to decide for themselves what they were going to do. They approached the back of the waterfall to have some privacy. Nikki held on to Eddie the rocks were slick, and he did not want her to fall.

"Do you not think there is a better place we can make love?"

She turned around and pouted. He knew he was doomed or blessed he wasn't sure which.

"I want to make love to you everywhere. We might as well cross off waterfall to the list of places."

"You have a list?"

Eddie smiled wickedly.

"A very long list."

When they reached the spot, Eddie wanted to make love to him it was a secret recess behind the fall. To his surprise there was a blanket spread out.

"Did you plan this?"

She shook her head no, but she knew where the blanket had come from and could not for the life of her figure out why the blanket from her fathers coach was here in the cave. She shook off the thought and proceeded to seduce her husband, but he was too busy laughing.

"What is so funny. I am standing here naked before you and you are laughing?"

"Your hair is matted to your head, and I am sure I look a sight as well. But you are the loveliest sight I have beholden in my entire life. I love you Eddie I always have."

He pulled her to him and started to kiss him, a bit of water would not dampen their shared arousal for each other. Their love making was like the waterfall both beautiful and brutal. The roar of the water only enhanced the natural rhythm of their bodies coming together as the water pounded on the rocks, so their bodies pounded into each other with the force and magnitude of the waterfall itself.

Nikki and Eddie laid there filled with the powerful emotions they created with their love making. When Eden spoke.

"Do you think Love Making will ever grow boring and stale?"

Nikki rolled over and looked at his beautiful wife and smiled.

"Life with you Eddie is never going to be boring and love making with your insatiable appetite I do not think we will ever be board and besides you have a long list to keep things interesting."

She pulled him down to meet her lips and decided he was right they would live in bliss the rest of their lives. After they made love again, they made their way back to the picnic spot to redress and to sneak back into the manor. He carried her up to her new room and kissed her good night and left. If either his mother or her father caught them there would be hell to pay.   

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