Welcome To Paradise

By washu14

7.6K 391 3

When she agreed to chaperone Lizzy for her first season Eden never thought to see The Duke of Buckingham Nich... More

Paradise Farms 1824


447 17 0
By washu14

    Eden only danced the one dance with Nikki she really didn't feel like dancing with anyone but him anyway. At the end of the night Lizzy had made several conquests and they all said they would be visiting the next day with the Dowager Duchesses consent. Eden was going home by herself hoping Nikki would take the offer she had presented him with while they danced. Alone in her bedroom she was pacing. It was two and Nikki hadn't made an appearance. He found climbing up the rope ladder to sneak a liaison with one's own wife was quite titillating. He stood on the balcony before making himself known. She was pacing as if she was worried he wouldn't show. He was only a man with the offer she made what man would refuse. He cleared his throat causing her to jump at the intrusion. Once she knew it was Nikki she flew into his arms.

"I didn't think you would come."

He laughed and held her close to him. He started to kiss the side of her face he couldn't kiss her neck the dress she wore had a high collar and didn't permit him access. She broke free from his embrace and led him over to the chair. She had planned another night of seduction based on what Natalie had told her about. He waited to see what the little minx had in mind clearly, she had something planned it was written all over her face.

She offered her backside to him and at first, he didn't know what she wanted but he realized that she couldn't unlace her dress without a little help. He was only happy to assist. Once she was able to take the dress off by herself she let the dress drop slowly down to the floor leaving her standing in only a pair of silk stockings and her shoes. She had not lied when she told him at the ball she was wearing nothing underneath. She walked over to where he was sitting mesmerized by the beauty of her body. When she started to undress him. Every inch of exposed skin she licked and bit keeping Nic on edge. Once his shirt was off she backed away just out of his reach and started to move her hips slowly running her hands up her body and licking her lips. When she reached her face, she ran her fingers to her hair. She pulled the pins from her hair and let cascade down leaving her looking wild and untamed just like she looked when riding her horses. Nic tried to grab for her but she moved farther back.

Her dancing enticing him whatever she had planned was working he was completely under her spell. He laughed when she leaned over like a schoolmarm shaking her finger at him as if to say no, no you can't have that. As her finger went back and forth so did her bottom, making Nikki hungrier still. Next, she came back over to where he was sitting and pulled him up out of the chair. slowly she unbuttoned his pants exposing his arousal she took him in her hand and started to stoke him ever so slowly. Now they were both completely exposed. She pushed him back down into the chair and walked over to the step near the side of the bed and turned her head towards him licking her lips, while taking off her shoes. Nic was in total agony by the time Eden had got to her stockings. Nic clutched the arms of the chair and held tight not sure where his wife planned on take him. He smiled to himself she had already taken him to heaven he wasn't sure he could go any higher, but he was proven wrong Eden seemed to master the art of making him sore into the heavens repeatedly.

She walked over completely devested from any article of clothing and straddled him easing his hardened manhood into the soft folds her body. They both experienced a current that coursed through each of their bodies. As Eden used her magic on Nikki he worked his on her. He took his hand and his lips explored her body making sure each place he touched was given correct amount of reverence. Their bodies shutters together as, their bodies braced for the ultimate climax. Neither of them had the energy to move they sat in that position basking in the after math of their lovemaking.

After some time passed, and Eden removed herself from his lap, she climbed into bed and patted the empty space next to her. He laid himself next to her, he knew he couldn't stay all night, but he would wait until she fell asleep before taking his leave. He would remember the next time to bring a change of clothing, so he did not have to sneak off in the middle of the night like a common thief. He must have fallen asleep because when he woke up he was alone in the bed he noticed the sun was coming up. He looked around the room to find Eden dressed for her morning ride. He sat up quickly and found her smiling at him.

"I must have fallen asleep. I need to go so we can go for our morning ride?"

She walked over to the bed and sat down on his side and leaned over and kissed him.

"I found a pair of my brothers riding clothes you can change into, but you will have to go back out the window unless you want it known we are married I still have a guard at my door. He took the offered clothing Edward was his size and if his wardrobe was anything like his he wouldn't miss it. He dressed, and he climbed down the ladder to where his horse waited. Eden didn't worry about straightening out the room she had told Callie about her marriage, since he planned on sneaking Nikki up to her room every night she needed to make sure there would be no bad gossip.

Nikki walked out of her room and passed the guard and out to the stables where her horse was waiting for her. To the stable boys surprised the Duke arrived just as Lady Bedford was mounting her horse. He had never joined her at the house always at the park. They road off together looking very self-satisfied which seemed odd for the young couple. Eden smiled."

"Good Morning your Grace did you sleep well?"

Nikki laughed he had slept better in the few hours next to her than he remember ever sleeping his entire life.

"I did your Grace thank you."

"Did your mother tell you of the plans tonight?"

He shook his head his mother seemed to tell him when he got home from his rides with Eden or she left him a note.

"We are to go to the La donna del lago, at Her Majesties theater. It is about secret pledges of love. It sounds so romantic. I hope you will be joining us after all it is your box. Your sister gave me some advice on making love in a theater box without being detected I would like to try that with you Nikki."

He groaned she was insatiable he was going to have to put his foot down. Making love in a theater box with his mother and sister present was not going to happen.

"You will just have to wait to try that little piece of advice when we are alone. I forbid you to even attempt to carry out anything my sister might have told you in the presence of my mother."

She seemed to be deflated he felt bad, but he was not going to do anything he might get caught doing with his mother there. Maybe after the theater when we meet in your chamber there is something you would like to try?

"Of course, I am sure I can think of something new. But you are being overly concerned Natalie said you and your mother were in the box with her and Justin and neither of you noticed during Othello."

Her words shocked him, how could his sister and her husband have pulled something like that off when there were others in the box. Then it dawned on him Natalie and Justin had not been married when they saw Othello. This was more information he did not want to know about his sister and her husband.

They finished their ride and they went to have breakfast as was their custom. Before they could finish breakfast, Eden received a note from the Dowager Duchess. She needed her at her home before noon she had a couple of suiters who were coming for a visit. He knew it was something she was not happy about because her sigh was deep and filled with annoyance.

"Something amiss?"

She laughed this game they were playing was ridiculous a married woman meeting with suiters was laughable, but until he came to his senses she didn't have much choice.

"Your mother has requested my presence at your home to meet with a couple of my suitors. It seems I am to have tea with a couple of men."

She watched his reaction and was at lest glad to see his eye twitch at the mention of men coming to call on her.

"I will have to make myself presentable. I wouldn't want anyone to insult anyone who would favor me with a visit. What will you be doing with your day?"

"I have some paperwork and make sure the horses arrived at the circus."

He could see her perk up at the mention of the circus.

"I would like to go with you if that would be permitted."

"You won't have time if you are to meet with my mother for afternoon tea."

He saw the disappointment on her beautiful face. He knew he was sunk when her pout broke his heart and he changed his mind.

"How long will it take you to dress for the day?"

She squealed which made him laugh she was such a child.

"If I dress in the manor I did last night no time at all."

He had a panicked look on his face, and the rush of words that spilled out his mouth gave her satisfaction he knew what she was talking about.

"No, you will not go out to meet others dress like that. That is only for the two of us do you understand me?"

She looked perplexed.

"No one knows what I have underneath why would it matter?"

"It just does do you understand me?"

"No but I am willing to do as you say in the matter. Give me twenty minutes and I will be down and dressed appropriately for the day."

True to her word she was dressed and downstairs with in twenty minutes she was waiting when he arrived back at her house in a change of clothing. There would be plenty of time to go to the circus and get her to his house before her meeting with her damn suiters. When they arrived at the circus they saw the horses had arrived they were in the first stall they had come too. The owner greeted the couple and offered to take them on a tour of the grounds. Eden watched the jugglers with amazement she could juggle but not anywhere as good as them. The juggler offered her the balls he was practicing with. They were all surprised at her skills she was able to keep five of the balls up in the air for a while. The owner of the circus told her if she ever wanted to run away and join the circus she would have a home with them.

On their way to his house Nikki was laughing at her.

"You are full of surprises your grace."

"That is so, I can always keep you on your toes your grace."

When they reached the house, his mother was waiting for them in the parlor where she was sitting with Lizzy and Lord Craven. Eden was hoping the gentleman was interested in Lizzy. If he was her season was over and she could quit pretending to be on the marriage mart. The couple joined them, and they made small talk. Lizzy's glares did not go unnoticed by Eden nor did they go unnoticed by the Dowager Duchess and Nic. Eden chose to ignore her after all she had what Lizzy wanted and there was nothing she could do about it. She could no longer trap him or do anything other than ruin her reputation with nothing coming of it.

When lord Craven left Nic left the room he needed to get some paperwork done and be ready to scare off the suiters that were coming to visit his wife. When her first suiter arrived Nic entered the room and found Lord Ned Baker a man as old as their parents. Nic had to laugh Eden would kill the man with her appetite for love making. Then it dawned on him he was thinking of Eden making love to someone who was not him and he became angry. It was the second caller who made him so angry he was about to tell everyone their secret. It was his cousin Rafael and the one person he couldn't throw out of his house without causing all sorts of family problems.

Rafael walked into the parlor to greet the girls they both got up and curtsied. He wasn't the least bit interested in either girl, but he promised Natalie he would make his cousin so jealous here he was paying a call. He had to admit Eden was beautiful and he would enjoy wooing her, but she was to tame for his taste and the other one was to full of herself for him. He knew he would have to produce an heir, but he was five and twenty and he had no intention of settling down before he became the Duke life was to fun being a rake.

He knew his aunt and Natalie wanted Nic with Eden. Natalie was specific, and he would enjoy this since he and Nic had a rivalry since they were children Raf had come upon Nic when he was trying to help some one and instead of helping him he pushed him in the mud and proceeded to help the person. Nic was covered in mud and humiliated. He had never forgiven him and so playing with his emotions was going to be fun.

The Dowager Duchess wanted to show off Eden's talents she insisted she play the piano for them, and she insisted Raf help her turn the pages of the music. Nic was seething and Lizzy's move didn't improve when she got up and sat her self next to him and tried to put her hand on his knee. He had to wonder what they were teaching young ladies this season. Eden saw Lizzy's attempt to seduce Nikki and she missed the note she should have played. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Nic smile.

She finished her song and went to sit on the sofa where Raf went to sit too. He could see his cousin tensed up. He had to laugh this was going to be fun. He turned to Lady Bedford.

"Will you be attending the Theater tonight? My aunt has graciously invited me to attend."

"I will be in attendance?"

"Will you grant me the pleasure of sitting next to me?"

All Eden could think of is she was going to have to sit in the middle but with the Marquis on one side and the Duke on the other. She decided to play this game maybe Nikki would come to his senses. Maybe if she were brazened and he saw her the way she wanted him to see her it would all be worth it.

"I am not quite sure what kind of pleasure one would get from sitting next to me. I have been told pleasure at the theater is not appropriate, but I will gladly sit next to you at the theater."

Nic started to sputter at Eden's comments. He was going to have to reel her in. How could she say that in mixed company? She was going to be a handful. Eden turned to him.

"Nikki are you alright?"

He looked over at Eden and smiled but it was a warning smile. She annoyed him by smiling back innocently at him. The day was wearing on and the Marquis had not left. It was going to be up to Eden after all she needed to get ready for the theater, but she had a stop to make before going home. She got up.

"Well I must be going I have an errand to run before I can get ready for tonight."

The Marquis stood,

"It would be my honor to escort you on your errands."

Eden didn't expect that.

"That is very kind of you but my errand is of a personal nature and so I am afraid I will have to decline your offer. But I look forward to seeing you this evening."

Nikki followed Eden to the front door and his actions did not go unnoticed by anyone especially Lizzy they could hear her in the foyer.

"What errand do you have that is personal?"

She smiled at him and laughed.

"It's a surprise your Grace just for you. You said I couldn't be naughty at the theater, but you didn't say anything about before or after. I promise you will enjoy it. I have to go if I am going to make it before they close for the day."

"You are going to be the death of me Your Grace!"

"Most men would relish death by passion Your Grace."

She went to give him a kiss good-bye, but Lizzy picked that moment to storm out of the parlor in a huff.

"Until tonight Nikki."

To the outside observer they would think she was talking about when she saw him at the theater. They both new she meant after. She didn't have her carriage her and Nikki had walked to the house, so she hailed a handsome. When she arrived at Madam Galois she was not surprised to see Eden only that she had been in town and had not come to visit. Eden loved to wear the nightwear Madam provided for her clientele.

"Lady Bedford it is a pleasure to see you again."

Eden smiled of course the woman would like to see her she spent a lot of money on what she like to refer to as her naughty sleepwear.

"What do you have for me Madam?"

I have something that is quite risqué. I know you like the more unconventional lingerie this fits your needs. I have it in four colors White, Beige, black and of course Red I have it in satin, and lace. They are expensive, but the comfort and the style is worth it."

"Expense doesn't matter we both know if I like it I buy it. Let me see this lingerie."

Madame Galois went into the back room and came back with eight very small boxes. She had Eden's undivided attention. Inside each of the boxes were two little pieces of material that matched. The smile that said she was hooked.

"I will take them all one in each color. Show me how they are worn."

Madame Galois brought Eden into the back room and tried on the beige lace one it would be the best match for the pale pink gown she was planning on wearing tonight. The tiny bits of material fit over her breast with two little triangles and a string holding them together and strings that she slipped her arms into. Madam Galois tied the triangles together in the back and then she put the lacy bottoms on it was one piece of material that was open at both sides strings at the ends to tie them together at the sides to keep them from falling off. Eden looked in the mirror and liked what she saw. She had Madam Galois help her redress and then Eden turned to address her.

"I will take these with me. If you get them in any other color, please let me know. I would be very interested. Also, if you get anything new please let me know."

Eden hailed another cab and went home. When she walked in with packages Callie laughed to her self the one thing her mistress had a penchant for was naughty lingerie at least now she had a reason to wear it.

"I will need help dressing for the theater tonight I would like to wear my pale pink gown. I also must put my medicine on my burns. I have been lax in my care. I do not want it to scar."

"Yes, my lady. I will have your bath drawn and your dress made ready for you. Is there anything special you would like done with your hair tonight?"

"I will wear it down and curled."

"Very well my lady."

Eden went to get out of her clothing and waited for her bath. Callie came to get her when the bath was filled. Eden had kept the new under garments on and Callie looked surprised but said nothing. She was sure the Duke would appreciate them. Eden lounged in the bath for as long as she could. She was trying to decide what lesson she would use on Nikki tonight. She was glad Natalie had given her instructions. She had thought when Natalie told her all the diverse ways her and Justin had made love she thought she would never get to experience them for herself. Now that she had she was going to take every opportunity she could to enjoy each encounter.

When Nikki's carriage arrived to pick her up, Eden had that glow about her the one he had come to identify with her sexual hunger. When she got into the carriage she noticed Lizzy had just moved over to Nikki's side of the coach. Eden was in a mood tonight, and she decided to ruin Lizzy's attempt to sit by Nikki, she sat down next to her leaving the only place for Nikki to sit was next to his mother.

At the theater Eden was walking ahead of the rest of them greeting everyone she knew. To Nic's surprise she knew quite a few people. He gently grabbed her elbow and drew her back towards him, so he could whisper in her ear.

"No naughty antics at the theater tonight."

Her smile was worrisome.

"Does that mean I can be naughty another night."

He was going to kill his sister when he saw her. Last night he was bloody ready to thank her but all of this out in public antics needed to stop. After all he was a Duke if he got caught having relations at the theater with a thousand people in attendance.


She shrugged and smiled and continued her walk to the Dukes box. She was happy to see Natalie and Justin were already there. She greeted both who were sitting in the darkest corner of the box. Eden laughed to herself. At least someone was going to have fun at the theater tonight. When the Marquis arrived, he greeted all those in attendance, but he paid special attention to Eden.

"Lady Bedford,"

He took her gloved hand and kissed it. She curtsied and smiled. He led her over to where they would be sitting it was the opposite corner of Natalie and Justin, and there would be no where for Nikki to sit. A bit of panic started to fill her. What would Nikki think she was doing in the dark recesses of the theater she had been teasing him all day about pleasuring him at the theater. Oh god what was she going to do? Then for the first time this season Eden was grateful for Lizzy's big mouth.

"Your Grace, she is trying to lead the Marquis astray."

Both the Dowager Duchess and Nikki turned around. Nikki had a fowl look on his face and the Duchess looked at her nephew.

"You will sit in front of me, so I can make sure you are being the perfect gentleman your father taught you to be."

He brought Eden back to the center of the box and took one of the center seats. The Marquis sat on Eden's left and the Duke sat on her right. Nikki leaned over, and she could tell he was mad his voice was riddled with anger as he whispered in her ear.

"I will kill him if he lays one finger on you. Remember you are the Duchess of Buckingham act like it."

She couldn't help glaring at him. She hissed at him.

"You are the one who put me in the position your

mother thinks I am looking for a suitable husband. If you would just acknowledge the marriage this wouldn't be happening."

She turned face front she was finished talking with Nikki he was being an ass. He wasn't finished, and he leaned over closer to her ear.

"I promised you, your freedom. I keep my promises."

She was about to stand up and walk out when the lights went down in the theater the play was about to start. She stewed through the entire first act, and then when he started to rub his foot under her dress against her leg she was even madder. Didn't he say she had to behave what the bloody hell was he thinking or was he. She turned to look at him, but he was watching the play and showed no signs of trying to flirt with her. She used her foot and kicked his away. She was in no mood to be seduced. After the play they were going to a late supper at Rules and Eden tried to get out of it, but Nikki was having none of it.

They arrived, a privet room was waiting for their party. Dinner was already set upon the table, so they didn't have to wait to order Nikki had messaged ahead so the room would be prepared for Eden. Lord Craven had seen them walk into the restaurant he had been having a late dinner with friends.

"Hello fancy meeting all of you here."

He walked over to where Lizzy was sitting and bowed.

"It is a pleasure to see you again Miss Parker."

"The pleasure is all mine my lord."

Nikki saw this as a perfect opportunity to keep Lizzy from one of her temper tantrums.

"Would you care to join us there is plenty?"

Craven shook his head.

"I am with friends. I just wanted to pay my respects."

He bowed and was gone. Eden was going to have to find out more about Lord Craven he might be just the thing to get her out of London for the rest of the season. During dinner the conversation turned to the Derby at the end of the month. The men were talking Eden was listening she had picked out who she thought would be the winner of this year's derby and the Golden Cup. Nikki turned to her to see of she could offer her opinion on the horses they were talking about.

She smiled.

"I personally think Emilius will be the winner of the derby the conditions are right for the way he runs."

Rafael was humoring her, but Eden didn't care she would give him her opinion they were solid, and she knew it.

"I suppose you think he will win the Gold cup as well?"

"Quite the contrary, I believe Marcellus has a better chance at winning the Gold cup. He likes to run, and distance is not a problem for him and it is a longer race."

Nikki laughed,

"You only say Marcellus because you have obtained the breeding rights."

It was her turn to laugh,

"I will agree I have a soft spot for Marcellus but the facts are the facts and he is a better distance racer than Emilius you can't argue their statistics."

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