Two-Faced Sweetheart | oh seh...

By udabomb

2.3K 114 44

Kim Heeyeon. The female that every girl wants to be, the girl that every boy wants to date. Her life seems n... More



164 8 1
By udabomb

The bell rang, striking at eight-thirty which signaled the start of class and reminding the students that they should get into their seats. Looking at the empty seat next to him, Sehun counted the seconds that pass by.

"Where is she? She's never late?"

Looking back to the front, the teenager nervously tapped his foot on the ground as the lesson began.


Fixing her black baseball cap so that it was covering the majority of her face and brushing down her gray coverall, Heeyeon marched her way into a large glass building. Stopping at the tag scanners, she put her toolbox down and faced a built and tough-looking security guard.

"I was called to fix an elevator." 

She answered without question after pulling down her mask. The security guard eyed the smaller repairman before letting him pass through. Smirking to herself, she pulled he white mask up before making her way to broken elevator.

"Sir, this lift is broken and will be out of use. I would use the stairs if I were you."

Tapping the shoulder of a man clad in a beige suit, he patted the shorter figure's shoulder before making his way to the stairs. Placing an 'out of service' in front of the selected elevator, the female pressed the 'up' button before entering the lift, Heeyeon waited until the doors were properly closed before lifting her head so slightly and gazed at the security camera in the corner. Crouching down and opening the toolbox, the blue light slowly flickered before going black, signaling that the cameras were off. 

"Now, I should probably have seven minutes to get changed, so I better make it fast." 

Zipping off the coverall, a gray office dress was fit onto the female's body before she slipped on a pair of nude pups. Pulling out a cosmetic bag out, the female patted her face with foundation before slipping on a long blonde wig. 

"Why do all of these women have blonde hair? If it doesn't look good on you, why do you even bother? I know I like look good in it, so that's fine."

Applying red tint to her lips, the female looked up to see that she was nearing the requested floor, she silently cursed herself before hooking an earpiece to herself before folding the bag into a large purse. Folding her previous clothes inside, she quickly brushed herself down and stood to her full height as the sliding doors opened. 

"Are you in yet?"

"Yes, I am. What the peoples name again?" Walking down the hallway, Heeyeon pulled out another tag and clipping it on her dress. 

"Cha Dohyun and Park Jiwon. His office should be at the end of the hallway, with his name on bold." A feminine voice answered on the other side of the line, the feeling of worry and need was dripping from her voice.

"Right, got it."

Turning around a right corner, the female eyes lit up as she found the office of her victim. Stuffing her hand into her bag, she pulled out a small box before 'accidentally' dropping it on the ground. Repeating the same action three times before knocking on the door, Heeyeon cleared her throat as she was given permission to enter. Peeking her head inside, the female covered her mouth to suppress the nastiness that was coming up her throat. Leaning on a table, the forty-five year old Cha Dohyun had his arms wrapped around his new mistress, twenty-three year old Park Jiwon. 

"Good Morning Mr. Cha and Miss Park Jiwon." Heeyeon greeted the middle-aged man, who pulled back from the much younger woman, though keeping his arms around her waist.

"I'll leave you two while I get something to drink." Watching the slightly older female leave the room, the newcomer hid her disgusted face as she looked up to her boss. 

"Good morning Ms. Jung, have the files been sent?" The blonde sat across from him at his desk, "Yes sir, they have been sent. The company said that they will respond to our request tomorrow." The gray-clad female answered as she looked at the man ecstatic face.

"Thank you for your work, I knew you were the perfect person to do this job." 

Cha Dohyun smiled at the amazing as he sat across from his best worker. Keeping her hands in her lap, the second female cleared her throat as she took in a breath, lifting her gaze to the man across her. 

"Mr. Cha, I had heard a strange rumour about you. Online it said that if you were to either be injured to suddenly pass, the company's assets- Well, actually everything you own will be given to your ex-wife? I didn't want to spread anything, but that's what I've been hearing throughout the hallways." 

"Damn right--"

"It's weird right? I'm not sure why we signed that agreement. We were young and didn't think that we would split in the future, but look where we are. She's trying to take over but failing, while I'm here owning a large company while enjoying my life with a new family--"

"Knock knock~" The two people in the room turned towards the opening door. The same young woman from before walked into the office, a tight-fitting dress and heels to high for her adorning her figure. 

"Hi baby~ I was just checking on you and got something to drink." Draping he body over her lover's figure, Jiwon cupped her hands around his cheek as the sound of their hushed innuedos made their way to the Heeyeon's ears. Chugging down water from her bottle, the female pushed down the food from the morning that tried to climb up her throat.

"She's dressed like a stripper right? God, that mother--" Muting the earpiece as she grew annoyed by the voice in her ear, the blonde pulled out her laptop, which revealed the time in front of her. 


"We have a minute left." 

Thinking to herself as she slipped the device back into her bag, Heeyeon clasped her hand as she ignored the couple 'subtly' making out on the desk. Coughing to make her presence known again, the nude-heeled female placed a file on Dohyun's desk as she counted down the seconds.

"Mr. Cha, I will gather more information from the--" She paused as the building shook suddenly. Not long after, a man rushed into a room, "Sir, something like bomb was detonated in the East elevator. Two people were killed and one was injured." the man caught his breath as Dohyun got up from his seat.

"Grab every file you can and run out of the building. Tell everyone that and make sure that everything is saved. Everything." The male office worker ran into the hallway, screaming to others what their instructions were. Covering her smile with her hand as she faked another cough, Heeyeon grabbed her bag before taking some random papers in her arm.

"Come this way, Mr. Cha and Miss Jiwon. There should be car waiting for you downstairs." Standing up from her seat, the gray-dress clad female guided the odd couple out of the office room as the sounds of people panicking through the floor made its way to their ears. 

Moving so that she was walking a great distance ahead of the pair, Heeyeon grasped a remote in her bag and a glass container, dropping and opening it before quickly fleeing the scene. 

"Oh my god, it's sleeping gas." Feeling her body grow more and more weak, Park Jiwon stumbled back before collapsing into her lover's arms. Carrying his mistress' limp body, Cha Dohyun slowly walked forward before being blasted back by another blast.

Standing way ahead of them and undercover, Heeyeon fixed her gloves before making sure her mask and hat were on securely before making her way to the fallen pair.

"I'll take her sir, I'll bring her to safety." Pulling Jiwon from the man's arms and swung her over her shoulder, the tall female made her way to a storage room that was hidden among the rubble and smoke. Entering the locking the doors, the blonde let out a breath before throwing the woman on her shoulders to the ground.

"It's a good thing that she's already knocked out because it makes this way easier for the both of us." Cracking her knuckles with excitement, Heeyeon reached her arm into a shelf, removing her secured bag. 

"I know it's hear somewhere- here we go!" 

Pulling out a newly polished dagger, the female scanned the shining weapon with gleaming eyes as she wiped her gloved fingers over the blade. Hovering the tip right over the unconscious woman's heart, the masked female stabbed it slowly, not wanting to clean up a puddle of blood underneath the dead or on her. 

"Well, That was easy. Now for round two." 

Hiding her knife by her side, the now-brown haired female walked back into the nearly destroyed hallway, making sure to hide her face from any working security cameras. Hiding behind a fallen beam at the sound of a wail, the killer watched her next victim stumble blindly as he attempted to walk around. 

"Jiwon? Hyomin?"

"I'm here! Jiwon is safe downstairs, I'll take you too!" Heeyeon popped her head up as the older man nodded before following the smaller female.

"Why are you wearing a hat?" Dohyun questioned the female as blood trickled down from the top of his head. 

"So nobody will see me do this." The woman quickly turned around before violently choking and the man and slitting his throat with the knife. Seeing the dead body fall in front of her, she stretched her arms before wiping her gloves hands.

"Now, what to do . . ?" 

Looking around at the burning building with a bored gaze, Heeyeon tapped her chin in thought as she began processing her next thought, "First, I have to get rid of this." Pulling the heavy body towards a fire engulfed room, she somehow tossed the man's body in the flames. Running back the storage room, she retrieved her bag before looking at the dead body of Park Jiwon.

"She does look like a stripper. An ugly one." Shrugging her shoulders as she locked the door, the sound of fire engines blared through the air as the female found herself needing to hurry up. 

"The jobs done, pay in cash and give it to a girl wearing a white dress. She'll be at the restaurant I texted you. Don't try to do any funny business because I have instructed her to take the money and leave. Play dirty and it'll your body that falls dead next." 

Un-muting the earpiece, Heeyeon quickly warned the woman on the other line about what were to happen if she didn't comply before disconnecting the call. Hearing people being told to leave down below, the female turned the corner before abruptly stopping. Ahead of her was a huge opening with the neighboring building's roof fifteen feet below.

"God, I'm going to kill myself while doing these things one day." 

Muttering quietly to herself, Heeyeon let out a string of curses as she took a dozen steps back. Removing her heels an slipping them into her bag, that she hold closer to her body, the female took in a deep breath before to herself before taking a few steps back. Taking in one more deep breath, the brown-haired female suddenly took off in a sprint, running own the hallway before jumping out of the office building. 

Falling through the air, the female grimaced in pain as she landed on to her two bare feet, but didn't bother waiting as she continued on running on the roof before making it to the side. Finding a ladder on the side of the building, Heeyeon climbed it down before putting her heels back on and covering the dress with a long trench coat and sunglasses.

"There we go. Now, I just need to bandage myself up."


The bell rang again, signalling everyone to return to their classes after lunch.

"Do you think she's sick?" Bangwook wrapped his arms around Sehun as the two of them walked back to their classroom.

"Maybe, but if she was, she would text me and ask for the homework." The black-haired teenager thought of all the possible reasons as to why Heeyeon hadn't showed up for classes.

"Dude, don't worry. She'll come. She always does." Jongin patted his friend's shoulder as he reclined in his seat.

"I hope so." The worried teenager let out a sigh as their next lesson began. Zoning back into his work, his attention was then turned to the door as it was violently opened.

"Sorry I'm late, there was a small incident in our building and I couldn't use the elevator." Heeyeon had seemed to grab everyone's attention as she stood at the doorway, though ignoring the looks she received as she walked to her desk.

"What happened to you? And why are you bandaged up?" Sehun looked at his best friend with worry, noticing the bandage covering her right ankle, left wrist and band-aid on her cheek. 

"We're renovating our place and I just hurt myself, and there was also an incident in the building, don't worry about me." Shooting her best friend a reassuring smile, the female grabbed the notebook and textbook for math as Sehun could finally relax. 

"This is the eighth time you've walked in late and in bandages, and it's only the start of April. What do you do?" The male thought out loud and smiled before turning his attention back the teacher as well. 

Hearing her friend's question, Heeyeon smiled to herself as she opened up to the proper page in the textbook, "Oh, I do a lot of things. Some things you don't know about."


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