What Could've Been |Sequel To...

By rawisrollins

9.6K 291 18

Set one year after Harper and Spencer moved to London, you see how much their life has changed. And how much... More

Dream On
Our Secret Spot
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Mommy Duties..
Taking The Train
The City Of Love
Paris Night Life And Exes
The Black Widow
8 Years Ago..
You Dug Your Own Grave
It's Okay To Not Be Okay
We Found Love Right Where We Are
Forever Dreaming Of You
Shining Star
Tokyo Princess
Kiss Your Career Goodbye..
Halloween & The Big News
Does It Get Any Easier?
She's Very Good For You
Volunteer Work
Please Behave Yourself
One Last Guest
Guess Who's Back
One Step At A Time
Welcome To New York..
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Confide In Me
Don't Open Your Door
What Could've Been

The Time Of Our Lives..

733 14 3
By rawisrollins

One year has passed since moving to London, and so much has changed in our lives since.

Spencer and his band finished their album and have been talking about going on tour. And we have two more wonderful additions to our family. A beautiful baby boy and girl.

That's right, me and Spencer had twins, who are now two months old. Hope Grace Rollins and Ethan Michael Rollins.

Maddy and Dean are the godparents Of course.

Not much has changed with our dog Pumpkin, she's just gotten chubbier. We get visited a lot by our friends, as often as they can due to work.

But today, they were all arriving and staying for two weeks because of WWE's UK Tour they do every year.

I was excited because nobody has seen the babies since the day they were born.

"I love you babiesssss!" I cooed as they were being rocked in both our arms.

"And I love you." Spencer kissed me.

"I love you too." I smiled. At that moment, the doorbell rang. I excitedly opened the door and was greeted by all of my friends.

Nikki and Dolph, who recently got engaged, Maddy, Dean, Cathy, and Finn.

"Hiiiiiii!" Maddy rushes over and pulls me in a hug, careful not to crush Ethan.

"I'm taking him from you immediately." Maddy said, cradling him in her arms. I laughed, giving Dean and the rest of the crew hugs.

"So, catch me up on what everyone's been up too." I said as we all sat down on the couch.

"Well, Dolph and I have started planning our wedding. I really want a spring wedding!" Nikki gushed.

"Aw, that's great! I'm so happy for you two!" I grinned.

"Dean and I finally set a date for ours. September 14th. Now I guess we actually have to plan it." Maddy joked. Everyone cheered.

"Cathy and I got a dog! This is the only family we're starting for now." Finn revealed. Everyone clapped. Gotta start somewhere.

"So..Uh, has anybody heard from Seth? Been a long time since I've seen him." I lightly smile. It had been very long since I saw him. Ever since his wedding day.

No texts or calls or nothing. Not even when my babies were born. It hurt. I thought we were friends.

Everyone looked at each other uneasily.

"What?" I wondered.

"Uhm..Seth really hasn't been in the right frame of mind since last summer.." Dean started.

"He shows up to work drunk, and Hunter got so fed up, he suspended him for a month." Maddy added.

My mouth dropped. "How come nobody told me this?!"

"We were instructed not too." Finn shrugged.

"By who?" I scoffed.

"Seth. Didn't want you to know." Nikki informed.

"Wait..so all of you knew except us?" I point to me and Spencer. He looked down.

"I-I knew actually.." He trailed.

I stood up, livid. "Why the hell didn't anybody tell me?!"

Ethan began to cry at the commotion. I took him out of Maddy's arms and stormed upstairs.

I ended up falling asleep in bed with Ethan, and woke up to Maddy sitting right beside me. She was holding Hope, who was asleep as well.

"What are you doing up here?" I sighed, lying Ethan on top of me.

"I can't stand when I feel like your mad at me..and I know you are right now." She bit her lip.

"Well I'm just upset. Everybody hid this from me." I grumbled. "I care about Seth and if somethings going on with him, I want to know."

"I know you do..but I also care about what Seth wants. And he didn't want you to know. Didn't want you to worry about him." She revealed. "If it was anything more serious, I would've told you of course."

"I just miss him. He was a really important friend to me..he would've loved to see the twins." I frowned.

"One day. I promise, he'll love the little stinkers just as much as I do." Maddy smiled.

"Yeah..one day." I sighed.

"Well, let's eat. The boys are trying to make us dinner, let's go check up on them." Maddy said worriedly.

We head downstairs and see the three boys trying to roast chicken and veggies.

"This is entertaining." Cathy chuckled.

"I'm totally recording this." Maddy laughed, pulling her phone out. Dean frowned, "No babe no!"

"Ooh I forgot to pull this out earlier! Who wants to try some of my wine?" Nikki gasped, pulling a bottle of Belle Radici out of her bag. Her and Brie's red wine was my favorite, and she brought it.

"Pour me a glass! Or two!" I raise my hand.

We spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing. Just like old times. Except with two babies now.

"It feels so weird being backstage.." I said to Maddy, as we walked inside the arena for tonight's RAW. I hadn't been backstage since I quit.

"Well my godson and goddaughter have to watch me kick ass!" Maddy joked. I was strolling them in an double seated stroller. Came in handy.

Sadly, Spencer couldn't make it with us, he was busy with the band. That's usually how it was lately, he was too busy..

"Harper! I haven't seen you in ages!" Alexa came over and hugged me. She looked at Ethan and Grace in amazement.

"They are so precious! Awh, hi babies..." Alexa began cooing to them.

"I think Alexa's finally found people who are smaller than she is." Dean teased, approaching us.

"Fuck off, Ambrose." She rolled her eyes.

"Watch your fucking language around my godchildren, Ms. Bliss!" Dean gasped. Maddy nudged him, "Oh your so funny.."

My phone rang, and shockingly, it was Spencer.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I wondered, walking away from everyone.

"Hey honey, I hope you and the kids are having fun at the show..I actually called because I have some news." He said. I could tell he was a little nervous.

"Is everything alright?" I questioned.

"Depends on what we're talking about.." He trailed. "My parents called me and told me that Seth is at rock bottom. Not only has he been drinking, but he's even began getting involved with drugs too."

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed in shock. "Where is he now?"

"Back in Iowa, living with my parents. He got evicted from his old place. They asked me to come over and see if I can try and help him." He informed me.

"I-I definitely think you should go. Help him." I breathed.

"I'm packing a bag as we speak. Managed to book a red eye tonight. I'll call as soon as I land." He replied.

"Okay..be safe. I love you, don't be gone too long." I lightly smiled.

"I love you too. Kiss the babies for me, I'll be home soon." He said before hanging up.

I returned back to Maddy and Dean, to see her trying to get him to hold one of the kids.

"Babe, I don't know how!" He whined, moving away from her.

"Cmon..they're so cuteeeeeee!" She cooed, kissing Hope on the cheek.

"Hey Harper's back!" Dean pointed, willing to change the subject.

"Everything good?" Maddy raised an eyebrow.

"Everything's fine." I lied, beginning to push the stroller again.

Everything was fine. I wonder how many times I'd have to keep telling myself that to actually believe it.
"Your godmom is pretty cool." I told the babies, watching as Maddy won her match against Nia Jax.

Dean plopped down beside me, watching the TV screen with a smile on his face.

"You seem down, buttercup." He nudged me.

"Just missing Spencer..he's been gone a lot lately." I sighed.

"Hey, I know Maddy will gladly watch the kids anytime if you two want some time to yourselves." He reminded.

"But you two are busy..getting ready for your wedding in two months!" I teased.

"I keep telling her I'll marry her wearing a potato sack in a dirty barn, or go to the courthouse today. As long as we're married, I don't have a problem." He shrugged. That's Dean for ya.

"Well enjoy it, you only get one wedding. If your lucky enough, it'll be with the right person." I glanced down at Hope and Ethan, who were asleep already.

"Was that words of wisdom for me or for you?" Dean asked.

"Both of us, I guess." I answered. He patted my shoulder just as Maddy came backstage.

"Awww they're asleep already!" She frowned, noticing the kids in the stroller.

"Hey, it'll give us time to go grab some dinner. I know a really good fish and chip place around here." I offered. They both agreed and a few minutes later, we were on our way.

As we ate dinner, Maddy informed me that Hunter was talking about making women's tag titles. And having a tournament for it and everything.

"Wow..so have you teamed up with anyone yet?" I asked, taking a sip of my water.

"Not yet..haven't found a woman that's strong enough to keep up with me." She shrugged, eyeing me.

"What's that look for?" I wondered.

"I just had a crazy idea..what if you were my partner?" Maddy questioned, making me spit out my drink.

"You've got to be kidding." I laughed.

Her face was serious. "I'm not, actually. I think that the WWE has always been your home, but I think the ring is where you'll truly dominate. Alongside me."

Dean raised his eyebrows, "Not gonna lie, that does sound badass. You two being champions together."

"Cmon Harper..just think about and if you agree, we can pitch the idea to Hunter." She suggested.

"I haven't been in a ring in YEARS." I shake my head in disbelief. "But this idea you've told me, I have to say..I'm intrigued."

She smirked, "So is that a yes?"


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing beside me. Whenever Spencer travels I always have my phone nearby.

I quickly sat up and grabbed it, feeling a sense of relief when I saw it was him.

"Hey babe! Glad you made it to Iowa safely." I smiled.

"I did..there's a terrible rainstorm here, but my parents are picking me up. Taking me to Seth's house." He informed. I could hear the rain pouring through the phone.

"Just be careful..alright? And maybe when everything's calmed down, you can FaceTime me later. Seth can see the kids for the first time." I said giddily.

"Sure thing Harp," He chuckled. "Kiss the babies for me, I love you and I'll call later tonight."

"I love you too!" I say just as he hung up.

I heard the babies begin to cry, meaning my day had officially started. I walked by the guest bedroom, where Maddy and Dean were staying, only to see Maddy asleep. And no sign of Dean.

Hmmm, wonder where that weirdo is. I began walking in their nursery when I saw Dean standing over both their cribs.

"Hi kiddos..I'm your godparent..well one half of them..but you can call me Uncle Dean." He waved. "Make sure to tell Uncle Seth one day that Dean is way cooler than him. It's a true fact."

I covered my mouth to refrain from laughing.

"And uh, I heard you guys crying in here..so I'm gonna try to Uh..what's the word.." He scratched his head. "Fuck what is it-oh shit you guys can't hear those types of words yet!" He gasped.

"Oh! I'm gonna rock you guys back to sleep! I'll do Hope first because Ladies first, Ethan. Remember that one day. It'll save you a lot of trouble my man." He chuckled, picking Hope up.

I watched as he eventually figured out the right position to rock her, and sat down in the chair.

"Have you seen Dean?" Maddy asked, rubbing her eyes. I quietly shushed her, and pointed to inside the room.

Dean had rocked Hope back to sleep, and was now doing the same to Ethan. Maddy looked on in awe.

"He looks so good with a baby holy fuck.." She muttered.

"I'm gonna go down and make breakfast." I say, heading downstairs. I start getting pans out, deciding on pancakes and bacon today.

A few minutes passed and just as I poured the batter on the pan, Maddy came rushing down.

"Phone's ringing with an unknown number Harper. Figured it must've been important if they kept calling." She handed me my phone.

"Hm..let's see what scam this is." I laughed, hitting the green button.

"Hello, this is Davenport General Hospital..my name's Dr.Warren. Am I speaking to Harper Wright?" My mouth dropped as I heard him speak.

"Uh..y-yes this is she. May I ask why your calling?" My voice got shaky. Maddy looked on with a confused look plastered on her face.

"Your boyfriend Spencer Rollins got into an accident, and he's in critical condition. We advise you to come in ma'am. It's not looking good.."

I dropped the phone, and the last thing I heard was it smashing against the floor before I passed out.

- - -
Oh no what's going to happen with Spencer😭😱also how cute is Dean with the babies😭❤️thanks for reading the first chapter of the sequel everyone :) 💛

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