My Nerd Project

By xcandie_bunnieX

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Alan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popul... More

Chapter 1: Get it?
Chapter 2: Way to Kill a Mood
Chapter 3: Lunchtime Isn't Only For Eating
Chapter 4: Jocks are Every-Where
Chapter 5: Sign here, here, AND here!
Chapter 6: Step #1: Your Hair
Chapter 7: Step #2- Ditch the Glasses
Chapter 8: Making Things Clear
Chapter 9: Come With Me and I'll Teach You How To.. Do Homework?
Chapter 10: I Don't Know What's Up!
Chapter 11: I DOn't CARE
Chapter 12: It's What I Think That Counts
Chapter 13: I Work Out
Chapter 14: It's Whatever
Chapter 15: That's a Plus
Chapter 16: Dibs
Chapter 17: Well That's Just Weird
Chapter 18: Could I Just Gain Other Friends?
Chapter 19: So Mom Thinks It's Cool
Chapter 20: Did That Count?
Chapter 21: Thanks For That
Chapter 22: Talking After Dinner
Chapter 23: Phone Calls
Chapter 24: It's The Books
Chapter 25: I Know You Know
Chapter 26: Tutors With Plans
Chapter 27: Milkshakes
Chapter 28: Bad Morning
Chapter 29: Dates?
Chapter 31: Stupid, Stupid
Chapter 32: Please Just..
Chapter 33: I Insist
Blaine's POV**
Chapter 34: Talking Is Usually A Good Thing
Chapter 35: Can We Rewind?
Chapter 36: It's What She Said
Chapter 37: What To Expect / Jesse's POV**
Chapter 38: Not A Bad Boy
Chapter 39: Well...
Chapter 40: Reading The Guide
Chapter 41: Movie Tickets
Chapter 42: Mission: Success
Chapter 43: How To Be.. A Nerd

Chapter 30: What You Feel Is Right

5K 135 5
By xcandie_bunnieX

I hung around Charlie for a little longer before going back home for dinner.

My mom and I were sitting at the dinner table. I was eating the carrots she put on my plate when she addressed me.

"How are things with Blaine?" I looked at her, swallowing before I answered.

"They're good, I'm taking her to Jasper's surprise party tomorrow." I said, grabbing another carrot with my fork.

"Isn't the party at her house?" She asked confused.

"Yeah but I'm" I say with a smile.

"Okay but remember no drinking." She said in her strict voice.

"I know mom." I said, lazily putting the carrot in my mouth.

"Okay and no going into separate rooms-" My face scrunched up.

"Mom, are you trying to make me lose my appetite?" I said putting my hands to my ears.

"I'm just saying I know what a party scene looks like." I pushed my hands harder into my ears, shaking my head. Some things I just don't need to know. I shuddered. "Fine but we're talking more about this later." Oh great.

Silence remained so I finished my dinner before I started to fake-yawn.

"Getting tired, I should go on and head to bed." I said grabbing my plate. My mom gave me an amused look.

"So no dessert then?" How'd I forget about the cookies?

"You know I think bedtime could wait." I joked, sitting back down. I sulked in my seat. "Come on mom, do you really think I'm gonna drink?"

"Sometimes there's pressure and people feel the need to drink." She explained with a shrug. I rolled my eyes, smiling sheepishly when she caught me.

"I'll be good." I insisted. She grabbed my plate and went to the kitchen, coming back with a tray of cookies. I smiled and grabbed some. "Thanks mom." I said with my mouth full. I tried to hold in my laugh as I expected her to scold me but was surprised when she looked serious instead.

"I was talking to Dr. Carter today." She told me. I could feel my mood drop as I looked away from her. "He said he could help you find more comfortable contacts." She grabbed my hand that was on the table. I pulled my hand away, still not facing her. "I just don't want you to get too attached-" She said before I glared at her, feeling bad about it but refusing to drop it. I dropped the cookies back on the plate.

"I'm going to bed," I announced.

"I'm just worried that-"

"Just don't worry about it Mom." I said coldly before getting up and going upstairs. "It's not even any of your business." I muttered under my breath, hoping she didn't hear me yet at the same hoping she did.

I shut my door and shook my head, walking to my bed. I sat on it and put my head back, closing my eyes. Why did it matter so much? I took off my glasses and kept them tightly in my hand. I thought of calling Blaine and apologizing to my mom, but I fell asleep instead.


When I woke up later, the sun was still down but there was a blanket over me. I got up still confused but memories of last night hit me. Feeling hurt and guilty, I grabbed my glasses (that were on the counter) and got out of bed and went to see my mom.

She was lying on the sofa, asleep. I put a blanket over her, feeling bad that she didn't sleep in her room and that I didn't apologize to her. I saw that I woke up two hours earlier than I should have so I went on the nearby couch and got comfortable. Hopefully if I wake up earlier than my mom, I could make her breakfast. I turned and faced the ceiling. Although I don't think burning anything would help me get back on her good side. I looked at her and apologized quietly before leaning my head on the small pillows. Sleep didn't come easy so I counted to somewhere around 256 before I finally fell back to sleep.

"Alan, come on, it's time to get up." I moved to the side, trying to fall back to sleep. "Come on sweetheart." She said rubbing my back.

"Mom?" I asked, still half asleep.

"Yeah it's me." I turned to face her with my eyes still closed.

"I'm sorry for yesterday," I said feeling more awake but wanting to stay asleep.

"Me too." She said. I opened my eyes and got up, noticing I was still on the couch and gave my mom a hug.

"I know you're only trying to look out for me, I just need to do this at my own pace." I said, a frown implanted on my face. She nodded at me.

"Okay honey, whatever you think is right." I kept her in my arms.

"I love you mom." I told her, not wanting to let go.

"Love you too." She said wrapping her arms on me tight before getting out of my arms. "Now come on, you don't want to keep Blaine waiting now, do you?" She asked as a half-smile grew on her face. I looked around me.

"Where's my phone?"

"Upstairs. I heard it ringing a few times. Better hurry up and get going." I nodded at her, still feeling bad. I went upstairs and saw that I got a few texts and calls. A few of the jocks have been texting me, the texts ranging from 'can't wait for party' to asking to join the tutoring sessions to casual hellos.

Blaine called me, so I hurried to wash my face and brush my teeth before I called her back. I told her I was getting ready and that I would hurry. She laughed, surprised that she got ready before me.

"A cheerleader got ready before me? Blaine, I think I'm still dreaming." I said, getting my uniform ready.

"Ha ha." She said sarcastically. "That cheerleader better be me in your dreams." She said mock-serious; I laughed.

"I don't know. The way Shelly cut the bottom of my backpack in sophomore year was definitely something." Surprisingly, Blaine laughed at this.

"Oh my gosh! You asked her if she cut it with her fangs, that was hilarious!" Blaine said sounding like she had a big smile on her face. I started to think back to that day.

"Then she threw the chessboard to the ground, said some pretty words then stomped away." I recounted. I don't think Shelly and I will ever get along. I don't even want to talk or think about her.

"Her loss." She said chirpy, "Now hurry before we're late."

"Alright let me just go finish getting ready and ima come pick up my beautiful girl." I told her with a smile on my face.

"Isn't your mom already with you?" She asked innocently.

"Okay I see how it is." She laughed and I looked at the time. "Just give me 10 minutes tops, and I'll be there."

She said her bye with laughter.

I wasn't a total mama's boy, was I?


The school day went by the same as usual. I got to hang out with my friends during lunch. Jesse was complaining about that Nick guy but was relieved that he thought of a new replacement.

The tutoring went well; the guys would get extra distracted considering the party was on their minds, but it wasn't too bad. And I got to enjoy being Blaine's boyfriend, which was always an awesome thing. The day was great; although, there were some negative aspects. One being that Shelly kept Lily away from Charlie, which I just didn't understand. I saw Blaine frown sometimes whenever Lily was around us. So that part did suck.

The second part would be now; school was out and I had to grab something from my locker, but Shelly insisted in chatting.

"Hey." She said smiling at me like we actually were friends. I ignored her while grabbing my books. "I've been talking to Lily lately. She's such a sophomore but whatever." I looked at her, feeling annoyed. "And I've been thinking: you should break up with Blaine." I gave her a flat look. Nothing this girl ever says will faze me, she's already said the worse of the worse. I shook my head and turned back to my locker. "Hello?" She didn't appreciate being ignored but I could care less. I zipped up my backpack when I was done and closed my locker. 

"I'm sorry, were you saying something?" She glared at me.

"If you break up with her, you could have the dork and all the football players and cheerleaders could go back to hating you and it will be good again." She said shrugging.

"You're an awful negotiator." I said walking past her.

"Listen dork, you don't want to mess with me." She said, grabbing my bag. I honestly don't know why she still bothers with me. "If you stop dating Blaine, she'll stop being upset. Lily will stop glaring at her, and you guys could all be friends again." I got fed up at this, pulling my bag from her hold. 

"Why don't you go bother with someone else? Like that Eric guy?" I asked wanting to be away from her. She immediately glared at me and looked like she wanted me dead on the spot. 

"You know nothing about that!" I rolled my eyes. She gets in everyone's business and hates when the opposite happens.

"All I know is that Jesse didn't deserve that." I say, surprised at the hurt expression on her face. "Look, just stay out of my business." I say moving past her.

"You don't think I know that." I heard her mutter, but I couldn't be too sure because the door closed loudly behind me.

"Hey Alan! Ready to go?" I heard Blaine call and I smiled and went up to her. 

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Kevin gave us a ride today, so we can hurry and get ready for the party. We dropped Blaine off, Jesse threatening to throw me out of the car when I wanted to kiss her. I rolled my eyes at him and gave her a small peck before she left. I smiled happily in my seat. When we were on my street, I grabbed my backpack, ready to go.

"Hey Alan," Jesse said from the passenger seat, I put my backpack on and looked at him. "Even though we all doubt you will be on the football team, you know unless a miracle happens during the summer and you're an athlete blah blah," I certainly didn't like how this was going, "We thought you could still wear this." He threw me a shirt, which confused me at first until I saw what it was. It was one of the undershirts that the jocks wore instead of the regular uniform. It had my last name on it. I couldn't help but smile through my shock.

"You're kidding me." I said. Seriously? Seriously??

"Nah man, that's yours." Jesse confirmed. If somebody told me I would get one of these a few weeks ago, I would have thought they were crazy because the jocks certainly did not want me in their presence when they were shoving me into lockers, emptying out my backpack in the trash and- Wow now that I think about it, those jocks have definitely been acting differently towards me. I wonder what changed that. Wow. They actually welcomed me. I tapped on my glasses.

"Thanks guys." I said really meaning it. If only my dad could see this.

"Jesse wanted to get you a size small." Kevin said amused. I rolled my eyes. 

"Of course he did." I said. I gave them both a man hug from the backseat when they reached my house. "How about for old times sake, I tell you guys a 'knock-knock-"

"No no just go." Jesse said quickly. "Just hurry before we change our mind." He said with an amused smile. I chuckled, still a little shocked.

"I'll see you guys later at the party." Jesse and Kevin nodded at me.

"Later bro."

"See ya."


I went home and took a shower and got ready for the party. Jesse told me I should wear something basic but not too basic. Hm.. That helped me pick out a short-sleeve shirt with loose jeans and my gym shoes. I told my mom I was heading out to help Blaine set up for the party. I stopped by the store and picked up a single flower and a snickers bar.

I dropped by Blaine's house afterwards. I held the flower up expecting Blaine to answer but was surprised when Jasper answered instead. I scratched the back of my head, not expecting to see him so soon.

"Oh hey Jasper." I say awkwardly.

"You got my sister a flower?" He says. I nodded, biting my lip.

"Jasper who's at the door?" I heard a voice call out before Blaine herself came to the door.

"Hey Blaine, this is for you.." I said, lifting the flower up for her.

"Aww thanks Alan." She said reaching for it, pushing Jasper out of the way. I held in a chuckle.

"Because I'm not here, right?" Jasper said out loud. At this, I did chuckle and pulled the candy bar out of my pocket.

"For you Jasper." I say giving it to him.

"Sweet." Jasper says while Blaine pushed him out the door.

"Hey don't forget Mom expects all those groceries by six." Blaine said, making Jasper sulk.

"Just because you want to hang out with your boyfriend, doesnt mean I have to do housework. This was supposed to be a vacation." He said, leaving us with his distant mumbling as he left the house.

"Time to decorate!" Blaine said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the living room. "Oh!" She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks for the flower and hi."

"You're welcome and hi yourself." I said, smiling at her, leaning down to her beautiful face.

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