By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay


14.2K 428 69
By xoxo_annie_exo


There was a time where I told Chanyeol to stop using robots in their place for performances....

And he told me...

'The robots are our exact copy, and we go to the doctors for a checkup once in a while and we imprint things on them so that they know what to do.' Chanyeol's deep voice says in my mind as I froze.

So that's it. This person has stolen or possessed or is controlling Luhan's robot and is using him to fool us into thinking that it's the real Luhan.

But if he said that he's like immune to charmspeak, then does 'Luhan' have charm speak as well?

'My grandfather gave me a necklace so that I wouldn't be affected by anything, and Charmspeak in is one of them.' "Luhan" said.

But Elder Lu Wen could possibly have had a necklace that he's passed down to Luhan.

But then, the people inside Luhan's room definitely isn't him.

I now know for sure that Luhan is missing, and could be in extreme danger or pain.

But where is he?

~ Park Sarang


Sarang ~ you

"Sarang, are you in here?" I heard 'Luhan' ask as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yeah. I'm almost done!" I yell and quickly cover my mouth, terrified that I might make someone under my charmspeak spell.

I have to remember that I must NOT talk.

Or I should just tell then that I'm sick and that I can't film the document today.

But when I'm gone, won't 'Luhan' do something to them?

Maybe he'd try to replace all the members with their robots too.

If I'm going against a villain, then I have to think like one.

I am a good person, but the thoughts of villainy has passed through my brain before.

It wasn't very nice either.

If I was evil, I'd probably take Luhan to an abandoned factory or storage building and keep him captive there.

And if I didn't want him to escape, I'd use a few spells to prevent him from doing so.

Maybe something like a spell that stops Luhan to use his powers.

Maybe if I try this again... I can find Luhan's location.

I tried to use my secret power which helped me look into the past or future.

This power takes up most of my energy, which was the consequence.

But I can see parts of the future or past if I wanted to, only in emergency situations.

Here goes nothing... I thought, trying to concentrate.

I suddenly see the real Luhan bound tightly in ropes, his limp body lying on the ground of somewhere cold and dusty.

Panic and extreme worriedness filled me, but I had to continue to find out where he was.

I look around the room to find a guard standing with his back against the door.

There another building next to the one Luhan was in, so he must be.... upstairs.

I look even further and see that the building has a red tint to it.

A protection spell. It covered the entire building in a red dome.

Cursian powers. This is no doubt the powers of a Cursian.

But where is this place?

And just as I was about to see the other buildings nearby, I felt faint and dizzy.

I leaned against the sink, trying not to fall down from exhaust.

Maybe I should try again later.

"Sarang-ah! Are you ok?" Kris asks me, knocking the bathroom door.

I knocked back and remembered not to talk.

I opened the door slightly and saw Kris's back facing me.

I tapped his shoulder and used my finger to guide him to his room.

'Kris oppa, can you do a favor for me?' I typed on my phone as he nodded.

'Can... I use charmspeak on you to find out where Luhan is? And please don't talk yet. I'll tell you the story.' I showed him my phone as he nodded.

'I overheard Luhan talking to someone. But the thing is, is that Luhan isn't Luhan. It could be Lee Minhyuk.' He read as his eyes widened.

"So... that's.... his robot?" Kris whispers as I nod.

'I think Lee Minhyuk is controlling his robot. Did you notice anything weird about him last night?' I typed as he thought.

"He was acting a bit weird, he stood out. I went to his room last night to check up on him. I sat on his bed, but he didn't push me off like he used to. His room was a mess, it was nothing like I've seen before because Luhan keeps his room spotless." Kris whispers.

'Well I overhead his conversation, and that he said that all he needed was his plan to be perfect and foolproof so that we would believe that he's Luhan.' I showed Kris as he nods.

"Ok, I'll do it." Kris whispers in my ear as I blush a bit.

"Are you sure?" I sent Kris a mental message as he nods.

"I'll do it." he replies.

"Good luck oppa." I say as I get closer to Kris.

"Go find the real Luhan Kris gege. He could be in an abandoned building, and he's upstairs. Mind message me when you're not affected anymore. If I have more energy, I'll find out exactly where he is." I whispered softly in Kris's ear.

After my words, his eyes immedietly had a golden tint to it. But then, I saw it faulter.

It was red as well.

My eyes widened and I quickly teleported to somewhere else.

Lee Minhyuk.

He's already gotten them. He already used his charmspeak on them.

And he made Kris come to me so that I would tell him everything I knew.

I'm in trouble now. What should I do?!!!

I looked around me to find myself in an empty, dark building.

How did I get here? I asked myself.

I didn't know this place.... except that this room looks familiar.

I see 12 symbols which were carved onto the walls surrounding the room.

They looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't tell why.

"Miss Park." a voice said as I turned around to find an Elder.

"Elder Lu Wen." I spoke and bowed, my voice radiating around the room.

"Charmspeak surrounds you. Impressive for a young one." he comments.

"Why am I here?" I ask as a new voice speaks behind me and I turn around.

"Because we know that you can help us." Elder Taehyun spoke.

"We know that you're special Miss Park." Elder Daehun's voice radiated around the room.

"Our grandchildren are in trouble." Elder Wu says.

"Yes Elder Wu. The Cursian prince has done something again." I say.

"That prince needs to be stopped before he actually starts a war." Elder Min Sook says with a harsh voice.

"But we need to use that new power of yours." Elder Zhang ZiXing says. "It can be very useful."

"Miss Park, you need to hurry up. There isn't much time, you know?" Elder Kwangsoo comments.

"How can I?" I asked them, tears slowly forming in my eyes.

I can't let them see me cry. I can't.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll try my best." I sniffed and bowed to them.

"I'll leave now. Thank you very much Elders." I bowed once again.

"Wait Miss Park!" Elder Junmoon yells as I stop in my place.

"Ne Elder Junmoon?" I ask.

"Please be careful. We know you can do this. But please, whatever you do, don't ever trust what the prince says. He can trick people and glamour them very easily."

"JongKi will give you something that will be of great help in this battle, and so will I." Elder Huang Xi Yun says from upstairs, slowly approaching me.

"This is from JongKi, Kai's grandfather. This-" Elder Xi Yun states, showing me an ancient looking piece of jewelry.

"Is a necklace that will prevent you from seeing lies and will allow you to see the truth. That prince is a sly person, but I hope this helps." Elder JongKi says and puts the necklace around my neck and gives me a smile.
"And another little special weapon from me." Elder Huang XiYun says, pulling a golden sword from his side.

"This sword, known as the the sword of gold, is made from rare Exopian gold, which has many uses. This sword, will do multiple things. It of course- will help you slay all the monsters, lift curses or powers like charmspeak on others as well. This sword can also heal others. Maybe you can help Lay when you're wounded." he looks at Elder Zhang ZiXing and smiles.

"But Xi Yun-ah, are you really giving her your most favorite sword?" Elder JongHae asks as I look at him in surprise.

"No Elder Xi Yun! I can't take that! I just can't. It's your favorite. It must be very important to you, so I can't take it." I tell him quickly.

"Sarang-ah, I'm growing old." Elder Huang XiYun gestures to the Elders around the room.

"We're all growing old. We need to pass our things down to remind our heirs. I'd like to give this to my little Zi Tao, but I'll let you use this for a special purpose." he says, placing the sword and it's cover in my hands.

"We have foreseen the future, and you will bring peace to all." Elder ChanYoung says.

"You see? Miss Park Sarang, I will let you use this sword of mine no matter what. Our grandson's fate belongs in what you do and when you do it." Elder XiYun tells me as I froze.

"S-So... whatever I do.... i-it will change their lives?" I ask as they all nod.

"So please, Miss Park. Help us. All of us. We believe in you." The elders chanted as a bright light blinded me.

And those were the last words I heard until something inside of me has changed me forever.


Yay an update! I'm getting closer and closer to the war.... and I guess it won't be pretty. Or should I stop with all the sudden plot twists?

I have a school field trip scene in mind... but I don't know when to write it. And I also have the dilemma of choosing one special EXO member as Sarang's real true love.

Like the other cliche dramas or fanficts, the girl usually chooses the guy who's all mean to her, like Kyungsoo.

But I kinda don't want that. I want someone else to be her 'one and true love.'

Maybe I'll have a vote to see who's the guy.

And I'll write a bit more as they're older too. You know, the EXO ,embers have to take their grandfathers' role as the Elders.

Just imagine old EXO members omg I can't.

Ok nevermind. That's just a bit disturbing.

Well, anticipate for the next chapter please! ^^

Gomawo & Annyeong!


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