Gilmore Girls - What Should H...

By Erin_Chilton

21.7K 1K 190

This story is about what could have happened had Lorelai not run away with Rory as a baby but had still not m... More

1. At Last
2. Spreading Like Wild Fire
3. School Work, Dinner's, Intention's and Goodnights
4. Long Weekend Surprise
5. Good Day's
6. Birthday Fun
7. Birthday shenanigans
8. So Much To Celebrate
9. Holiday's and Sweet 16
10. Birthday Boy
11. Tell Me More and Valentines
12. Arrangements and Loopholes
13. Australia
14. Final Prep and Arrivals
15. Last 48 Hours
16. Till Death Do Us Part
17. Honeymoon Hijinks
19. Holiday Festivities
20. Summer Break
21. Graduating with Honors
22. Summer Getaway
23. The Big Announcement
AN: sorry
24. Fall Fun
25. Holiday's Away.
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Babies Galore
28. Babies and Baby shower's
29. New Years New Titles
30. Not A Fool
31. Happy Times and Sad Events
32. Life's Surprises

18. Honeymoon's Over

621 34 6
By Erin_Chilton

A/N: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Heres another chapter because well I'm in a semi-good mood and have been on a semi-roll with writing today as long as my daughter plays nice and lets me that is. Christmas break hasn't been too bad so far but we will have 9 days till schools back. Hope you all had a good holiday season and an amazing new year coming. 

~ Erin


Over the last few weeks, the gang has enjoyed their time left in Australia knowing they were heading home soon. They all knew there would be a lot of drama and shit hitting the fan when Elias found out about the marriage of Rory and Logan and of course everyone else when they find out they didn't include them in the wedding. Everyone knew things would work out eventually but knew there was possibly going to be some majorly hard times, and they were all going to be needing each other over the next little while. Things were changing with everyone, some were staying back in high school others were heading off to Yale, relationships were formed and strengthened, and others were in trouble, but with all the changes they all knew they had each other.

July 28th, 2002

Today the gang was landing back in Connecticut, Rory and Logan had decided that tonight they were going to tell their families about their marriage. The rest of the group was going to be at Colin's place in case they were needed for help with the blow-up.

Logan and Rory headed to the Huntzburger manor after of course freshening up at Colin's.

~ Rory and Logan walk into the Huntzburger manor ~

"Good afternoon my dear's," Emma says

"Good afternoon," Logan and Rory say

"I will have Mildred take your bags to your room, Don't worry," Emma says

"Thank you. Where are Shira and Elias?" Logan asks

"They are on the patio with lunch," Emma says

"We should join them," Rory says

"Yes we should get it over with," Logan says as they walk towards the patio with his grandmother

The patio

"Mother, Grandfather," Logan says nodding

"Please join us," Shira says

"Logan, my son what is the meaning of this. I thought I was clear before you little summer trip." Elias says

"Yes, you told me what you wanted, but it didn't mean I was going to do it," Logan says

"Logan, You don't have a choice you will marry the girl chosen for you, and you will break up with Rory here," Elias says

"No I won't be marrying the girl you want me to, I will be staying with Rory," Logan says

"I will not allow you to lose this family millions of dollars for you to act like a child and stay with your high school girlfriend," Elias says

"Elias, I'm not just a high school girlfriend" Rory states, and that's when Elias see's it

"Logan, why does she have your grandmothers ring where di you get it from?" Elias asks

"I gave it to him, I wanted the love of his life to have it, " Emma says

"Emma, you shouldn't have done that it was supposed to stay in the family," Elias says

"It is staying in the family," Logan says

"For the last time, you will not be marrying Rory you will be marrying the girl you're arranged to marry," Elias says

"Oh, Logan.......Elias, I think it may be too late for that" Shira says noticing logans ring finger

"What do you mean you foolish woman, Its never to late" Elias says

"Yes, it is too late for you to force the wedding on me. I can't marry the girl you want me to, I married the girl I love" Logan says

"What do you mean? Rory is 16 she can't legally get married without parents consent, and her mother would have never allowed her 16-year-old to be married after she refused to marry at 16" Elias says

"You know in Australia the legal age is 17, She's 2 months from 17, and we found a loophole to getting married, we didn't need permission from anyone but a judge," Logan says

"The only loophole is if she was pregnant.... She better not be, and if she is she's getting an abortion, and you're getting an annulment" Elias says

"No we aren't getting an annulment, and the status of my uterus is none of your business," Rory says

"You clearly didn't know there was a loophole with the arranged marriage if he married before he met the girl he was arranged to marry it made the contract null and void, no breach of contract no loss of money," Emma says

"How did you know that my lawyers made sure it was ironclad," Elias says

"That would be my doing, I faxed it off to a friend who had a judge, and their family lawyers look it over, and they told me the loophole. I'm sorry Elias, but I couldn't let you ruin my grandson's life, he deserves a marriage of love" Emma says

"If you ruined the merger between the families you will never see your inheritance Logan," Elias says as he storms off mad at his wife and grandson

"Don't worry Logan your inheritance is safe?" Emma says

"Logan how could you be so reckless, Did you at least confirm the pregnancy before you married her, how do you know she didn't just say that she was to make you marry her, and How could you get married without your family. It's going to look like a shotgun wedding" Shira says

"Mother Rory wouldn't and couldn't lie about being pregnant. She is not pregnant" Logan says

"Oh, and how are you sure she couldn't and wouldn't lie about being pregnant?" Shira asks

" Unlike your mother, we waited to have sex till after we married and we have been using precautions. No kids will be born before Rory is legal age to drink" Logan says

"Oh well, I suppose that could be a good way to know for sure," Shira says

"Mother I think you owe Rory a huge apology," Logan says

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry Rory, Its just all so sudden and shocking" Shira says

"Yes, it was shocking but not really sudden. Logan and I have been together for years" Rory says

"Mother we will be back later our bags are in my room, but we now have to go tell her family that we got married before grandfather tells them," Logan says

The Gilmore Estate

"Rory, Logan its good to see you, what do we owe this pleasure too," Emily asks

"We wanted you both to hear something from us," Rory says

~Emily see's Rory's ring finger and perks up~

"You're engaged, Are you pregnant Rory," Emily says cheerily

"Emily, Please let us speak before interrupting," Logan says

"Grandma No I'm not pregnant, and no we aren't engaged," Rory says

~ Emily and Richard look at Logan and Rory confused ~

"We are married," Logan says

"WHAT, no, you cant be married your much to young to be married. Did you mother sign off on this did she allow you to get married at 16?" Emily asks loudly

"No Lorelai did not sign off on it, we got married in Australia and legal age to marry is younger there," Logan says

"I'm well aware legal age is 17, and there are only 2 ways to get married before then," Richard says

"One being parents consent and the other is 3 months before a girl is 17 if she is pregnant, did you think you were pregnant, so you got married?" Emily asks

"No, there was no way for us to have been pregnant," Rory says

"How can you be so sure?" Emily asks

"We waited till we got married," Logan says

"You mean you didn't have intercourse over the years you have been dating until your wedding night?" Emily asks

"Not our wedding night but yes after we got married," Logan says

"Are you pregnant now? Will it look like a shotgun wedding?" Richard asks

"No, we married purely out of love, and we won't be trying for children till I am of legal age to drink," Rory says

"Well, how did you get approval for marriage anyway?" Emily asks

Logan and Rory told Emily and Richard the whole story of why they married so fast hoping they would understand the circumstances.

"We are willing to have a society wedding if it makes everyone happy, but we want it done our way with the help of Grandma Emma, Shira, Mom and Honor," Rory says

"I will call Shira and Emma to make arrangements to meet," Emily says

"Thank you, grandma and grandpa," Rory says

"Your welcome, we are just happy your happy" Richard says

Rory and Logan headed to hopefully catch Mitchum before he heard the news from Elias and then headed to the manor together to have dinner as a family and then head to see their friends and let them know how it all hit the fan.

Meanwhile when Logan and Rory were at the Gilmore estate.

"I'm sorry to have to meet you at this sort of notice," Elias says

"What did you need to talk to me about?" the man asks

"There seems to be a big problem with our plan to have our grandchildren marry. My grandson seems to have run off and gotten married to his poorly bred gold digging high school girlfriend. she must have gotten herself knocked up or lied about it, My lawyers are working on the annulment as we speak, I just didn't want you to find out from anyone else and think I was breaking the contract" Elias says

"Why do you speak, so Illy of the girl your grandson loves?" the man asks

"Her whore of a mother got knocked up by the son of the help at 16 and then had the nerve to keep the child," Elias says

"I have to ask did you not do any research on her before they started to date?" the man asks

"I didn't need to know much about her, she's a Gilmore, her mother refused to get married at 16 or have an abortion, Her mother graduated from Yale with a degree in business, her mother is currently married to a man who owns a diner and works for Richard Gilmore at his insurance company. There isn't much to know there. I didn't think allowing him to have his fun before he was due to marry would be any harm, I honestly thought he would get bored and move onto the next girl sooner or later" Elias says

"Did you research my grandchild before you signed the marriage agreement?" The man asks

"I didn't need to, I know she is true blue blood with proper breeding," Elias says

"You clearly didn't research much about her as that's all well-known information," The man says

"What do you mean?" Elias asks

"That supposed poorly bred gold digging high school girlfriend of Logans is more blue blood then Logan and is worth much more than the Huntzburger's. She's also Known as Lorelai "Rory" Leigh Gilmore -Hayden, my Granddaughter. Next time before you insult a girl know her breeding" Strobe says

"I am sorry Strobe I wasn't aware your son and Lorelai Gilmore shared a child, I was always told she was a product of the help and Lorelai's rebellion," Elias says

"As for the marriage part of the contract it's fulfilled, Now the merger, prenuptial agreement and other legal aspects in less they signed them are void. The merger will not go forward unless Rory and Logan chose to sign them and at this point in time I think things will be changed." Strobe says

"You can't change our agreement," Elias says

"You should have thought about that before you called my granddaughter a gold digger with poor breeding, I could call Logan the same, and it would be more accurate, Good afternoon Elias see yourself out," Strobe says

Mitchum's Office

"To what do I owe this visit? Does it have something to do with why I got a message from my father yelling inaudibly about my son ruining a merger and agreement?" Mitchum asks with a smirk

"Yes, it could be that. We just thought you should hear about it fully from us" Logan says

"Alright, why is he so mad now?" Mitchum asks

"We sort of got married in Australia and ruined his plans for Logans arranged marriage," Rory says

Mitchum laughs hard "Did he tell you the name of the girl he arranged for Logan to marry?" Mitchum asks

"No just that she's a socialite and her grandfather is a powerful man," Logan says

"Good news is you didn't ruin the arranged marriage per say you just ruined the agreement and merger that went along with that arrangement," Mitchum says

"What are you talking about father?" Logan asks

"Look at the agreement," Mitchum says handing logan the papers

~Logan reads the name's at the top of the paper's ~

"Wait... I was arranged to Marry her...." Logan asks snickering

"Who?" Rory asks

"Does the name Lorelai Leigh Hayden ring a bell?" Logan asks

"You are joking..... They forgot Gilmore... wait.... You were arranged to marry me?" Rory asks in shock

"Oh this is priceless, He wanted me to end it with you to marry you," Logan says

"I don't think he did his homework very well if he didn't know your full name," Mitchum says

"So what was the agreement and merger we ruined?" Rory asks

"Hayden Law would have provided all legal counsel for HPG for $1 million a year max until strobe retired then it would merge with HPG and there would be a no divorce clause, a separation would entitle you to $20,000 a month each child another $5,000 and only if you appeared as a happy family in public" Mitchum says

"That's why grandma Emma was so helpful," Logan says

"I told her and the Morgan's to do anything they could to get you out of the arrangement, I knew Elias was going to screw with you both" Mitchum says

"Thank you Mitchum, but what about prenups and everything?" Rory asks

"That is up to you both, you can sign nuptial agreements still under your own terms or if you chose you can go without I trust your love to last" Mitchum says

"I don't mean or this to sound bad or anything, but maybe we should have an agreement drawn up anyways, I'm sure the Hayden's will want one," Rory says

"Are you sure?" Mitchum asks

"Really Rory you would do that?" logan asks

"Yes, I would do anything if it meant there would be less meddling, We don't need them messing with us," Rory says

"I will talk to strobe and set a meeting up for the 4 of us to work it all out. Now what do you say we head to the manor and have dinner" Mitchum says

"That sounds great, just know if Elias is a jerk still then we are cutting out early to go hang out with our friends, and we will be looking for a place between Hartford and new haven for the year," Rory says

"Sounds only fair," Mitchum says

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