The secret of a paladin compl...

By ghost1643

145K 3.8K 1.2K

"Hey Lance, you left your helmet back there so I wanted to-" Keith stopped in his tracks as he saw Lance. Lan... More

Before we begin
Keith sees things
Lance's ex dream
Happy (late) birthday Keith
Pidge ships it
Things are found out
The child's going home and Klance dancing
Keith gets shot
Telling Keith
Telling hunk
Mistletoe/Klance kiss
Garla prisoner
Lotor dies.......
It's ma birthday!!🎊🎊+Daniel pictures
Telling Allura
National pride month +Pidge's secret
Shiro gets attacked
Just gonna leave this here
Song Requests
The questions
Want your art in the book?
Happy birthday Lance
A story
Cadaver (edited)
Daniel's Grief
Happy second late birthday Keith!
The wedding-Part one
Coming soon
The wedding-Part 2
Happy birthday Shiro (aka, the chapter where twins are born)
Family time
Finale kiss
sneak in
Lance's mom is boss
Here goes nothing
Final count down-part one
Final count down-part two
The end
Q&A-3 year aniversary celebration-part 1
Quick update and asking ur guys advice


1.7K 41 6
By ghost1643

Lance smiled as he walked down the halls hand in hand with his fiancé, Daniel running in front if them with Pidge. The two younger children on the shop seemed to be having fun together, completely oblivious to a few things that had changed with the others living in the castles.
Things like Lotor losing weight and becoming a boney Skelton. Along with him wearing a wig twenty four seven. Neither of the kids seemed to notice how Shay visited the castle more often to visit Hunk. Then they didn't notice Shiro's tiny weight gain. It was tiny but, with the jump suit he was wearing currently it was obvious Shiro had gained a bit of weight. Though Lance was still the only one who knew why. 
Yet, Keith noticed Shiro's weight gain. He never said anything about it though. It alway bothered Shiro when he was kids when someone would call him chubby.
Though Shiro didn't seem to be hiding anything. Hell him and Lance talked with each other about kids. Lance gave him tips on babies when Keith wasn't around. He even taught Shiro a few word in Spanish since Shiro wants his kids to be bilingual. Well he wanted them to know as many languages as they could learn.
Well he wanted that and a larger shirt. His shirts never fit anymore. They all were being stretched until they broke. And he hated it! He hated even more was the fact that he hadn't told Allura the news yet. She had been so mad at him that she was avoiding him. Heck it was like she wanted nothing to do with him and it broke his heart.
Maybe she didn't need him anymore or love him anymore though. He would understand. He was now a chubby, ugly personal who was only gonna get bigger! Soon he was gonna be a blimp and have zero hours of sleep. On top of that he would have to find a way to lead Voltron! Which would be so fucking difficult! He would ask Keith but, he knew he didn't want to do it. Then it hit him.
Lance could be the leader while Shiro healed for a few weeks after having the twins. Or maybe he should make Keith the leader. Either way the crew would work better under someone who didn't have to go pee every five seconds or barf every hour upon the hour.
Though he knew that he would have to tell someone soon. If he didn't he felt like he was gonna die from stress which he knew wasn't health for him or the twins. Hell it wasn't healthy for anyone to be under this kind of stress. It was enough to make people's hair go white.
Like Shiro's hair. He began noticing his hair turning white one morning. He had no idea what it was from though. The first thought was stress. The second thought was that this was caused due to the fact of him carrying twin aliens. The third thought was something was wrong with the kids and he knew it.
So here he was sitting on a table in front of Cornan. He watched as Cornan's mouth dropped open before he broke out in a grin.
"Shiro that's wonderful news! Why haven't you told Allura yet?" Cornan asked him. Shiro bashfully looked at his feet. He was in a night gown so he could now see all the scars the Garla had given him.
"I just don't want her to know until I know the babies are healthy." Shoe mumbled. Cornan gasped.
"Babies?" Cornan looked like he was gonna cry.
"Yes, its twins." He mumbled. Cornan turned around and seemed to be silently sobbing for five scenes before he took a deep breath, wiped his eyes and turned to face the valid paladian.
"Well I'm honoured you would tell me first." Cornan smiled, his eyes shining with a look of pride. Shiro didn't have the heart to tell him that Lance knew first. God he didn't have the heart to tell him anything.
"So you mind running a check up? I mean my hair is turning white and I just wanna know if they're okay." Shiro admitted honestly as he looked Cornan in the eyes. Cornan nodded before telling the paladin to lay down.
Shiro did as he was told as he began thinking about his life. God, what was he gonna tell Allura if he had a miscarriage? (This dear reader is when you should start to sweat.) What was he gonna tell her if he got larger? What was he gonna say when the twins started moving? What if she dumped him before he could tell her the good news? What if she was cheating on him? What if she didn't want twins? Oh god, what if she made him get rid of one of the kids? What if she didn't want him or the kids? Would she kick him out of the Voltron team?
All these thoughts bubbled in his mind before a loud noise snapped him out of his thoughts and cleared his mind. He smiled at a screen hearing it.
His kids had heart beats and they were the most amazing thing he ever heard.
Shiro laughed seeing two little bean like shapes on the screen with loud heart beats. His eyes watered as a large smile spread across his face.
"Paladian are you okay?" Cornan asked looking over the side of the machine. He was using a machine Pidge had helped him make that Lance said he might need in the future. For some reason Pidge freaked out a lot when they heard that then what Cornan was doing right now.
Shiro nodded rubbing his eyes holding back tears of joy.
"Yeah..yeah I'm fine. I just never thought I would have kids. Not with what happened with the Garla." Shiro smiled.
"Shiro, no matter what happened in your past and no matter what fears you may have, you have us to help you raise them. And if no one else want to help, you have me to help you raise them. Good old space uncle Cornan." Cornan teased. Shiro let out a laughed before smiling at Cornan. This was the happiest Shiro had ever been.
"So is there anything wrong with them?" Shiro asked him. Cornan smiled shaking his head no.
"Nope. They're perfectly healthy. And it looks like you're about 12 weeks along. I would reckoned resting a bit more though. No more training as roughly as you do and worrying as much as much as you do. The children may be alteans but, even we have a breaking point." Cornan added.
"Cornan, I have to worry. I'm the leader." Shiro sighed before he looked at the screen again and had a tiny smile in his face.
"Then in that case let me be leader. I would rather me worry than you worry and hurt your children." Cornan hummed a bit taking a few photos for Shiro. Shiro laughed before he heard another noise. The door to the med bay opened and thee she stood.
Keith took one look at the screen and one look at his brother. Then the door closed behind him as something clicked in his head.
"HOLY SHIT IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" Keith cheered with a huge smiled. Shiro paled sitting up only to be lightly hugged by his brother.
"My god why didn't you tell me?" Keith asked him. Shiro shrugged.
"Because I knew you would worry." Shiro sighed.
"Darn right I am! I knew I swear so much and my niece or nephew can already hear me! They're gonna swear like a sailor! And I gotta keep you away from battles now! And we gotta twin less! And we...Why are you standing up?" Keith asked. Shiro pulled his pants up all the way before looking at his brother.
"Because I have to go back to my room and rest...I might go train lightly a bit for now. Why?" Shiro asked.
"Oh hel- I men's heck n! You're resting!" Keith said as he held his hand and began walking out of the room before racing back in and asking Cornan for photos. Shiro sighed watching all of this.
"Oh brother." Shiro sighed before smirking as he rested a hand on his stomach, excited for what was to come.
And then the Author ripped his world apart. Then end.
Anyway, I went to a pride march today. I am so tried but, came with inspiration to write this instead of the angst you chapter to come next when I saw all these cute LGBTQ families. They were so cute!
Picture by tinypalettes at Devianart

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