Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

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"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Getting To Know You
Movie Night
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Meeting Logan Part 2
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"I Found You"
"For The First Time"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind


3.8K 49 5
By Jays_PissRocket

I pull out my phone quickly, letting the smooth iphone fill my hand. I quickly unlock it, moving my thumbs quickly to call Alicia. I go into my contacts, quickly typing in her name. I press her name, then slam my phone to my ear, pacing back an forth in front of Lauren and Sam.

Alicia: "Hello?"

Me: "Hey Alicia, it's Rebbeca."

Alicia: "Oh, hey what's up?"

Me: "I need you to meet up with me and my friends at Star Bucks, can you do that?"

Alicia: "Yeah sure, do you want Kelsey and Michelle to come to?"

I put my hand to my mouth, slowly chewing the corner of my thumb. I was in a daze while thinking that I didn't see Sam come up to me. Just as I brought me attention to her, she slapped my hand from my mouth, leaving a stinging sensation. I give a quick glare before turning my attention back to Alicia.

Me: "Yeah, this is a thing all of us need to talk about."

Alicia: "We'll be there in like 10 alright? Is everything okay?"

Me: "Alright sounds great, and no it's not."

We say our goodbyes quickly before I look at my best friends. I look at them, seeing the concern in their faces before I pull them into a hug. They embrace back, rubbing circles on my back, whispering nonsense into me ears.

We pull apart, finally realizing that we're still in the middle of the walk way. I sigh, letting them link their arms through mine as I guide us to the star bucks. Our steps in sync as we walk down the side walk, people walking around us to get on with their busy lives, fake smiles etched onto their solemn faces.


We reach Star Bucks just as the others do. I greet Michelle, Nareesha, and Alicia with a friendly hug before introducing Sam and Lauren. They shake hands, give the normal girl compliments as I tap my foot impatiently. 

Once the introductions are done, we make our way into the establisment. It's not very busy, only a few students from the university getting their tea fill. Soothing Jazz music plays in the background, calming my nerves a bit as we walk to the counter.

Once at the counter, I look over the cashier. A man, maybe about 24, medium length blonde hair and dark green eyes. I give him a friendly smile before looking over the menu, deciding on a french vanilla ice coffee. I look back at the cashier to see him checking us out, I roll my eyes preparing to give my order.

Me: "I'd like a French Vanilla ice coffee please."

Lauren: "I'd like the same please"

Sam: "Um can I have a water please?"

We order ours before the others get theirs, seeing as they'd all have different teas that they'd want. I step back letting the girls through and taking in my surroundings more. The walls are a light tan color, my skin just being a tone darker. The inside is decorated with wooden tables and chairs, making the coffee shop seem more rustic. 

I inhale, the smell of fresh roaster coffee, and fresh brewed tea fill my nose. The smell is intoxicating, making my mouth start water as I wait. I hear the girls making their order, I can picture them rolling their eyes as the employee attempts to flirt.

After a few minutes our order is done, I walk over to grab my coffee seeing a message written on the side. I look at it, my eyes bulging at the fact he would write this. I stifle my laughter as I show the others, making them laugh like Hyenas.

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe ;) 

I walk away shaking my head as the others follow me over to two tables. We push them together, the wood scraping across the tile making an obnoxiously loud noise. Once the tables are firmly together, we grab our chairs, and sit in them.

I take a huge gulp of my coffee, wetting my palate before going into the long story.  I feel all eyes on me as I drink. I swallow the liquid, letting the cold drink run down my throat.

Nareesha: "What's the big emergency Rebbeca?"

Michelle: "Yeah Alicia said you sounded really troubled."

I look at the five people in front of me. Two of them are my closest friends in the world, the other three as people I'm almost forced to trust. I look down at my green straw, starting to play with the top of it while I start talking.

Me: "To begin, Logan an I never dated. I thought we were dating to get Nathan jealous, when infact it was to help boost his career, and hurt Nathans. Don't ask me why.... All I know is that I was the one being played and I "called" it off. Then today, we went to attempt to get lunch and he was there, and... he kissed me... in front of a bunch of papz."

Alicia: "That doesn't seem too bad, I mean as long as you didn't enjoy it right?"

Sam: "She's not telling us something... Becc's what aren't you telling us? You are pregnant aren't you?"

Me: "Samantha I swear if you say I'm pregnant one more time I will hurt you. The thing is, last night Nathan told me he loved me..."

I stop remember last night. Remembering the cliche fireworks that went off, making my head spin and knees go weak. The way he held me, making me feel safe. When he sang to me, calling me beautiful, the way I love you fell from his soft lips.

All: "Well!"

I snap my attention away from my day dream, bringing my attention back to the girls in front of me. I blink a few times trying to remember what I was saying. Finally the thoughts rush back to me, making my head spin.

Me: "I told him I loved him back.."

All: "Awwwwwww."

Me: "Guys! If he see's those pictures what's he going to think? That I'm a dirty little whore just like Chrissy said, then bam! He's back in her orange arms. I can't deal with that.."

I look up and see that what I said finally hit them, the understanding falling into their eyes. I sigh angrily, letting my head fall on to the table. I close my eyes, letting the table cool down my forehead. The table is quiet until Alicia speaks up.

Alicia: "You probably know Jay already knows all about this right? Well the you and Logan thing? (insert head nod). Maybe we could have him help some way?"

I pick my head up, looking Alicia in her eyes that look to be changing from blue to green. I let the idea run through my head, little switches in my brain clicking as it does. A feel a smile crossing my face, my eyes brightening as they do so.

Me: "Yes! Call Jay and tell him what happened, also make sure he isn't around anyone. Tell him also to keep Nathan away from a TV at all costs, oh and the papz! We can't have anything slip out. I have a plan!"

I smile while finishing my coffee and listening to Alicia call Jay telling him what to do. I questioning looks from the others, but I just shake my head at them, throwing a wink their way. 'I hope this works.'


Nathan's POV

Me: "Who was that Bird?"

I look at Jay, his face unreadable as he hangs up his phone, looking around for something. I clap my hands in front of his face, making him snap out of his daze. With a shake of his curls, his face is readable again, but is hiding something. 'Hmmm'

Jay: "Oh, it was Alicia she just wanted to tell me that she met up with Rebbeca and the others today."

Nathan: "How's Rebbeca?"

I know I sound eager, but I just care so much for her. Last night when she told me she loved me, I swear my heart stopped beating. Her sleepy voice is still ringing through my head as we speak.

Jay: "Calm down mate, if anything was wrong we'd know. So are you ready to leave, I'm so knackered."

Nathan: "Yeah just let me text Becc's telling her we're leaving."

I pull out my iphone, quickly typing in my code to unlock it. I look a my background, Rebbeca and I making a funny face lights up the screen. I smile as I open up my messages to see I already have one from Chrissy.

Chrissy: Turn it to channel 4 babe. You're in for a surprise ;) 

I don't answer, instead I look around for the remote to the TV in the studio. I see Jay holding it in his hand, trying to act like nothing is there. I walk over to him, confusion in my voice as I speak.

Me: "Hey Jay, can I see the remote? I need to check what's on channel four."

Jay shakes his head violently, his curls flying all over the place. He takes a large step backwards, making me take two forward. I sigh, turning my hat backwards and getting into a running position. Jay see's this and is already running away before I'm even ready.


Jay: "NO!" 

I chase him around the studio, getting weird looks out of everyone, even the boys who are laughing. Finally I have Jay cornered, I walk up slowly to him, lightly panting. I see fear in his eyes as I get closer, moving my hand in front of me for the remote.

Me: "Now Jay, I don't know why you're acting like this but, I would really like the watch the channel four news. So can I please have to remote?"

Jay: "Listen here Nath, I would but I promised I wouldn't. You're not supposed to watch TV until you talk to Rebbeca."

I lift my eye brown, tilting my head to the side slightly in confusion. 'What's going on?' Out of nowhere Siva jumps on Jay grabbing the remote from him and throwing it at me. I barely manage to catch it, having to juggle it a bit before it's firmly in my grasp. I turn to the TV, clicking the power button quickly. The black screen lights up with a reporter, just finishing up his story.

Reporter: After what escalated last night, you'd think that Mrs. Rebbeca George would be done with Logan Lerman. Insiders saw differently today at Nandos when Lerman kissed Mrs. George in front of every one. Sources say that George then slapped Lerman, telling him to stay away from her forever. I wonder what heart throb Nathan Sykes, who professed his love her last night has to say about this? 

The TV quickly goes black, I see my reflection in the screen. I don't see hurt, but hate, hate at Logan for doing that to her. Jay comes crawling out from behind the TV holding the chord a sad smile on his face.

Seev: "I'm sorry mate."

Tom: "Yeah Nathan."

I feel a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to turn around. I look up into Max's eyes waiting for him to talk, to say anything about what happened. I studies my face before talking, surprising me by what he says.

Max: "You know the truth, Rebbeca isn't that type of person. She cares for you Nathan, no matter how much I hate it, she does. She would never hurt you purposefully, so don't be mad at her. Be mad at Logan, that little twat who pulled that move."

I just nod, turning away from all of them. 'I need to clear my head.' I walk out of the studio doors into the warm London air. I breathe in an out, trying to think of something to clear my head. 'Write music?.. Nah the song would be too depressing'. I pull out my phone, again unlocking it to see the happy picture of Becc's an I. A smile lights up my face as I hit recent calls. I put the phone to my ear, waiting for an answer. Once her voice rings through the phone I let out a little sigh.

Rebbeca: "Hey Nath, what's up?"

Me: "Don't make any plans for tonight alright?"

Rebbeca: "Yeah sure, why though?"

Me: "I have a surprise."


Rebbeca's POV

Me: "Hey Nath, what's up?"

Nath: "Don't make any plans for tonight alright?"

Me: "Yeah sure, why though?"

Nath: "I have a surprise."

Nathan says goodbye quickly, a quiet love you at the end. I pull the phone away from my ear, looking at the girls with confusion written on my face. Lauren puts her hands on my face, trying to bring me back to the real world.

Lauren: "Becc's come back to us! What did he said?"

Me: "He told me not to have any plans for the night..."

Alicia: "I just got a text from Jay saying that Nathan saw something on TV about what happened."


 I slam my hands down, pushing my chair out from underneath me. I look around seeing all the attention is on me, making my face flame up as I push myself away from the table and make my way to the door. I hear the others getting out of their seats quickly, making the chairs squeak as they slide across the floor. 

I push the door open, slamming all my body weight against the door for it to open quicker. I stalk out, head down thinking about everything and anything. I start walking down the sidewalk, the click of heels sounding after me. I then feel hands on my shoulders, knowing that Sam and Lauren caught up because they were wearing close-toed shoes.

Me: "What!"

I snap at them, turning around in a whirl wind of anger. They stood their ground, looking at me with serious looks. I look back, waiting for them to judge me. Suddenly their faces soften as does my own, remembering that they would never judge me.

Lauren: "Did he sound angry while you were on the phone with him?"

Sam: "Yeah did he sound upset with you?"

I think back to my short conversation with Nathan. He sounded perfectly fine actually, happy oddly. I shake my head no, trying to grasp where they're getting at. They get huge smiles on their faces, making them look even more gorgeous.

Sam: "Are you really too dumb to see what this is?"

Lauren: "Come on Becc's you should know this!"

Me: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

They look at each other, amusement filling their eyes as they do. Michelle, Alicia, and Nareesha have finally caught up, smiles on their faces as they all know what's going on. I run my hand through my hair, landing on the back of my neck to scratch it. 


I jump back at the ferocity of their scream. I trip over my feet, stumbling at bit at the realization that they're right...'This is going to be interesting.' I feel a grin crawl across my face as the others squeal in delight telling me they're picking out my outfit.


We rush back to the flat, the girls already knowing what I'm going to wear for tonight. I try to tell them nothing to girly, they agree saying that I couldn't work that anyway. 'Thanks'. We get back to the flat in no time seeing the fans their meant the boys were already home. 

I start nervously wringing my hands, my heart beat racing knowing I'm going to see Nathan. 'Calm down!' 'Shut up!' The argument rages in my head as we make it up to the steps. Kelsey pulls open the door, running in to find Tom. Nareesha, Lauren and Sam are next, leaving me and Michelle standing outside.

Me: "You going in Michelle?"

Michelle: "He hasn't told you yet?"

I shake my head, searching her face and finding sadness there. The nervous smile that was on my face falls slightly, making me worried for her. I stop wringing my hands, grabbing hers in mine, the cold skin warming at my touch.

Me: "Michelle, what's wrong please tell me."

Michelle: "Max an I.. We... Are taking a break. I-I just don't want to see him alright?"

An without another word from me or her, she storms away, quietly sobbing. I stand there looking after her, my heart slowly breaking as I watch her walk away, head down, and arms wrapped around her slim body. I hear my named being called from inside the flat, I turn walking into the house to see Nathan standing there waiting for me. 

Me: "Hey."

I start shuffling my feet, getting nervous again. 'You need to stop.' 'And you need to hush it.' Before another inner argument can ensue I'm pulled into a tight embrace. I wrap my arms around his middle as his go around my neck, pulling me close. 

I place my head against his chest, as he places his head on top of mine. I listen to his heart beat, it beats irratically making me smile knowing I'm the cause. We stand there while the others are in the kitchen laughing away at Sam telling a joke.

Nathan: "I missed you today."

I pull away enough so I can look at him. He looks down at me, his green eyes looking a bit darker then usual. I smile, standing on my toes to quickly plant a lingering kiss on his perfect lips. He kisses back, smiling through the contact. I pull away, putting my head back on his chest, his heart beating even faster now.

Me: "I missed you too... I'm excited for our date tonight.."

Nathan: "How'd you find out?"

Me: "It's a girl thing."

We both laugh, finally letting go of each other. I start to feel cold, small goosebumps rising without the contact of his warm body. He grabs my hand, an I lace our fingers together as we walk our way upstairs. We make it to his room and he sits down at his key board and me on his bed.

Me: "How was the interview today?"

Nathan: "It was good, fun as usual. How was your girls day?"

Me: "You already know how it went"

I grumble, not wanting to get into this conversation right now. I look towards the door, studying the picture of Stevie Wonder that decorates the other wise plain white door. I didn't hear Nathan get up or else I wouldn't have jumped when is arm went around waist. I lean into him, enjoying the silence until it's broken.

Nathan: "I'm not mad at you, just the situation. He had no right to do that to you Rebbeca."

Me: "I know but he did. Now it's gonna make me seem like I'm a complete slut, and I'm not!"

I defend my position, even though I know I don't have to with him. He pulls me as close as I can without him pulling me into his lap. He kisses my head, making a smile appear on my face. 'Oh how I love him'

Nathan: "I know you're not, even the reporter who said what happened said you weren't. Don't worry about the haters say, when you're associated with the rich and famous, you get baggage."

As the words fall from his mouth, I analyze each of them. 'Can I handle that baggage?' I think about all the hate I would get from his fans for dating him. Even though I'm Max's sister, the fans will think I'm using him for his money.

Me: "I'm gonna go shower and get ready for tonight."

I kiss his cheek before getting up and trying to walk away. As I take a step, I get pulled back, Nathan's arm around my waist pulling me backward. I let out a tiny squeal of excitement as I fall back onto him, his arms firmly wrapping around my middle.

Nathan: "I haven't seen you all day and you wan't to leave me?"

Me: "Haha Nath, I need to look decent for you tonight, that requires a shower and new clothing."

I let him ponder my response, while using my thumbs to rub circles on the back of his hands. He starts humming something as he thinks of a response, it sounds like "Somewhere Only We Know." Once he finally answers I get chills as he leaves a love bite on my neck.

Nathan: "I think you look great in that outfit." 

I laugh, as he finally lets me go so I can get ready. I hop off of him, quickly skipping out the room an into my own to find Sam and Lauren waiting for me. I smile at them, before picking out my bra and underwear to head into the shower.


After a long shower, an much more thinking about my future with Nathan, I wrap my self in a blue fluffy towel. I let the towel warm my body as I quickly rush from the bathroom to my room. I open the door quickly, the shut it just a quickly as I see my outfit already out. A smile creeps across my face as I take in the out fit (External Link.)

I wrap my hair up in my towel as I pull on the clothing. The shirt stops just above my belly button, showing off my tan stomach. The jeans hug my legs and bum nicely giving them a bit more shape then they actuall have. I pull on my socks an shoes on before going to my door.


My voice echos throughout the house as I hear heels an the patter of sneakers fly up the stairs. I go over to my bed an sit down waiting for them to hurry in. The first through the door is Sam, I'm not surprised because she was on the soccer team with me. 

They all peek behind her, them looking at me in shock. I giggle, motioning them in quickly. They hurry in, already taking action on my hair and make up. I just smile through it, knowing tonight is going to be a great night.


After an hour and a few scuffles I'm finished, an ready for the date. I run my hands through my now straightened hair once more before I bounce out of my room. I rush to the stairs looking down to see Nathan already waiting. He's wearing a plain black tight shirt, showing off his growing muscles; light blue jeans that aren't too bady nor are they too tight; and his typical hat, a New York hat to match my shirt.

I quickly walk down the stairs, into the waiting arms of the Gloucester boy! I hug him close, letting our bodies fit together. The moment is great until, a certain brother interrupts the moment.

Max: "Nathan I want you back by midnight. And don't try anything funny, be a good boy."

I pull away from Nathan, punching Max in the chest as Nathan does his good boy face. Max grabs our ears before telling us to go and have fun. I smile at him, placing a kiss on his cheek before grabbing Nathan's hand and rushing out of the house.

We walk hand in hand out into the surprisingly warm London night. The fans cheer as they see Nathan, some yelling "Rathan" at us. I smile at the fans as I usually do, letting them know I love them just as much as the boys.

We walk down the path to Nathan's sleek black car, making a smile appear on my face. I loved watching him drive, the look of concentration that comes across his face makes him look so attractive. We make it to the car, him being a gentlemen and opening the door for me. I smile up at him, sliding into the car, the door closing behind me. 

I cross my legs, folding my hands in my lap waiting for Nathan to get in. The driver side door opens, I smiling Nathan sliding in next to me. He clicks his seat belt, me mimicking him as he turns on the car. I proceed to turn on the radio, New Kids On The Block playing "Summertime".

I start humming along, tapping my foot to the beat. I look over at Nathan who is singing quietly along to the song. The song changes to "Marry You" by Bruno Mars and I start belting out the lyrics, Nathan following suit. 

Me/Nathan: It's a beautiful night,

We're looking for something dumb to do.

Hey baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Me: Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go,

No one will know,

Oh, come on, girl.

Who cares if we're trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow,

Shots of patron,

And it's on, girl.

Nathan: Don't say no, no, no, no-no;

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;

And we'll go, go, go, go-go.

If you're ready, like I'm ready.

Me/Nathan: Cause it's a beautiful night,

We're looking for something dumb to do.

Hey baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Nathan: I'll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh,

So what you wanna do?

Let's just run girl.

If we wake up and you wanna break up that's cool.

No, I won't blame you;

It was fun, girl.

Me/Nathan: Don't say no, no, no, no-no;

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;

And we'll go, go, go, go-go.

If you're ready, like I'm ready.

Me: Cause it's a beautiful night,

We're looking for something dumb to do.

Hey baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Nathan: Is it the look in your eyes,

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Me: Just say I do,

Tell me right now baby,

Tell me right now baby, baby.

Nathan: Oh, it's a beautiful night,

We're looking for something dumb to do.

Hey baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

Me/Nathan: Is it the look in your eyes,

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares baby,

I think I wanna marry you.

We finish the song, laughing as we usually did in each others company. I rest my head on the back of the seat as Nathan takes a right turn, forcing me to lean into the door. I suddenly feel a hand holding mine, the warmth from his touch crawling up my arm.

Me: "So Nathan, where are you taking me?"

Nathan: "It's a surprise, you like surprises don't you?"

Me: "In fact I do, I just lack the patience for them."

It's true, I loved surprises. Every year I had a surprise party, you think I would've caught on but I didn't. Every time I would squeal, making everyone laugh at me. Whenever trying to surprise other people though, well I just didn't have the patience for it. 

I look over at Nathan, the look of concentration planted firmly on his face, making me bite my lip. I study his face, looking in awe at his beauty. His jaw is a little clenched due to the concentration, a bit of scruff poking its way through the almost flawless skin. He purses his lips, unintentionally teasing me to kiss him. 

The car finally comes to a stop, I look out the window a surprised look coming over my features. 'An abandoned park?' I turn to at look at Nathan, him already crawling out of the car to come open my door. I scrunch my eyebrows together trying to think what on earth he could've planned for us. 

My door opens, the famous London wind whiping my hair about my face. I bring my hands up, fighting my hair back into its original state. Nathan grabs my hands again, shots of electricity running up my body as he does. He chuckles, pulling me out of the car an into a tight hug.

Nathan: "You are honestly too cute for your own good."

Me: "Eh I'll take any compliment I can get at the moment."

I pull away, grabbing his hand letting him lace his long piano fingers with mine. I swing our arms back and forth as we walk through the rusty gate leading into the park. I breathe in the air, so fresh from being so far from the inner city. 

We walk down the decaying path, weeds sprouting up through little holes in the crumbling concrete. Though it looked like something from a bad horror movie, it was actually really beautiful as the sun had just set; putting the area into the perfect twilight. The sun starts retreating behind the trees around us making it dark. 

I grab Nathan's hand a little tighter, the sudden darkness putting a bit of fear into my body. Suddenly, millions of christmas lights turn on, making our path bright again. I look up, mouth falling open in awe as the lights make moths fly from the trees, a white blanket flying above us.

Me: "You really know how to impress a girl huh?"

Nathan: "I try." 

We continue walking about a hundred or so yards, our path being lit by the sparkling lights. Nathan tugs my hand to the right, making me follow him down an obscure path that I wouldn't have notice if I was here by myself. 

Nathan ducks down in front of me, bending below low hanging branches that would've hit his perfect face. Being the wonderful 5'3 I am, I only duck occasionally. Nathan pushes a branch out of the way, making room for me to squeeze past him into a clearing. 

I put my hand over my mouth, holding in the gasp at the scene in front of me. More Christmas lights hang down, making it look like golden rain is falling. I check out the ground in front of me, my eyes widening at the preparation that must've went into this. On the ground is a picnic, not just any picnic though, that's because isn't just any guy. 

Rose petals cover the ground around the blue and black, plaid printed blanket thats nestled in the center of the clearing. A bottle of what looks to be sparkling grape juice reflects the lights, making a light show appear to be going on. The sweet smell of fresh baked bread wafts through the air, making my mouth start to water a bit. 

I feel arms wrap around my waist, slowly pushing me towards the picnic. I smile, shuffling my legs to make things more difficult for Nathan. I hear him chuckle, as he then picks me up. I slap his face playfully, getting a cheeky grin from him.

Me: "Nathan put me down!"

Nathan: "Sorry, you were walking to slow, and well I'm hungry."

He kneels down, me still in his arms. He places my bum on the blanket, making my laugh at the impact. I sit Indian style waiting for him to get comfortable, watching his moves as he gets in the same position. I lean back, using my arms a supports, looking up into the faulty lit sky.

Me: "This is amazing Nathan."

Nathan: "You're amazing."


After eating our fill of delicious sandwich's, that I made, God knows Nathan can't do anything with food; we lay back, my head on his chest. He wraps the arm around my chilly body, pulling me close to warm me up a bit. I take my finger and start drawing circles in the middle of his chest.

Nathan: "This happens to be the best date I've ever been on."

Me: "Me too, I usually don't get asked on dates."

Nathan: "You're kidding me!"

I shake my head no, memories from Florida becoming present in my ever busy mind. I think back to all of the boyfriends I didn't have. How everyone thought I was weird because I was smart yet still managed to do sports. 

Me: "I was always the person that people wanted to be friends with, but were to afraid to talk to. I always did great in school, top of my class and first class athlete. That's how I met Sam and Lauren. Sam from soccer, I mean football and Lauren from gymnastics. We hit it off great, I then find out that Sam and Lauren are friends to begin with."

I stop, taking a shallow breath before going on with the story. I think back to meeting two of the greatest people to walk the face of the earth, always being there when I needed them. I begin again my voice quiet.

Me: "Once we made it to our second year of high school, I grew into my body more. Most of the other girls haven't filled out as much making them hate me for getting so much attention. I remember being in Chemistry and getting a note thrown at me, saying I was a slut. I just shook it off, knowing the truth and not letting that get to me."

Nathan rubs my back, making slow circular motions, lulling me into a dream state. I focus on a tree in front of me, getting ready to finish the depressing story. Well depressing for me, funny for others.

Me: "When I turned 16 I got my first boyfriend. His name was Dave, the captain of the swim team making everyone even more jealous of me. The thing they didn't know was that he was playing me whole relationship, just trying to do one thing..."

Nathan sits up, bringing me with him. I hand my head in shame an humiliation, not wanting him to look into my face. He brings his hands up, cupping my face lightly, carefully forcing me to look up at him. I blink before looking deep into his eyes.

Nathan: "Rebbeca, I want you to know that... Not all guys are like Max an Logan. Some of us aren't pigs who just want one thing."

Me: "I know...."

Nathan: "Rebbeca?"

I look into his eyes, trying to figure out what he's trying to ask me. His face is impassive, showing no sigh of his motives. I sigh now knowing that I have to answer him.

Me: "Yeah Nath?"

Nathan removes his hands from my face, bringing them down to fine mine. He takes mine in his own, bringing them up in front of us, a smile tugging at his lips. I hear faint music in the background, meaning he had some type of stereo with a timer. I look into his eye, they're bright and dancing as he asks me a shocking question.

Nathan: "Will you be my girlfriend?"


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Highest rank: #1 in Teen-Fiction and sci-fi romance, #1 mindreader, #2 humor Aaron's special power might just be the coolest- or scariest- thing ever...
9.9M 501K 199
In the future, everyone who's bitten by a zombie turns into one... until Diane doesn't. Seven days later, she's facing consequences she never imagine...
192M 4.6M 100
[COMPLETE][EDITING] Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil. Sofia Diaz, known as an angel. The two are arranged to be married, forced by...