The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

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~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
Evan ran away again...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1

I think...I'm Falling for...

131 7 2
By DeathNice12

AUTHORS NOTE: I did change the last chapter a bit just the ending to Evans P.O.V So please go back and re-read that or it won't make sense. The rest is the same just Evan's P.O.V okay? Okay let's get back to the story.

Bellanie's P.O.V:

I don't know what the heck Ian wants but I need to find Evan.

Me and and Micheal entered Ians office to see him with his head between his hands. His hair was a disaster like he had run his hands through his hair a million times.

Still looked hot though.

I know I supposedly belong to Micheal well... I don't belong to anyone but myself I'm just giving Micheal a chance but anyway dang Ian is a hottie.

Ian's head shot up as soon as the door closed.

"Can you go after her" Ian said desperately.

"I was going to until you interrupted me! Jeez" I said.

"Then lets go" Ian said kind of annoyed buy jumping up and heading to the door.

"Ian I want you to check my apartment, Micheal if you guys don't find her there, there's a house in Cali that you should to check out" I said writing down Mr. Pierce's address. I heard Ian growl probably cause I ordered him but I don't care.

"What about you" Micheal asked.

"I'm going after her" I said "Real quick I need to borrow your computer"

"Why" Ian said raising his eyebrow.

"It's been a while since I changed into a bird I need a refresher" I said annoyed.

"What does my computer have to do with you changing into a bird? If you know where she's going then lets go" Ian said raising his voice slightly.

"For your information jerk I don't know for sure where she's going that's why we're splitting up and if I can see her from the skies that would be so much easier cause then we wouldn't have to go clear to California! Plus there's more to changing than you think so stop arguing and let me barrow your dang computer!" I too was raising my voice.

Ian growled but complied.

I slide the laptop towards me and started typing.

"Isn't changing easy just think of an animal say the spell and go" Ian asked annoyed.

"No I have to think of every stupid detail the blood system, digestive system, nervous system, bone structure, everything if I want it to work properly" I explained.

"What happens if you don't think all that"

I paused for a moment "I die" and shrugged.

Micheal put his hand on mine stopping me from looking at pictures "I won't let you risk your life" He said sternly.

I started laughing "jeez I was kidding I won't die I just don't get the same abilities as the animal I'm turning into"

"Oh is that why you couldn't smell us when you turned into a tiger" Micheal asked.

"Yea I'm not the smartest person which is why I don't shift all that often I can never get it right" I grumbled.

I stopped after I got a good look at the pictures. I studied how to turn into a hawk a few years ago so it didn't take long I just needed a refresher.

I took a breath thinking long and hard about the animal and my body morphing and changing. Saying a few simple words I felt feathers grow, my body shrinking, a beak growing not the most comfortable morph but good none the less.

"You did it" Micheal said in aw.

I jumped up and flapped my wings getting a feel of flying it was pretty awkward at first but no time to waste I flew out the open window.

I'm almost positive she's going to visit her dad, but just in case Ian and Micheal can check out the other places.

Evan's P.O.V:

I stopped flying when I heard a loud screech. I turned and saw a hawk, it pointed its beak down. I knew it was Bellanie because no hawk makes that sound and she messed up the spell again. Other than that she did a good job better than before.

I complied. We landed semi close to each other but I was on a tree while she was on the ground.

I was sitting up on a branch my legs dangling while Bell was on the ground staring up at me. Neither of us saying a word either afraid to speak or unknowing of what to say.

"Evie I'm sorry" Bell started.

Which surprised me that she's apologizing first normally it's me and I have to talk some sense into her to apologize.

She continued "I should have ran with you I shouldn't have taken their side..." she paused "I shouldn't have even thought about giving them a chance I mean they kidnapped us" She looked down "I'm sorry"

"Why did you give Micheal a chance and take their side?" I asked.

Bell sighed "I..I..I fell for Micheal..."

"You what?" I said surprised. Bell hasn't like anyone since her stupid ex- boyfriend. Just makes out with a ton of hot guys but she never had feelings for any of them.

"I fell for Micheal, I talked to him and he explained the mate thing and how we're destined to be with each other and that it hurt if the other didn't like that. He said that you can reject them and it hurts like a boyfriend you've been dating for years then finding out they've been cheating on you, and I couldn't condemn him to that fate not...not without giving him a chance"

"Bell that still doesn't explain why you fell for him"

"Because he didn't want to force me to give him a chance he...he let me go" Bell said quietly.

"He what.."

"He told me he didn't want to force me and he would let me go he even told me how to reject him and was going to let me, he wasn't selfish or cruel he was sweet..." Bell said with a slight smile on her face.

So that's why she know the feeling of pain and loss of loosing someone you thought loved you..she didn't want to hurt Micheal like she'd been hurt not without giving him a chance...

I can't help but admire her. Even though Micheal kidnapped her and helped kidnap me she still saw good in him and didn't want to hurt him, she listened to him and thought things through...well maybe not everything but...

"I think you should hear what Ian has to say" Bell said carefully.


"Because I saw him when you left he was a mess...I think he cares for you and if you give him just a small chance he can prove to you he's not bad"

I paused. I could easily leave now and never come back forgetting about Ian, Micheal, Bell, my dad...well he can visit he is my dad but everyone and just start over live my life the way I want. Traveling, drawing, painting, taking photos I could be one of those traveling artists and help people on the way with my herbal skills.

Or I could leave open up a cute little shop near the woods have my own little herb garden and help people while selling art on the side. I could meet a nice young man on my own terms and live happily ever after while forgetting about my old life, possibly regretting my decision to leave in the future.

Or I could stay here give Ian a chance and get to know him a bit and possibly marry into a werewolf family with a bunch of issues, responsibilities, never being able to leave, never getting to enjoy a new sunset, having to rule over, protect, and care for hundreds of people basically being my own little kingdom and wondering what my life would have been like if I had left.

"Evan" Bell said "don't think about it too much just go with what your heart is telling you to do"

I thought long and hard about it I know I should just leave but if I listen too my heart like Bell said it's telling me to stay. But me being me I had ever possible scenario good and bad running through my head.

"I need some time to think about it" I said.

"Evan you can't live your life thinking up every stupid scenario and every possible outcome there's a time and a place for that just do something rash for once" Bell yelled "besides what's the worse that could happen" she shrugged.

I was about to answer when I heard rustling my head snapped to behind Bell to see Ian and Micheal emerge from a bush.

"Evan" Ian said walking so he was now standing under the branch I sat on "I know I made many mistakes so many that I probably can't make up for them" he gave me a pleading look "but please if you give me just one more chance I can try"

I looked from his pleading face to the faces of my best friend and to the face of the guy that Bell had given a chance too then back to Ian. I watched as his breath hitched waiting for me to answer I then looked down at my ring.

Even though it was two years ago he still saved this ring in hopes that he'd see me again. I pushed him away I told him to leave me alone and he kept trying. He hurt me, he talked to me, he worried for me, he tried to protect me when he thought my dad was abusing me, he helped me when I was sick or tried to.

After that thought what he had said to me earlier popped into my head about what he thought about me. Not two seconds after I had that thought several scenarios about what could go wrong swarmed my mind until finally I came up with a solution.

"Ian" I said carefully "I'll make a deal"

His face when from pleading to curiosity "What kind of deal"

"You get a clean slate a fresh start I will forget about everything you did giving you a chance to start over but you have to let me and Bellanie stay in our apartment" I said clearly.

"How do I know you won't run away" Ian asked.

I shrugged "You don't you'll just have to trust me"

Ian looked like he was thinking hard "let me get this straight you will give me a chance to start over and all I have to do is let you and Bellanie live in your apartment"

"Yep I'll give you the chance to start over even re-introduce yourself, and date me like a normal human guy well like a normal werewolf guy trying to be a normal human guy" I joked.

"Okay but you gotta come down from there"

I smiled and complied.

I jumped but never touched the ground because Ian caught me cradling me to him. His body heat warming me up. He kissed my forehead lingering longer than necessary increasing the warmth in my body he then leaned down whispering in my ear "thank you" and starting walking.

We made it too his house when he finally put me back on my feet almost instantly making me feel cold again.

"Okay it's been a long day why don't we get some food and rest then we can take you guys back to your apartment in the morning" Ian suggested

I was about to object when Bell said "No I have been here long enough I want to go home and sleep in my own bed and shower in my own shower and wear my own cloths" she crossed her arms.

"Agreed" I said taking a similar stance.

"Come one one more night won't kill you" Micheal said "besides my cloths are great"

Me and Bell grumbled "Fine if you won't take us home we'll take ourselves" Bell said and started walking towards the forest me following her.

"No wait" Ian said grabbing my arm Micheal doing the same with Bell "I promise I'll take you back myself in the morning but please just one more night"

"Fine but I'm staying with Evan especially since I found out that Micheal likes to sneak into my bed" Bell grumbled.

"Um it's my bed" Micheal said.

"Oh excuse me I figured since you kidnapped me the least you could do was give me my own bed and stay out of it" Bell said sarcastically.

"Hey you said you'd let that go" Micheal exclaimed.

"No I said I'd give you a chance Evan said she'd let that go but The deal doesn't even start until we get home" Bell stated.

In the end we won and so now me and Bell are sharing Ians room and I don't know what Ian's doing but whatever.

The next morning me and Bell took turns showering I put on one of Ians royal blue hoodies and Bellanie put on a ash gray t-shirt Micheal had given her the night before.

"As soon as we get home I'm putting on my comfy blue sweater and black joggers" Bell stated.

"And giving the boys back their clothes" I finished.

Bell nodded.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door.

Bell answered it and in came Micheal and Ian.

"Oh good you're here let's go" I said excitingly.

"Let's get some food first then we can leave" Ian said.

"Noooooo" Me and Bell said being over dramatic.

"You said we could go in the morning and it's morning" Bell whined.

"And you don't want to eat before you go" Micheal asked.

"I want to eat my sugary cereal not your mouthwatering cooked healthy food" Bell complained.

"Yeah so let's go" I said.

"Okay fine let's go" Micheal sighed.

"Evan how's your shoulder" Ian asked.

"A little sore and still needs to be bandaged up but over all pretty good" I said honestly.

"That's good" Ian said.

Ian and Micheal motioned for us to follow them into the garage.

"Why don't you girls pick which one we ride in" Micheal said.

My mouth hung open the garage was hug and had tons of cars.

Bell squealed and ran up to a silver convertible with four seats "This looks amazing can we ride in this one"

"yeah sure" Micheal said reaching for the drivers side.

"Uh Micheal my car I drive" Ian said.

That's Ian's car! I don't know much about cars but it looks expensive.

What does he do for a living?

"Come one Ian let me look cool in front of my mate" Micheal said.

"So I can look stupid in front of mine no get in the back" Ian said and Micheal grumbled Bell jumped in the back seat not needing to be told twice.

Ian reached for the passengers side which I thought was weird "Get in Evan" Ian said.

Oh he's opening my door for me. I got in and as soon as Ian was buckled and the car was started we were off.

Finally we reach my apartment complex.

"Wait here" Ian said before getting out.

What is he doing now?

"My lady" Ian said opening my door.

That's what he's doing.

"Thank you" I said quietly.

"Of course" Ian said with a small smile.

"Home!" Bell yelled as she ran inside t-shirt flying exposing her upper thigh.

"Hey wait" Micheal yelled while running after her.

Bell paused and yelled "Evan come on run!"

I laughed but started running.

Ian grabbed my wrist mid stride "Evan you look beautiful when you smile"

I stared at him why would he compliment me now?

I froze until I heard him chuckle and start to walk inside.

I shook my head and ran after Bell.

"Evan" Bell said dramatically grabbing both my wrists "Please tell me you have a key"

"What I thought you had a key" I said.

"I got kidnapped" Bell said crossing her arms.

"Umm I got kidnapped first" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Wha...well you're more responsible than me" Bell grumbled.

"So basically neither of you have a key" Ian said trying to hold back a laugh.

"Oh I must have left them in my sweater pocket where is that now? Oh I don't know because someone decided to kidnap me and take my cloths of anyone has my keys it's you" I shot back raising my eyebrow.

"Hey I thought you said you'd give me a fresh start"

"Well I would but I'm currently locked out of my apartment and I remember saying that I would give you a chance if I get home..."

"Ah you said if I let you go home and I did you never said you had to actually get to your place" Ian interrupted emphasizing on let.

Dang he's right...

"Well you guys could just continue to stay with us" Micheal said raising his eyebrows.

"No thanks I'd rather sleep on the streets" Bell said.

"Hey I thought we were on good terms" Micheal said.

"We were but now I'm in a bad mood I want my blue sweater" Bell said folding her arms.

"So just because you're in a bad mood our relationship is suddenly not good anymore" Micheal said in disbelief.

"Yes" Bell said with a straight face.

"Well as much fun as this is I do actually have the key" Ian said.

"Then why didn't you tell us sooner!" Bell yelled.

"I was having fun besides" Ian said turning to me "I was hoping you would decide it was easier to just stay with us"

I looked away and Ian placed a lanyard around my neck "your keys"

I grabbed the apartment key and unlocked the door. I walked in then Bell the boys were going to walk in but Bell blocked there way.

"Aren't you going to let us in" Micheal asked.

"Um no" Bell said.

"Why not" Micheal asked.

"you want a fresh start for us to forget everything you did too us?" Bell asked.

"Yes that was the deal" Micheal said confusion clear in his voice.

"Well" Bell said poking Micheal's nose "why would I let a stranger in my apartment?"

Ian and Micheals faces held shocked expressions.

Bell laughed and slammed the door yelling "you better think of something good for our first encounter"

Me and Bell looked at each other and laughed. But I stopped.



"We forgot to give them back there cloths"

Bell looked shocked for a bit but shrugged "I guess they won't be getting them back anytime soon"

I laughed "I'm going to my room"

"Ahh yes you haven't seen your babies in a while"

I nodded but as soon as my door closed I picked up the neck of Ian's sweatshirt and held it up to my nose. He has an earthy smell but not the usual it's like the earthy smell after it just rained. That's a bit weird but I love that smell.

I think I'm falling for Ian. I can't let Bell know

Bellanies P.O.V:

I was thankful that Evan went to her room without saying anything. I went into my room sitting in front of the door I took Micheals shirt up to my nose. He smelled like cedar wood I didn't know I loved that smell until now.

Truth is I knew I hadn't given Micheal back his shirt because I wanted it.

I hate to say this and I know Evan's going to kill me but...

I'm falling for Micheal...

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm so sorry for not updating in a while I got major writers block along with school starting on top of my job but updates will still happen just at a much slower rate please understand and I hope you enjoyed the book so far and enjoy the future chapters :)

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