clé de ma vie II

By faecamellashes

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Luttant avec ma vie af donc c'est pourquoi j'ai tout changé More

d-201- out with Najeeha, sleeps at 7
d-202 - my moods went wrong, 1st vc with Nurin
d-203 - Science, felt sorry, studies start
d-204 - sleepy, ig, WiFi
d-205 - Desc, vending, series
d-206 - mice, moviee, chat on twtr
d-207 - unstable emotions, kyochon, bm, rain
d-208 - alone :'), Sports Day
d-209 - stressed, weight down
d-210 - mangoes, broken asf
d-211 - Haji, tired
d-212 - WEL-August, Fever, mcd
d-213 - fever, aw-ed, sis-bro hanged out
d-214 - merdeka, Love Love, mental, nasi dewan, drawing again, finally
d-215 - Morning Bengkel, Atok's House
d-216 - 눈물
d-217 - Clinic
d-219 - 200+ cal burnt, Lgbt thoughts
🔺d-220 - 636cals
◽d-221 - Segak, 150 finally, 700cals
◽d-222- Traveling Alone - Kl
d-223- Lil unproductive
d-224 - Vc, Lgbt, hotday
d-225 - Maths, tired, exams, holidays
d-226 - 2a.m, Volley, Maths, histeria, pau, The Mimic
d-227 - asleep, smilo, 365th, universities things again
d-228 - Flu, cook for Dina, haze started showing
d-229 - Sick, Unproductive, Nurin - Live, popia Chocolate
d-230 - Flu, open books finally, 17 hours in room
d-231 - Thompson Hospital
🔺◽d-232 - Puasa Araffah, 15 hours in room
d-234 - Mamak, flowers, notes
d-235 - Out with Dina, Eattt, Snapchat streak
d-236 - Pasta, sleep, strong wind
d-7 - The Mysterious Chapter
d-237 - tiktok, nasi kerabu
d-238 - beef wrap, The Faith, gp vc
d-239 - lazy to talk, gastric, eco-notes
d-240 - sc, roti pita is bae
d-241 - call-natalia, aa him, last PE
d-242 - Ambang Merdeka, motivation from Administrators
d-243 - Melaka Trip went wrong
d-244 - WEL-Sept, Melaka d-2
d-245 - Mahkota Parade, Sushi
d-246 - Another Day in Melaka
d-247 - Tomorrow is trial
d-248 - sleepy, 1st Exam - it was difficult
d-249 - the new toilet since I've no title for this one
🔺d-250 - Sej p3, walk to home, he walked in front me
d-251 - cold, periodpain, still being positive even it's the worst day :')
d-252 - Mamak, roti tisu, maths, laughter
d-253 - idk why, Kelana Jaya
d-254 - Curve-Ipc-OU ; we ate a lot + tired, Lamborghini Aventedor
d-255 - Bahasa Melayu was hard.
d-256 - sick, cold, 10 days more
◽d-257 - Maths, rain, spm result
d-258 - Sej, Aqid, beef tortillas
d-259 - 42kg, Malaysia Day, Vsco addict
◽d-260 - Mcd - Dina - Talks
d-261 - Sej, Stomach Ache
d-262 - canteen, eat, tired
d-263 - 20th Sept, rest, Puasa Asyura
d-264 - ash, Amir, eng, belacan
d-265 - out, Starbucks-yt
◽d-266 - yt-Starbucks again, her Grandma💚, roti milo
d-267 - talked about future Lol, Eco p1
d-268 -Adik's, Fun Talk With Naim, Amir, Weird dreams Back again
◽d-269 - last test, Asmira, delivery girl, rain
◽d-270 - Maths, cinnamon roll, new jobs
◽d-271 - the Solat Hajat
d-272 - Maths, painting
d-273 - sardin masak lemak, pasta, teh O
◽d-274 - WEL-October, sc, eco, tired af
◽d-275 - nanie, Wani's future, Sunway Lagoon
◽d-276- Moody to Good News, maths- We Had Fun. The Class Went Crazy, spm Sche
d-277 - Maths
◽d-278 - Miss Cheong, Angela
◽d-279 - Maths, Hadid
d-280 - stressed, Mcd Mcd Mcd
◽d-281 - Maths, sat with Hadid, novels frm sab, talking - Future w Fam
d-282 - no Internet, Maths, waxing, Ml
d-283 - today was okay, Adik being weird
◽d-284 - fitting day, laughed bcs of Ash, Sej, mummy's home for 5days already
◽d-285 - rain, maths, boys being annoying, adik left
d-286 - mccafe, Sej, alone
◽d-287 - I'm Feeling Good - Cg Jul's Again
◽d-288 - Alone, He responded, I'm fine
◽d-289 - Dina Syaz's, frustration, no Syad
d-290 - Cg Rozita's words describes me well
d-291 - Cg Suraya, moved on
d-292 - I just don't want to talk.
d-293 - 2a.m, slept with adik, coffee Coffeee
◽d-294 - cook cook, cleaned room
d-295 - Puasa, eco test, tired
◽d-296 - nasi lemak, kantin 1st time, he looked at me
d-297 - flowers, Amir, roti telur nestum
◽d-298 - full graduation rehearsal
◽d-299 - Egg Soya, Cg Rozita, Amir's, Fire Drill
◽🔺d-300 - Graduation Day
d-301 - nasi kandar, Digital Mall
◽d-302 - first time terlajak 🤦🏻‍♂️, eat-sleep
d-303 - Sej talk, story time
d-304 - Maths talks, sending textbooks away, wani, Khalidah
d-305 - WEL-Nov, sukses, van oh van, maths, Haridz
d-306 - pics, back home with Hadid, Taylors, Cg Rozita, Hidayah
d-307 - Bm, roti canai, slept
d-308 - Rojak-roti John-cakes, Bed
d-309 - Gordon Ramsay
◽d-310 - Nia's, Natalia-Haqqim, Early Birthday Celebration, Deepavali
d-311 - no appetite
◽d-312 - susun meja, Nasi Ayam
◽d-313 - November promise broke; Majlis Restu Ilmu was filled with tears
d-314 - tired
◽d-315 - Pasar Tani, food, deleting
d-316 - cleaning, starting to feeling it
◽d-317 - 1st d-spm, cake
d-318 - birthday?
d-319 - Maths - she was gelabah
d-320 - Lemonbars, 200 sej quests
d-321 - Sej 77-80 questions, meringue, Korean chicken
d-322 - Plato, chilling
d-323 - Ira Saidi's, Sej-tweet, Haqqim, dms
d-324 - crashed sleeps, Yusuf, hungry
d-325 - gastric, Mummy picked us
◽d-326 - hmmh day, bye Acik, Sab gave chocolates, she said she's here
d-327 - a day with mummy, ikan salai, steamboat
d-328 - panas, mi, Sc, Eco
◽d-329 - Pasar Tani, sunat, alot alot of ppl
d-330 - Jee's, hot, moved on
d-331 - sc, late, fever, plato (i won), checked my old wp acc ')
d-332 - early, paprik, dialect
d-333 - sc, I went out early, cooked tgthr
◽d-334 - We called hakim, Ash's house-mom, Eco extraC, baring
d-335 - WEL-Dec, still sick, bedbugs????
d-336 - I punched Adik?, KAYU
d-337 - Natalia's, still sick, geo 💤
🔺◽d-338 - Mamak, Family Mart, Mcd, balik w Amir
d-339 - I'm relaxed
d-340 - Malaysia, Eco, Mcd, Finished
d-341 - whole day on the Pc - Dina & Natalia's video
d-342 - Mcd, Pizza, In Bed
d-343 - Cleaned my room
d-344 - Egg day
d-345 - exhausted
d-346 - Aff Suzuki, Kfc dinner
d-347 - Amira's muffin, Naqib-oreo, puasa
d-348 - A day with Adik
d-349 - sunat day
d-350 - spaghetti carbonara, Detroit
d-351 - Ice Cream Oreo
◽d-352 - Tealive, Najh, Nabil, Dms
d-353 - daging masak lemak
d-354 - Chill
d-355 - The Greatest Showman
◽d-356 - 8hours Of Sunway Pyramid
d-357 - Hunger, Not in a mood
◽d-358 - first day of work
d-359 - Bro, Alif, tercampak shaker, pulut, Boro
d-360 - free agaaain, Zahari (?), Another customer
d-361- they mengada Me with Alif
d-362 - opening alone
◽d-363 - Jajaaa, Balik Lewat
d-364 - A day with Hadid (finally)
◽🔺d-365 - it's a goodbye

d-218 - Photos For Schl Magazine

3 0 0
By faecamellashes


Aih, I know today's gonna be long 😭. I ain't make it long haha. Gonna make it short. Malas nak describe banyak

Last night

- after isyak, I played ml for 30 minutes then sleep.

- mummy balik At 2200 with durians..


- tidur nyenyak

- I perasan yang pagi tadi hujan. Ya Allah sedap do tidur.

- deal with pimple mark 😭 payah do. I pakai foundation ha nak tutup. Nasib sikit je. If tempat lain tkpe, ni kat dahi 😭

- ate durian and ciao


- najwa tegur me and salam

Told, her that our class snap pic for mazagine today

- did sc.

- bawah meja I banyak gila sampah


- Cg masuk 1 masa.

Gave her the mc and puan aini entered our class..

She sebut my result. " result percubaan 5 A kan?"

Me muka terkejut bcs she said percubaan.


Cg, "betulkan? Kenapa terkejut sangat? Kamu yang sukses kan?"

Me, *smh*

- then she suruh I bagithu in every hour apa yang I buat. Pastu dia cakap bagus bcs I ada 4 hours studies kat rumah.

Ala.. Tu pun belek phone gak bukan 100% focus.

[update ; okay you know what happened? Huaa I literally have to take down all of ig post yang ada Indians 😭. Aih kan aurat... I'm sad bcs I can't post pictures together hm]

- then she compared me with zul.

She asked, "dekat soalan ada dua benda. Apa dia? Siapa betul cikgu bagi chocolate"

Me, "soalan, jawapan?"

And i got cadbury


- love today's topic. We terpesong sikit ahah masuk bab lgbt then I said, "hak manusia.. Dorang tu sebab nafsu je"

And ustaz dengar hahaa

Ustaz, "tu yang macam siapa cakap (he showed our table), nafsu di hadapan, syariat di belakang"

Srs do. I cam terbuka mata ha istaz cakap pasal tu then we tukar ke transgender.

Semalam lepas maghrib I tengok video transgender. Jazz


- to the library. Both nak pee do

- studied eco and ciao

- ah I asked Ash to buy me soya & cookies but only got soya so..

- toilet and it was a hot day


- to the lab with no books ahaha we (Hadid and I) terus ke lab

- sab told smtg (I don't want to talk about this anymore)

Tengah syok bercakap bertiga dengan hadid tetibe jeeha masuk and I can't control myself and I sound her.

"kau ni sibuk kenapa. Aku tengah cakap bertiga en"

Then dia lawan, "aku tengah ckap dengan nurin en"

Me *tk pandang muka dia *

- I duduk dengan sab and wani, "bercakap pulak dua ni"

One part where we were whispering and both gelak bcs weird sounds came out 😂😂


- buat essay speech

- was happy :')))

Photography session,

-waiting at the corridor class and zul tk habis habis tanya, "apa rahsia berjaya"

- to the field. It was damn hot

was soooo serabut bcs too hot and noises every where plus ppl aren't listening, playing with the cam and stuffs.

- was laughing hahaha bcs Amir dia jaga camera and suruh orang duduk pastu dia jerit jerit kat camera tu while garu garu bcs panas 😂

- I said kat Ash, "weh Ash nanti kau tngkp kan aku au"

Then airee overheard and he, "eleh. Tangkap je la"


- snapped 3 times for individual pic.

- we did the lompat ahahaha

- hot gila and I sandar dahi kat arm ashlah. We both dah nak gila.

- jehaa thought she terpukul I kat private area but tk kena sangat pun then she galabah, pergi kat nurin

- waiting for her mum and saw natalia.

- aliya bought coconut drink and I minum sedap do pastu I told ash and she ajak beli

She requested kurang air gula 😂

- her sister was in the car juga.

They talked about popia pisang

- I tanya ash lagu apa on radio pastu dia tkthu and she a asked her kakak "kak lagu apa eh"

Kakak, "Mana la aku tahu"

mak , "ee sombong nya kaka kau ni"

Ash, "tah"



- change clothes and ate durian then I makan nasi rendang ayam then only solat.

- ingat nak tidur but I continued eco

- was helping ash with her Google drive (transfering pics)

- mandi solat and baring

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

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