The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded...

Bởi Spencer_Lorenzi

136K 6K 589

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Lucas quoted Alfred Lord. "But how would... Xem Thêm

The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded Stars
Don't Challenge Me
Expect the Unexpected
Seeing the Past
First Day
I'll be your Aphrodite, if you'll be my Ares
Humans and their weird phrases
Better? Better
Death of me
Who Am I?
The Weather
Jungle Berries
Cherry Bomb
Mirror Effect
Angels Vs Demons
Restless Thoughts
Quality Time
Playing Creepy
Splitting The Future
Ancestors and Descendants
Haunting Past


1.7K 70 14
Bởi Spencer_Lorenzi

Skylar's Pov:

If there was one thing that I would never get used to was leaving Heaven to go to Earth. There was something about the gravity down on Earth that always tripped me up since it constantly pulls as soon as you leave the ground. At least in Heaven, it was semi-decent, and you could float for a bit longer.

Like always I had trouble landing, but with the help of Alex, I was able to land on a soft opening. She told me that when we got back to Heaven, she was going to make sure that Benjamin taught me how to fly correctly because it was beyond her how I haven't learned how to do it yet.

In my defense though, no one bothered in teaching me when I was younger.

"Now remember Skylar, I need to talk to Natalie first about the problems that are arising from the hunters. Afterward, you can ask her what it is that you want okay?" Alex said.

Turning my head away from the car window, I looked at Alex and nodded my head.

She took a quick peek at me before giving me a slight smile and returned her glance on the road. The house that we always stopped at once we landed on Earth was only a few miles away from town so, I wasn't shocked when after 20 minutes of driving we started seeing buildings and different kinds of shops.

I was already somewhat nervous thinking about Natalie and how I would try to approach the situation but, I knew that Alex would help me if I needed a little push.

"You know what questions you are going to ask her?" Alex asked softly.

"I kind of what to ease into it so I know I'm going to ask her how we met and then get into the difficult questions," I responded as I started to fidget with my fingers.

"What kind of difficult questions?" Alex asked.

Quickly taking a look around, I noticed that we were starting to head in the direction of Natalie neighborhood and it would only be a few more minutes before we pulled in front of her house.

"Well, I already know that you showed me once my whole life through memories, but it went by so fast that I couldn't pay attention to anything. I felt everything though, but I know there's so much I don't remember. If anything I was going to ask her the questions that Nicholas asked you and see if she knows anything about it. Hopefully, that will trigger some memories because, in all honesty, I don't remember anything near the end of my life."

"Well take it slow, you don't have to ask her all today, we can come back another time during this week since I have to do other things here. I have to make sure certain things get taken care of."

Bitting my bottom lip, I didn't respond to Alex as I merely looked outside. I haven't been to Natalie's house in a while, but there were certain parts of the environment that I remember. As soon as Alex go to Natalie's neighborhood, I started looking at each house trying to remember how far we were. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't feel Alex grab my hand until she gave it a slight squeeze.

"Remember Sky if it gets too much at any point just tell me, I don't want you too exhausted yourself trying to see into your past because it's possible for you to get stuck there," Alex commented.

Taking one more glance at the different houses that we were passing, I looked at Alex.

"What do you mean stuck?"

"You've gotten stuck before you just haven't realized it. You get so caught up in the memories and how true it feels that you can't tell what is real and what is fake. I can bring you back; however, that can cause you to black out for a while, and I don't want that to happen," Alex responded.

"I'll take it easy," I commented back as I watched Alex slowly pull to one side of the road. Quickly turning off the car, Alex pocketed the keys before taking her seatbelt off. Following suit, I took my eyes off of Alex and removed my belt before taking a peek at Natalie's house.

Just when I was about to step out, Alex grabbed my wrist.

"Listen, I want you to try to smell the air, see if you can pick up Natalie's scent. Despite her not practicing hunting anymore she will still smell like a hunter. I want you to get used to the smell so that you can distinguish it if you ever smell it again while you are on Earth. Lately, there have been many different attacks, and I don't want you to get blindsided."

"Okay, I'll try," I responded.

Releasing her grip on my wrist, Alex smiled at me again before opening her door and stepping out. Still a little nervous about encountering Natalie I took my time getting out. I knew that Alex could automatically tell how I was feeling so she didn't try to push or rush me. She allowed me to take my time and I couldn't help but be thankful for that. She was trying to understand what I was going through and that meant a lot to me.

Reaching out to grab my hand, Alex interlocked hands with me before guiding me to Natalie's front door.

"Ready?" Alex asked.

Not trusting my voice I merely nodded my head as I looked straightforward.

Ringing the doorbell, Alex took a step back causing me to look at her. Her ears started to move slightly, and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I could tell immediately from her ears that she could hear noise from the other side of the door and reaching out to touch my ears, I held them from moving.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked.

Right when I was about to respond to her, the sound of a lock going off caught both our attention and I quickly looked forward. As soon as the door opened completely, I locked eyes with green ones, and I couldn't help but take a step back. Something about being this close to Natalie scared me a bit, and as if sensing my troubles, Alex immediately spoke up.

"Hello Natalie," Alex said.

Immediately upon hearing her name, Natalie turned her glance away from me and looked at Alex. A smirk soon found its way to Natalie's lip as she started to lean against her door frame.

"If it isn't the Queen of Heaven. What do I owe the Queen that she had to come all the way from the sky to see me?"

"I was hoping a conversation for started," Alex commented.

Slowly nodding her head, she pushed herself off of the door frame and took a step back.

"Come in," Natalie said.

"Thank you," Alex responded as she stepped in first, allowing me to hide behind her.

Closing the door behind us, Natalie spoke up.

"Give me a second, let me tuck Leo into bed for his nap, he just came back from pre-school. You can take a seat wherever you like."

Looking around Natalie's house, I noticed that everything was right where it was when I said goodbye to them a few months back. I never told either of them of my true identity but when I explained to Natalie and her family that I had to leave she was incredibly understanding. Thinking back to it now, I had a feeling she always knew I was an angel. It would explain why she was so lovely to me when I broke down in front of her and Devon. She was so kind in telling me that it wasn't my fault that things didn't work out with Devon and that faith has a strange way of pairing people up.

Allowing my eyes to look around casually, I followed Alex as she took a seat down on Natalie's leather. As soon as we sat down, she gave my hand a quick kiss before letting it go. I could tell immediately that Alex's mood was starting to shift and as I took a quick peek at her, her eyes began to shine a bright purple/black color. It was an instinct she had to make sure that she gave off the vibe that she was in charge despite the situation.

After a couple of minutes of silences, we started to hear footsteps coming down the stair and our heads as if instinctively, turned to look at the noise. Descending from the stairs was Natalie as quickly but quietly as she could.

"Sorry, Leo wasn't as tired as he normally is so it took a few to get him to fall asleep," Natalie said as she walked over to where we were sitting before taking a seat.

"It's okay, we're in no rush," Alex commented.

Looking at Natalie, I noticed that her attention was locked on Alex and just like Alex, her eyes starting shining as well. Her's, however, were more catlike with her pupil slowly changing.

"So I'm guessing this isn't going to be a casual friendly talk," Natalie commented.

"It can be if you want it to be," Alex responded.

Smiling and tilting her head, Natalie spoke up.

"Then put your crown down."

Smirking, Alex slowly moved her hands over her head and, practicing as if there was a crown over her head, took it off and placed it beside her. Watching her, I saw as her eyes slowly changed back to their normal color.

"Better?" Alex asked as she raised one of her eyebrows.

This time I looked over at Natalie and watched as she relaxed her body before allowing her eyes to go back to their normal color as well. Rubbing her eyes, she sighed before looking at us again.

"Haven't done that in a while have you?" Alex asked.

"It's not exactly something I like doing, unlike you," Natalie responded.

"And that's exactly why I'm here. No one's leading the hunters."

"There are several different packs around, they have their leaders," Natalie responded as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes well, there isn't a lot, and because of that my angels have to try and solve the demon problem," Alex responded.

"Fixing the problem that your ancestors created? Sounds a lot like America," Natalie responded before getting up from her chair.

Quickly following her, Alex was on her heels.

"Natalie I don't think you're getting the big picture here," Alex said.

"Oh I think I do and if you think I'm about to get involved with hunters you are very mistaken. That's not my life anymore," Natalie responded.

Turning slightly around so I could see the both of them I watched as Natalie turned her attention to her mail. I could already feel Alex getting mad, so I got up and walked next to her.

"I'm not asking you to get involved, but maybe perhaps you can pass down the title of queen to someone who will lead them."

Quickly looking over at Alex, Natalie placed down her mail before responding.

"So someone else can become mad with power like my father was? I rather die with the title than pass it down to anyone else."

"Yea well I hate to be the one to inform you but your son is getting the title one way or another, and he is not equipped to rule anyone. When they realize that, there will be a revolt and someone else is going to get the title who, maybe, would like revenge on both demons and angels. I won't spear any lives no matter how young Natalie."

Smirking, Natalie quickly looked at me before turning her attention to Alex.

"Oh, I believe you there."

Before anyone could blink, Alex was already in front of Natalie's face.

"I could easily-,"

"Alex's calm down!" I whisper/yelled as I quickly yanked her back.

"Look at me... Look at me!" I commanded as I roughly pulled her face so she would stare at me.

Her eyes were black, and I tried my best to relax her as Natalie spoke up.

"Don't expect anything from me now Alex," Natalie commenter as she let out a small chuckle.

Giving Alex all the happiness that I had, I exhale heavily before speaking to Alex.

"Can I have my turn now? You guys aren't going to resolve anything at this moment."

Slowly nodding her head, Alex broke her eye connect with me before taking a step back. I took this as my cue to talk to Natalie, and without wasting another second, I looked at her.

"Natalie is it okay if we talk now?"

Frowning, Natalie nodded slowly before gesturing to the couch. We all took our seats, and after taking one more glance at Alex, I spoke up.

"First thing first, I want to know if you know who I am?"

"You're Skylar?" Natalie said as if she was unsure.

"Yes but I mean how I came to be."

"If you're trying to ask if I know that you are a reincarnation of yourself from 18 years ago than yes, Alex told me your story," Natalie asked.

Looking at Alex, I watched as she shrugged her shoulders.

"The girl isn't blind. She asked if you were my daughter and I wasn't about to let her think that."

Rolling my eyes at Alex, I turned my attention back to Natalie.

"Anywho, the reason I ask is because I was starting to get flashbacks of my old life. Alex gave me the impression that once I turned 18, I would remember everything but sad to say, my birthday came and went, and I know almost nothing of my past life. I do know, however, that there was one particular girl in my past life that meant a lot to me but has almost no part of my new life. I get a lot of flashbacks of her, and I would like to hear it from you if you're the same Natalie that I used to know."

Staring at me, Natalie kept a blank face before responding.

"You already know the answer, Skylar."

"But I would like to hear it from you. You told me the story about this girl you fell in love with that was taken away from you. I deserve to know what happened and why I didn't pick you."

"Because you weren't her mate," Alex said as she quickly leaned forward.

Without breaking eye connect with Natalie I responded.

"Yes, but I was human, I had free will. I could have easily fallen in love with Natalie. I've been told several times that you can't force love with angels. If Taylor didn't want Lucas than Lucas is the one who felt the rejection, if my dad didn't truly love my mother I wouldn't have been born, and if I didn't love you, Alex, I wouldn't have been with you."

"You were still an angel Skylar we had a bond no matter what," Alex said.

"Yes but Alex, I was still human and whatever percentage of an angel I was, wasn't enough. Mike killed the rest of my angel DNA when he did what he did to my mother," I said as I looked at Alex

Clenching her jaw, Alex was really to respond when I stopped her and turned my attention to Natalie. She sat there still, with her blank expression.

"Why didn't I chose you?"

"I had asked myself that same question before," Natalie responded in a soft voice.

"Because you fucken kidnapped her, allowed a demon to hurt her, and was obsessed with someone who didn't belong to you. You were a dam hunter who only wanted to hurt Skylar," Alex said before she stood up.

Without thinking, I got up and into Alex's face.

"And you didn't love me either! You just felt a bond. Be honest; if it weren't for having a mate, you would have been with Amber, screwing her. You can't even think for yourself. You allow some predetermined path to do it for you just like every other angel who has to be so perfect."

Staring at me, Alex was about to speak when Natalie beat her to it.

"Cleanse her now!" Natalie yelled as her eyes started to change.

Staring at Natalie, I watched as she started to form an energy ball before quickly throwing it at me.

Alex was quick to absorb it and allow it to transform into wind.

"Are you fucken crazy?!" Alex yelled as she got in front of me.

"No, but if you don't cleanse her right now, she'll be in a few seconds," Natalie commented as she started to form another energy ball.

"Throw that at her, and you're going to regret it!" Alex said as she got in a stance.

Feeling frustrated that they were fighting, I could feel my eyes turn black before I started to hear a voice in my head.

"Get the fuck out of my head Alex," I said through clench teeth.

Turning to look at me, Alex gave me a questioning looked before turning her attention back to Natalie.

"I'm not in your head Skylar."

"Yes, you are!" I yelled as I started to feel my teeth shifting.

"She's infected Alex, cleanse her now before it controls her!"

"What?" Alex said as she started to look between the both of us.

"If you don't do it, I will," Natalie said.

"No, no I'll do it," Alex said before turning her attention entirely on me.


"I'm sorry," Alex said before she quickly threw an energy ball at me. She threw it so fast that I wasn't able to defeat myself and before I knew it, I got stricken with a blast.

I immediately screamed as I felt my body turn extremely hot. At this point without having control over my body, I felt my wing rip through my cloth and unfolded themselves. The pain lasted for a few minutes before I felt my body start to cool itself down. I began to breathe heavily, and my body was forced to start pumping blood at an alarming rate. Feeling my blood traveling through my body, I quickly turned to my side and threw up blood. This continued for the next few minutes before I was able to regain control of my body.

"Skylar allow your body to do what it must. It's trying to get rid of the toxic."

Listening to Alex, I laid on the floor for another few minutes as I tried to regain some energy. I slowly started to push myself off the floor as my body began to ease up.

Looking at Alex as I tried to stop my breathing, I spoke up.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked.

"A demon infected you," Natalie responded for her as Alex stared down at me.

"It attacked her quick," Alex mumbled before slowly walking over to me.

Pushing myself away from Alex, I stared up at her.

"Don't touch me."

"It was for your own good Skylar. You got infect when you touch Nicholas, remember? It was either that or get extremely ill."

Frowning it took me a few seconds to try and puzzle what Alex said together before it hit me. Immediately I felt sorry for yelling at her.

"I'm sorry..." I responded.

"Come here."

Once again I pushed myself away from Alex.

"Would you get infected if you touch me?"

Rolling her eyes at me, Alex quickly reached for my hands before helping me stand up.

"You just throw up the virus."

"Wow, your wings."

Turning our attention to Natalie, we watched as she stared at my wings in awes.

"They're magnificent," Natalie commented in a low tone.

Immediately Alex stood in front of me.

"How did you know she was infected?" Alex asked.

It was now Natalie's turn to roll her eyes before she took a seat.

"When she started to yell at you, I felt a new presence in her body. I want to say it was a demon, but for some odd reason it also screamed angel."

"A descendant infected her," Alex responded.

"Well, that descendant has some intense problems."

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling somewhat upset that she was belittling Nicholas.

"You didn't get infected by a demon but by a descendant who was infected. Whatever "demons" that were in his body passed down to you, and judging by your rant he has psychological problems that are probably deeply rooted in him. That's why you said what you said to Alex because maybe you had deeply rooted problems with her in your past life," Natalie said as she air quoted the word demons.

Slightly looking over my shoulders, I locked eyes with Alex. She was about to speak when someone cut her off.


Turning our heads to the source, I watched in horror as Leo was standing a few feet away from us. Quickly tucking in my wings, I tried to stand in front of my blood as Natalie was in front of her son in a few seconds.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Skylar has wings mommy," Leo said as he tried to peek over his mother's shoulder.

"Of course she does love, this is a dream," Natalie said.


"Rest," Natalie said before she waved her hand in front of Leo's face.

Immediately his eyes closed and Natalie scooped her son up in her arms. Turning to look at us, Natalie spoke up,

"Alex can you clean that mess up. I'll be right back."

Nodding her head, Alex was quick to comply to Natalie as she turned her attention to the mess. With a wave of her hand, Alex was able to make the mess disappear, and I found myself in complete awe. Alex was able to do anything with just the thought of it, and that alone was amazing.

"It's amazing the things you can-"

"Did you mean all that?" Alex asked as she took a glance at me.

Frowning, I took a step closer to Alex and rested my hand on her upper shoulder. I could feel her body tense, but it wasn't long before she relaxed to my touch.

"Alex, I just repeated something that was said to me, and it was definitely out of context," I responded.

"But are you honestly only with me because of the bond?" Alex asked as she turned her body to face me.

"I could ask you that same question, but I'm not. That's why I asked Natalie that question. I was with you out of free will before and even though I felt like complete crap when I was dating Devon, I never once felt myself get insane because I wasn't with you. Your body, however, got completely sick without me. That's the difference between you and me Alex you're with me because of the bond I'm with you because I want to be."

"Bond or not, you're mine. Your soul is my other half, and it might seem forceful or ignorant to follow some destiny, but that's how angels are created. We are meant to be whole, and the bond mate is only in place to help us find each other faster. I don't have to love you, Skylar, I have to be with you for the bond to become whole. I've known that almost all my life, and yet here I am falling in love with you, so don't tell me I'm only with you because of the bond. It took me a while to fall in love with you all over again because I was so convinced that you weren't the same soul I loved."

Smiling at Alex, I was about to respond when the sound of someone clearing their throat caught my attention. Turning to look over my shoulder, I watched as Natalie took the last steps down the stairs. She was looking towards us as if she was examining us, something that caused the hairs on my arms to stand up. For some reason, I felt myself turning completely around to face her. It was then that I notice how she smelled differently than she did a few moments before.

She smelled like vanilla with a hint of mahogany teakwood.

"You're tensing up," I heard Alex whisper into my ears as Natalie made her way over to us.

"It's impressive what you can do when you are allowed to define the odds of nature. You just wished it gone?" Natalie asked as she turned her attention to the floor.

"Something like that," Alex commented as she moved to stand next to me.

Nodding her head, Natalie crossed her arms over her chest. She was about to speak before I cut her off.

"Do hunters give out any special kind of energy?"

There was something about her presence that was starting to toy with my mind and body.

"We're hunters, whatever energy we give out is similar to that of angels or demons," Natalie commented.

"It's strange I can only feel it when you're in your hunter form. Alex, can you feel it?" I asked turning my head slightly to look at her.

Shrugging her shoulders, Alex spoke up.

"I can always feel Natalie's power, hunter form or not."

Nodding my head, I turned my attention to Natalie before forming a new question in my head.

"Hunters, do they form bonds too or can you love whoever you want?"

It was now Natalie turn to shrugged her shoulders.

"We aren't born with a perfect blueprint like you angels, but we have mates too, we have to find them differently. It's not like you two who just knew because of the attraction."

"Than why love me?" I asked.

This question seems to stump her.

After a few moments of silence, she cleared her throat once again before responding.

"I thought you were my mate, I've always felt this kind of connection with you, and even now I can feel it."

"Then it's best if you take a few steps back and get it through your head that she isn't," Alex said as she instinctively stepped in front of me.

Rolling her eyes at Alex, Natalie responded to Alex comment.

"Relax there Alex, there's no need to be so possessive, it's a connection feeling that I have no control over and I already learned the hard way that she isn't my mate," Natalie said as she walked over to her living room area.

She purposely brushed her shoulder against Alex as she took a seat on her couch.

Turning around to follow Natalie, I continued to examine her as I stood in front of her. Looking up at me, Natalie gave me a questioning look. Once again her scent hit me, and the hairs on my arms stood up.

In a moment of pure curiosity, I allowed myself to bend over so I could examine Natalie's eyes. I could already feel the change of atmosphere that was seeping through Alex's skin, but I was quick to reassure her.

"Relax Alex, I'm just trying to see something," I said through our mind link.

"I can't help but feel possessive over you Sky it's embedded within me. I can't stand you being that close to her," She response.

"Than you're definitely not going to like what I say next," I said.

Standing up again, I let out a sigh before turning to look at Alex.

"I can feel the connection she feels."


Natalie's Pov:


Not even the sound of my breathing seems to be audible for us to hear.

I couldn't help but look between Alex and Skylar trying to understand both of their emotions.

Alex was simple to read, she was mad and I could see the color of her aura shining a bright red color. Skylar, however, was harder to read as she continued to observe me.

Moments passed before I allowed myself to respond.

"What exactly do you feel?"

"I'm not sure how to explain it," Skylar mumbled before slowly allowing herself to relax.

She gave me a soft smile before allowing herself to look at Alex.

"It's not as strong as the one I have with Alex or as emotional tied but it's there."

"Emotional in what way do you feel it though?" Alex asked as she stood still in her spot.

Shaking her head softly, Skylar responded.

"It's not like she's a stranger, I have some kind of relationship with her regardless if I remember her or not."

"The only relationship you have with her is Mike and your past, that's it. There's no way you can feel anything towards or with her."

At the moment of my father, I immediately stood up.

"Shit I forgot you're my sister!" I found myself stating.

Quickly turning to look at me, Skylar was ready to speak but I interrupted her.

"We are tied under the same DNA making us connected."

"And you miss took that connection for love? You're as disgusting as your father," Alex commented, her aura shining brighter.

"Says the woman creeping on a teenager her whole life and she's not actually my sister through blood. She just has the same status as I because we both got our powers from the same person. Out of like 100 genes she and I only share like 5," I responded, my eyes starting to change colors.

"Guys knock it off," Skylar said moving to stand between us.

"Natalie did you know I was your almost sister when we met?" Skylar asked.

Taking a quick glance at Skylar, I responded.

"Of course not, you were never my first mission, to begin with, you only began part of it when Alex showed sights of mating bonds. Imagine how I felt when I realize that."

"You should have back off then but no, you just had to show your strength," Alex commented.

"Enough!" Skylar exclaimed.

Pushing us away from one another Skylar turned to look at Alex.

"Could you just stop for one minute, please. I asked for a few questions to be answered and you're not even allowing me that."

Looking between us, Alex stood her ground but allowed herself to calm down a bit.

"I'm sorry," Alex said after a few moments.

"I promise I just need a few more answers and then I'll let it rest for good," Skylar commented.

Slowly nodding her head, Alex turned to look at me before speaking.

"I'm sorry," Alex mumbled before turning a seat. Her guard was still up but her aura was slowly starting to dim.

I followed suit and sat on the opposite of my couch and turned my attention back to Skylar who chose to continue to stand. Skylar took a few more moments to gather her thoughts before meeting my eyesight.

"There's obviously no point in asking about our old relationships whether you loved me or not, but we both know that's not the connection we either share. You never loved me for the connection, did you?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I responded.

I loved you before I knew we shared the same power source. Had I knew I would have probably killed you on the spot. There would have been no reason to spare you. I'm not for that unlike my father." I said, mumbling the last part.

"Well the connection between us isn't the mate bond so it must be our relationship to each other as sisters."

"Maybe, I don't know but just for the record I loved you, not love. Excuse me for being straightforward with it now, but you mean nothing to me and the only reason you're not dead is out of respect for what you meant to my other son."

"Careful with threats Natalie," Alex responded.

Rolling my eyes, I responded.

"Alex stop acting like you're better than everything on this God gave Earth."

"Maybe it's time to go, I got all the answers I needed," Skylar commented.

Immediately standing up, Alex walked over to Skylar.

"Natalie whether I like you or not doesn't affect my purpose of coming here. I respect that you can lead the hunters, however, if you fail to do so, I will lift the ban on attacking them. I only came to tell you this."

"Lift the ban and I'll lift the ban on attacking angels then," I responded crossing my arms over my chest.

Alex just shrugging her shoulders to this.

"My angels are well equipped, unlike your hunters. Your hunters will be lucky to even scratch one of them,"

I couldn't help but to chuckle at this.

"And yet your mate is finally starting to understand her body. Remember, all it takes is to bring the queen down to get the king in chess."

"Then it's a good thing this isn't chess," Alex responded.

Shaking my head, I stood up.

"Careful Alex, you speaks as if it is impossible it happened before," I responded.

"Yea well that was during another reign of era, it wouldn't happen again. Let's go Skylar."

"Okay," Skylar mumbled before turning her head towards me.

"If only I could say maybe in another life things could be different, but that would be a lie. In any life I could have, it would always end this way, and I'm glad. You and I both deserve our soul to be completed and for me, that's with Alex. Goodbye Natalie," Skylar said.

I stood still in my spot, watching them for a moment before nodding my head.

"Well I wish you the best Skylar, but the next time I see you, I might not. Lift the ban Alex and you're declaring war."

"Then you better get an army because the war is already coming."

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