Loved or Unloved?

By melanieyapp

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[Completed] Sophie Meyers isn’t the happiest girl in the block because much to her dismay, her mother got her... More

Loved or Unloved?
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 2 - True Colors
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 3 - Friends or Enemies?
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 4 - Truly a Surprise
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 5 - Accidentally on Purpose
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 6 - Ocean Blue
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 7 - Rekindling
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 8 - Broken
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 9 - Realization
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 10 - One gone, one gained
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 11 - Guilty as charged
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 12 - Sly is Sophie's middle name
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 13 - Hurting inside
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 14 - Mistakes, mistakes
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 15 - My star, my hero
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 16 - Opened eyes
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 17 - Understanding
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 19 - Revenge is bitter, not sweet
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 20 - Raining tears
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 21 - Abnormal
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 22 - Truth to be told
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 23 - You win some, you lose some
Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 24 - Tying loose ends
Loved or Unloved?: Epilogue

Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 18 - Was it fun?

1.7K 48 1
By melanieyapp


“Zac is getting discharged tomorrow, how should we celebrate?” Jade suddenly voiced out. Oh crap! I nearly forgot Zac is getting discharged tomorrow.

“Let’s bring him to a bar and get him drunk?” Nick suggested.

“No, he said he doesn’t like crowds.”

“What about we prepare a picnic for him? I could pack the food,” I offered.

“That’s too girly!” complained Nick.

“What about the four of us go watch a movie?”

“No, it wouldn’t be a celebration that way.”

“Well, what should we do then?” I asked, exasperated.

“Hey, you guys know Jamie joined the Interact Club at her school right?” Jade questioned.

“Yup, but what does it have to do with the celebration for Zac?” Nick asked, clearly confused.

“Well, it’s her installation day tomorrow.”

“What’s installation?” Nick and I both asked at the same time.

“An installation is when all the probationers of the club become official members!” Jamie answered excitedly, bouncing into the Jade’s room.

“Hi Jamie!”


“Yeah maybe we could go to it with Zac, that way not only do we get to have fun, we can morally support Jamie!” suggest Jade.

“Hmm, an installation sounds really boring though,” Nick pointed out. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Well, it’s not going to be boring! We have amazing performances and great food!” Jamie informed.

“I like the idea of food and I think Zac does too, but does he like such events?” Nick pondered.

“He once told me he really likes kids,” I recalled.

“Then it’s settled.”

“Yay! All of you guys are coming, my friends are going to be so jealous!” cheered Jamie. The three of us smiled at Jamie’s enthusiasm.


“Why would an installation be fun?” questioned Zac from inside the toilet.

“There will be great performances and delicious food. And I know you like kids. Hurry up before we’re late for it,” I shouted, outside of the toilet.

A second after I finished my sentence, Zac came out of the door, looking as fine as ever dressed in his white button up shirt, long black pants and styled up hair.

He whistled. “Looking hot there, Soph.” I blushed, looking down at the black sequined dress Nick bought for me the other day.

“Not too bad there yourself, mister.”

“Hey you guys, hurry up before Jamie kills us for being late!” Jade shouted from the doorway. I walked briskly towards the doors with Zac following behind. Closing the door behind me, I quickly walked towards Nick’s Porsche.

“Why are we going to an installation to celebrate?” Zac groaned again.

“You’ll have fun, I swear,” I said.

“You better hope so. You made Nick wake me up at 8 in the morning and literally dragged me here, without telling me what was going on,” complained Zac, yawning.

“Well, we knew if we told you where we were going that you would shoot the idea down, but trust me, you’ll have fun!” Jade promised.

“I thought you said he like kids,” Nick questioned, looking in my direction.

“He does, don’t you, Zac?”


“So why are you complaining so much?”

“I don’t like waking up so early in the morning,” admitted Zac.

“Lazy pig!” taunted Nick. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

“Let’s get this on the road!”

Looking at Nick’s Porsche, I shook my head. It can in no way fit us, even without Jamie who went first to rehearse. This is why I didn’t like sports cars, they weren’t practical enough, they just looked nice and cost a lot.

“We can’t fit in your car, Nick,” I pointed out.

“Can we please get my baby?” pouted Zac.

“We’re not driving all the way to your house just to get your car, Zac. Plus you can’t drive, so stop asking,” I sighed. This was the millionth time he asked about his car. It was like he couldn’t live without it!

“Fine,” Zac replied, sulking.

“We’ll just take your car,” Jade suggested.

“Sure.” I quickly ran back into the house and grabbed the keys to my Volvo and hurried out to the garage to meet them. Quickly turning on the engine, I quickly but carefully pulled out of the long driveway and listened to Jade’s instruction on how to get to the school.

After some wrong turns, annoying bickering from Zac and Nick and complaints later, we finally arrived at Jade’s school, Nexus. Shoving my car into the parking gear, I was more than happy to get away from Zac and Nick’s constant bickering. After making sure I locked my car, the four of us quickly walked towards the school’s entrance.

It wasn’t as magnificent as Richmond High but it was pretty for a public school nevertheless. The entrance would look quite grand if I haven’t seen Richmond High’s. The steel gates were already open, awaiting the arrival of the guests and multiple guards stood around the guard house, guarding the entrance.

“We’re here for the interact installation,” Jade told the guard who waved us through. I could help but smile at the scenery, it looked a little like the school I used to go too. There was labs on the right hand side on was a basketball court. Following Jade’s steps, we turned into the basketball courts and soon approached the hall.Engraved on the walls of church-like building in bold were the words ‘Grand Hall of Nexus’. After we registered ourselves at the counter outside the hall, we walked into the grand hall and were greeted with a blast of cold air.

Standing on both sides of the entrances in two straight lines were what I assumed to be the ‘Interactors’. There were kids around Jamie’s age, but the girls looked so mature dressed in the red, long-sleeved top with a silky grey tie around their necks and black skirt that reached to their knees paired together with a pair of black heels and the guys looked very gentlemanly in the same top and tie but with black slacks instead and leather shoes. Walking between them, they all greeted us with ‘hello’, ‘hi’ and ‘welcome as though we were their friends. I couldn’t help but grin when I noticed all of the girls were shifting from a foot to the other, clearly not used to wearing heels.

The last girl of the line was smiling broadly at us. It was Jamie.

“Hey Jamie!” The four of us greeted.

“Hi! Thanks for coming you guys, it means the world to mean!” Jamie chirped happily. We smiled at her and quickly made our way to the plastic seats set up in the middle of the hall with Christmas lights on the floors, illuminating the dark hall.

After a few minutes of waiting, two older looking kids walked onto the stage from behind the curtains and started their speech, firstly welcoming us and thanking us for coming, then politely asked us to stand to sing the Interact Song, which the four of us just randomly mouthed the words, following the music. Soon the event started with performances by the Interactors themselves. There were dances, singing and even a sketch portraying the effects of Verbal Abuse. Turning to my right, I looked at a grinning Zac and I immediately knew he was enjoying himself.

“Verbal abuse doesn’t hurt physically but it does mentally. I believe we should all do our part to put a stop to verbal abuse and help all those suffering from it out there.” The speaker pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes before continuing. “But now, let’s put our hands together for the incoming Interactors of 2012! Rotarian Victor and Rotarian Peter, please come up on stage to give these Interactors their badges to officiate them as an Interactor, please.”

Two men in their forties got up to the stage, one from the left side and one from the right side. The hall immediately bursts into claps and the other speaker slowly announced the names of the incoming Interactors.

Lining up on the left side of stage in alphabetical order, I saw a pale looking Jamie playing with her hands. She must be really, really nervous. Chuckling to myself, I turned to face the stage again and listened as the speaker two by two announced the names of the Interactors.

“Annie Stewards and Logan White!” They both came up on to the stage, one from the left and one from the right and bowed to the Rotarian before taking their name tags and going behind the curtains.

After a few dozen of names were called, it was finally Jamie’s turn.

“Jamie Taylor and Valerie Bennett!”

They both walked on to stage and my eyes were set on Jamie as she nearly tripped on what I assumed to be a microphone wire. She quickly regained her balanced and continued walking to the Rotarian. After exchanging a few words, she quickly disappeared behind the stage curtains.

After the last few names were called, the curtains rolled up to unveil all the incoming Interactors arranged neatly by height. Different emotions were plastered on every face. There was nervousness, there was confidence, there was relief and there was pride. Judging by the colors coming back to Jamie’s pale face, hers was relief.

Soon, the new president of the Interact Club got on stage and started leading the Interactor’s Pledge.

“We the members of the Interact Club
Pledge to serve the school and community
We pledge to uphold and maintain
The integrity of the club
And dedication to a united cause
We pledge to take heed
The needs of our school and community
Putting service above self
To act with love
And honor
The interact code of conduct
With utmost sincerity.” Their voices rang through the hall clearly and loudly. They must have rehearsed it over and over again. Soon, the curtains rolled down and performances took over again. At this time, I literally hear Zac and Nick’s stomach grumble. “I’m so hungry!” complained Zac. “Me too!” agreed Nick. “Shut up, guys!” I said, sternly. “Yeah, shh!” hissed Jade. Zac and Nick both rolled their eyes at us but kept quiet through the whole performance. To be honest, I was feeling pretty hungry too, I’m hoping the installation ends soon so we can all grab a meal. “And now, to close our installation for the year 2012, the incoming Interactors and the incoming board of directors will now present a song. Once again, thank you all for coming to this year’s installation. We represent the Interact Club of Nexus to say we hope to see you all again for next year’s installation and God Bless!” The curtains once again rolled up and there stood the Incoming Interactors in the neat line they were in when they were singing, with an addition of the Board of Directors standing in front of them, looking as smart as ever in their coats. Soon, the first few chords of Avril Lavigne’s Keep Holding On blared through the speakers and all of the Interactors sang and swayed towards the song.

“You're not alone together we stand,
I’ll be by your side, you know I’ll take your hand.
When it gets cold and it feels like the end.
There’s no place to go, you know I won’t give in.
No, I won’t give in.”

Keep holding on,
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through,
Just stay strong,
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you.”

As the song progressed on, I found my swaying to the music while clapping to the rhythm of the song. It seems like I’m not the only one as half the hall was standing up as well, including Zac and Nick whose hunger was long forgotten, or so I think.

Once the song finished, I saw Jamie bolt down the stage and flat-out ran towards us, waving frantically.

“Hey guys!” she hollered from the other end of the hall. We raised our eyebrows at her, waiting for her to reach us. Once she did, she quickly broke into chatter, engaging us in her backstage experience and how much they rehearsed.

“.. I was so nervous! My shoes were hurting my toes so badly, I think I’m going to get boo-boos. I was concentrating on my walking in my heels so much that I didn’t see the wire and nearly tripped on it. Did you see me trip? No? Well I can assure you I nearly did trip, twice! Can you believe that? Anyway, I can’t believe I forgot to say ‘Rotarian’ when I said thank you, it was so rude of me! I didn’t listen to the president when we were pledging because I already memorized the whole pledge! And, did you know the microphone was so close to me when we were singing? I was so afraid I would forget the lyrics or sing it out of tune, but thank goodness I didn’t. It would have been so embarrassing, wouldn’t it?”

“It’s all over now Jamie, so no use fretting over what has happened. As they say, ‘no use crying over spilled porridge’, plus I think you did great!” lectured Jade.

“Let’s go grab lunch, I’m so hungry I think I’m going to faint. And Jamie, you did a great job!” voiced out Zac while rubbing his stomach.

“Oh I was blabbing, wasn’t I? I’m sorry. Lunch is prepared in the cafeteria, let’s go eat,” urged Jamie. We followed Jamie towards the small cafeteria, and I couldn’t help but compare it to Richmond’s. Richmond’s cafeteria was probably triple the size! But this cafeteria had a friendly-feel to it, which is something Richmond’s lacked.

I laughed as Zac and Nick both greedily loaded their plates with food and quickly sat down, scarfing down their food. Jade, Jamie and I slowly filled our plates and sat at the table Zac and Nick were eating at.

“Guys, slow down. The food isn’t going to run away you know,” I teased.

“Mmph,” was Nick’s reply. Shaking my head at the pair, I said a prayer to thank God for the meal before eating. Not too long later, one guy who I assumed to be outgoing director came over to Jamie, patting her on her back and wishing her congratulations. Jamie quickly introduced us to them and we learned that his name was Joshua.

“You totally don’t look your age. You look like you are in high school,” Zac voiced out bluntly. I slapped his arm, hinting to him to be more polite. He was Jamie’s senior after all.

“I am one,” he replied, grinning at us.


“I’m in high school.”

“What are you doing at this school then?” I asked.

“The Interact Club of Nexus and my school are associates. In fact, all the board of directors are in high school.” Oh, that’s why they all looked so mature. So it wasn’t only the coat!

“And here I was, thinking that you guys just look super mature,” I mumbled.

Joshua laughed. “Well, I better get going. I hope you guys had loads of fun.”

“C’ya around.”


Once we finished our lunch, we waited for Jamie to say her goodbyes to her friends. Once she was done, we all got into my car, with Zac calling shotgun this time, and drove home. Jamie was squished between Nick and Jade but she didn’t seem to mind as she filled the car with her chatter and happy squeals. Once we got home, Nick drove Zac back home while we waited for Jade and Jamie’s mother to drive them home.

Once they were gone, I quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and washed off my makeup. Deciding I should go online to check my emails and Facebook, I turned on my computer. Seeing Zac online on MSN, I quickly double clicked his name, wanting to tease him.

Soph Meyers says: Hey Zac!

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Hey Soph! =)

Soph Meyers says: Did u have fun??

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Yup, never thought an installation wud be so fun!

Soph Meyers says: I know ur gonna hate this, but, I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: K, don’t rub it in my face, Soph.

Soph Meyers says: *rubs it in your face* there, I did it. ^.^

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: LOL. U are so lame!

Before I could reply, my phone rang. Not giving a second thought about the unknown number, I answered.


“Sophie Meyers. You better watch your back. I swear I will make you regret for bailing on me,” the same eerie voice said. I panicked. What am I supposed to say?

“B-But I-“ I started, stammering but was cut off by the caller hanging up. What do I do now? What’s he going to do? Should I go to the police? Should I tell someone? Pulling my hands down my face in frustration, I grabbed my pillow from my bed and screamed into it, in hopes of releasing some frustration.

My computer dinged over and over again. Sighing in frustration, I looked at it.

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Hello?

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Sophie?

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Are u there?

Soph Meyers says: Yeah, I was on the phone. Sorry!

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Oh no worries. For a second there I thought you got kidnapped! LOL.

I stared at the screen in horror. Would that person kidnap me for bailing on him?

Soph Meyers says: Lool! Anyway I got to go, busy!

TheguyyoudreamofZac says: Ok. Bye! :D

Soph Meyers says: Bye Zac!

Turning of my computer, I plopped myself on my bed with my mind swarmed once again of the thoughts of did the person mean by ‘regret’. How could I have met him at the warehouse if I was in the hospital, knocked out? He didn’t even let me explain! But wait, what kind of people who threatened let others explain? Sighing, I curled up into a ball and gently hugged Susie.

After hours of lying on my bed thinking, I finally came to a conclusion.

I couldn’t call the police, I couldn’t tell anyone because people would ask me to call the police which would make matters worse.

There was nothing I could do about it but wait.

 (A/N: Pictures of the Interact istallation at the side!)


HELLO THERE! 1k READS, really happy! :) By the way, this is the longest chapter I've written. My aim now is to make my chapters above 5 wattpad pages from now on :) So anyway guys, I'm hoping you guys are enjoying this story. Please comment and vote so I'll know! Sorry I posted this chapter late, I was too lazy over the weekends to write it, sorry. Also, I wanted to say 90% of it Interact installation was from my REAL Interact installation which was on last Friday :)


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