The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

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~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1

Evan ran away again...

101 5 2
By DeathNice12

Evan's P.O.V:

It's Been a about a week or so I don't know I've been locked up in this room the entire time going in and out of sleep. My wounds have been healing nicely, the doctors go in and out of here to redress and clean them.

My days start off with me waking up showering putting on one of Ian's shirts and being bored he has a TV but I don't really know how to work it all that well.

Today however when I woke up it felt as if a big weight was on me. I groaned ignoring it. I do not want to get up. I tried to roll over but I couldn't. I looked down there was a big arm slung across my stomach. I looked to the side and there was Ian face down on the pillow.

He groaned "good morning angel" his voice husky and sexy.

"Morning" I mumbled.

Wait... I looked again Ian was in the bed the arm around me was his... Oh! My! Gosh! Did he...

My eyes shot open and I jumped up out of bed but, immediately fell.

"Angel you okay" Ian asked as he looked over the side I fell off of staring down at me.

I stayed on the floor groaning that did not feel good on my shoulder. I ignored the pain and jumped up "wh....why..." I said pointing at the bed then at me.

My face was probably red. He scratched his head

"Because I wanted too besides I always do"

"You.. you always..." I trailed off.

"Yea ever since you got here I've crawled into bed with you after you've gone to bed I usually leave before you get up" Ian shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Ahh" I squeaked my face most definitely red.

"oh by the way you love to cuddle which I didn't expect that from you" My eyes widened "yea every time I laid down you would immediately wrap yourself around me" I let my mouth hang open "one night I watched you sleep for a bit did you know you sleep talk."

"I don' I?" I said mostly to myself.

"You do and guess what you said... Ian is so hot I want to marry him and have kids and kiss him" he said with a mischievous smile.

Okay I know for a fact that even if I did sleep talk I wouldn't say that well maybe the part about Ian being hot but...

"I didn't....that still does....doesn't gi..give you th..the right" I stuttered.

"Doesn't give me the right to what?" Ian said clear and steady.

"The right to..sleep in the same room with me let alone the same bed" I said quietly my head down.

His rough hands grabbed my check raising my head.

"Darling you are my mate..I have every right to sleep with you" Ian said smirking a bit.

Ian's eyes glazed over and he started spacing out a bit. His smirk grew. Suddenly his eyes snapped back and he was staring at me with mixed emotions.

"I was just told that Micheal and Bell have already kissed" My eyes widened no way Bell kissed Micheal at least willingly "should we try it" Ian said barley above a whisper as he brought his and my face closer.

I don't know what to do.

"How do you know Bell kissed Micheal" I blurted out.

"Mind link" he whispered almost touching my lips.

"What's a mind link"

He sighed and pulled away thankfully "It's one of a werewolves abilities we can communicate through our minds by connecting them thus making a mind link"

"Is it like mind reading" I asked.

"Sort of... If you're not careful others can read your thought but it usually doesn't happen unless we're way out of it" Ian answer releasing me from the wall "it really just makes it so we can communicate you know talk through our minds"

I nodded in response.

"Go shower I'll be back with breakfast" he said and left.

I did as he said after I showered I went to the bed and there was an underwear set as usual these are black. I'm not sure whose they are or were he's getting them. I'm happy they're to big for me though cause that means he doesn't know my size which is a nice thought.

I grabbed a smokey gray shirt that reached as usual just above my knees. I yawned I got up earlier than I normally do which sucks but whatever.

I waited for a few minutes laying down but before I knew it I was asleep.

Ian's P.O.V:

Micheal had told me about him and Bell this morning much too my surprise she didn't reject him, she didn't accept him but she didn't reject him either so there's still hope for him.

I hope Bell...or Bellanie accepts Micheal soon but more importantly I hope Evan accepts me.

I waited for a bit after the cook had made Evan and me a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast I went upstairs.

I knocked on the door letting her know I'm coming in. I opened the door and I saw Evan laying down her arm over her eyes.

Quietly I set the plates down on coffee table and walked over to the bed. The floor creaked and I looked up I watched her roll over onto her side. As I got closer I noticed that her breathing was even and she was asleep. I sat down on the side and just watched her.

She looked so peaceful I wish she was always like this...

She looks beautiful Damon said in my head.


I don't like that she doesn't like us Damon said.

Maybe we should let her go...

No! Damon said getting angry.

Damon she doesn't like us and I can't think of a way to make her not hate us besides letting her go...besides she doesn't deserve this.

Damon whimpered

Let's let her sleep and we'll talk to her when she wakes up

With that I felt Damon go to back of my head. Mom is right I can't keep her like this. Micheal said he was ready to let Bellanie go but she wasn't leaving without Evan maybe I should though. I have to I'll survive without her somehow...

I brushed some hair that was clinging to her face since it was still wet from the shower. Evan stirred a bit. I leaned down and kissed her temple. Her eyes opening.

"How are you feeling" I asked.

Evan sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked so cute right now.

"I feel fine" she said letting out a small yawn.

I walked off to pick up the plate I had gotten for her.

"What are you doing" she asked.

"I'm getting your food" I said holding the plate in front of me.

"oh" she said quietly stomach growling.

She was wearing on of my shirts like she had been the whole time she's been here. It was way to big for her the neck hole had fallen off her right shoulder relieving the bandage that had been wrapped around it. I hated that she got hurt but I have to admit she looked cuter with my shirt laying like that. I like my cloths on her better than I like them on me.

I sat down on the bed handing her the plate.

"That's a lot of food" she said.

"Yes and you need to eat all of it if you want your wounds to heal properly" I said sternly almost like I was lecturing a kid. I laughed in my head right now she does kinda look like a kid.

"I don't want to though..Bell's not with me." She huffed folding her arms.

"If you eat all your food I'll let you see Evan." I said bribing her. Here eyes widened and she started to eat. "Not to fast Evan you'll get sick." I smiled to myself when she slowed down...just like a kid. "Evan.." she looked up at me "do you think you can ever accept me?"

She paused and looked up at me "I don't think I can"

"Can you try too" I know I sound desperate but I am, even though I don't know her that well from what I do know about her she's smart, beautiful, extremely loyal, she's determined, she can be feisty when she wants too, she loves Bellanie and cares for her so there's that she's loving and caring, qualities any good Luna needs and she may not be the strongest girl she's still amazing and in time she could be powerful.

"Ian I will not even try to accept you...I can't you kidnapped me and Bell took us from our home, our life, you are keeping me from Bell because you're afraid we might escape I've been here for who knows how long I'm sure someone else is living in my apartment which took forever to get..."

"I understand but can you try to understand" I said getting a little angry. She just won't listen.

Evan's P.O.V:

He looked at me almost begging a hint of anger in his voice. I sighed "if I stop talking and listen will you give me a proper explanation"

"Yes" he nodded.

"Okay then" I moved the plate out of the way folding my hands in my lap "I'll listen" I said quietly.

"Thank you now for my side of the story" he said sarcastically but continued "When I was a senior I had already decided I wasn't going to scour the earth for my soul mate like some wolves do. I didn't really see much use I just figured they were like any other girl everyone told me they weren't but I didn't listen. Then one day I smelt the most amazing scent it was powerful but not overbearing. I search for the source and there I found a small, frail looking human..."

He looked at me eye wide as if expecting me to yell at him. He's not the first to call me frail or small and he won't be the last plus I know I'm small and frail. I motioned for him to continue he looked relieved.

"The human girl was beautiful the most beautiful girl in the world no one could compare to her beauty at least in my eyes"

I looked away and blushed. I know I shouldn't but I don't get call beautiful that often.

"But I wasn't sure if you were my mate so I didn't bother you. When I came to school and I saw you again and I touched you I knew for sure you were my soul mate" He was watching me carefully during his story "I got angry that you didn't like me, it hurt me when you brushed me off, it pained me to see you smiling at others but not around me at least not that often. I was still happy that you were at least somewhat close to me and all I wanted to do was be by your side, protect you, care for you, and love you."

My eyes shot up he had a goofy grin on his face and he was blushing a bit. I never thought I'd see the day when the beast was not only smiling but blushing too. He grabbed my hands in his, it was faint very faint but I felt slight tingles..sparks.

"Evan when you left it killed me. I didn't know where you were I didn't know if I'd ever see you again and that killed me. I don't want you to leave me...I can't let you leave me again Evan" He said quieter "only for you will I let my walls down" he whispered so quiet I could barley hear him I'm not sure I was even supposed so.

He closed his eyes for a minutes and swallowed as if it's taking all of his courage to say what he's about to say.

"Evan I know I haven't known you long but what I do know about you is you're smart, beautiful, extremely loyal, you're determined, you can be feisty when you want too, you loves Bellanie and care for her so I can tell you're loving and caring, qualities any good Luna may not be the strongest girl but you're still amazing"

I stared at him my mouth hung open. I probably looked like a fish out of water. how the heck are you supposed to answer that. But he started talking again.

"I searched all over the country for you even some foreign ones. I went crazy looking for you and every day we didn't find you I lost a little bit of hope. So when I saw you I couldn't even believe that you were in front of me, the only rational thinking I could come up with was do anything and everything to make sure you were safe with me and that you would never leave me. I don't want to go through that again. But I understand that I was wrong to have kidnapped you. I'm not asking for you to accept me all I'm asking for is a chance to prove that I can treat you good, great, amazing even. And make up for my mistakes" As he finished I felt a metal object go around my ring figure on my right hand.

I looked down and it was beautiful it was pure silver. Well maybe not the metal but the color. It looked like a rose wrapped itself around my figure but the rose didn't touch the stem. I was even more shocked. Why the heck is he putting a ring on my finger? As if reading my mind.

"That was the birthday gift I had gotten for you two years ago before I found out you moved" Ian said slowly. He stared at me with hopeful eyes.

"I..I need..."

"time to think I understand" he said while getting up.

"no.." he stopped "I need...." I got up and ran out the door. Turning around using a lock spell to lock the door to give me more time. I saw some guards running towards me I shot my hand out using a wind spell to knock them into each other. I started running shouting for Bell. And when I finally found the room she was in I saw her and Micheal smiling and talking.

"Bell" I whispered ignoring the shouts from the hallway.

"Evan!" She said excited. Until she saw my face.

Why was she laughing with the kidnapper?

Why is she acting like they're friends?

"I didn''s not what it looks like" she stammered out.

"Oh right like I'm supposed to believe that. You know better than to lie to me Bellanie!" I half yelled.

"Evan Micheal explained things to me and I decided to give him a chance" Bell said.

"Why! I don't understand" I said I new a few tears had fallen.

"Evan I need a guy like him! You know about all the crap I've gone through! I'm sick of it!" Bell yelled.

"Bell now's our chance" I said trying to reason with her.

"I'm not leaving because you want me too. I will leave when you decide to give Ian a chance what did he do wrong!" Bell yelled.

"Umm kidnapped us!" I said raising my voice.

"A little mistake!"

"Little!" I shouted back

"Yeah he apologized for it aren't you always saying forgive and forget? Well stop being a hypocrite and follow your own damn advice!" Bell yelled at the top of her lunges.

The door that I had locked had busted open and in came in a worried and mad looking Ian and the guards I had knocked over.

"Fine Bell you want to stay, stay! I'm leaving!" I shouted.

"You're not going anywhere!" Ian's deep voice rang throughout the room. He started stomping over to me.

I quickly used my morph spell and changed into my usual crow dodging his hands when he reached out to grab me.

I flew through the broken door.

I flew around the house until I found an open window being continuously followed and yelled at to stop, dodging hands I barley made it outside.

I kept on flying not looking back I'm going to fly back home.

Bell's P.O.V:

Why did I do that?

Why did I yell at Evan?

Why didn't I just leave with her?

I was sitting in Micheal's room asking myself these questions and I know the answers to all of them.

Why did I do that? Because over these past few weeks I have gotten to know Micheal and he's not such a bad guy.

Why did I yell at Evan? Because I lost my temper and I want her to at least try and give Ian a chance from what Micheal told me he's not such a bad guy. Evan has gone through a lot in her life so she doesn't like opening up to people. She's stubborn and always has to think everything out. Every possibility, every outcome, everything that could go wrong, or could go right, she overthinks before she makes a decision instead of just living in the moment.

Why did I not leave with her? Evan's usually the first one to forgive and forget, always giving people a second chance. Like there was a girl named Beth that was mean to her and I mean really mean. Evan full blown punched that girl in the face. Beth apologized so did Evan and they were pretty good friends after that. There were other people too like Samantha, Emily, Hailey.... Holy crap some to think of it Evan only really talks to girls. She's never dated before just turns them down why?

I gotta find her.

"What are you thinking about" Micheal said interrupting my thoughts.

"Evan she's never like this and I mean never" I said emphasizing never.

"What do you mean?" Micheal asked.

"I mean she's the most forgiving person I've ever meet like in high school a girl named Beth bruised Evan's ribs, face, stomach, and  more. All Evan did was confront her throw a punch and they apologized and were pretty good friends after that" I said "She forgives and gives out second chances like they're candy...well as long as there's a decent excuse"

"So what are you thinking" Micheal asked.

"I'm thinking I gotta find her" I said getting up.

"Well actually Ian wants to talk to you first" Micheal said rubbing the back of his neck.

AUTHORS NOTE:So Evan's acting a bit strange why do you think that is? Any way I know this chapter is a bit weird but I kinda need something similar to this for what I have in mind for when Evan accepts Ian so tell me what y'all think and what I should change. To make it better :) thanks my little Witches. Also If it's good and y'all like it then that works good too.

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