My Nerd Project

By xcandie_bunnieX

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Alan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popul... More

Chapter 1: Get it?
Chapter 2: Way to Kill a Mood
Chapter 3: Lunchtime Isn't Only For Eating
Chapter 4: Jocks are Every-Where
Chapter 5: Sign here, here, AND here!
Chapter 6: Step #1: Your Hair
Chapter 7: Step #2- Ditch the Glasses
Chapter 8: Making Things Clear
Chapter 9: Come With Me and I'll Teach You How To.. Do Homework?
Chapter 10: I Don't Know What's Up!
Chapter 11: I DOn't CARE
Chapter 12: It's What I Think That Counts
Chapter 13: I Work Out
Chapter 14: It's Whatever
Chapter 15: That's a Plus
Chapter 16: Dibs
Chapter 17: Well That's Just Weird
Chapter 18: Could I Just Gain Other Friends?
Chapter 19: So Mom Thinks It's Cool
Chapter 20: Did That Count?
Chapter 21: Thanks For That
Chapter 22: Talking After Dinner
Chapter 23: Phone Calls
Chapter 24: It's The Books
Chapter 25: I Know You Know
Chapter 26: Tutors With Plans
Chapter 27: Milkshakes
Chapter 29: Dates?
Chapter 30: What You Feel Is Right
Chapter 31: Stupid, Stupid
Chapter 32: Please Just..
Chapter 33: I Insist
Blaine's POV**
Chapter 34: Talking Is Usually A Good Thing
Chapter 35: Can We Rewind?
Chapter 36: It's What She Said
Chapter 37: What To Expect / Jesse's POV**
Chapter 38: Not A Bad Boy
Chapter 39: Well...
Chapter 40: Reading The Guide
Chapter 41: Movie Tickets
Chapter 42: Mission: Success
Chapter 43: How To Be.. A Nerd

Chapter 28: Bad Morning

5.4K 150 13
By xcandie_bunnieX

Thanks for all the comments and votes :)

Hope you enjoy!


When I went home that night, my mom wasn’t home yet. I put my phone and keys on the coffee table and laid on the couch. My phone vibrated with a text. I pulled the table closer to me and grabbed my phone. It was a text from my mom, saying she got stuck with a later shift. I replied with an ‘okay no worries’ and put the phone back on the table, further away this time. I looked up at the ceiling and the sound of silence eventually made me fall right to sleep.

I woke up an hour to midnight. I didn't notice my mom's shoes by the door, so I knew she wasn't home yet. I paid no attention to my phone and entered the kitchen with a yawn. I was glad there were still leftovers from yesterday. I heated up a plate in the microwave, remembering not to put anything metal in there and grabbed something to drink.

I returned to the living room with my late dinner and turned on the TV, looking through the guide to see what's on. I saw that the show 'Psych' started so I put it on. A few minutes already passed so I didn't see the theme song that Sidney was singing at lunch, but the show still seemed pretty funny. That Shawn guy was really clever. I laughed in between bites and checked my phone only when there was a commercial.

[8:02 PM] Mom: Make sure you lock the doors and call Mr. Evans if you need anything. Love you

[10:09 PM] Blaine: hey you still up?

[10:15 PM] Blaine: I miss u so much :(

[10:23 PM] Blaine: that was jasper! Ignore him!

[10:28 PM] Blaine: Not that I don't miss you.. :T

I chuckled and texted Blaine and my mom back.

I didn't get a reply from either so I finished my food and put my ringer back on and off of vibrate. The show came back and I watched it while getting comfortable on the couch. Even through the laughter of the show, I started to yawn. The show finished, so I went to change into pajamas and brushed my teeth before I went to bed. I took my glasses off and put them on the nightstand.

Goodnight. I thought aloud before I put the covers over me, falling back to sleep.


"Morning!" I heard my mom's voice as she opened the curtains, letting the sunshine pour in.

"Noo." I replied putting the covers way over me.

"Come on! It's time to get ready for school." She said and I groaned. Did she have to let all that light in first thing in the morning? She came to my side, gently ruffling my hair. "I'm sorry I came home late last night, but I was hoping we could still have breakfast together?" She asked hopefully. At this, I moved the covers and checked the time and looked back at my mom in surprise.

"Hey, you didn't have to wake up this early.” I said sitting up. “You probably didn't even sleep that much." I said concerned. She waved me off.

"Hey it's nothing. How about I make you breakfast and you tell me how yesterday went?” She said sounding eager. “I could always just nap when you're at school." She said and a smile grew on my face. I agreed.

“Okay I’ll get ready first and let you know.” I said getting out of bed. She left my room with a smile of her own and I yawned, getting up. I went into the bathroom to splash my face with cold water to wake myself up. It helped me move along and get ready for the day. Afterwards, I texted Blaine “good morning :)” and went down to meet my mom in the kitchen. I saw she had a bagel and cream cheese waiting for me and blueberry muffins on the counter. I gave her a kiss and a hug, missing her. She hugged me back and sent me to sit down and eat.

“Thanks for the breakfast Mom, you’re the best.” I said while spreading the cream cheese on my bagel. Yum.

“It’s nothing. Now tell me, tell me. What’d you two do last night?” I rolled my eyes at my mom’s words.

“I took her to get milkshakes.” I said not knowing what else she expected me to say.

“So it was your guys’ first date or what?” She pressed. I paused at that.

“I’m not entirely sure.” I answered. I mean she did dress up, and it was just the two of us.

“Did you at least kiss her?” My mom said casually. I dropped my knife in surprise.

“Mom!” She pouted. “I mean yeah I did, but uh.. This is way too awkward.” I said getting off my seat.

“Wait, come on. At least finish your breakfast.” I shook my head, mentally shuddering.

“No no, I’m good. Thanks.” I grabbed my backpack. She looked at me for a good 10 seconds before responding.

“Okay but if you ever want to talk about things, you know I’m here.” I nodded, not saying anything. “And so is Mr. Evans, you know if you have questions about anything.” I face-palmed, knowing what she was getting at. I definitely lost my appetite now.

“Okay mom, thanks.” Not wanting her to think the breakfast went to waste, I grabbed some muffins, planning on giving it to Blaine and the guys. Feeling guilty for not saying anything else, I continued, “And yeah the date was awesome, we had fun. She dressed up and everything.” I said, a smile sneaking its way on my face.

“Did you dress up too?” She asked. I nodded.

“I did actually.” I said pausing to chuckle as I remembered how I spent a while trying to figure out what to wear.

“Did you take your glasses?” She asked me, and I nodded at her. “It’s okay to take them off, you know? He wouldn’t mind.”

“It’s okay Mom really.” I said not wanting to get her upset. I kissed the top of her head, “I promise.” I took a bite of my bagel to please her. I also grabbed my muffins and put them in a zip-lock bag, “Guess it really is breakfast to go,” I joked. She smiled at me, and sent me off. I saw that Blaine was asking for more time to get ready, so I walked out of the house and looked at the sky, not really sure what I was looking for. Was it a real big deal that I wore the glasses? I mean I could’ve switched to contacts. When she mentioned the thing about my glasses, my mood just dropped, but I hoped she didn't notice.That moment when your day starts off bad and you can’t help but feel, the day will only get worse.

When I got to Blaine’s house later on, she looked excited to see me and I managed to give her a half-smile.

“Hey Alan!” She said before her expression changed, “What’s wrong?” I gave a dry laugh and shook my head.

“Bad morning.” I answered. I didn’t really feel like talking, so I mostly stayed quiet, listening to her talk. She sensed I wasn’t up for speaking, so thankfully she took over helping my mind take a break from its temporary depression. We held hands, and a smile came on my face when I noticed how she kept looking back at me. I gave her hand a squeeze and smiled at her, wanting her to see she was making my morning better.

And throughout the morning, the day was alright. I kept tugging at my glasses throughout the day not even meaning or wanting to. At lunch, I grabbed lunch with Blaine and ate quietly. Jesse and Kevin were eating in front of Blaine and me as usual and were talking among themselves. I instantly remembered something and looked at Kevin.

“Hey, I forgot to invite her.” I said talking about Charlie. He shrugged, looking upset.

“It’s okay.”

“Why don’t you go invite her?” I encouraged. He seemed to contemplate this before nodding and going to her. I then looked at Blaine and felt stupidity rush through me. I even felt embarrassed. I should just tell her what’s been bothering me all morning. I know at the very least, she’d be able to make me feel better, she always did.

“Hey Blaine,” I said lightly bumping my elbow with hers. She looked at me, looking surprised yet happy that I was talking to her. “Can we talk later like after we’re done eating?” She immediately nodded, giving me a smile.

“Yeah sure. Anytime.” I smiled back at her, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. Jesse immediately called me out for it, telling me to keep my hormones down. I only rolled my eyes at him and laughed quietly to myself. I started to eat my lunch, actually having an appetite this time. Kevin came back with Charlie looking surprised to be led by him yet happy to see Blaine and me. We greeted her and she reluctantly took a seat next to Kevin, which made him smile. I rolled my eyes at them and turned to Blaine. I joked with her with my orange juice, asking if she had two straws. She gently pushed me and laughed, shaking her head at me. “Get out of here Alan.”

I smiled, getting ready to make a joke about how sweet cinnamon is before Lily spoke up. I honestly didn’t even know she was at this table, I guess I was just too consumed in my thoughts.

“Maybe you should get out of here.” She muttered targetting Blaine. Almost as if I thought she was Shelly, I struck back.

“What’s your problem?” I asked her. I guess my bad mood wasn’t gone yet. Surprise went through both Blaine and Lily’s faces. Jesse looked annoyed at her as well.

“What? Is she not allowed to give her opinion either?” Shelly said, smiling mockingly at me. I ignored her and Lily.

“Excuse you Lily.” Charlie spoke up. I instantly regretted telling Kevin to bring her. It was supposed to help things, not make it worse.

“Nobody was even talking to you.” Shelly said trying to put Charlie down.

“Back off.” I almost said before I realized Kevin beat me to it.

“Guys just drop it.” Blaine said pleadingly. I looked to see Jesse was looking angrily at his tray, Kevin was glaring at Shelly. Charlie was glaring at Lily, and Lily was just looking down. I didn’t really care what Shelly was doing, but I turned to Blaine.

“Blaine’s right guys.” I said not wanting to cause anymore of a scene or do further damage. I grabbed Blaine’s hand and we placed our joined hands under the table as if telling each other we’re both here. “I saw Sidney this morning, she said she’s psyched for the party tomorrow.” I said trying to get into a safe topic.

“I’ll have to come without my plus one, sorry; things changed in diva world.” Charlie said, moving her glare away from Lily.

“I’m sure Jasper would be glad to see you, it’s been a while.” Blaine said changing the subject once more. Charlie immediately changed moods.

“It definitely has been!” She said getting into her fan-girl mode. “I can’t wait to see him!” Kevin immediately sulked, looking at her.

“Hey I can be your plus one if you want, I’m going to the party too.” He said; Jesse and I laughed at his attempt to grab her attention. She gave him a half-smile.

“I don’t want Jasper to think I’m bringing a date-” She said looking like she was lost in thought. We all started to eat again, chuckling to ourselves.

“Hey I didn’t say anything about date.” Kevin said grinning at her.

“I uh-Hm well played.” She said looking at him. I could see him giving Jesse a fist bump, and I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll pick you up at 8.” He said winking at her.

“Fine but if Jasper wants to dance, I don’t know you.” She said, grabbing her sandwich. Kevin frowned, crossing his arms.

“So I’ll keep Jasper away from you, done.” Kevin said. Charlie looked at Blaine, and they gave each other this look. Surprisingly, Charlie laughed. I looked at Blaine, and she started to laugh too. I don’t know what it meant, but I wished Kevin luck.

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